Полная версия
Three Rich Men: House of Midnight Fantasies / Forced to the Altar / The Millionaire's Pregnant Mistress
He shut off the lights, stretched out on his back across the bed and ran a slow hand down his abdomen. Knowing Selene was only a few steps away made him harder than he’d been in some time. Had him gritting his teeth and firming his resolve not to go to her. He wouldn’t do that until he had an invitation. And he expected to have one, signed, sealed and delivered, very soon.
Right now, he would do whatever he had to do to keep his need for her in check—until the time was right.
He sat motionless at the end of the veranda in the same wicker sofa he’d occupied when Selene had first met him. The full moon cast his imposing frame in bluish light, yet it failed to soften his features, particularly his eyes. Those spellbinding eyes that he kept aimed on her. He looked every bit the stoic king holding court. A dark king.
Totally entranced, Selene maintained her distance a few feet away, watching, waiting. Waiting for him to speak, to move. To say her name.
Like a practiced hypnotist, he called to her simply with his gaze and a slight nod of his head. She effortlessly walked toward him, her mind caught in a fog, her lungs all but absent of air. She noticed immediately the lack of noise— no rustling breeze, no sounds from the swamp below. Not even the chirp of a cricket. Although she found that odd, she kept moving forward until she stood before him. She also realized he was completely nude—and aroused.
Though he didn’t utter a word, she recognized exactly what he wanted. As if bankrupt of free will, she clasped the hem of her gown, pulled it over her head and dropped it onto the ground beside her. Without the least bit of hesitation, she reached out and took his extended hand, allowed him to position her thighs on either side of his thighs. She released a soundless sigh when he lifted her up, then guided himself inside her. The sensations were potent, indescribable. She wanted more, needed more. Needed him to alleviate the dull ache, erase all the years of disappointment. Yet when he failed to move, she knew what he was asking of her. Knew that he waited for her to move first. She began a steady cadence and, in that moment, she became a woman she didn’t recognize. An uninhibited woman who strived to please him, as well as herself, as he joined her in reckless abandon.
Still, there was no noise, no sounds of broken breaths, no quiet moans of satisfaction. Only absolute silence. Selene could feel the beat of her heart, the flutter of her pulse, the pressure beginning to build as she hurled toward a climax. Then Adrien stopped moving altogether and buried his face in the cleft of her breasts.
She wanted to ask why he had stopped, but she couldn’t speak. She could only lift his head and force him to look at her. Again she saw his utter pain immediately before his face began to blur and fade completely, followed by a flash of white light that blinded her.
Selene forced her eyes open and bolted upright. She wasn’t on the veranda, or outside at all. She was in bed.
Frantically she searched the darkened room, only to discover she was completely alone. She patted her body to find her gown was still intact. Obviously she’d been dreaming. A very detailed dream that had seemed so very, very real.
Then awareness dawned. No, not a dream at all. A fantasy.
His fantasy.
Selene collapsed back onto the mattress and rolled to her side, taking the spare pillow and slipping it between her knees. Adrien had unwittingly invaded her mind, bringing with him erotic images that she wouldn’t soon forget. She couldn’t comprehend why she was so open to his thoughts, or why those thoughts were so strong that they would disrupt her sleep. She also found it amazing that he would imagine her to be so unrestrained. If he knew that wasn’t her normal self, would he still want her? She also recognized what he had been doing, because she had experienced all the sensations that he had through this wondrous, disturbing connection they now shared. Yet something had caused him to pull back, to stop before reaching the release he’d obviously been seeking.
Another bright flare of light drew Selene’s attention toward the curtained doors, and so did the shadowy figure moving across the veranda. A storm was brewing on the horizon, and someone was outside her room. She suspected she knew the identity of that someone. Still, she had to know, had to confirm that before she could rest.
