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Seductive Fantasy
“Incredible.” She looked back at her companion, unable to stop her own laughter from bubbling up out of her. “I wasn’t even aware of the plane descending.”
He winked at her. “Then I guess I lived up to my promise to keep you distracted.”
Oh, he’d definitely managed that. Her elation dwindled as reality made an uninvited appearance. So, his attention had been a ruse after all, to keep her mind off the short trek across the Atlantic. Of course. She’d been silly to think otherwise, even briefly.
“It was very nice meeting you, Alexis,” he said, drawing her out of her disappointing thoughts. Lifting her hand, he brushed a featherlight kiss across her knuckles, then finally released her from his hold.
She immediately missed the warmth he’d generated. “Likewise,” she replied.
Once the cabin door was open and they were free to exit the aircraft, they unbuckled their seat belts, along with two other female guests Alex hadn’t realized were sitting across from them until that moment. The four of them stepped out onto the walkway, and Alex squinted against the late afternoon sun as two men unloaded their luggage. The women’s bags were the first to appear and were tossed onto a brass cart. Jackson’s suitcases were next.
“Right this way, sir,” one of the employees instructed, and started down the walkway toward an older woman waiting at the end of the platform. Without a final backward glance at Alex, Jackson followed the other man.
Alex watched him go, and with each step he took that put distance between them, she grew more desperate to catch his attention again.
Just one more time.
“Jackson…” his name slipped from her lips before she could stop the impulse.
He turned around, inclining his head questioningly. “Yes?”
Now that she had his undivided attention, as well as the interest of the Fantasies, Inc. employees, what did she say?
“Thank you,” she said, expressing the gratitude he deserved. Self-consciously, she smoothed a hand down the front of her skirt and summoned a smile. “You made the flight more bearable, as well as enjoyable.”
“It was my pleasure,” he drawled in a low, sexy voice any woman would find vastly appealing. No doubt, many women had. “Maybe we’ll run into each other on the island.” With a final wave, he turned back around and continued on.
Butterflies hatched in Alex’s stomach, making her feel like a schoolgirl in the throes of a crush. And oh, what a wonderful feeling it was! “Yes, maybe,” she whispered to his retreating back. I certainly hope so.
Once her luggage was secured on a separate cart, Alex followed her guide to the end of the walkway. The woman who’d greeted Jackson moments ago now turned a bright smile her way. They clasped hands, and Alex was instantly immersed in the other woman’s warmth and hospitality.
“I’m Merrilee Schaefer-Weston,” she said, introducing herself. “And please call me Merrilee. Welcome to Seductive Fantasy, Alex.”
“Thank you. I’m thrilled to be here.” Alex had known just by talking to the other woman on the phone that she cared a great deal about her clients and their requests, and she immediately liked Merrilee. The kindness and dedication she witnessed in her gaze gave Alex more proof that the woman was devoted to her business and making her guest’s fantasies come true.
“The island is yours to do as you please, in whatever way it pertains to your personal fantasy,” Merrilee continued, and Alex was certain Jackson had received the same commentary before he’d disappeared down the path leading to the hotel. “If there is anything I can do to make your stay more enjoyable, I’m only a phone call away.” She indicated the pager clipped to the waistband of her taupe-colored slacks. “My guests and their comfort are my number one priority, and I’m available 24-7. Do you have any questions before your fantasy begins?”
“I do have one,” Alex admitted, chewing absently on her lower lip. “How will I know who my fantasy man is?”
A knowing smile curved Merrilee’s lips. “He’ll be everything you asked for, maybe more. He’ll pursue you and make his intentions known.”
Relief swept over Alex. “That’s good to hear, because I’m not real good at making the first move when it comes to the opposite sex.”
“You won’t have to.” The assurance in Merrilee’s voice rang strong and true. Then her expression softened perceptively. “And if I might impart a few words of advice before your fantasy begins, I’d tell you to follow your heart, Alex. It might lead you places you’ve never been before.”
Alex couldn’t contain the shiver that coursed through her at Merrilee’s statement.
