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Unexpected Attraction
Andrea’s gaze swept over him, her disdain evident. “She’s my daughter. I’ll look after her. I always have.”
Jake wanted to scream. Could she not see Melody’s genuine concern? Did she not understand the possible ramifications of whatever Shannon was hiding from everyone?
A fleeting expression in Andrea’s eyes told him she knew something...something she wasn’t willing to share.
Deliberately he stepped forward to block her route to the door. He held out his business card and concentrated on making his expression nonthreatening. “You are not alone. A lot of teenagers have issues that can be resolved with a little help. You’ve been given an opportunity here to help Shannon before this situation escalates. And you’ve been offered the support of her school. Why not take it?”
“Does that include your support?” she asked. The defiant tone was in direct contrast to the desperation in her eyes.
“Call me if you need me before the school psychologist gets back.”
She turned the card over in her hand slowly as if considering. He mentally crossed his fingers. As much as he didn’t like Andrea, he felt empathy for her, for her dilemma as a single parent. He saw a lot of parents struggling to do the right thing by their children. He had to believe that when it came down to it, Andrea would do the right thing by her daughter.
She carefully placed Jake’s card in her pocket then stepped around him. Without looking back, she headed down the corridor.
“What was that all about? She clearly doesn’t like you,” Melody asked after he closed the door.
“I was the psychologist who did the professional assessment of Shannon four years ago when the Taylors divorced.”
“I wish someone had told me. It would have been much better if I’d met with her first or waited for the school psychologist.”
Why had he agreed to attend the meeting? Had he really believed he could help, given the history between them?
Admittedly, a part of him had wanted to confront Andrea. It shamed him that the way she reminded him of his wife—a woman who always had to be in control to the point of endangering those she loved—had partially motivated him. If his wife hadn’t been addicted to painkillers, maybe she and his baby daughter might have lived. He had no business mixing his personal life with Andrea’s problems with her daughter.
It had been a mistake coming here, being part of this meeting. He could not be involved in a case in which his personal bias played such an obvious role. He’d been foolish to even think he could be impartial.
The sooner he removed himself from this situation, the better. “I’ve got to get back to the office. If you need me, you have my number.”
“I’ll follow up with Andrea to see if she’s made any progress with Shannon. In the meantime, I’ll be sure to speak to the school psychologist about the case.”
“I hope you can reach out to Shannon and help her.”
Melody shrugged. “I’ll keep trying. I like Shannon, but I’m very worried.”
Jake left feeling like a failure, feeling guilty that he’d not been able to change anything about Andrea’s approach to her daughter. At the same time, he had to face the fact that his feelings about Andrea were compounded by his past.
Yet he would still do his best to support Andrea. A part of him wanted to make up for the emotional pain he’d caused in her life. Given her hostility toward him, it was unlikely he’d ever have that chance.
* * *
TEARS STREAMED DOWN her cheeks as Andrea searched the parking lot for her SUV. She couldn’t remember where she’d parked it. She couldn’t remember anything but the words of the guidance counselor. Shannon was in trouble, and Andrea had known nothing about it. She should have known before anyone else.
Why hadn’t Shannon confided in her? And what was she doing yelling at Stuart? Andrea had heard rumors about Stuart being involved in drugs from one of the other real estate agents she worked with. Why didn’t Shannon trust her enough to tell her what was going on? Andrea spotted her vehicle along the rear fence. She had to get home to Shannon. They needed each other, now more than ever. Her little girl...her only child... In her anxiety she nearly walked into the path of an oncoming vehicle that swerved to miss her.
Pay attention. Get out of here.
She climbed into the SUV and shut the door. The heat was suffocating. Rolling down the window, she took a deep breath and tried to process the meeting.
It had been one of the most frightening experiences of her life. And, once again, Jake Polegato had witnessed her fear and humiliation.
Deep inside she realized that he hadn’t been there to hurt her, but it hurt all the same to know that he would feel justified in his assessment of her.
Would Shannon have been better off with her father?
No. Andrea would never believe that.