On wobbly legs, she left the bed, tiptoed to the doors and opened the curtains ever so slightly. She discovered him standing at the railing only a few feet away staring off into the distance, his arms crossed on the ledge, his leg bent at the knee, his foot propped on the bottom rail. The occasional flash of lightning revealed the finer points of his form turned slightly profile to her—beautifully naked and a wonder to behold. A steady rain began to fall and still he didn’t move, seemingly unconcerned with the light show playing out above him. Rivulets of water gathered on his skin and slid down his body—over the coil of muscle on his bicep, down the path of his spine and the curve of his buttocks. He turned his face up, slicked both hands through his hair and let the rain wash over him, as if engaged in some kind of cleansing ritual.
Selene continued to be transfixed by the image he created against the turbulent skies … until he looked back at her. As if he’d ordained it, another bolt of lightning illuminated his face.
In that moment, she noted the flash of remorse in his beautiful face. She also saw the hunger in his eyes. The desire. And Selene feared she saw something else she might not welcome. Her destiny.
For the past two mornings, Selene had waited until she’d heard Adrien leave his room before she got out of bed. Waited until she was certain she wouldn’t have to face him before she took her morning bath and headed downstairs. She hadn’t seen him at all since their encounter in his office, or since he’d occupied her mind, and she thought that was probably best for the time being.
Today Ella had left a note stating she had gone into town and would be out until that evening, allowing Selene some privacy to make a call she’d needed to make for a while now. After closing herself in the small office off the kitchen, she withdrew her cell phone from the pocket of her jeans and keyed in the number.
When her sister answered with a cheerful, “Hello,” Selene released the breath she’d been holding. “It’s me, Hannah,” she said.
“It’s about time you called. I’ve been worried sick about you.”
“I’m sorry. I’ve been busy.” Busy trying to keep her brain above water and out of the clutches of the master of the house. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Other than I’ve got an extra ten pounds sitting on my bladder, I have another couple of weeks before I deliver this kid and Mother is still upset that I’m having the baby at home, I’m fine. Now it’s my turn. Where the hell are you, Selene?”
Her little sister was nothing if not direct. She’d been that way for as long as Selene could remember. “I’m in Louisiana. I have a job—get this—at a plantation.”
“Doing what? Sending out invitations to parties?”
Selene might have resented Hannah had she not said it in such a teasing tone. “Very funny. I’m overseeing the house’s restoration from top to bottom.”
After a long silence, Selene asked, “Are you still there, Hannah?”
“Yes, I’m still here. I’m just trying to picture you gainfully employed. Didn’t the jackass leave you enough money to survive?”
“He left me plenty of money. A nice check every month. And I need the job because I need to be my own person. I thought you’d understand that.”
“I do understand that, Selene. Mother, on the other hand, doesn’t. You need to give her a call and explain so she’ll quit bugging me.”
Their mother understood little beyond untimely disruptions of her social calendar, and that was one phone call Selene would put off for as long as she could. “I will eventually. In the meantime, tell her I’m fine and I’ll be in touch. I just wanted to let you know I’m still alive and kicking. And to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m wonderful. Doug’s been great. He treats me like a queen. I have no real complaints.”
Selene had secretly envied Hannah’s relationship with Doug. The man had been a saint during his and Hannah’s five-year marriage, even though their mother and father hadn’t approved of Hannah’s choice—a man whose blood was lacking a certain shade of blue, but not his collar. A car mechanic, no less. Dear, rebellious Hannah, who’d always gone after what she wanted, and who’d had the temerity to ignore their parents’ ideas on what constituted a good match for their daughters. If only Selene had been so strong. If only she hadn’t kowtowed to their insistence that she and Richard take the next step, before Selene had been ready. Come to think of it, she had never really been ready.
“I’ll definitely be home for the baby’s birth, Hannah. Just give me time to get there if you can.”
“Great, and Selene, just one more question. Are you happy?”
Selene rarely asked herself that question these days, or over the past few years, if the truth were known. “Yes, right now I’m happy. For the first time in a while, I feel free.”
“I’m glad.” Hannah sounded as if she truly was. “But I hope you finally decide to take a few chances, make a few friends. Maybe even meet a man.”
Selene released an abrupt laugh. “It’s only been a year since I got rid of one man. Why would I want another one so soon?”
“You don’t have to marry him,” Hannah said. “It’s just nice to have a guy around for other things.”
