Midwife's Christmas Proposal
Midwife's Christmas Proposal

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Midwife's Christmas Proposal

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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NOW, THAT WAS sink-into-the-floor-worthy. Tara could have glared at Louisa except the older lady didn’t have a mean bone in her soft little body. Instead she shook her head. ‘No. No. Simon will want to reacquaint himself. He doesn’t need me to hold his hand.’

‘I won’t hold your hand if you don’t want me to,’ he was teasing, but this time there was no hiding the connection and she closed her eyes.

When she opened them he was smiling quizzically at her, and grudgingly she accepted that as a recipient it didn’t feel as bad as it could have.

‘I don’t bite,’ he said. ‘I’d like the company but only if you want to.’

Growth experience. He thinks you’re a socially adept woman. That would be a first. She could do this. The guy worked with women all the time. Practise at least on a man who was skilled at putting women at ease. Made sense. ‘Fine. I can’t feel more embarrassed.’ She glanced at Louisa, who apparently didn’t bat an eyelid at putting her in the hot seat and was humming happily, satisfied two of her chickens were getting along.

She could almost smile at that. Tara picked up the sunglasses she’d left beside the window because she still suffered from that night-duty glare aversion that too little sleep left you with. Simon held the door open for her—something that happened a lot in the quaintness around here. A few months ago she would have been surprised but today she just murmured, ‘Thank you,’ and passed in front of him.

They’d turned out of the driveway before he spoke and surprisingly the silence wasn’t awkward. Thank goodness someone else didn’t mind peace and quiet. Years of keeping her own counsel had taught her the value of quiet time—but quiet time in the company of others was an added bonus she could savour. She didn’t think she’d met anyone she felt so in tune with so quickly. Though the air might be peaceful, it still vibrated between them.

Stop worrying, she admonished herself, a habit she’d picked up in the orphanage and on foster-parent weekends. Just let it be.

She looked ahead to where the path curled around the edge of the lake like a pale ribbon under the overhanging trees, and the water shimmered through the foliage like diamonds of blue glass in the ripples.

This place soothed her soul more than she could have ever imagined it would. Until unexpectedly a creature rustled in the undergrowth and her step faltered as it swished away from them into the safety of the water’s edge. Typical, she thought, there’s always a snake in the grass.

She shuddered. Snakes were the only creatures she disliked but that was probably because someone had put one in her bed once. ‘Hope that wasn’t something that can bite.’

Simon glanced after the noise. ‘No. Doubt it. Might even have been a lyrebird.’ He grinned. ‘Have they told you about the legend of the lyrebird?’ There was definitely humour in his deep voice. The man had a very easy soothing bass and she found herself listening more to the melody of the words than the content. Tried harder for the words.

‘Nope. You mean as in why they call the place Lyrebird Lake?’ She shrugged. ‘Not really into legends.’ Or fairy-tales. Or dreams of gorgeous men falling in love with her and carrying her off. Pshaw. Rubbish.

‘Ah. A disbeliever.’ He nodded his head sagely and she had to smile at his old-fashioned quaintness. ‘So you wouldn’t believe that in times of stress or, even more excitingly, when you meet your true love, a real live lyrebird appears and dances for you.’

Now she knew he was laughing at her. She rolled her eyes. ‘Well, I haven’t seen one and I’ve been here six months.’

‘Me either. And I’ve been coming here off and on for ten years.’ The smile was back in his voice. ‘But my father and Mia have.’

This time her brows rose and she had no doubt her healthy dollop of scepticism was obvious. ‘Really.’

His eyes crinkled. ‘And Montana and Andy. And Misty and Ben.’

‘You’re kidding me.’ These were sane, empowering people she’d looked up to. Consultants and midwives. Icons of the hospital. Or maybe he was pulling her leg. ‘Don’t believe you.’

‘Nope. All true.’ His eyes were dancing but she could see he was telling the truth as he believed it.

Then he’d been conned. ‘How many times has this happened?’

He shrugged. ‘Don’t know. You’d have to ask.’

Brother. ‘I will.’ She shook her head. He’d probably just made it all up. Men did say weird things to impress women. Though he didn’t seem like one of those guys, but, then again, her sleaze detection system had never worked well. ‘What else don’t I know about this place?’

