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The Secret Valtinos Baby: The Secret Valtinos Baby
If Angel had not reappeared at the bar alone, she would probably simply have gone back to work without even trying to achieve her goal. But when she’d seen him she had forced herself up out of her seat and forward.
‘I have to speak to you in private,’ she had said. ‘It’s very important. It will only take five minutes.’
He had spun back from the bar to appraise her with cool, guarded eyes. ‘I’m listening.’
‘Could we go out into the foyer?’ she had pressed, very conscious of the number of people around them. ‘It would be more private.’
He had acquiesced with unconcealed reluctance. ‘What is this about?’ he had demanded as soon as they’d got there.
And then she had made her announcement and those expressive beautiful eyes of his had glittered like cold black diamonds, his consternation and annoyance obvious.
‘Do you want it?’ he had asked doubtingly, earning her hatred with every syllable of that leading question. ‘Scratch that. It was politically incorrect. Of course, I will support you in whatever choice you make.’ He had drawn out a business card and thrust it into her unwilling hand. ‘I will inform my lawyers. Please provide them with contact details and I will make provision for you.’
And that had been Angel’s knee-jerk response to unexpected fatherhood: brief and brutal and wholly unemotional and objective. Go away and I’ll give you cash to keep you quiet and at a distance.
Remembering that encounter, Merry shuddered and tears stung her eyes afresh. That was the final moment when she had faced the reality that she had given her body to a ruthlessly detached man without a heart. How could she let such a man come within ten feet of her precious, loving daughter? That question kept her awake until dawn. Suddenly keeping the peace and giving Angel another chance seemed the stuff of stupidity.
* * *
Having done his baby research diligently before his visit, Angel believed he was prepared for all eventualities. His second cousin had six-month-old twins and a toddler and lived in London. It was hard to say who had been most startled by his interest: his cousin at the shock of his curiosity or Angel at finding himself festooned in wriggling babies, who cried, pooped and threw up while poking and pulling at him. There were loads of babies in his extended family circle but Angel had always given them a very wide berth.
He put on his oldest jeans for the occasion and, after consulting his cousin, he purchased only one modest gift. Merry wouldn’t be impressed by a toyshop splurge. She was already saving every penny he was giving her into a trust for their daughter. Merry and her endless rainy-day fund, he thought incredulously, deeming her joyless, fearful attitude to spending money depressing. She was a natural-born hoarder of cash. If only his mother suffered from the same insecurity, he conceded wryly.
From upstairs, Merry watched the sleek, expensive car pull into the driveway. She had dressed smartly that morning. After all she had a potential new client coming at half eleven and she needed to look professional, so her hair was freshly washed, her make-up was on and she wore a summer dress that clung to her slender curves. What she wore had nothing whatsoever to do with Angel’s visit, except in so far as looking smart lifted her confidence, she told herself soothingly.
Angel sprang fluidly out of his car, his lean, powerful body clad in black jeans and a green sweater that was undoubtedly cashmere. He found English summers cold. She carried Elyssa downstairs. Her daughter wore one of the fashionable baby outfits that Sybil often bought her, a pretty blue floral tunic and leggings that reflected her eyes. The door knocker rapped twice and she hastily settled Elyssa down on the rug before rushing breathlessly back to the door, scolding herself for the unmistakeable sense of anticipation gripping her.
Angel stepped in and his stunning dark golden gaze locked to her with the most electrifying immediacy. Tension leapt through Merry along with a growing unease about the decision she had made. He looked amazing. He always looked amazing, she reminded herself mockingly, striving not to react in any way. But it was impossible. Her breath shortened in her tightening throat and her breasts tingled and a sensual warmth made her thighs press together.
Angel’s scrutiny roamed from the glossy bell of her dark hair, down to the modest neckline of the dress that clung to the delectably full swell of her breasts, before skimming down over her waist to define the feminine swell of her hips. He didn’t let himself look at her legs because she had fantastic legs and the heat pooling in his groin didn’t need that added encouragement. He didn’t know how she had contrived to get skinnier and at the same time more interestingly curvy but he especially didn’t like the feeling of being sexually drawn against his will.
‘Elyssa’s in here,’ she framed stiffly.
‘That’s a Greek name.’