Still, she’d been so rude to Jake. She couldn’t seem to stop herself. Yet she had the feeling that he was genuine in his offer of help, and she felt guilty for not being more cooperative. She couldn’t be cooperative right now, though. She needed to get her daughter to tell her the truth. Once Shannon did that, then Andrea would know what she was facing and how they could resolve it.
There was no way she could drive in this condition. She had to calm down, figure out how she would manage the coming days while she and Shannon sorted all this out. She wished she could talk to her mother, but she couldn’t. Not before she had a chance to get the truth from Shannon. She blew her nose and wiped her cheeks.
She’d felt so alone and under siege in the meeting. It had taken every ounce of self-control to sit and listen to examples of Shannon’s behavior—behavior she’d had no knowledge of. And the way the counselor talked about the incident yesterday as if it were a progression, somehow expected...
She saw again Shannon’s bruises and the anxiety on her face. Her little girl had been injured and abandoned while Kyle—Shannon’s supposed friend—had sought the safety of his home and family.
Kyle had left Shannon alone in the hospital without knowing when Andrea would get there. How could he do such a thoughtless thing? What kind of friend was he? She gripped the wheel, seeking to ease the sense of betrayal she felt. Maybe she should call her mother, get her to come over to the house this evening. Shannon loved her grandmother, and Andrea needed someone in her corner right now.
She was about to start the car when she saw Jake headed her way. Should she duck down out of sight? He saw her, hesitated, then came toward her vehicle.
Go away.
No such luck. She worked to put a smile on her face and failed. Why should it matter? Jake’s opinion of her was based on their past experience. Nothing she could say or do would change that.
She adjusted her seat belt, ready to leave the moment he said what he came to say. She rolled down the window. “Did I forget something? I have to get home to Shannon. She’s pretty sore, as you can imagine.”
He stood close to the car door, his piercing gaze locked on her face. She crushed the urge to squirm. She refused to give him any reason to think less of her than he already did.
“You didn’t forget anything. I was just concerned for you.”
“Thank you for caring, even if we both know it isn’t true.”
“Can we call a truce? Shannon’s been through a rough patch, and it would seem there are still issues to be resolved.”
“Are you in touch with Scott these days?” she said, fixing him with a don’t-mess-with-me smile.
He didn’t flinch. “I met Scott only once, and you remember when that was.”
She couldn’t let herself believe him. In her experience that level of coincidence didn’t exist. She looked straight at him, into his chocolate-brown eyes framed with the thickest lashes she’d ever seen. Her breath caught in her throat at the concern and caring she saw. There was no hostility in his eyes, no judgment in his expression. How could that be?
“I promise I will do anything I can to help Shannon. You don’t have to believe me, but I’m guessing that right about now you would like someone to step up and help you. I know you won’t believe me, but I’m not in league with your ex-husband.” He placed his hand on the window’s edge—a strong capable hand, she noted. “I have no agenda, only to help Shannon if you’ll let me. As I said before, if you need me, I’ll be there. You can count on that.”
She was caught between his concern and her fear that she would be naive to believe him. “Why are you so concerned? You know I don’t like you. And I know you think I shouldn’t have custody of my daughter.”
* * *
JAKE WANTED TO walk away from this irritable woman. He wanted to tell her that her behavior was churlish and immature. Neither action would accomplish anything. He was beginning to see why Shannon might not have been willing to confide in her mother, a woman who clung to her opinions despite information to the contrary.
Unless something altered the situation, Shannon and Andrea would resolve little over the next few weeks. But he’d just sworn off any involvement with this situation, so why didn’t he walk away?
Because you’re attracted to determined, strong-willed women. You believe you can sway their opinions, change their attitudes.
He almost squirmed at the uncomfortable knowledge he was attracted to Andrea. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong woman.
Pushing the thought aside, he noticed she stared at him with a nervous expression. Should he push her to accept his help? Or maybe he could persuade her to listen to her daughter, to encourage Shannon to share her feelings. It would make it easier for Shannon to be more open.
No. He couldn’t be involved. His decision in the counselor’s office was the right one. “Okay. Fine. Have a nice day.”
She looked surprised. “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude,” she said, a tiny furrow forming between her blue eyes.