He glanced around. ‘Well, half of that hill behind the lake …’ he pointed across the water ‘… is full of disused gold mines and labyrinths of old tunnels crisscross underneath our feet.’

She looked down at the path and grimaced. Imagined falling through into an underground cavern. She’d always had claustrophobia—or had since one particular foster-sibling had locked her in a cupboard. Now, that wasn’t a pleasant thought. ‘Thanks for that. How to ruin a walk.’

‘Well, not really under our feet. That might be stretching it a bit far. But certainly all around the hillside and a long way this way.’

‘Okay.’ She shook off the past and thought rationally about it. ‘I guess half our hospital’s business comes from the mines out of town so it makes sense we’d have some here.’ She glanced at him as they walked at a steady pace around the lake. Maybe she could start fossicking for gold after work—above ground, of course—and make her fortune to pay off the debts Mick had left her with. ‘Have you been in them?’

He laughed. Even looked a little pink-cheeked. ‘Once. To my embarrassment.’ Shook his head at himself. ‘I can’t believe I brought this up.’ He glanced at Tara ruefully and sighed. ‘I had to ring Mia to get my dad to rescue me.’

She looked across at him and grinned. Good to see other people did dumb things. ‘Ouch.’

‘Not one of my more glorious moments.’

She looked at him, loose-limbed, strongly muscled with that chiselled jaw and lurking smile. A man very sure of his world and his place in it. She wished. Shook her head. ‘I’m sure you have enough glorious moments.’

The quizzical look was back but all he said was, ‘Yep. Hundreds.’

She had to laugh at that. ‘I’m still waiting for mine.’

‘My turn not to believe you.’ So he’d noticed her scepticism. He tilted his head and studied her with leisurely thoroughness. ‘Do you enjoy your work?’

‘Love it.’

‘Then I’ll bet you have lots of successes too.’

She thought about earlier that morning and smiled. ‘I do get to share other women’s glorious moments.’ Changed the subject. ‘Mia says you’re running a breech clinic at Sydney Central?’

‘Yep. Was converted by an amazing guy I worked with when I was a registrar. Had the motto “Don’t interfere”. Said most women had the ground work for a normal breech birth.’

She couldn’t agree more but her training hospital hadn’t subscribed to that theory. The only babies allowed to be born in the breech position were the ones who came in off the street ready to push their own way out. She’d never been lucky enough to be on duty for that. ‘I’ve watched a lot of breech births on videos but I haven’t seen one in real life.’

‘You will. Hopefully trends are changing with new research. Women are demanding a chance at least. Maybe one of your glorious moments is coming up. You obviously love midwifery.’

‘I was always going to be a nurse, because my mother was a nurse, even though I don’t remember much about her, but then one of my friends lost a baby and I decided I’d be a midwife. It was a good decision.’

‘I think it’s a fabulous decision. Some of my best friends are midwives.’ He returned to their previous conversation. ‘But I can’t believe there isn’t more to your life than your job.’

‘You’re right.’ She thought of her arrival here six months ago. ‘I love my bike.’

‘Ah. So the black monster is yours?’

‘Yep. The sum total of my possessions.’

‘University can be expensive.’

She’d only just started paying that back. It was the bills Mick had run up all over town that crippled her. More fool her for having the lease and the accounts in her name. They’d both been in the orphanage together and when she’d met him again she’d been blinded to his bitter and dangerous side because, mistakenly, she’d thought she’d found family.

But her dream of everything being fair and equal had been torn into a pile of overdue notices. ‘Druggie boyfriends can be expensive too.’ Unintentionally the words came out on a sigh. What the heck was she doing?

‘Nasty. Had one of those, did you.’

She turned her face and grimaced at the lake so he couldn’t see. She was tempted to say ‘Dozens’ but it wasn’t true. It had taken her too long to actually trust someone that first time. ‘Hmm. I’m a little too used to people letting me down. Don’t usually bore people with it.’

‘Don’t imagine you bore people at all.’

She could hear the smile in his voice and some of the annoyance with herself seeped away then surged again, even though it was unreasonably back towards Simon. What would he know about where she’d been? What she’d been through?

Then, thankfully, the calmness she’d been practising for the last six months since she’d met these people whispered sense in her ear and she let the destructive thoughts go. Sent the whole mess that was her past life out over the rippled water of the lake and concentrated on the breath she eased out.