‘Yes, she’s entitled to a Greek name,’ Merry proclaimed defensively.
‘I wasn’t...criticising.’ Angel registered the white-knuckled grip she had on the edge of the door and recognised that he would be treading on eggshells every time he spoke. He gritted his teeth on the awareness but as Merry pushed the door fully open he finally saw his daughter and for several timeless moments stayed rigid in the doorway drinking in the sight of her.
‘She’s got my hair,’ he almost whispered, moving forward and then dropping down onto the rug a couple of feet from his daughter. ‘But curls look cute on her...’
Merry watched him closely, registering that he had enough sense not to try to get too familiar too fast with a baby that didn’t know him. No, Angel was far too clever to make an obvious wrong move, she reflected bitterly, before catching herself up on that suspicious but hardly charitable thought and crossing the room to go into the kitchen. ‘Coffee?’
‘If it’s not too much trouble.’
‘Don’t go all polite on me,’ she said drily.
‘What do you expect?’ Angel shot her a sardonic glance of rebuke. ‘I know you don’t want me here.’
Merry paled at that blunt statement. ‘I’m trying not to feel like that.’
She put on the kettle and watched him remove a toy from his pocket, a brightly coloured teething toy, which he set on the rug at his feet. It was a strategic move and Elyssa quickly fulfilled his expectations by extending the toy she held to him in the hope of gaining access to the new and more interesting one. Angel accepted it and handed over his gift. Elyssa chortled with satisfaction and bestowed a huge smile on him before sticking the new toy into her mouth and chewing happily on it.
‘She has your eyes,’ Angel remarked. ‘She’s incredibly pretty.’
In spite of her desire to remain unmoved, Merry flushed with pride. ‘I think so too.’
‘She’s also unmistakeably mine,’ Angel intoned with unashamed approval.
‘Well, you already knew that,’ Merry could not resist reminding him. ‘She was DNA tested after she was born.’
Angel winced. ‘I never once doubted that the child you were carrying was mine but in view of inheritance rights...and us not being married...it was best to have it legally confirmed.’ He hesitated before turning his classic bronzed profile to study her levelly. ‘But I let the lawyers take over and run the whole show and that was a mistake. I see that now.’
Merry jerked her chin in acknowledgement, not trusting herself to speak.
‘I didn’t know any other way to handle it,’ Angel admitted grimly. ‘I took the easy way out...unfortunately the easy way turned out to be the wrong way.’
Taken aback by that admission, Merry dragged in a ragged breath and turned away to make the coffee. A fat burst of chuckles from her daughter made her flip back and she saw Elyssa bouncing on the rug, held steady by Angel’s hands and revelling in both the exercise and the attention.
When Elyssa tired of that, Angel turned out her toy box for her. Tiger slunk out from under the chair where he had been hiding since Angel’s arrival and moved hesitantly closer to investigate.
‘Diavolos!’ Angel exclaimed in surprise. ‘Where did the dog come from?’
Startled by Angel’s deep voice, Tiger shot back under the chair.
‘He’s been here all along. His name’s Tiger.’
‘Kind of nervous for a dog called Tiger and hardly a stream-lined predator.’
‘OK. He’s fat, you can say it. He’s addicted to food and he wasn’t socialised properly when he was young. He came from a puppy farm that was closed down,’ Merry volunteered, extending a cup of black coffee to Angel as he vaulted lithely upright, suddenly dominating the small room with his height and the breadth of his shoulders.
‘I didn’t know you were keen on dogs.’
‘I practically grew up helping in the rescue centre.’ Merry could hear herself gabbling because her heart was pounding wildly in her chest as Angel moved towards her and even breathing was a challenge beneath the onslaught of his gleaming dark golden eyes. ‘I—’
‘Tell it like it is,’ Angel urged sibilantly.
Her smooth brow furrowed. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘You still want me as much as I want you,’ he breathed huskily, sipping his coffee as if he were merely making casual conversation.
‘I don’t want to have that sort of discussion with you,’ Merry told him curtly, colour burnishing her cheeks as she wondered if he really could tell that easily that she was still vulnerable around him. Not that she would do anything about it or let him do anything about it, she reasoned with pride. Attraction was nothing more than a hormonal trick and, in her case, a very dangerous misdirection.