Those other things had weighed heavily on Selene’s mind over the past few days, thanks to Adrien Morrell. “Actually, I’ve met someone.”
“Wow! Who?”
“The plantation’s owner,” Selene said. “He’s very nice looking although he’s somewhat mysterious.”
“Nice looking is good. Mysterious is really good. Have you two done it yet?”
“We haven’t done anything yet.” With the exception of the kiss and the shared fantasy. “I’m only saying that I find him interesting. Nothing may come of it at all.” And that was likely considering Adrien’s continued absence.
“You should make something come of it,” Hannah said. “You’ve been lonely for too long, Selene.”
How well Selene knew that. Yet she had the feeling that even if she did take a few chances with Adrien, she might still be lonely. Worse, she might even be in danger of many things, the least of which was getting her heart crushed. “Look, Hannah, I’ve already made one mistake with Richard. I don’t want to make another. So don’t get your hopes up.”
Hannah released a long sigh. “Don’t be so cautious, Selene.”
“What’s wrong with being cautious?”
The door creaked open right before the very deep, very clear male voice said, “Because playing it safe isn’t very rewarding.”
Selene’s grip tightened on the cell phone, her mind unable to register what her sister was saying. When she didn’t respond, Hannah asked, “Are you still there?”
“Yes, but I have to go now. I’ll call you next week.”
After saying goodbye and hanging up, Selene swiveled the chair around to find Adrien filling the doorway, wearing a tailored white shirt, plain black slacks and a half smile.
“I was beginning to believe you were permanently living in your office,” she said in a slightly unsteady voice.
“I only come out when I have something important to do.”
“And what would that be?”
“Another adventure. With you.”
Selene wasn’t certain she could handle any more of his kind of adventure, especially after the one she’d experienced two nights ago, both in his study and in his mind. “Give me the details and I’ll decide if I’m interested.”
He leaned his shoulder against the doorjamb. “Did you finish reading the diary?”
“Yes, but there wasn’t very much left.”
“I know. I’ve read it. But that doesn’t mean other journals don’t exist.”
“You have more?”
“No, but I know where the cabin is. We might find one there.”
“Where is it?” Selene’s eagerness came out in her tone, despite the fact she didn’t want to seem too excited, even if she was.
He favored her with a slow smile. “It’s at the back of the property, next to the swamp. I can take you there.”
Selene definitely wanted to see it, but she wasn’t sure that was wise. At least not with him tagging along, bringing with him a surplus of sensuality. “If you’ll just point me in the right direction, I’m sure I can find it myself.”
“I want to show you the way.”
She had no doubt he did, and no doubt that he could show her many things. Make her feel things she’d never felt before, if she gave him any indication she wanted that from him. But did she?
Don’t be so cautious, Selene ….
Maybe Hannah had been right. Maybe she was too cautious. Perhaps that caution had prevented her from knowing the best things in life. And no maybes about it, she was tired of playing it safe. As long as she kept a cool head, remained in control, she could avoid any emotional entanglement.
After pushing back from the desk, she came to her feet.
“I’d love to go with you, but I still have a few things I’d like to do today.”
“So do it.” He pushed away from the door. “I’ll meet you at the back door at five this afternoon.”
“Fine. I’ll be there.”
He turned and walked away, leaving Selene to ponder her decision, and definitely to question her sanity.
Standing at the kitchen door, Adrien Morrell looked like every teenage girl’s fondest dream—and every over-protective father’s worst nightmare. He wore a black T-shirt cut off at the sleeves that revealed his “power” tattoo, his thumbs hooked into the pockets of a pair of jeans that were faded in several notable places. His air of confidence was palpable, his raw sensuality undeniable. Selene wanted to run—straight into his strong arms. She cautioned herself to remain tough, although that seemed incredibly difficult when he smiled.
As Selene approached him, he gave her a long once-over and a disapproving stare. “That’s not a good idea,” he said.
Selene frowned. “What’s not a good idea?”
“Your choice in clothes.”
She looked down at her beige thin-strapped tank top, denim shorts and sneakers before glancing at him again. “It’s hot outside. And my feet are sufficiently protected.”