The way she looked at him, the open vulnerability in her eyes startled him. He’d never imagined Andrea would apologize to him. “You have so much to contend with at the moment, and I understand how difficult this is for you.”
“Do you?” she asked.
“Well, not personally, but as a child psychologist I am accustomed to dealing with teenagers,” he said, “and listening to their parents.” He wondered if she’d accept his invitation to talk.
Andrea hesitated, her hands clinging to the steering wheel.
In that unguarded moment, he saw a woman embedded in a crisis she was struggling to deal with. He wanted to once again offer his support, but she was an adult and she had his business card. All she had to do was reach out to him. Somehow he knew she wouldn’t do that. Andrea’s pride wouldn’t allow her. “Drive safe,” he said before turning and walking away.
* * *
ANDREA WATCHED JAKE leave and wished she could have kept him talking to her. How strange was that? She didn’t like him. She didn’t trust him—Well, maybe she trusted him a little, but that hardly counted. As she focused on his broad shoulders, his long stride, she faced the truth. She wanted to talk to a man who understood what it was like to deal with a teenager in trouble.
She needed to unburden her heart, to seek relief from all the turmoil wreaking havoc inside her. But she was also afraid that he’d uncover a flaw in her, in her parenting that would prove she hadn’t been the kind of mother she fervently wanted to be. To expose her feelings, her concerns to a man she didn’t trust was senseless.
With a sigh she drove out of the parking lot. She followed the tree-lined streets to the parkway leading toward her subdivision. She loved this street, the only route that led directly to her home. She loved the trees, the shady areas like tiny alcoves along the curbs, the brightly colored town houses and condos. It all seemed so upbeat and inviting, a balm to her worry.
Andrea parked in the garage and shut off the engine. She had stopped at the local bakery and bought Shannon’s favorite bagels, a peace offering of sorts. She had rehearsed how she’d start this conversation. If all went as she planned, Shannon would do the talking.
Sitting alone in the vehicle, her eyes aching from lack of sleep, she wished with all her heart that she didn’t have to face her daughter. Not this way with so much at stake. If she were perfectly honest with herself, she wasn’t sure she was ready for the truth from Shannon. Knowing her daughter, there had to have been something pretty serious going on in her life for Shannon to behave the way Melody Chapman described.
Yet she couldn’t put this off any longer. She grabbed the bag of bagels then headed inside.
In the kitchen she saw the peanut butter out on the counter, along with a loaf of bread, its remaining slices spilling from the plastic bag. A spike of irritation at Shannon’s thoughtlessness hit. She couldn’t clean up after herself? Especially now?
Andrea checked the bathroom, the den, but found no sign of Shannon. Had she left the house without telling her? “So much for grounding her,” she muttered. She dug her cell phone out of her purse and dialed Chloe’s number. Maybe Shannon had gone there. Chloe answered on the fourth ring.
“Is Shannon with you, Chloe?”
“No,” Chloe said her voice trembling.
“Are you all right?” Andrea asked.
“I’m fine.” She sniffed and cleared her throat.
“Have you heard from Shannon?”
“Yes.” She paused. “She called me.”
“Did she say where she was going?”
“I thought she was home. We didn’t talk very long. She was pretty angry with me.”
Chloe and Shannon had never had a fight before that Andrea could remember. “About what?”
“You’ll have to ask her,” Chloe said, sounding upset.
“And you don’t know where she might have gone?”
“No.” Huge sobs filled the line just as Chloe hung up.
What was that all about? Andrea headed to Shannon’s room. “Shannon, are you in there?” she asked through the closed door, a sickening feeling growing when she received no response.
She eased the door open, expecting to find Shannon curled up on her bed, upset at the rift with Chloe.
There was no one in the bed. In fact, it was neatly made and everything in the room was in order. On the dresser by the bed, an envelope was propped against a photo of the two of them at the nature park when Shannon was ten. The photo of Shannon and her father was nowhere in sight.
Her heart pounding with dread, she picked up the envelope and shakily tore it open. Four words were scrawled in Shannon’s familiar writing: I’ve gone to Dad’s.