Two hours after they parted ways, Alex sat on the patio of her opulent suite, watching the sun set over the horizon in brilliant shades of pinks, purples and oranges. She contemplated the other woman’s pearls of wisdom, and found Merrilee’s choice of words odd considering love and emotional commitment weren’t a part of her fantasy. She was entering this fantasy with practical expectations, not unrealistic hopes for the future.
Still puzzled but now hungry, Alex went back inside her room and flipped through the menu for room service. She had decided to eat in her room tonight—even if that meant missing out on her first opportunity to get acquainted with her fantasy man. She was too tired to be engaging, too exhausted to even enjoy a flirtatious advance. And admittedly, she was still too wound up from her encounter with Jackson to give another man a fair chance. She’d be refreshed and ready for romance and adventure after a good night’s sleep.
As she waited for her meal to arrive, she strolled back out to the balcony, wrapped her hands around the cool railing, and scanned the suites across from hers. She wondered which one was Jackson’s, and if he was off enjoying his own fantasy…and with whom.
WITH TIKI TORCHES and moonlight illuminating his way, Jackson strolled from his private cottage on the beach along the curving walkway that wound around the resort’s lavish pool area. Without a doubt, the island was ideal for romance, forbidden temptation and erotic trysts. Unfortunately, disappointment was his only companion after his late-night walk to burn off the restless energy that had consumed him since arriving on Seductive Fantasy that afternoon.
Thanks to Mike’s help, Jackson had managed to discover Alexis’s flight times and book himself a seat on the same shuttle to the island, a way of insuring that they met before they even arrived at the resort. After how exceptionally well his first encounter with her had gone, he’d been hoping to proceed with his romantic pursuit this evening, but she hadn’t cooperated with his personal strategy. Much to his frustration, he hadn’t run into her since they’d parted ways at the dock.
With a harsh sigh of dissatisfaction, he made his way toward the Players’ Lounge, deciding that if he didn’t find Alexis in the singles’ club, he’d call it a night. He entered the establishment, sidled up to the bar, and ordered a Tom Collins. While he waited for his order, he searched the guests mingling in the lounge and the couples dancing to the tunes the band was playing, hoping to find a certain black-haired, blue-eyed woman.
“Looking for someone special?” a female voice asked.
Jackson turned on his stool and wasn’t surprised to find Merrilee standing beside him at the mahogany and brass bar. During the day he’d seen her around the resort tending to her guests’ comfort and needs. And checking up on the progress of her clients’ fantasies, he assumed. “As a matter of fact, I am.”
A knowing smile made its way to her lips. “Alexis Baylor, by chance?”
He stiffened in his seat, wondering how in the world she’d made that connection when he’d been so careful to keep his intentions to himself. “What makes you think I’m looking for her?” The bartender delivered his drink, and Jackson thanked the other man.
“It was just a guess.” She tilted her head, regarding him through kind blue eyes. “My pilot told me that the two of you hit it off on the flight over from Miami, and I saw the interaction between you and Alexis at the dock.”
He laughed, breaking up the tension that banded his chest. Seeing no harm in divulging the truth, he said, “An accurate guess, I admit.” He took a long swallow of his cool, tangy drink and reached for the bowl of shelled peanuts on the counter. “I was looking for Alexis.”
“Well, Ms. Baylor opted to eat dinner in her room,” Merrilee informed him. “At last account she was in bed for the night.”
Jackson met Merrilee’s gaze as he took another drink, trying to gauge why she was supplying him with so much personal information on Alexis. “Looks like my efforts at trying to find her tonight were futile then.”
“But tomorrow is another day.”
“So it is.”
Merrilee hesitated for a moment, then said, “On your fantasy application and when we spoke on the phone before you booked your trip, you said you wanted to find a woman you could open up to and trust.”
“Yes.” He managed, just barely, to refrain from wincing as a twinge of guilt nudged him. The lie he’d fabricated for a believable and acceptable fantasy had been a necessity, one he wasn’t exactly proud of considering how much he liked and respected Merrilee. But he’d been pushed too far by one woman too many, and in order to obtain what he truly wanted from Alexis Baylor, he had no choice but to hold tight to that pretense.
