Christmas On Crimson Mountain
Christmas On Crimson Mountain

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Christmas On Crimson Mountain

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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Ranie sniffed. “He doesn’t like—”

“Then let’s pick out some fun stuff,” April interrupted. “I’m sure he’ll want to see it all.”

Ranie rolled her eyes again but led Shay toward the wall of board and card games at the side of the store.

April sighed as she followed them, glancing over her shoulder, hoping to see Connor making his way through the other customers toward her. He wasn’t there. Suddenly, all of her hope and holiday spirit seemed insignificant in the face of his overwhelming grief.

* * *

Connor ducked into a narrow walkway between two buildings a few storefronts away from the toy shop. He pressed himself against the cold brick and tried to calm the nausea roiling through him. His legs trembled and his heart raced. He could barely catch his breath from the panic choking him.

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