“It’s rough terrain. Plenty of briars and poison ivy along the way to attack your bare legs.”
Obviously she wasn’t cut out for this outdoor stuff. “I’ll go change into something more appropriate.”
“We don’t have much daylight left.” He opened the door and held back the screen. “You’ll have to manage. I’ll help you.”
Selene brushed past Adrien and he remained behind her as they descended the three steps. Once they reached the overgrown yard, he moved to her side as they walked the well-marked path leading to the swamp. The clearing soon gave way to thick underbrush and twisted trees that hovered overhead, filtering out some of the sun, but not the heat. Because of the recent intermittent rain, the atmosphere was almost unbearable, at least for Selene. Adrien didn’t seem to be at all affected by the high humidity and the stifling steam that rose from the soggy ground. He remained silent, staring straight ahead as if deep in thought.
Selene watched her feet, careful not to come too close to anything that looked poisonous or pointy. When the scrub grew thicker, that proved to be a challenge, and that challenge led to a few scratches around her ankles while she fended off several mosquitoes attacking her limbs. But she refused to complain about the bugs and the briars. Refused to come off sounding like some kind of spoiled ninny who didn’t have the fortitude to take on the elements. She could deal with a few bites and scrapes for the sake of seeing a part of the past. She couldn’t avoid the thornbush that seemed to reach out and grab her leg, leaving a nice long welt down her calf, prompting her to hiss out a breath between her gritted teeth.
Without warning, Adrien swept Selene up in his arms before she realized he’d moved. A sharp gasp left her parted lips and she clung to his neck, immediately noticing the breadth of his shoulders and the dampness beneath the soft curls at his nape.
“This really isn’t necessary,” she said. “I was managing okay by myself.”
“You were getting cut to shreds. Now shut up and enjoy the ride.”
Shut up? He’d actually told her to shut up? If he didn’t look like a veritable god, she might have slugged him. A glint of gold where her forearm met his neck caught her attention. Taking a chance, she kept one arm draped around his neck and used her free hand to pull the chain out from beneath his shirt to study the medallion. “What’s this?”
He kept his gaze centered on the trail. “It’s a Chinese talisman. The symbol of the snake.”
She couldn’t resist rolling her eyes. “No doubt, it has some sort of phallic significance.”
He sent her a brief glance. “Actually, it symbolizes intuition and perception. And strengthens willpower.”
Selene decided she could use a bit of willpower now, especially when he leveled his gaze on her. Only then did she notice his eyes seemed to darken in the daylight, taking on a more cobalt hue. When he turned his profile to her, she also noticed the near perfection of his face, the golden cast of his skin and the temptation of his mouth. She had the strongest urge to reach out and touch his lips, to see if they were as soft as she remembered. Only she didn’t care to use her fingertips. She wanted to use her own lips.
“We’re here,” he announced before she gave into temptation.
Selene tore her gaze away from Adrien’s face to see the small log cabin set out in the clearing before them. When they reached the front door, he deposited her back on her feet and released his hold on her—just when she was beginning to enjoy the ride.
He opened the door to a small one-room hut that was dingy and dark even though it was still afternoon. After breezing past her, he opened the heavy shutters on one window, allowing the daylight to stream in. Selene followed his lead, going for another window on the opposite side of the room. As poor luck would have it, the stubborn shutter took a moment to cooperate, and in the process, gifted her with a nice long splinter in her thumb.
“Damn.” The oath spewed out of her mouth before she had the foresight to stop it. She turned to see Adrien smiling at her—a very amused smile. “What?” she asked as she examined her throbbing thumb.
“I didn’t know Southern belles knew those kind of words.”
“Actually, I have a book of cuss words. I like to practice now and then.”
His grin expanded, taking the sting out of her wound. “Good to know I don’t have to watch my language around you. Now let me see that.”
She shook her hand as if that might dislodge the splinter. “It’s not that bad. I’ll get it out when we go back to the house.”
“I’ll take care of it.” He crossed the room and caught her hand, turning her palm up to inspect her thumb. He then reached into his back pocket, pulled out a knife and flipped it open with a twist of his wrist.
