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Her Millionaire, His Miracle
But when Donald had gone and Eden wandered inside, she was pleasantly surprised. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected to find, but there weren’t any visible traces of Jeremy. Just beautiful, old cottage-style furniture in cream and gold and cornflower-blue. Very comfortable and tasteful. Better quality than anything she had ever owned or ever would own but still homey.
This is nice, she thought, until she opened a drawer on the nightstand and found a stack of old photos. Women. Well, much-younger women, that is. Many she recognized. Rich, gorgeous, the cream of the area. She knew what these were. Mementoes that had been given to Jeremy a long time ago. There was Lara Pettison wearing a skimpy skirt and a midriff top, grinning at the camera as if her expression was all for Jeremy. There was Mindy Tarrant in her cheerleading outfit with “Love ya, Jer. Really!” written on the border in purple ink with a purple kiss drawn next to the writing. For half a second, Eden was back in school, watching Jeremy walk away with a girl who wasn’t her. In the next second she wondered if Jeremy knew these were here. She felt like some kind of icky voyeur.
“Does it matter?” she asked herself. “None of this has anything to do with you or your work.” Searching around for a box, she laid the photos carefully inside, then put it in the closet and closed the lid. There. She felt a childish sense of satisfaction, as if she had managed to put Jeremy in a box at last.
Maybe she had.
But in the next moment she heard sounds outside and looked out her open window. Jeremy was running past, a pair of runner’s shorts revealing strong, muscled thighs. His chest was bare. His broad shoulders glistened with sweat. He gave a quick wave but kept going.
As she watched him moving away, Eden’s heart raced. Had she really thought she could ever be completely immune to this man’s physical appeal? What woman could?
Her next thought was that she wondered that he could run, given his situation, but he appeared to be doing just that. And moving quickly, too. She remembered him telling her that he did all he could though his sight was failing.
Reckless, she thought. Driven. Still wild. Still dangerous.
Tomorrow she was going to attack her work with a vengeance. She was going to do all that she could. Staying here too long couldn’t be good for her. She was, literally, sleeping in Jeremy’s bed, and the very thought made her tremble.
“Blinders, Byars,” she told herself. “Some people can’t handle cigarettes or alcohol or food. You can’t seem to choose or handle men very well.”
It was time to do what she had learned to do best. Move beyond the bad, threatening things in her life. If she could just survive Jeremy one more time, everything would be fine. Surely she could do that, couldn’t she?
Yes, darn it. But handling things was easier when a person was fully prepped. Information made good armor, so tomorrow she would go hunting. She hoped she’d find something useful.
THE woman was prompt. He had to give her that, Jeremy thought, when he came downstairs for breakfast the next day.
“Ms. Byars is in your library,” his housekeeper told him. “She said to let you know that she has questions when you have some time.”
He immediately put down his napkin. “Show her in.”
In less than a minute, Eden was in the doorway. “Have you eaten?” he asked her. He’d had the cottage stocked.
“Just coffee. I’ve never been a breakfast person.”
Because her family hadn’t been able to afford much food when she was younger, he would guess. She still was almost too slender. “Mind if I am?”
She tilted her head inquisitively.
“A breakfast person,” he explained.
“Oh. No. This can wait.”
He shook his head. “Sit. We’ll talk. I have a meeting in an hour.”
Immediately Eden moved into the room, but off to one side where his peripheral vision was best, Jeremy couldn’t help but notice. The temptation to turn so that he was facing her more directly warred with his need to see her better. He had a strong desire to form a full picture of what Eden looked like now. Which was alarming. Eden might have that cool, forthright exterior, but he sensed emotion and complexity beneath the surface. Given his situation and his priorities, that meant she was one woman he needed to keep in a compartment. Business. All business.
“Sit,” he said again, a bit too forcefully.
She sat where he directed her, beside him where Mrs. Ruskin had had the maid put an extra place setting. Some people might think he was being overly personal having her sit next to him rather than across from him, but he hated explaining. He turned to get the best view, focusing his full attention on her.
Her response was immediate. She sat up taller, then went totally still, almost rigid. He got the feeling that while Eden might need this job, she wasn’t too thrilled about working with him. He remembered what she’d said about having had a crush on him. No doubt she regretted having admitted that.
“I’ve been reading,” Eden rushed in. “I understand the basics, the fact that this condition usually manifests itself earlier in life than it has with you, the fact that it’s genetic and that you have a sensitivity to light and only your peripheral version remains untouched.”
