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Husband By The Hour
Hannah could feel herself shaking. The only stable part of her world was Nick’s warm hand as he held on to her.
“Hi,” she said, forcing the words past uncooperative lips. “I’m not sure if we have the right house or not, but I’m looking for—”
The woman caught her breath and clapped her hands together, effectively cutting Hannah off. “Oh, my. I would have recognized you anywhere. Hannah, honey, you’re the spitting image of Earl and the boys.”
Nick leaned close. “Who are Earl and the boys?”
Hannah shrugged helplessly. Obviously this woman knew her. A close friend of her mother’s perhaps? Maybe a paid companion? “I’m afraid I don’t understand,” she said.
The woman smiled. “Of course not. Here I am talking about Earl and his sons, and I’m leaving out the most important part.” Tears sprang to her eyes and she sniffed. “Hannah, honey, I’m your mother. Welcome home.”
Wait a minute. This couldn’t be her mother. Hannah straightened and stared. What happened to the old frail woman who was sick or possibly dying? The person in front of her looked fit and strong.
Hannah found herself being pulled into an embrace. The woman, Louise—Hannah couldn’t really think of calling her Mom or Mother—stood in the doorway, about a half step above Hannah. That put them at the same height.
Strong arms drew Hannah close. She didn’t like being hugged by people she knew, let alone strangers. Yet this embrace felt oddly right. Almost familiar.
Louise cupped Hannah’s face in both hands. “You’re so pretty. I tried to imagine what you’d look like, but I never could. You have Earl’s eyes.”
Louise nodded. “Your father. Your hair color is mine.” She tugged at a short blond strand. “I’m not a natural blonde, but you know what they say. I prefer it this way.” She smiled. “I can’t get over this. When I wrote you, I—” She looked past Hannah and gasped. “Your husband. Darling, I didn’t see you there. Welcome.” She held her arms open again. Nick stepped easily into her embrace and she hugged him tightly. “Aren’t you the handsomest man I’ve seen in a while. So tall.”
Louise smiled. “Hannah, honey, you picked wisely with this one. I didn’t always pick wisely, but I made sure they were pretty to look at.”
Nick grinned. “I’m going to like you, Louise.”
“Well, I hope so. I want you to know straight off, I’m not going to be a meddling mother-in-law.” Her smile faded. “I’m just happy to have the chance to see you at last. Both of you.” She took one of Hannah’s hands and one of Nick’s.
Hannah felt as if she’d been caught up in the middle of a tornado. She was being whirled around so fast, she couldn’t catch her breath or her balance.
“What’s going on, Louise?” a male voice called from inside the house.
Louise laughed. “I swear, it’s a good thing all my body parts are attached or I would leave them behind. Imagine me forgetting my manners. Come in.” She released their hands and stepped back, motioning them through the door. She patted Hannah’s arm. “The boys are going to be so thrilled. They’ve been waiting to meet you.”
Hannah swallowed. “Boys?”
“The Haynes brothers. Earl’s sons with his wife. I know it’s confusing, but you have four half brothers.”
Nick draped his arm around Hannah’s shoulders. “Great. With me, that’s enough to play basketball.”
“Actually, there’s Austin, too, but he’s not a real relative. More like an adopted member of the family.” Louise frowned. “Oh, did I just put my foot in my mouth? You don’t mind me saying adopted, do you?”
Numbly, Hannah shook her head.
They stepped into the living room. People were everywhere. Not just adults, but children. Lots of children. She couldn’t begin to estimate the size of the crowd. Over twenty people. And they were all staring at her.
“Everyone, this is Hannah. My daughter.” Louise’s voice cracked and a tear slipped down her cheek. “Isn’t she wonderful?”
Four men separated themselves from the group. They were tall, well over six foot, with dark hair and eyes. Hannah didn’t need to look at her own reflection to see the resemblance.
Her heart stopped in her chest. She felt it thunk once and then freeze. She was going to die, which was a very good thing.