Stunned, Andrea stared at the note, almost not understanding the words. Panic rose in her throat, choking her. Shannon couldn’t have left like this. She wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. Andrea’s hands shook as she reread the note. The words stood out black and hard against the white paper.
How could Shannon do this? She had to know how terrified I’d be.
Feeling faint, Andrea sat on the bed. Shannon had said she’d be here after the meeting. So what had made her decide to go to her father now? Had her fight with Chloe been the reason? Had she called her father after the argument with Chloe, and he’d seen his chance to get her to his house?
“Why?” Andrea yelled. “Why did you do this, Shannon?” What was she going to do? She had to find her daughter.
Andrea began to pace, her mind churning. She stopped. Had Kyle been involved in this? Was he planning to leave with her? Shannon said they’d talked about going to Phoenix together.
Andrea grabbed the house phone and searched the incoming-call list, checking to see who might have called this morning. Even if Shannon planned to go to her father’s, someone had to have convinced Shannon to leave. She would never have left on her own, especially when she’d promised to be here when Andrea got home.
The list showed that, other than Andrea’s call around two o’clock, only Chloe and Kyle had called the house.
If Shannon was planning to go to her father’s, she’d need money, an airline ticket. Kalamazoo was a long way from Phoenix. She’d have to pack... Andrea stared around the room, looking for clues. She opened the top drawer of the dresser, then pulled out the box where Shannon kept her babysitting money. The box was empty. How much cash had Shannon had in there?
She had to have gotten help from someone. As much as Andrea hated to upset her mother, she needed to phone her. But her call went to voice mail. She left a message asking her mother to call but didn’t leave any information about Shannon. A message wasn’t the way she wanted her mother to find out that Shannon was going to her father’s house.
Who could help her? “Gina.” Dialing her friend’s number, she went into the kitchen, searching for any clues about when Shannon might have left the house. Nothing.
“Andrea, how did the meeting go?”
“That’s not important right now. I can’t find Shannon. I came home to find a note saying she was going to her father’s.”
“Did you call him to see if he’s expecting her?”
“I want to know what’s going on before I talk to him. I can’t deal with him otherwise.”
“Do you suppose he sent her an airline ticket?”
“I have no idea. Shannon said she’d be here when I got home. She promised to tell me everything. I talked to Chloe, and she doesn’t know where Shannon is,” Andrea said, her mind not yet accepting that Shannon had left for Phoenix without saying goodbye.
“What did the psychologist say?”
“Who cares? It was Jake Polegato.”
Andrea sighed. “My luck hasn’t changed.”
“I’ll be right there.” Gina hung up.
Meanwhile Andrea searched the house for more clues but found nothing. If she had a ticket from her father, it must have been sent by email. Where was Shannon’s computer? Her search turned up nothing. Shannon must have taken her laptop with her.
In what seemed like only minutes, Gina arrived.
“Let’s see what we can figure out. Shannon couldn’t have gone very far,” Gina said as she led the way into the kitchen with her usual take-charge attitude. “I just can’t believe she would leave. Not when she promised to be here. Not when we needed to talk,” Andrea said.
“I agree with you. Shannon wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. I’m sure she’ll be back and you can talk to her then. Let’s just stay calm and wait for her. In the meantime, tell me everything that went on at the meeting.”
Andrea told her what she could remember in her distressed state.
“Maybe the counselor is right and Shannon confided in Kyle. You should call him. Maybe Shannon showed up at his house,” Gina said.
Andrea did, but no one answered. She left a message for Kyle, telling him that Shannon was missing and asking him to call back right away.
Gina poured two cups of coffee, sliding one across the counter to Andrea. “If you’re right and Shannon is planning to go to her father’s, you need to call him.”
“And give him another reason to be nasty? Not until I have to. Besides, if she were going to Scott’s he would have to have sent an airline ticket to her. I don’t think Shannon has enough money saved to buy one.”
“I think you should contact Jake Polegato.”
“You’ve got to be kidding. How can he help?”
“I don’t know for sure, but he works with teenagers—he understands them. He knows she’s in some sort of trouble. At the very least, you could bounce ideas off him. To be honest, I don’t know what’s going on with Shannon, but if she’s left home, you need any help you can get. If I were you, I’d swallow my pride and call this man.”