He continued. “My relationships with women have been…lacking. And I’ve been betrayed one time too many.” That much was pure truth. “It’s a novel concept to me to be able to trust a woman.”
She gave a compassionate nod of understanding. “I did tell you that you’d have to see how your request played out once you were at the resort, that I couldn’t guarantee that you’d find a woman who suited your fantasy.”
He tossed a few peanuts into his mouth and chewed. “I remember.”
“However, I did want to ask, how does Alexis fit your perception of the kind of woman you want to open up to and trust?”
Jackson nearly choked on his peanuts. Coughing, he washed down the snack with a huge gulp of his drink. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was singling him out, and offering him exactly what he wanted—a direct link to Alexis, all based on their connection on the seaplane.
He regained his composure and clung to his pretense. “I’ve only met her once, but Alexis could be that woman.” He stared Merrilee straight in the eyes. “I definitely want to get to know her better, but the question is, do I fit into her reason for being here at Seductive Fantasy?”
“I believe you could, very easily. But of course the decision to accept you will ultimately be up to Alexis.”
If all went as he planned, Jackson didn’t see that as a problem, not after the way Alexis had reacted so favorably to him on the seaplane. He’d use that attraction to his advantage. “So, how do I go about doing this?” he asked.
“Well, I can help you out a bit.” She smiled mischievously. “As part of your fantasy, and Alexis’s, I can give you complete access to her whereabouts at all times, day or night. A phone call to Stewart at the concierge desk will provide you with details and information on Alexis so you can keep track of her. However, if I see that she isn’t interested, the privileged information will discontinue.”
“Fair enough.” Jackson realized that Merrilee was attempting to act as matchmaker and trusted him with Alexis. He did his best to ignore the tightening in his gut and the little voice in his head making him question what he was going to do. “For starters, can I have her room number?”
“Room 305, in the main hotel,” she supplied easily, then pressed her soft hand to his arm. “I hope she’s the one who makes up for all those other women in your life.”
Jackson forced a smile and held back the comment, she’s going to be added to the growing list. Merrilee moved on to mingle with other guests, granting Jackson a reprieve. Tossing a tip for the bartender onto the counter, he left the Players’ Lounge and followed the path toward the hotel to seek out Alexis’s room for future reference.
He shook his head as the day’s events filtered through his mind. His first evening on the island certainly hadn’t turned out as he’d expected. Then again, if he was honest with himself, Alexis Baylor wasn’t what he’d anticipated, either. Not at all.
The pictures Mike had taken of her had accurately depicted her physical attributes. What those candid snapshots hadn’t captured was just how soft and lush her mouth looked, how smooth and luminous her skin appeared, or how expressive her blue eyes were. Despite her plain, reserved packaging, she possessed the potential to transform herself into a sensual beauty, but obviously wasn’t aware of her appeal. He found that realization amazing, especially when he was accustomed to women using their looks to their advantage.
In the flesh, Jackson had discovered that this particular woman was a paradox. The fascinating bits of vulnerability and softness she’d displayed on the seaplane had clashed with the image of the ruthless businesswoman he’d conjured in his mind. She’d been far more demure and reserved than he’d visualized, and he was finding it difficult to mesh the two individual, contradictory impressions.
With a disgusted grunt at his own gullibility, he reminded himself that this woman had cheated him and his company. Regardless of her modesty when it came to men, she definitely took an aggressive approach in business.
An approach he fully intended to emulate for the next week. A gradual buildup of flattery and romance to something far more assertive, persuasive and single-minded—a combination most women found difficult to withstand. And Merrilee had offered him the perfect opportunity to make Alexis the center of his attention. He’d initially take the chase slow and easy. Tease her. Tempt her. Then ultimately seduce her.
Judging by the attraction that had sparked between them in the seaplane, he had a strong feeling that Alexis Baylor wouldn’t be able to resist him. Pursuing her, and delving past all that reserve, wouldn’t be difficult for him, either. Not when she intrigued him, aroused him even, with her contradictions.
