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Her Baby's Protector: Saved by the Lawman / Saved by the SEAL
“Really? Thanks! My brother moved to Seattle a few months back, and I’ve wanted to see that area of the country.”
“Are you close to your brother?”
“We were growing up but not now. Too many miles between us. We chat on the computer, but it isn’t the same.”
“I know what you mean.” She again glanced at her watch. “Maybe I’ll take Jamie to Florida to my mom’s and grandmother’s.” Hiding from a possible intruder caused her to reevaluate her priorities. She loved her job, but it wasn’t the most important thing in her life. God and her family were. She was all Jamie had and vice versa.
When her phone rang, the sound startled her and Kate jumped. Jamie opened his eyes for a few seconds then went back to sleep while she answered the call.
“Is everything clear?” she asked Chase.
“Except for a rock in the living room, yes. Todd and I have gone through the rooms downstairs. I’ll be there shortly. You still okay?”
“Yes, especially now.”
When she ended the call, she peered at Rachel, tense and intent. “It doesn’t look like anyone got inside. All they’ve found is a rock thrown through the window.”
Putting her hand over her heart, her nanny wilted, finally relaxing against the side of the tub.
“Remind me to call the alarm company tomorrow,” Kate said.
“Believe me, I will. You don’t think the rock was a prank, do you? There are a couple of teenage boys who get a little rowdy in the neighborhood.”
Rachel often took Jamie to a small park nearby and would end up talking with other nannies. “Have you heard of any others having a rock thrown at their house?”
Rachel scrunched her forehead. “Well, no, not exactly. More like tossing water balloons then running away.”
A moment later, there was a knock on the door. “Kate, it’s Chase. It’s all clear.”
“Now that’s music to my ears,” she said loud enough for him to hear.
Rachel climbed out of the tub then lifted Jamie into her arms while Kate rose.
“Please make sure Jamie goes down, then get some sleep yourself.” Kate went first, unlocked the door and opened it.
The first thing she saw was Chase’s smile. She had to fight the urge to hug the police detective. “Thank you for coming so fast.”
“What else could I do? I’ve never been someone’s 9-1-1 call.” His grin widened.
“I’m hoping that’s my last one.” But she didn’t want it to be the last time she saw him. The thought surprised her. Since James’s death, all she’d done was work and be the best mom she could. She neither needed nor wanted another relationship in her life...right?
Rachel nodded at Chase while she scurried toward Jamie’s bedroom.
When her nanny and son were gone, she started for the stairs. “Show me where the rock came in.”
“It’s in the living room.” He gave her the key he’d used. “My partner has some wood we can put over the window for a temporary fix.”
“Who’s your partner?” she asked at the bottom of the steps.
“Todd Grayson. He helped me clear the house. Two patrol officers are outside—one in the back and the other in the front.” As Kate entered the living room, Chase quickly added, “Watch your step—I haven’t processed the scene yet.”
She assessed the damaged window, the glass littering the floor and the good-size rock. “What are you hoping to find?”
“Maybe fingerprints from the rock. I know you don’t have any video surveillance, but do any of your neighbors have cameras?”
“I don’t know. Tomorrow I’ll be getting cameras added for security, but I’m not sure what to do until then.”
“If you want, when my partner comes back, I’ll go home and bring Mac over now then stay the rest of the night.”
“But what about your sleep?”
“I can stretch out on the couch. It’ll give me a chance to talk to your neighbors first thing in the morning. Is Jamie all right? Did he sleep through it?”
“He woke up, but I was able to get him to go back to sleep.” His presence calmed her nerves. “Did you find anything at Zed Hammer’s house?”
“No, but we still have the garage to finish. We were partway through the search when you called. Todd told me he would go back and finish after we take care of your window.”
“I’m going to make a pot of coffee. Do you want any?”
“Sounds good. I see my partner returning. We’ll be on the porch nailing up the board then I’ll go get Mac.”
“Does your partner drink coffee?”
“Yes, black, no sugar, just like me.”
Kate paused in the hallway and looked back at Chase leaving out the front door. Lord, thank You for sending Chase. Please watch over Jamie. He’s all I have.
* * *
Chase drove into his garage, downed the last of his lukewarm coffee from Kate and climbed from his SUV. When he entered his kitchen, Mac greeted him, his tail wagging. He quickly fed him and gathered up his dog’s supplies to take to Kate’s place. Then, while Mac ate his late dinner, Chase hurried and took a shower then changed into jeans and a long-sleeve T-shirt.
As he walked back to the kitchen, he passed through the living room and realized there were only a few personal touches in his house. Nothing like Kate’s, which was full of pictures of Jamie from a small baby to the present. The majority of her rooms had some kind of evidence a toddler lived in the home, from toys to a horse on wheels to the plug covers and padding on sharp furniture corners that she must have added to baby proof the house. Definitely her home had the lived-in feel while his was a notch above a hotel suite.
After gathering what he needed to take to Kate’s, he headed for his SUV and opened the back door for Mac. His dog barked once, excited about being in the car. Adopting Mac had been the only thing he’d done for himself since he returned to Cimarron City, and he wouldn’t have even done that if a friend hadn’t needed him to take the guard dog because he was moving overseas. His sterile lifestyle had kept him focused on his job and helping others. He wanted his survival to count for something.