‘Avoid? Deny?’ Angel derided, his beautiful wilful mouth curling, his smouldering gaze enhanced by unfairly long black lashes welded to her fast-reddening face. ‘What’s the point?’
‘If you continue this I’m going to ask you to leave,’ Merry warned thinly.
And genuine amusement engulfed Angel and laughter lit up his lean, dark features. ‘I’m not about to pounce on you with our daughter watching! Believe me, while she’s around, you’re safe,’ he assured her smoothly.
Inexplicably that little exchange made Merry feel foolish and rather as though she had ended up with egg on her face, which was burning like a furnace. Even now, many months after the event, she couldn’t laugh about what had happened between them. Looking back, it was as if blinding sunlight overlaid and blurred the explosive passion she couldn’t begin to explain and never wanted to experience again. Unfortunately for her, her body had a different ambition. One glimpse of Angel’s darkly handsome face and long, sleek, muscular frame and she was as tense as a bowstring, caught between forbidden pleasure at his sheer physical beauty and angry self-loathing at her susceptibility to it.
‘I brought lunch with me,’ Angel revealed, startling her.
Her eyes widened. ‘But I have a client due.’
‘I’ll return in an hour. You know we need to talk about Elyssa and how we move on from here,’ Angel pointed out as if it were the most reasonable and natural thing in the world when in truth they had never ever talked about anything.
‘Yes...yes, of course,’ she muttered uneasily, because she could see that a talk made sense and it was surely better to get it all over in one go and in one day, she told herself soothingly. ‘I should be free in an hour, but—’
‘I’ll make it an hour and a half,’ Angel cut in decisively as he moved towards the door.
Merry skimmed his arm with an uncertain finger to attract his attention. ‘I’m afraid Elyssa has...er...stained your sweater,’ she told him awkwardly.
His amused grin flashed perfect white teeth and enhanced the sculpted fullness of his wide, sensual mouth. ‘It’s not a problem. I brought a change of clothes with me.’
‘My goodness, you were organised,’ she mumbled in surprise as he strode down the path and leant down into his car, straightening to peel off the offending sweater and expose the flexing muscles of his bronzed and powerful torso. Her mouth ran dry and she stared, watching him pull on another sweater, black this time, before she closed the door.
She ignored her reeling senses to concentrate on what was truly important. Angel was unpredictable, she reminded herself worriedly, devious to a fault and dangerously volatile. What did he truly want from her? Why was he putting himself to so much trouble? Lunch? All of a sudden he was bringing her lunch? Merry was stunned by the concept and the planning that must have gone into that. Did Angel really want access to his daughter that badly? Did he have sufficient interest and staying power to want a long-term relationship with his daughter? And where did that leave her when she really didn’t want Angel to feature anywhere in her life?
You should’ve thought of that before you let him visit, Merry told herself in exasperation. Possibly Angel was only trying to smooth over the hostilities between them. And possibly she was a suspicious little shrew, still bitter and battered from her previous encounters with him. At the very least she ought to acknowledge that she would never ever second-guess Angel Valtinos and that he would always take her by surprise. After all, that was how he did business and how he thrived in a cut-throat world.
MERRY SHOOK HANDS with her new client, who had got into a mess with his tax returns, and promised to update him on the situation within the week. Soon she would have to try to fit in a refresher course to update her knowledge of recent legislative changes, she reflected thoughtfully, incredibly keen to think of anything other than the awareness that Angel was sliding supple as a dancer out of his car as her visitor departed.
Sybil had swooped in to take enthusiastic charge of Elyssa soon after Angel’s earlier departure. Hearing of the lunch plan, she had laughed and drily observed, ‘He’s treating you to a charm offensive. Well, if you must have a serious talk with him, it’ll be easier not to have Elyssa grizzling for her lunch and her nap in the midst of it. Phone me when you want to steal her back.’
And once again, Merry had reflected how very, very lucky she had always been to have Sybil in her life, standing by her when life was tough, advising and supporting her, in short being the only caring mother figure that she had ever known. Sybil had cured the hurts inflicted by her kid sister’s lack of interest in and impatience with her child and, although Merry knew her aunt had been disappointed when she became pregnant without being in a serious relationship, she had kept her disappointment to herself and had instead focused her attention on how best to help her expectant niece.