Cops. Her bothers were cops. Only two were in uniform, but the remaining two had the same look about them. Cops who, if they knew about Nick and his shady practices, not to mention the deal she’d made with him, wouldn’t think twice about throwing them both in jail.
Chapter Four
Hannah stared unbelievingly at the four men in front of her. They stared back. Silence grew. She kept waiting to fall to the floor. After all, she still couldn’t feel her heart beating. Then, in the quiet, she heard the faint thudding that told her not only was she still alive, but she was also probably going to live long enough to have to suffer through this weekend.
Nick gave her shoulder a quick squeeze, then stepped forward. “Hi. I’m Nick Archer, Hannah’s husband.”
The brother with a bit of gray at his temples smiled slightly. “Craig Haynes. Nice to meet you.” The two men shook hands.
Hannah watched closely, but there didn’t seem to be any kind of male-dominance test going on. At least not yet. The handshake was brief; she didn’t notice any bulging tendons, a telltale sign that there was a pissing contest in progress.
Craig turned his attention to her. “We weren’t sure what to expect. Sorry, Louise, but she’s a hundred percent Haynes.”
Louise slipped her arm through Hannah’s. “Oh, there’s a little Carberry in her, too. Your side doesn’t get all the credit.”
Hannah shook her head. She’d always wondered about her “real” last name, about any family that might be around to claim her. Here they were, in the flesh. It should have been exciting. Instead, all she wanted to do was run for cover.
Craig motioned to the man on his left. “This is Travis, then Jordan and Kyle.” He grinned. “We’re actually standing in order of age. I’m the oldest, Kyle’s the youngest.”
“Not anymore,” Kyle said. “Now you get to be the baby, Hannah.”
“How nice,” she murmured.
“We’ll run through the rest of the family,” Craig said. “I’m sure it’s going to be confusing as hell, but at least you’ll get a sense of who belongs to whom.”
At his words, wives came up to stand by their husbands and children collected in small groups. There were too many people, too many faces, too many names.
She tried to concentrate, but it was no use. She caught brief impressions. Craig’s wife was a petite redhead who was very pregnant. They had three boys. Jordan’s wife was also pregnant, but not so far along. There was another man introduced as “Austin Lucas, family, but not by blood.” He was dark and dangerous-looking, an earring glinting from one ear. His wife, Rebecca, was beautiful, with a face that belonged on a cameo.
When the introductions were completed, everyone began talking at once. Louise pulled her close. “Don’t worry about trying to sort everyone out. It’s going to take a little while.”
Nick dropped a quick kiss on Hannah’s head. She felt the heat all the way to her toes and hoped her pleasure and shock didn’t show in her eyes. “Hannah and I will compare notes tonight. I’m sure between the two of us, we’ll be able to keep everyone straight.”
Hannah wasn’t so sure. She stared at the huge living room. A large fireplace dominated the far wall. Navy drapes covered floor-to-ceiling windows. The same color was picked up in the four sofas forming a loose square. Striped wing chairs of navy and cream filled in the corners. The furniture and floor were light pine. Scattered rugs, paintings and the evidence of coffee and dessert gave the room a homey, lived-in look.
She couldn’t imagine anyone living in a house this large, but it was obvious the Haynes family needed a lot of room. Hannah counted seventeen adults, eleven children, with two more on the way.
She glanced at Louise, who was talking to Nick, pointing out various individuals and giving a brief background. The children had started to chase each other around the room. The adults talked among themselves, all the while casting curious glances at her. She felt like the featured entertainer at a sideshow. The attention was uncomfortable. When Nick stepped close and placed his hand on the back of her neck under her braid, she didn’t protest.
“Do you live here?” she asked Louise, remembering her vision of a frail old woman living in a nursing home.
Louise laughed. “I have my own place in town. An apartment. But I’m hardly ever there. These boys keep me busy.”
Louise led them over to one of the sofas. They sat down, with Louise on one side of Hannah and Nick on the other.
“You work for the Haynes family?” Nick asked.