“I don’t know what to do,” Andrea said, praying that Shannon would walk through the door and say she’d changed her mind about going to her dad’s.
Gina came around the kitchen island and hugged Andrea. “You have to put aside your feelings about Jake. For Shannon’s sake. What choice do you have?”
“I love her.” Andrea managed to swallow around the hard lump in her throat. She might not like Jake, but he had shown concern for Shannon. He was also qualified to assess what might have motivated Shannon to take off this way. If he could help find Shannon, what she felt about the man didn’t matter. “Nothing can happen to her.”
She met Gina’s concerned glance, and in that instant Andrea knew what she had to do. “Okay, I’ll contact him. What can it hurt?”
“You won’t be sorry.” Gina began to tidy the clutter on the counter.
Andrea dialed Jake’s number, and he answered on the first ring. “Andrea, is Shannon all right?”
“Shannon’s left home. I need your help.” The line was quiet. Was he not going to answer? No. He couldn’t do that to her, not here, not under the circumstances. “Look, I’m really sorry for how I behaved—”
“Andrea, that’s not important. What’s important is Shannon. I’ll clear my schedule and be there in about half an hour. In the meantime, check with Shannon’s friends. Get that young man—”
“Yes. Ask him to come to your house.”
“Yes,” she said, relief flooding over her. She might have to drive over to Kyle’s house if he didn’t answer the phone, or call his mother at work, but one way or the other she would find him.
She hung up and dialed Kyle’s number. He answered immediately. “Mrs. Taylor, I got your message. I’ve been out looking. I can’t find Shannon. I’ve talked to her other friends at school, and no one has heard from her.”
She was comforted by the fact that Kyle’s voice echoed her concern, even though she worried about the fact none of Shannon’s friends were with her. “Can you come here?”
“I’ll get my mom to drop me off right away.”
* * *
WHEN KYLE ARRIVED he looked so young, so vulnerable, and Andrea put her arms around him. He clung to her for a moment before moving away. “I’m sorry I left the hospital the other night. My mom was on my case for spending too much time with Shannon. But I’ve—Shannon and I have had so much going on...”
She’d been wrong. He hadn’t left the hospital because he didn’t care. “It’s okay. We need to find Shannon. Did she say anything to you? Her note said she was going to her dad’s, but she’d need money or a credit card to buy an airline ticket,” she said as they gathered around the island.
Kyle studied his hands.
“Should we call the police?” Andrea asked.
“Let’s wait for Jake to get here,” Gina said, passing Kyle a glass of milk he’d asked for.
“Did you hear any of the conversation Shannon had with her dad?” Andrea asked.
“I didn’t, but she told me afterward that she wished her dad were here.” He ducked his head when he saw the expression on Andrea’s face. “Sorry, Mrs. Taylor. I know that’s a sore point with you.”
“Please don’t worry about it, and call me Andrea.”
He offered her a quick smile.
The doorbell rang. Andrea raced to answer it. Jake’s calm expression eased her fear a little bit, although she couldn’t say why. “Please come in.”
They all settled in the living room. The bright sun streamed in through the large windows facing the back lawn, warming the space.
“Shannon left a note saying she was going to her father’s in Phoenix. But I don’t believe she would leave me without saying goodbye. And I can’t imagine her going to her dad’s, despite the fact she talked about it last night.”
“Why not?” Jake asked.
“Because she hasn’t seen him for months. He has a new family, and she has always felt uncomfortable even talking about him, let alone going to visit him. He’s never made any real attempt to see her, except in the summer for a couple of weeks. After the big deal he made at the custody hearing, he’s basically left Shannon alone.”
Kyle cleared his throat, glancing from Gina to Andrea and Jake. “Shannon told me she’s had several calls from her dad in the past few weeks.”
“I didn’t know that.” Andrea caught the understanding look in Jake’s eyes. “Well, if my daughter was going to visit her father, she would need more than just her babysitting money—Oh, wait. I forgot something.” She went to Shannon’s room and checked the old-fashioned jewelry box where Shannon kept another stash of money. Empty.