‘Lunch,’ Angel told her carelessly, carting a large luxurious hamper in one hand.
‘I’ve got a terrace out the back. Since it’s sunny, we might as well eat there,’ Merry suggested, preferring the idea of that casual setting in which she thought Angel would be less intimidating.
‘This is unexpectedly pleasant,’ Angel remarked, sprawling down with innate grace on a wrought-iron chair and taking in the pleasant view of fields and wooded hills visible beyond the hedge.
‘This was Sybil’s Christmas surprise for us,’ Merry explained. ‘Her last tenant was elderly and the garden was overgrown. Sybil hired someone to fix it up and now Elyssa will have somewhere safe to play when she’s more mobile.’
‘You’re very close to your aunt,’ Angel commented warily. ‘She doesn’t like me.’
Crystalline blue eyes collided with his in challenge. ‘What did you expect?’ she traded.
Angel had not been prepared to meet with a condemnation that bold and unapologetic and his teeth clenched, squaring his aggressive jaw, the faint dark shadow of stubble already roughening his bronzed skin accentuating the hard slant of his shapely mouth.
‘Yes, you ensured I had enough money to survive but that was that,’ Merry stated before he could remind her of the reality.
Angel sidestepped that deeply controversial issue by ignoring it. Instead he opened the hamper and stacked utensils and dishes on the table and asked where his daughter was. After all, what could he say about his treatment of Merry? The facts were the facts and he couldn’t change them. He knew he had done everything wrong and he had acknowledged that. Didn’t his honesty and his regret lighten the scales even a little? Was she expecting him to grovel on hands and knees?
‘Wow...this is some spread,’ Merry remarked uneasily as she set out the food and he uncorked the bottle of wine and filled the glasses with rich red liquid. ‘Where did it come from?’
‘From one of my hotels,’ Angel responded with the nonchalance that was the sole preserve of the very rich.
Merry placed a modest selection of savoury bites on her plate and said tensely, ‘What did you want to discuss?’
‘Our future,’ Angel delivered succinctly while Tiger sat at his feet with little round pleading eyes pinned to the meat on his fork.
‘Nobody can foretell the future,’ Merry objected.
‘I can where we’re concerned,’ Angel assured her, every liquid syllable cool as ice. ‘Either we spend at least the next ten years fighting it out over Elyssa in court or...we get married and share her.’
Merry studied him over the top of her wine glass with steadily widening pale blue eyes, and then gulped in more wine than she intended and coughed and spluttered in the most embarrassing manner as she struggled to get a grip on her wildly fluctuating emotions. First he had frightened the life out of her by mentioning a court battle over her beloved daughter, and then he’d sent her spinning with a suggestion she had never dreamt that she would hear from his lips.
‘Married?’ she emphasised with a curled lip. ‘Are you crazy or just trying to unnerve me?’
Having forced himself to pull the pin on the marriage grenade straight away, Angel coiled back in his chair and savoured his wine. ‘It’s an unnerving idea for me as well. Apart from my mother, who wanders in and out of my properties, I’ve never lived with a woman before,’ he admitted curtly. ‘But we do need to think creatively to solve our current problems.’
‘I don’t have any problems right now. I also can’t believe that you want Elyssa so much after one little meeting that you would sink to what is virtually blackmail,’ Merry framed coldly, eyes glinting like chipped ice in the sunlight.
‘Oh, I would sink a lot lower than that and I think you know it,’ Angel traded without shame, unyielding dark golden eyes steady with stubborn resolve. ‘I will do whatever I have to do to get what I want...or in this case to ensure that my daughter benefits from a suitable home.’
‘But Elyssa already has a suitable home,’ Merry pointed out, working hard to stay calm and appear untouched by his threat of legal intervention. ‘We’re happy here. I have work that I can do at home and we have a decent life.’
‘Only not by my standards. Elyssa is my heir and will one day be a very wealthy woman. When you’re so prejudiced against spending my money, how do you expect her to adapt to my world when she becomes independent?’ he demanded with lethal cool.
Merry compressed her sultry mouth and lifted angrily out of her seat. ‘I’m not prejudiced!’ she protested. ‘I didn’t want to depend on your money. I simply prefer to stand on my own feet.’
