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Playing With Fire
Nicholas shrugged into his dress shirt. “For starters, he’s one of my primary investors in the new restaurant. And he’s also going to be a manager.”
“Does he have experience doing that?” Zienna asked.
“Yep. He bought a small restaurant in Dallas, but it didn’t do well. That’s how the idea about him working with me started. Now that his football career is over, he’s ready to find something else to do with the rest of his life.”
“Oh. Does that mean he’s given up on his dream of coaching?”
“Coaching?” Nicholas asked.
“Um, yeah. He used to mention that...say that he would one day become a coach.” She shrugged. “Of course, that was a long time ago. What do I know?”
Now dressed, Nicholas approached her, leaned down, and kissed her on the lips. “It’s okay for you to mention Wendell,” he said softly. “You don’t have to feel awkward thinking about him. Okay?”
Zienna nodded. “Okay.”
“I’ll see you later, babe.”
“For round two?” Zienna suggested, giving him a wink.
“You want more of The Slayer, do you?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
Nicholas kissed her again. “Then I’ll definitely see you later.”
* * *
Zienna went to work bone tired, but with a smile on her face. The night with Nicholas had been incredible. Make-up sex always was, wasn’t it? But he had surprised her with his carnal hunger. Last night had been about love, but with a healthy dose of lust.
And Zienna had enjoyed every moment of it. Tender, meaningful sex was wonderful...but it was nice to know at times that your man just plain craved you.
The lust factor had been off the charts, but Nicholas’s stamina had also surprised Zienna. He had thrilled her for hours, in several different positions.
Zienna called Alexis on the way to work, and filled her in on what had happened last night at the restaurant. How Wendell had spilled the beans about their past relationship, which had led to the fight with Nicholas.
“I told you that you should’ve mentioned it to Nicholas first,” Alexis said. “This wouldn’t have happened if you’d taken my advice.”
“I certainly didn’t expect Wendell to drop the bomb at the restaurant, right after a lovely dinner,” Zienna said in her own defense. Then she smirked, remembering her intensely hot night. The fight had been worth it, just for the make-up sex. “But, strangely,” she went on, “it was better this way.”
“So you leave the restaurant pissed off, and it was better that way?”
“Yes,” Zienna said. “Because Nicholas and I had our first real fight. Which led to the best sex of our relationship. Our make-up sex was off the charts.”
Alexis squealed. “Seriously?”
“He was like a different man. He came to my door at two-thirty in the morning. And he wasn’t leaving until he had me. Made me his.” Zienna lowered her voice, as if someone was in the backseat of her car and could overhear her. “I was so turned on, I was going to let him do me in the living room...with the blinds open.”
“We were arguing for a bit in the living room. And then...well, then he began to seduce me. I pointed out that the blinds were open, but that didn’t stop him. I have no clue if someone caught the first part of the action.”
“Nicholas?” Alexis asked, her tone rife with disbelief.
“I know. He was totally different. He said he couldn’t wait to have me, not even to move to the bedroom. And then...well, a lot happened before we made it to the bed.”
“Nicholas, an exhibitionist. Who knew?”
“It was a whole new side of him, and I loved it.” Zienna’s body throbbed, remembering the illicit nature of their foreplay. She had never thought herself an exhibitionist, either—at least not these days—but the excitement level had been a huge turn-on.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Alexis said. “Because for a while there, I was starting to think that Nicholas was like Elliott.”
“Just that—”
“You dumped Elliott. When did I ever give you the impression that I was going to dump Nicholas?”
“You didn’t...and I’m not saying that you would.”
“Nicholas is a nice guy. And he’s into me. I’m happy.”
“Meaning I should have been happy with Elliott?”
“It’s not up to me to tell you who’s good for you.”
“I know I had a great guy. Elliott was into me, would never cheat on me. But you know how I felt. I started to miss the excitement of a guy who wanted you so badly, he would take you...anytime, any place. Within reason, of course. It’s not just men who want partners with a bit of freak in them.”
Zienna pondered the comment. Maybe Alexis was right. Because she definitely wanted more of The Slayer, and the loving he had given her the night before.
But was comfortable sex a reason to dump someone? “All I know is that I’ve got a good guy. The fact that he can give it to me like a bad boy is a perk.”
“If Elliott could have done that, things would be different.”
“So you dumped him solely because of the sex?” Alexis had complained that he no longer excited her, but Zienna figured it was about more than just his performance in the bedroom.
“In part, I guess.” Her friend sounded conflicted. “I just...I needed something more. Something he wasn’t giving me.”
“You did what you had to do,” Zienna said. She loved Alexis, but when it came to relationships, she didn’t know what her friend was looking for.
“I’m sorry,” Alexis said. “I’m just testy. Elliott’s mother came by last night. She wanted to know what was wrong with her son. I kept telling her that there was nothing wrong with him, that he would make someone very happy one day.”
“Which she didn’t understand,” she supplied.
“Of course not.”
“All I could tell her was that he just wasn’t right for me. She was crushed.”
“Well,” Zienna began, “that’s understandable. She grew to love you, same as Elliott did.”
Alexis expelled a breath. “I know. It just makes it hard. I’ve made my decision and want to move on.”
For someone who had resolved to move on, she didn’t sound happy. But Zienna said all that she could say. “I know.”
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