Louise nodded. “I have for several years. It started when Travis here—” she pointed to one of the brothers in uniform “—needed a housekeeper. He and his first wife had divorced and he was rattling around in a house as big as this one. The boy couldn’t cook anything. I was afraid he’d starve to death. So he hired me.”
The brother in question came over and sat on the coffee table in front of the sofa. His wavy dark hair was trimmed regulation short, not quite touching the back of his collar. The khaki uniform indicated that he was Glenwood’s sheriff. Hannah fought back a shudder. Why couldn’t her brothers have been plumbers or electricians?
“I’m Travis, remember?” he said.
Hannah gave him a shaky smile. “Yes, hi.”
“We’re a loud bunch, but our hearts are in the right place. We’ve really been looking forward to meeting you.”
“You have the advantage,” Nick said easily, with his arm around Hannah. “We were expecting Hannah’s mother to be by herself. This is an unexpected bonus.”
If Hannah hadn’t been so nervous, she would have rolled her eyes. Nick had been born charming. Most of the time she didn’t approve of those who skated through life using fancy words instead of work to get by. In this case, however, she was extremely grateful to have him along. Who would have thought she would be related to an entire herd of people?
“It’s kind of interesting about Louise,” Travis said and winked at the older woman. “She’s been a member of this family for years.”
“She was just mentioning that,” Hannah said politely.
“Now you’re related to both of us.”
Hannah wondered if anyone had thought this through. If she was Louise’s daughter and the Haynes brothers’ half sister, that meant they shared a father. Then Louise must have had a relationship with their father nearly twenty-eight years ago. Had he been married? If not, why hadn’t Louise married him herself? Why had she, Hannah, been given up for adoption?
Travis said something to Nick, but Hannah wasn’t listening anymore. She was looking around the room at the happy family. Adults clustered together, talking and laughing. Children played. The volume increased steadily as everyone tried to be heard. It was chaos in its most pleasant form.
Her family. She was related to many of these people by blood and to the rest of them by marriage. Louise had stayed and found a life for herself. Why had she given her child away?
She felt emotions piling up in her throat. As tired and shell-shocked as she was right now, she couldn’t risk weakening. She might say something inappropriate. Or worse—she might burst into tears.
Nick moved his arm and began to stroke the skin at the back of her neck. The contact was comforting and erotic—an intriguing combination. She leaned toward him and let her left hand rest on his thigh. His muscles were rock hard, his body warm. In an uncontrollable situation, he was the only stable point of reference. Right now, she didn’t care if he was a criminal with a record or even a tattoo. For some crazy reason, she trusted him to keep her safe. She, who never dared trust anyone. She didn’t want to think how much she was going to regret this later.
“Hey, Hannah.” The other brother in uniform walked over. “I’m Kyle.” He looked a lot like Travis, maybe a tiny bit better-looking. Obviously, this was a gene pool that treated its men very well.
She glanced at the badge on his chest. “You work for the Glenwood sheriff’s department, too?”
“Sure thing.” Kyle pulled up one of the striped wing chairs and sat down. “I used to work in San Francisco, but Travis offered me a job here in Glenwood. I was glad to come home.”
Travis shrugged. “I couldn’t have my baby brother off making trouble in the big city.”
“Hannah’s the youngest now,” Kyle said, sounding pleased with the fact. “We have a little sister.”
“I don’t feel very little,” Hannah said.
Kyle leaned forward in the chair. “Yeah, but we’re still bigger. If this guy starts hassling you, you just let us know and we’ll take care of him.”
Everyone laughed.
“Don’t you start any trouble with my son-in-law,” Louise said. “Nick looks very nice.”
Travis winked. “I don’t know, Louise. He’s kinda pale. Like he hasn’t been out in the sun.”
Hannah glanced at Nick’s lightly tanned skin, then at his blond hair. He was certainly different from all the men here, she realized. But she liked the contrast.
“Maybe we should drag him outside,” Kyle said.