Jamming his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, Jackson followed the pathway through an elaborate garden of exotic plants and flowers flanking the courtyard designed between two separate wings of the hotel. There were benches situated along the trail and pillars entwined with night-blooming jasmine, scenting the air with a drugging, seductive perfume. His steps slowed and he glanced up at the four stories of suites looming in front of him, counting three up and five across, pinpointing Alexis’s room. The interior was dark, but she’d left the glass slider open to allow fresh air to slip inside. The diaphanous sheers covering the window billowed gently in the fragrant, sultry evening breeze.
He imagined her warm and soft in her bed, her breathing deep and even. Did she wear her hair down and free, or did she keep it neat and orderly even at night? She might dress practically in loose clothing, but he couldn’t stop himself from wondering what she slept in—something silky and decadent as Mike had suggested during his investigative report, or nothing at all? A slow burn settled in Jackson’s belly at the thought.
Soon, he’d find out.
Tomorrow, the seduction would begin.
IF HER FANTASY MAN was on the island he had yet to make an appearance, and half of her second day on Seductive Fantasy was nearly over.
Exhaling a breath of frustration, Alexis lifted her gaze from the romantic suspense novel she couldn’t quite concentrate on. She scanned the guests lounging around the pool area and couples conversing at the swim-up bar who were obviously enjoying their fantasies, whatever they may be.
For the umpteenth time in the past hour since she’d eaten a light lunch at the outdoor café, she searched for a dark-haired man with blue eyes who would set his sights on her and make that all important first advance. A man like Jackson.
There were many men with her requested characteristics, but none showed her any interest other than a brief glance or cordial smile. While she wasn’t sitting directly in the sun and had opted for the shade of a large palm tree because she burned much too easily, she couldn’t be in more plain sight for her soon-to-be lover to find her.
She’d always been an extremely patient person, but suddenly discovered she was very antsy to move on to the next phase of her paid vacation. Her fantasy. Now that she was refreshed and rested, she was eager to taste the heat of passion, and anxious to experience the kind of tantalizing, rapturous sensations she’d only read about.
Shifting restlessly on the lounge chair, she stretched her legs and flicked her flowing skirt over her exposed knees and calves. She frowned, realizing just how clothed she was compared to the rest of the scantily clad women around her—realizing, too, just how much attention they were receiving in comparison.
Though she’d been conservative in selecting her attire since she was a teenager, and had never given fashion a second thought, Alex wondered if maybe she should have purchased more alluring clothing for this vacation. Her one secret indulgence was wearing pretty, lacy lingerie, but her seductive underwear was a moot point if her outerwear didn’t attract a man’s attention.
With a sigh, she ducked her head back to her book, seeing the words but not really reading them as her mind turned over different possibilities. Yes, maybe she needed to change her image and live impetuously for the week, especially at a private resort where no one she knew would see or judge her. She could be anything or anyone she wanted and enjoy the results of being carefree and impulsive with no consequences other than the ones she’d requested. She could be daring, take wild risks, then return home and resume her practical lifestyle, as well as deal with the messy lawsuit awaiting her.
If only her fantasy man would arrive so she could start her journey to self-discovery.
Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of someone heading across the far deck, down the short concrete steps, and toward the pool…toward her.
Automatically, she raised her gaze to gauge this next potential offering, and her breath caught in her throat as she watched Jackson Witt burn a path closer and closer to where she sat, his stride purposeful and confidently male. Hope and electric currents of excitement mingled, racing through her bloodstream at a rapid pace. Who needed to sit out in the sun when this man had the ability to heat her from the inside out?
He was wearing navy blue swimming trunks and a tank shirt that showcased his broad shoulders and tapered to a lean waist. His strong thighs were toned and muscled, his legs long and well defined. Everything about him was exceptional and sensual and utterly masculine. Everything about him thrilled her.
She jerked her eyes back up to his gorgeous face, wishing he wasn’t wearing sunglasses so she could see his gaze and assess his intentions. Just when she was absolutely certain he would approach her, he stopped abruptly a few yards away. In one fluid motion that set the muscles in his arms and across his back rippling, he pulled off his shirt while toeing off his deck shoes at the same time. He tossed the balled up cotton onto a chaise, added his sunglasses to the top of the pile and, without a glance in her direction, he strode to the edge of the pool. Diving into the water with smooth, graceful precision, he began a series of laps.