She had no idea where the conversational ball lay as she returned to the moment but let that worry go too. Took another breath and let her shoulders drop.

‘That’s some control you have there, missy.’

She blinked at Simon and focussed on him. On his calm grey eyes mainly and the warmth of empathy—not ridicule, as she’d expected, but admiration and understanding.

‘I’m practising positive mindfulness and self-control.’ She didn’t usually tell people that either.

He nodded as if he knew what it was, probably didn’t, then he surprised her with his own disclosure. ‘I’m not good at it. But if it makes you feel any better I have hang-ups too. Luckily I have a very busy work life.’

She smiled at the statement. ‘Funny how we can hide in that. I was studying like mad, paying bills for two in my time off, and he was gambling and doing drugs when I thought he was at uni.’ She shrugged it away. ‘Now I have a busy work life and a really big bike.’

‘The bike’s a worry.’

‘The bike?’ She shook her head and could almost feel the wind on her face and the vibration in her ears. ‘Not if you have no ties. Always loved the spice of danger. It would be different if I had someone who needed me.’ There was a difference between someone needing you and someone using you. She’d agreed not to drag them both through the court system but she would only keep all the bills at the cost of his bike. Even though it had only been worth a quarter of the debts he’d run up, possession of the bike had restored some of her self-esteem. Mick hadn’t been happy and sometimes she wondered if it really all was finished.

‘Ah. So you admit that motorbikes are the toys of possibly “temporary” citizens?’

‘Spoken like a true doctor.’

‘Ask any paramedic. The stats are poor.’

She grinned at him—he had no idea. ‘But the fun is proportional. I could take you for a ride one day.’

He raised his brows. ‘I’d have to think about that.’

‘Sure. No rush. You have time.’ She couldn’t imagine him ever saying yes. Which was a good thing because she suspected the experience of Simon’s arms wrapped around her and his thighs hard up against her backside would make it very difficult to concentrate. Instead she looked up ahead. ‘So how far are we walking? You’ll be at your father’s house soon.’

He glanced up in surprise. Looked around. ‘You’re right. I guess he’ll be at work anyway.’

‘Mia will be home. She was on duty the night before me.’

‘I’d forgotten you were up all night.’ His glance brushed warmly over her and surprisingly she didn’t feel body-conscious. It wasn’t that kind of look. ‘You do it well. I always look like a dishrag for the next few days.’

She nodded wisely. ‘That would be the age factor.’

It was his turn to blink then grin, and she was glad he had a sense of humour. Nice change. Not sure why she’d tried to alienate him, unless she’d wanted him to turn away so she wouldn’t have to.

Touché, young woman.’ He looked ahead to the house they were approaching. ‘Let’s go and see my gorgeous step-mama and my second family of sisters. This old man needs a cold drink.’


SIMON’S STEP-MAMA, NOT all that much older than Simon, greeted them with open arms, her red curls bouncing as she rushed out to hug him. Her eyes sparkled as she stared up at Simon fondly, and Tara was pretty sure nobody had ever looked at her like that.

Two copper-curled miniature Mias tumbled out of the door, one more demurely because she was eleven, and the other squealing because she was eight, but in the end both threw themselves at Simon, who scooped them up one in each hand and spun them around as he hugged them. ‘How are my little sisters today?’

Tara unobtrusively admired the stretch of material over his upper arms as with impressive ease he twirled the girls like feathers. He might be way out of her league but this Simon Campbell was certainly delicious eye candy. She could deal with just looking in. She did that all the time.

He kissed them both on the cheek and they giggled as he put them down.

‘It feels like ages since we saw you, Simon.’ The elder girl, Layla, pouted.

‘Eleven months. Christmas.’ He put them at arm’s length and looked them over, nodded, satisfied they looked well, before he turned back and studied Mia again. ‘And how is my gorgeous step-mama?’

‘All the better for seeing you.’ They embraced again and the genuine warmth overflowed to where Tara was standing. ‘Once a year is not enough.’

Touchy-feely family or what! Tara pushed away the tiny stab of jealousy. So what if Simon had this whole network of adoring relatives and she didn’t.

Simon grinned and stepped back so that Mia turned to Tara and leaned in for a hug. Tara tried, she really did, to hug back. She seemed to be getting better at it. ‘Tara. Great to see you, too.’ Mia nodded her head at Simon. ‘So you two have met.’