“Don’t even think about it.” Hannah held up one hand in warning. “I like him just the way he is.”
Nick’s hand continued to stroke the back of her neck. Shivers started at her shoulders and worked their way down to her toes. She felt him looking at her, but she didn’t dare meet his gaze. She didn’t want to know what he was thinking. There would be hell to pay as it was. However, she couldn’t risk being separated from him so soon. Not until they got their stories straight. Oh, Lord, why hadn’t she thought Louise might be part of a big family? And why had she resisted so much when Nick had asked for personal information? It was her stupid independence and stubbornness. She hated having to depend on anyone for anything.
The other two brothers drifted toward them. Soon most of the adults were gathered around their sofa. More chairs were moved close by until everyone was seated and listening intently.
She was starting to figure out who was who. At least with her half brothers. Travis and Kyle seemed the most easygoing. Craig had the hint of gray at his temples and Jordan was quiet.
“Do you work?” Travis asked.
Nick started to say something. Hannah elbowed him discreetly, afraid of what he would say. “Yes,” she answered. “I’m a communications officer in Southport Beach. That’s in Orange County, near Huntington Beach.”
“She’s a cop, too.” Kyle grinned. “We all are.” He motioned to his brothers. “Except for Jordan. He’s the black sheep of the family. He’s a firefighter.”
“That’s great,” she said weakly. As she’d suspected. Law enforcement officers. Except for Jordan. If the truth came out…She shook her head. She didn’t even want to think about that.
“Dad was a cop,” Craig said. He sat on the floor while his very pregnant wife leaned back in a wing chair. “Third generation.”
“Where is my—your father?” she asked. The brothers exchanged glances. Hannah turned to Louise. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ask something inappropriate.”
“It’s all right.” Louise patted her hand. “Earl Haynes moved to Florida some years back. He doesn’t visit here. I haven’t had contact with him for about sixteen years. The boys might have heard something.”
Travis shook his head. “Not really. We aren’t very close.”
Hannah sensed undercurrents of tension in the room, but she didn’t know what they were about. Obviously, Earl Haynes wasn’t anyone’s favorite person. Were they upset because of her?
Jordan sat with his wife on his lap. He played with her fingers. “What do you do, Nick?”
The panic was instantaneous. Hannah opened her mouth, but didn’t know what to say. Nick didn’t have any such hesitation.
“I’m in real estate. I just finished up a project developing some residential houses on a cliff by Newport.”
“How long have you two known each other?” Louise asked.
Nick slid his fingers down Hannah’s back, then picked up the hand resting on his thigh. He brought it to his mouth and kissed the back. Had she been standing, the moist heat from his mouth would have driven her to her knees. Damn the man for taking advantage of the situation.
“The time has gone by so quickly,” he said. “It feels like it was only yesterday when we had our first conversation.”
She wanted to slap him. She wanted to scream. She wanted to disappear and never be heard from again. He held her hand loosely, circling her palm with his thumb. If she protested, everyone would know something was wrong. No doubt Nick had worked that out, too.
“It was about five years ago,” he said at last
“How did you meet?” one of the wives asked. Hannah wasn’t sure, but she thought her name might be Elizabeth. She had medium brown hair and pretty eyes.
Nick smiled at Hannah. “Do you want to tell the story, darling?”
At this moment in time, she could barely remember where she was, let alone come up with some tall tale about their meeting. “You do it so much better,” she murmured. “Go ahead.”
The slight smile warned her he was about to pay her back for not wanting to share personal information on the drive north. She sent up a quick prayer that it wasn’t too awful.
“We met on a cruise. Actually, we were in port at the time, St. Thomas,” he began.
Someone sighed. Hannah breathed a sigh of relief.
“It was very romantic,” he continued. “The sea, the sand, Hannah throwing up in the bushes.”
She straightened and glared at him. His smile was so sweet. He was loving every minute of this torture.
“I know you don’t like me to tell the story, honey, but this is family. They can handle it.” He glanced at her brothers. “Hannah’s not much of a drinker. A couple of those umbrella drinks and she’s under the table. Or in this case, over the bushes.”