Ah, so he didn’t have to explain why she was beside him and that he wasn’t some lech trying to rub knees with her. And yet…she’d made the comment as if she had read his mind. Had he revealed any emotion? Demonstrated any awkwardness or weakness? If so, he would have to watch that. Visible chinks in the armor were unacceptable.
“That’s right. If you were in front of me this close, parts of you would be blurry, but at this angle I can see that you’ve pulled your hair back, you have dangling earrings and you’re wearing a blouse with contrasting buttons. The top one is open.”
Those big gray eyes flew open wide. Jeremy suppressed a smile. “Sorry,” he said. “I couldn’t help noticing, but I probably shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
She lifted her chin, her color high. “No, that’s all right. It helps me to know what the situation is, and I really do need to understand, but…”
He waited. The tension emanating from her was palpable, practically electric. His fingers itched to touch and soothe. With effort he restrained himself.
“Is that how you’re able to run?”
Without thought, he turned toward her even though she blurred a bit more. “Partially, yes. I can see part of the ground and things at the edge. What I can’t see is what’s too far ahead, but the estate is familiar territory and the grounds are well kept. I don’t have to worry about hazards or holes or traffic.”
“I’ve had students who were runners. You have a nice form. I mean—”
He held up his hand to stop her. “I know what you meant. You don’t have to watch your words or worry that I’ll misread anything you say. I think we’ve established that whatever lay in our past is in the past and this is just business. While I find you attractive, I’m not going to jump you.”
For a second she looked startled. “I never thought you would. And…I wouldn’t jump you, either. That is—”
He smiled. “It’s okay, Eden.”
“Not to me, it isn’t. I never stammer anymore. It’s unprofessional, and I’ve trained myself not to. Besides, all I really meant to say was that you could have been a runner on the school team. I can see you’re that good.”
“No. That wouldn’t have happened,” he said with a small smile. “I never stuck to anything that long.” He’d been too busy causing trouble, but there was no reason to say that. They both knew it.
Eden shifted on the seat beside him. Her prim skirt brushed against his leg. An innocent occurrence that connected them for half a second and sent a current of awareness through him. Quickly she smoothed the cloth away, and he controlled the urge to lean closer. She might project a cool, calm demeanor, but there were still traces of the younger, skittish Eden. She’d obviously been hurt by men, and he was her employer, a man she had a right to trust.
“My troublemaking days are over,” he assured her.
“Because of your…”
“My blindness? No. It’s because I choose for them to be over.” Which implied that he might just as easily choose to start them up again.
She nodded. “What else do you do?” she asked, and he saw then that she had pulled out a pad of paper.
He reached out and gently pulled it away. He took her hand and felt her long, slender fingers in his grasp.
“I’ll help you with your research when I can, and I’ll even try the instruments out when it’s necessary, but don’t use me as your model. The things I do—well, it wouldn’t be wise to make those kinds of promises to a child or a parent. I don’t want to be a role model. That’s not me.” And never had been.
He felt her tremble and take a deep breath. “You’re not still the wild one?” she asked, raising her chin as if daring him to answer.
He laughed and gave her back her hand. “Not as wild as I’d like to be. I’m a businessman these days. Boring.”
“We’ll see,” she said with a smile of her own. “And I won’t make any promises I can’t keep to a child. I don’t like disappointing them.”
Something warmed inside him. “Ashley chose well,” he said.
She shrugged. “I’m her cousin, and she knew I needed the money.”
“No. She’s a pro. It’s more than that. Despite your situation, she wouldn’t have recommended you if you weren’t suitable. You care about kids more than the average person, don’t you?”
“I don’t know about that, but I like them a lot. I even plan to have a few of my own, even without a husband. And I want to start a private school where I can help disadvantaged children and make the ones who never feel special realize their potential. So don’t think I won’t consider your children’s needs first. I’ll run everything by you before I make any promises.”
Your children. Jeremy’s breath froze in his throat. He’d never gone so far as to think of them in those terms.
“They’re not mine. I don’t want to stake a claim on those children or have my own. I wouldn’t allow that to happen.”
She bit her lip. “I just meant—I spoke without thinking.”
Jeremy instantly regretted his knee-jerk reaction. He shook his head. “No, I overreacted. But having a family or children…that’s completely out of the picture for me.”