Simon grinned. ‘In the hallway. Made me think of you and Dad. Then Louisa nagged Tara into accompanying me on my walk.’

‘Poor Tara.’ Mia grinned and looked at her. ‘Met in the hallway, did you? I hope you had clothes on, Tara. I was in a towel when I met his father and sparks flew even on the first day.’

Tara had to laugh. ‘In that case I’m glad to say I was dressed. And had six hours’ sleep under my belt.’

Mia’s eyes sharpened. ‘That’s right. You were on night duty last night. How was Julie’s labour? What time was her baby born?’

‘Quarter to five this morning, on the dot. Sunrise.’

Mia shook her head with a smile. ‘Babies seem to love sunrise.’

‘I was just thinking that.’ Tara soaked up the warmth she was getting used to from these people and then blinked as Mia spun on her heel. ‘Come in. What was I thinking?’ She waved a hand. ‘Have a cold drink. Angus will be jealous I got to see you first, Simon.’

‘But not surprised.’

Mia laughed. Then she sobered as she remembered. ‘Anyway, how are you? You look tired. And how is Maeve?’

‘I’m fine. Maeve’s pregnancy has four weeks to go and the baby’s father is still in a US penitentiary. I hope.’

‘I’m sorry you’ve all had that worry. What did your mother say? It must be hard for her to be living so far away in Boston when her daughter is pregnant.’

‘There’s not a lot she can do. Maeve refuses to have her baby in America and Dad’s unwell and Mum can’t leave.’

‘Then Maeve is lucky she has you.’

He shrugged. ‘My youngest sister has me stumped the way she is at the moment. I can’t say anything right. I’m worried about her.’

Tara wasn’t quite sure if she was supposed to hear all this or whether she should drift away and look out the window over the lake or something, but she guessed everyone else would know the ins and out of it. She’d find out eventually.

Mia was talking and walking until she opened the fridge. ‘So you could’ve brought her here earlier, even if you couldn’t get away. She could have stayed here or with Louisa. You know how Louisa loves to have people under her roof. And Tara’s there.’ She turned to Tara and drew her back into the circle.

‘Isn’t that right, Tara?’

‘I’ve never felt more welcome in my life,’ she said quietly, and hoped the others missed the pathetic neediness in the statement.

Thankfully they must have because Simon went on as if all was normal. ‘Well, now that I’m here I’m hoping I can manage a few weeks of relaxation till she settles in. Though I may have to do a quick trip back and forth in the middle. It depends when my next two private women go into labour, but they’re not due till after the new year.’

Mia closed the refrigerator and returned with two tall glasses of home-made lemonade. ‘So how are your training sessions going? Have you managed to inspire a few more docs to think breech birth without Caesarean can be a normal thing?’

He took the glass. ‘Thanks. ‘I’m trying. My registrar’s great.’ He took a sip and closed his eyes in delight. ‘Seriously, Mia, you could retire on this stuff.’

She actually looked horrified. ‘Retire? Who wants to retire?’

‘Sometimes I think I do,’ Simon said half-jokingly, and Mia raised her brows.

The concern was clear in her voice. ‘You sound like your father when I first met him. You do need a break. Watch out or Angus will be nagging you to move here and set up practice.’

‘Haven’t completed the research I want to do. A few years yet.’

A vision of Simon with a wife and kids popped unexpectedly into Tara’s mind. Made it a bit of a shame she didn’t stay in places too long, then she realised where her thoughts were heading. That way lay disappointment. Didn’t she ever learn? She’d rather think about Maeve. ‘So has Maeve joined any parenting classes?’

Simon shook his head and his concern was visible. ‘Wouldn’t go to classes in Sydney.’

Tara shrugged. ‘I don’t think that’s too weird. She’s a midwife. She knows the mechanics. And sometimes women don’t want to think about labour until right at the end. Or be involved in the couples classes without a partner. I get that.’

She could feel Mia’s eyes on them and obviously she wanted to say something. Tara waited. Mia was very cool and worth listening to.

‘Why don’t you ask her if she’d like to be on your caseload, Tara? I think a younger midwife would help when she’s feeling a bit lost and lonely.’

Tara could feel her chest squeeze with the sudden shock of surprise. That was pretty big of Mia to trust a family member to her. Her eyes stung and she looked away. Nobody had ever treated her as she was treated here. Or trusted her. She just hoped she didn’t let them down. ‘You know I’d love to. But I guess it depends who she wants.’