She groaned in acute regret, silently chastised her wishful thinking, and returned her attention to her book and off the man that every other woman in the vicinity was ogling. It was fairly obvious that Jackson had forgotten all about her, while he’d starred in her dreams last night and had given her the incentive to venture out early this morning in search of her fantasy man.
He obviously wasn’t the one, she thought, sighing in disappointment.
Ten minutes later, when he climbed out of the pool at the deep end near where she was sitting, Alex forced herself to keep her nose in her book, eyes downcast, and pretend complete absorption in her story. She refused to embarrass herself by gawking at his magnificent body as he sauntered past her chair.
He made it difficult for her to ignore him. Instead of returning to the chaise holding his shirt and sunglasses, she heard the soft, wet, pit-pat of footsteps, then watched his bare feet come into view beside her lounge chair. She swallowed, hard, as water dripped off him and pooled around his legs.
Now what did she do?
Before she could gather the fortitude to glance up and greet him with a polite smile that didn’t give away her strong attraction to him, she was showered with droplets of water as he shook his upper body and damp hair like a wet dog.
She gasped and dipped her head lower as the moisture rained down upon her, surprised at his playfulness when it was the very last thing she would have expected from him. Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t contain the spontaneous laughter that escaped her. “Hey, you’re getting me all wet!”
He stopped shaking himself dry and waited until she finally looked up at him. “Am I?” He asked the question innocently, but his eyes, framed by black spiked lashes, blazed with blue fire and impudence.
She wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of sexual innuendo, but his double meaning wasn’t lost on her. If he was going to be so brazen, then so was she. She wanted to see just how far he intended to take things between them…a light, friendly flirtation, or something more intimate?
“Yes, you are,” she replied boldly.
“Good.” A smile filled with too much satisfaction graced his lips. “You were deliberately ignoring me.”
She opened her mouth to issue a denial, then promptly shut it to rethink her strategy when she realized she’d been caught. “You ignored me first,” she countered, setting her book on the glass-topped table beside her.
“I was hot and wanted to cool off.” He stepped away for a second and dragged a nearby lounge chair over, keeping it aligned in the sun instead of joining her in the shade. Straddling the chair, he plopped down into the seat and finger combed his damp hair away from his chiseled features. “I would have asked you to join me, but you aren’t exactly dressed for a swim.”
She most definitely needed to do something about her attire, including buying a one-piece bathing suit that would flatter her curvaceous figure and attract the attention of a man like Jackson. “I burn easily, so what’s the point of wearing a swimsuit if I’m not going to sit directly in the sun?”
“So you can get all wet,” he said, his amused tone a bit on the naughty side.
Oh, he was bad. And very good. “Which usually leads to playing in the sun and getting burned.”
“That’s what sunscreen is for. And if you just don’t like being in the sun, I’ve been told that there are a few secluded, shady lagoons here on the island that you can reserve for your own private pool party.”
“Really?” she murmured, intrigued by the notion. Intrigued, too, by the subtle invitation dancing in his velvet eyes.
“Uh-huh,” he replied, the sound rising up from his throat in a sexy, arousing rumble. “With waterfalls and hot springs and all kinds of other decadent luxuries.”
He tempted her with his words. He enticed her with the promise she heard in his voice. He enthralled her…lying there in the sun like an Adonis, letting the warm rays worship his body and dry the moisture on his skin.
Unbidden, her gaze drifted to his flat stomach, and she experienced the inexplicable urge to glide her fingers along the droplets of water clinging to the dark trail of hair that whorled around his navel and disappeared into the waistband of his trunks. She wanted to touch the damp, slick flesh stretching taut across his chest, his arms…
“Can I get either of you anything to eat or drink?”
Startled by the intrusion of a third voice, Alex snapped out of her provocative daydream and found herself staring at a waiter dressed in black shorts and a crisp knit shirt. He smiled at her expectantly, pen poised over the pad of paper on his drink tray.