It took all Selene’s power not to jump out of her cross trainers. “I’d really like to keep my thumb, Adrien.”
His gaze shot from her hand to her. “What did you say?”
“I said my thumb comes in handy, so I’d like to keep it.”
“Not that. You said my name.”
Funny, she hadn’t even thought about it. The word had flowed as naturally from her mouth as the curse a few moments before. And considering what they’d been through together two nights ago, they should probably be on a first-name basis. “Isn’t that amazing?”
He shook his head slightly before returning to tending to her injury. With little effort, he dislodged the splinter and slid the knife into his back pocket. “You’ll live,” he said, keeping his eyes leveled on her face and her hand still firmly in his grasp.
“I’m sure I will.” Even if her respiration wanted to fail her at the moment. “Can I have my hand back now?”
When he released his grip, Selene distracted herself by studying the area. A lone wooden cot in the corner near the fireplace and a rickety chair by the far window were the only two pieces of furniture to be found. The floors, like the walls, were made of wood and looked as though they hadn’t seen foot traffic in decades.
“Not much here,” Selene said as she wandered around the room, surveying the cobweb-covered ceiling. “Do you really think this is the place where our unidentified lovers rendezvoused?”
“What do you think?”
“I suppose it’s possible. It’s a sharecropper’s cabin by a swamp.” She strolled to the bed and lifted the flattened feather mattress, hoping to find another journal, but no such luck. “Nothing here.”
“No discarded chemise or drawers?”
Selene looked up to find him smiling again. She definitely liked his smile. She liked everything about him at the moment. “No. And no journal either. The mystery continues.” She straightened and sighed. “I’ll just have to search harder. Maybe go into town and see if anyone knows the story.”
He leaned his back against the far wall. “You do that, but you might be disappointed with what you learn.”
“True. Maybe it’s best I don’t know. Then I can go on believing they had this grand, passionate affair. Sometimes the fantasy is better than the reality anyway.”
“Not always. When two people have enough heat between them, the reality is always better.”
Selene was definitely heating up, both from the musty, unventilated cabin and that unmistakable take-me look in Adrien’s eyes. “I wouldn’t know about that.”
Needing some air, she strode to one window and stared out over the marshy terrain. Changing the subject seemed wise. As it was, she’d already said too much. “I think I see some kind of pond in the distance. You know, if this acreage was cleared out, and this cabin restored, it could provide a nice secluded guesthouse for a couple wanting to escape. Before the passion goes away completely.” Her cynicism was definitely showing.
She heard the sound of Adrien’s footsteps and sensed he was close. He confirmed that when he asked, “You didn’t have any passion in your marriage?” from immediately behind her.
She opted not to turn around even though she decided to be honest. “Not exactly.”
“Then he didn’t do it for you?”
“I didn’t do it for him.” Too much honesty, she decided. Too much laid bare for him to take the bait.
And he did when he said, “He told you that’s why he cheated on you.”
Now who was reading whose mind? “Yes, he mentioned that.” Right after she’d tapped into Richard’s thoughts only to see another woman residing there. A woman who “did it” for him.
Adrien’s hands coming to rest on her shoulders sent a pleasurable succession of shock waves along her nerve endings despite the disturbing conversation. “Did he ever encourage you?”
No, but she had tried to encourage him—from intimate meals to sexy lingerie. Eventually, she’d given up. “Define encourage.”
He breezed his fingertips up and down her bare arms. “Did he ever make love to you in a dark alley after midnight?”
Had it not been for Adrien’s close proximity and heady strokes on her flesh, she might have laughed. “Heavens, no.”
“He never made love to you in a car in your driveway because he couldn’t wait to get into the house before he had you?” He moved flush against her back, wrapped one arm around her middle and breezed his fingertips along the side of her exposed neck. “He never arranged for a private dining room in an exclusive restaurant, then touched you beneath the table until you wanted it right then, right there?”
Selene was certain Adrien had done all those things with a lover, maybe several, even though she couldn’t channel his thoughts at the moment. But she could imagine doing all those things with him, and more. “Richard’s not that resourceful.”