Simon looked at Mia too. He felt the shock and turned to look at his stepmother. He wasn’t sure what he thought about that and saw Mia nod reassuringly. Someone else looking after Maeve, not Mia? He looked at the bolshie but sincere young woman beside him. Was she experienced enough? What if something went wrong?

Then saw the flare of empathy for his sister in Tara’s face and allowed the reluctant acceptance that Mia could be right. Maeve wanted to run the show. Wanted to listen to her body without interference, if he’d listened at all to the arguments they’d had over the last couple of weeks, and he had no doubt young Tara was holistic enough for his sister to be able to do that.

Normally he would be right there with a woman, cheering her on, but he was having serious personal issues doing that with the sister he had felt most protective of all his life. Not that he’d actually be there, of course. But he was darned sure he’d be outside the door, pacing.

So maybe Mia was right. It could be harder for Maeve to relax with the connection so strong between her brother and his stepmother.

He found the words out in the air in front of him before he realised. ‘We’ll see what she says.’

He reassured himself that if Mia didn’t have faith in Tara, she wouldn’t have suggested it. And despite the mixed feelings he was starting to have about this intriguing young woman he really did feel a natural confidence in her passion for her work.

He’d seen it before. How Lyrebird Lake could bring out the best in all of them. Maybe he had lost that since he’d been so immersed in the high-tech, high-risk arena of obstetrics he studied now.

He’d even seen it with his own father. From hotshot international evacuation medic to relaxed country GP.

Maeve and Tara did have a lot in common and would get on well, the dry voice in his head agreed—all the way to dropkicking past boyfriends!

No. It would be good. This was all going to turn out even better than he’d hoped.


THE DINNER PARTY was a reasonable success. Maeve smiled and said the right things but still kept her distance and seemed a little flat to Simon. His stepmother was her own gorgeous self and treated both young women as if they were long-term friends of hers, and his father said very little but smiled every time his eyes rested on his wife or daughters.

Louisa was in her element because she loved dinner parties and seeing the family together. She was always happiest when children were around.

And young Tara, dressed in skin-tight, very stressed jeans that showed glimpses of skin beneath the ragged material moulded to her lush little body, drew his eyes like a magnet every time she walked past to the fridge on some errand for Louisa.

His father came to stand beside him. ‘Mia says you seem to get on well with Tara.’

‘She’s easy to get along with.’

Tara laughed at something Louisa whispered as she walked past again with a platter of fruit for dessert and both men sneaked a glance.

Angus looked away first. ‘I think our Tara’s had an interesting life. She’s a tough little cookie, on the outside at least.’

Simon glanced at his father’s face. ‘Lots of people have tough lives.’

‘Guess so.’ Angus took a sip of his beer. ‘What happened to Julia?’

‘Didn’t work out. Said I didn’t pay her enough attention. Let my work come between us.’

‘Did you?’

‘Maybe.’ Simon thought about it. ‘Definitely. Spent a lot of time apologising for leaving and heading into work. Started to enjoy work more than home and she found another guy.’

‘Took me a while to find Mia. It will happen to you one day and you’ll recognise it.’

They both looked at Angus’s wife. ‘If I find a woman like Mia I’ll be very happy.’

‘Would you settle here?’

‘So this is a job interview?’

‘Cheeky blighter. Would you?’

‘Not yet. But in the future I’m not ruling it out.’

Angus nodded then added innocently, ‘Can you do three days for me, starting Monday?’

Simon laughed. ‘I knew this was leading somewhere. Why?’

‘Seeing as you’re here, and Mia’s had a big birthday last week, I thought I might take her up to Brisbane to do Christmas shopping. She loves it. Take her and the girls for a mini-holiday.’

Simon laughed. ‘Can’t see you shopping with Christmas music in the background.’

He grimaced. ‘It’s only a couple of days. I’m going to sit back and watch my women. Need more of that when you get to my age.’

‘Poor old man.’

‘Absolutely. So, will you?’

Simon had done the occasional shift in the small hospital over the last few years when one of the senior partners had had to go away, and he’d enjoyed most of the small-town country feel of it. Angus knew that. ‘Sure. Why not? Andy will be point me in the right direction if needed. Haven’t done much general medicine for a few years, though.’

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