Angel dealt her a perceptive appraisal that made her skin tighten uneasily over her bones. ‘Like me, you have trust issues and you’re very proud.’
‘Don’t you tell me that I have trust issues when you know absolutely nothing about me!’ Merry practically spat back at him in her fury. ‘Newsflash, Angel...we had two sexual encounters, not a relationship!’
Angel ran lingering hooded dark eyes over her slender figure and her aggressive stance, remembering that fire in bed, how it had stoked his own and resulted in a conflagration more passionate than anything he had ever known. As a rule, she kept that fire hidden, suppressed beneath her tranquil, prissy little surface, but around him she couldn’t manage that feat and he cherished that truth. Anger was much more promising than indifference.
Merry planted her hands on her curvy hips and flung him a fierce look of censure. ‘And don’t you dare look at me like that!’ she warned him, helplessly conscious of that smouldering sexual assessment. ‘It’s rude and inappropriate.’
Angel shifted lithely in his chair, murderously aware of his roaring arousal and the tightness of his jeans and marvelling at the reality that he could actually be enjoying himself in her company, difficult though she was. A slow-burning smile slashed his lean, strong face. ‘The burn is still there, glyka mou,’ he told her. ‘But let’s concentrate our energies on my solution for our future.’
‘That wasn’t a solution, that was fanciful nonsense!’ Merry hissed back at him. ‘You don’t want to marry me. You don’t want to marry anybody!’
‘But I’ll do it for Elyssa’s benefit because I believe that she needs a father as much as she needs a mother,’ Angel asserted levelly. ‘A father is not expendable. My father was very important in my life, even though he wasn’t able to be there for me as much as he would have liked.’
Unprepared for that level of honesty and gravity from a man as naturally secretive and aloof as Angel, Merry was bemused. ‘I never said you were expendable, for goodness’ sake,’ she argued less angrily. ‘That’s why I let you finally visit and meet her.’
‘How much of a relationship did you have with your own father?’ Angel enquired lethally.
Merry’s face froze. ‘I didn’t have one. My mother, Natalie, fell pregnant by her boss and he was married. I met him once but his wife couldn’t stand the sight of me, probably because I was the proof of his infidelity,’ she conceded uncomfortably. ‘He never asked to see me again. When it came to making a choice between me and his wife, naturally he chose his wife.’
‘I’m sorry.’ Angel disconcerted her with a look of sympathy that hurt her pride as much as a slap would have done.
‘Well, I’m not. I got by fine without him,’ Merry declared, lifting her chin.
‘Maybe you did.’ Angel trailed out the word, letting her know he wasn’t convinced by her face-saving claim. ‘But others don’t do so well without paternal guidance. My own mother grew up indulged in every financial way, but essentially without parents who cared enough about her to discipline her. She’s well past fifty now, although she doesn’t look it, but she’s still a rebellious teenager in her own head. I want my daughter to have stability. I don’t want her to go wild when she becomes an adult with the world at her feet along with every temptation.’
Involuntarily impressed by that argument, Merry shook her head. ‘That’s a long way off and if I don’t stand in the way of her having a relationship with you now, you’ll still be around.’
Angel lounged back in his chair and crossed an ankle over one knee, long, powerful thigh muscles flexing below tight, faded denim. He looked outrageously relaxed, as if he were posing for a publicity shot, and drop-dead gorgeous from the spill of glossy black curls to the golden caramel brilliance of his eyes. Merry dragged her guilty gaze from his thighs and his crotch, sudden heat rising inside her and burning her cheeks. His hard-boned, thoroughly raunchy masculine beauty broke through her defences every time she looked at him and it made her feel like a breathless fan girl.
‘But the bottom line is that unless we marry I won’t be around enough,’ Angel intoned with grim emphasis. ‘I spend at least fifty per cent of the year abroad. I want her to meet my relatives and learn what it means to be a Valtinos...’
He could have said nothing more calculated to cool Merry’s fevered response to him. Dismay filled her because she understood the message he was giving her. As soon as Elyssa was old enough, Angel would be spiriting her out to Greece, taking her away from her mother, leaving Merry behind, shorn of control of what happened in her child’s life. It was a sobering prospect.
‘Did you mean it...what you said about fighting me in court?’ Merry prompted angrily.