Thank goodness Eden had just told him that she intended to have some. Because while he found her desirable and could tell she wasn’t immune to him, her need to be a parent threw up an impassable barrier that would keep them apart. That was good. It would make working with her in close quarters much easier.
“If you need anything, just ask,” he said. “And if you don’t eat and take care of yourself you won’t be any good for me or for helping the children.” His tone was light, but he meant every word.
Her answering laugh was delicious.
“Forgive me, but that was such a pathetic ploy to get me to eat breakfast. I would think that someone who’d been born a rebel would know more about getting a rebellious person to do something,” she said, rising.
He followed her up so that they were both standing. “What do you mean?”
She tilted her head. “When you were a kid breaking all the rules, what would someone have to do or say to persuade you to do things their way?”
He knew what she was trying to do. “Nothing would have persuaded me if I really didn’t want to do something,” he told her in a low, conspiratorial voice.
For half a second she looked disappointed, but then she quickly recovered. “Exactly. And if I don’t want to eat breakfast, you can’t make me.”
He grinned at her.
But Eden was looking aghast. “I didn’t mean that to come out the way it did. That sounded childish, didn’t it?”
“It’s okay, Eden. I know you’re new at this rebellion thing. You always did what was expected of you, didn’t you?”
She frowned. “Always.” And then a triumphant look came over her. “That’s why I need to assert myself now and be a bit more forceful.” She picked up her pad of paper. “No matter what you think the children can and cannot do, I think that matter might be open to speculation. No one should be limited by one person’s opinion. Each person is an individual and some can do more than others, right?”
Okay, now he knew she was trying to manipulate him, but he couldn’t help applauding her tenacity. “I’m sure you’re right, Eden,” he said.
“Now…what other hobbies do you have besides running?” she asked, fishing a pen from the pocket of her skirt.
Appreciating how a woman looks when she believes she’s about to experience something wonderful came to mind.
Irrelevant, he reminded himself. And anyway, she had bested him and deserved to be rewarded for her efforts. “I play basketball when I can get Donald in a free moment,” he said, searching around for one of the less challenging of his activities. Nothing where a child would get hurt.
“Basketball? That’s wonderful.”
“Do you play?”
“No. I’m afraid I’ve never been good at anything physical.”
If he’d been drinking coffee he would have choked. As it was, she was the one who looked flustered.
“I mean, I never played sports in school.”
“Then you might have a talent for the physical that you haven’t discovered,” he said.
She looked up at him, blushing furiously. “I might, but I probably won’t find out. Too busy. Work to do.” And she scooted away, headed for his library.
Jeremy wondered which one of them had won that bout, but then he shook his head. Maybe both of them had won. Somehow he had managed not to touch her. Which was, of course, a good thing.
Eden carefully closed the library door behind her, then shut her eyes and slid to the floor. Her heart was racing faster than the winner of the Kentucky Derby. That interlude with Jeremy, all that sparring had been…
Invigorating, exciting. “Dead wrong,” she muttered. He was her boss, not some teenage fantasy crush she was still nurturing. And yet, when he had held her hand, it had been all she could do to sit still. She probably shouldn’t have challenged him. She was out of her league. With Jeremy, and in this town, she had always been out of her league.
But at least I got him to help me. She looked down at the almost-empty sheet of paper. Only one item was listed, but she had added to the knowledge she’d need to help any children. From here on out, she was going to absorb as much as she could by observing Jeremy.
Because while she wanted to escape the crushing weight of debt, the bad memories of this town and the all-too-potent aura of the man, she also did care about the children she would be responsible for guiding into a possibly new and scary life. She really did need to look at things from all angles, and that meant studying the man who was a walking laboratory for her research.
Maybe that was how she should think of him. An experiment, a laboratory subject. But then she thought of his skin against hers when his hand had closed over her fingers and how she had had to look up into those dimming but still-fierce eyes, and everything in her world seemed to narrow to him and her and—
“Okay, not a lab experiment. A man who, unfortunately, makes you hot.” One it was dangerous to stare at too much.
“Too bad, Byars,” she told herself. She had signed on the dotted line. Jeremy Fulton was hers to watch. For now.
IT HAD been a reasonably successful week, Jeremy tried to tell himself as he shuffled papers at his desk. The private investigator had met with him and Eden and had reported that he had located a former employee of the sperm bank and hoped to be able to finagle a lead out of that. In addition, Jeremy’s business was going as well as it always had.
So, it wasn’t business that was bothering him right now. It wasn’t even his blindness, at least no more than usual.
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