Hannah could feel everyone’s attention on them. A heated flush started to crawl up her cheeks.
“I took her back to the ship and took care of her.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “For me, it was love at first sight. Hannah didn’t see it that way. She resisted me, but in the end I wore her down.” He lowered his voice conspiratorially. “Hannah doesn’t trust easily, but she was worth the effort.”
A couple of the women sighed. “That is so romantic,” said Jill, who was obviously nine months pregnant. “I know it’s just the hormones, but I think I’m going to cry.” She sniffed loudly.
Kyle’s wife—Hannah wasn’t sure of her name—handed her a tissue from her pocket. “We should all have romantic stories to tell.”
“Our story is romantic, Sandy,” Kyle said. “At least I think it is.”
Sandy laughed. “You go on thinking that,” she teased. “No one is going to tell you differently.”
Hannah listened to the banter. She was still stunned by Nick’s story. Everything had been a complete fabrication until the end. She really didn’t trust anyone easily. How had he figured that out?
The conversation died down and Hannah could see they were in for another round of questions. Rather than face that, she tried to distract them. “There are a lot of children here,” she said. “You like large families.”
Craig rubbed his wife’s swollen belly. “We seem to be a fertile group.”
Hannah had to agree with that. It’s a good thing she’d never played fast and loose with birth control.
“You doing all right, honey?” Louise asked.
“I’m fine. Just a little overwhelmed.”
“If it gets to be too much, remember you can always duck outside. They’ll understand.”
Hannah looked at the woman who had given birth to her. She was filled with questions. Why had she sent her child away? What were the circumstances around her pregnancy? Did Earl Haynes know he had a daughter?
There were even more questions, but she knew this was neither the time nor the place. It was too public. She was going to be around for a couple of weeks. She and Louise would have plenty of chances to talk alone.
Louise clapped her hands together. “What have I been thinking? I’ll bet the two of you drove straight through, didn’t you? Did you even stop for dinner?”
“Not exactly,” Hannah said.
“You must be hungry.”
“No, we’re not—”
“I’m starved,” Nick interrupted cheerfully.
Louise stood up. “Come with me,” she said firmly.
“There are plenty of leftovers. We had a potluck, so you’ll have a wide choice. Fortunately, all the boys married women who are great cooks.”
Hannah found herself standing up and following Louise. Nick was right behind her, as was the rest of the family. She held in a whimper. It had been bad enough that everyone wanted to sit around and talk to them. Now they were going to have an audience while they ate dinner.
The kitchen was as large and well proportioned as the living room. A huge greenhouse window stretched out above the sink. The cabinets were bleached oak, the countertops alternating white and cobalt blue tiles. One end of the center island held a cooktop, while at the other was an eating area with tall bar stools.
“Sit here,” Louise said, ushering them toward the island. “I’ll have everything put together in a minute.”
A couple of older kids had followed the adults in, hoping for extra dessert, but they were quickly shooed upstairs.
Louise checked the contents of the extrawide refrigerator on the wall at right angles to the sink. “We’ve got roast beef, some ham, salads, vegetables, bread, baked beans. Anything you don’t like?”
“I’m easy,” Nick said, sliding onto a stool.
Hannah settled next to him. “Anything is fine. We appreciate this. You don’t have to go to any trouble.”
Louise paused and smiled at her. “You’re my baby girl. Nothing is too much trouble.”
She moved quickly around the kitchen, familiar with the layout. Holly, who Hannah had figured out was married to Jordan, helped. Apparently, this was their house. In less than five minutes, steaming plates were removed from the microwave, cold salad was heaped into bowls, and Elizabeth—or was it Sandy?—offered wine.
Hannah shuddered at the thought of liquor. She hadn’t completely recovered from the previous night. Louise poured ice water for her and a beer for Nick. Just as Hannah wondered if everyone was going to stand there watching her and Nick eat, Louise said, “Baseball.”
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