When he arrived at Kate’s and parked in her driveway, he scanned the house and street as he and his German shepherd made their way to the porch. He used her spare key she’d given back to him to let himself in, making his way toward the kitchen where he’d left Todd and Kate.
Soft, feminine laughter along with his partner’s robust laugh drifted to Chase as he neared the room. Mac’s ears perked at the sounds.
When Chase entered, Kate passed her cell phone to Todd. “This was Jamie’s attempt at climbing the bookcase. Thankfully he only got to the second shelf before I discovered him. I left for a minute to get a book.”
“He moves fast. That’s what Sammy does. The second my wife and I take our eyes off him, he’s into something he shouldn’t be. I can’t wait until he grows out of this inquisitive stage.”
“I’ve read that might be years away.” Kate’s gaze lit upon Chase.
Todd groaned. “Don’t tell me that. I just found out Peggy is pregnant with our second child.” He twisted around and peered at Chase.
“I sent a patrol officer to keep an eye on Hammer’s place until I could finish the search, so as much as I’ve enjoyed our little conversation, I need to get over there. I’ll let you know if I find anything, Chase.”
“Thanks for helping.” Kate rose. “Do you want any more coffee to take with you?”
“Yes, I’d like that.”
“Chase, how about you?”
“Sounds great. Can you come down to the police station and fix that every day for us? Yours is actually drinkable.”
Kate refilled a paper coffee cup for Todd and handed it to him.
His partner grinned. “I’ll lock the door as I leave.”
Kate gave Chase his drink, then turned her attention to Mac. Holding her hand for the dog to smell, she said, “You’re beauti—I mean, handsome, Mac.”
Chase introduced Kate to his pet, then unhooked his leash and told him to sit and stay. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to do a quick walk through downstairs to make sure everything is still locked up.”
“I’ll check the kitchen. Can I pet Mac?”
“Yes. I’ve let him know that you’re a friend.”
When he returned to the kitchen, Kate had seated herself in a chair near Mac and was petting him. Boss was on a chair asleep as if a strange dog in his house didn’t mean anything.
She glanced up. “After making sure the kitchen was secured, I sat and tried to entice him to come to me. He didn’t move so I did.”
“He’s well-trained. He doesn’t respond to others giving him commands unless I work with you to do that.”
“So if a burglar came in, he wouldn’t stay put just because the intruder said to?”
“Right.” He took a seat at the table. “You can go to bed if you want. You’ll be safe tonight. The alarm is back on, everything is locked and Mac and I are here.”
“I’m going to when I finish this coffee.”
“It doesn’t keep you up?”
She shifted around to face him. “No. Caffeine doesn’t affect me like other people. I drink way too much, but I love the taste. One of my bad habits I need to do something about.”
Chase chuckled. “If that’s considered a bad habit, then I have more than I thought.” He gave Mac the hand signal to rest by his chair. “But in my case, caffeine does keep me up. I figure I can sleep tomorrow after you’re taken care of.”
“So you don’t want a blanket and pillow?”
“No. I might close my eyes, but I won’t fall asleep. You should go ahead and rest. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? You’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty.”
“I’ll do anything for a home-cooked meal. Your Mexican chicken was delicious.”
Kate tried to suppress a yawn but couldn’t. “Then tomorrow you can’t leave until I’ve fixed you a full breakfast. I love to cook.”
“You’re not getting an argument from me. I usually eat out so that’ll be a treat.”
Kate’s eyelids slid halfway down.
“Go to bed before you fall asleep talking to me. I have a bum leg. I might not be able to carry you upstairs.”
Her eyes popped open wide. “I’m okay.” She covered her mouth and yawned again. “I’m going to bed.”
He walked with her to the staircase.
On the first step, she turned. “I noticed when you ran after my attacker today that you were limping when you came back. What happened to your leg?”
For a few seconds he scrambled for what to say. He didn’t talk about that last ambush with anyone. Then he stared into her beautiful eyes, and the words just came out. “I was shot while serving in the Marines.” Then to play it down, he shrugged and added. “It happens in a war zone, but I’m fine now. It only acts up when I push myself too much.”
“I’m sorry that happened today.”
He needed to shut down this conversation now. “I’m sorry that you were attacked today.” He grasped her hand. “Go to sleep. See you in a few hours.” When he released her hand, he missed touching her.
He distanced himself from her and watched her ascend the staircase. At the top, she glanced over her shoulder at him and smiled. When she disappeared from the landing, he stared at the place where she’d been seconds ago.
What is it about Kate that intrigues me?
He patted the side of his leg. “C’mon, Mac. We should try to relax at least.”
As he entered the living room, his cell phone rang, and he quickly answered the call from his partner. “Did you find anything in the garage?”
“More than enough to arrest Hammer when we find him.”
Having overslept, Kate hurried down the stairs to start breakfast before Rachel and Jamie awakened. She was glad they both had gotten needed rest. It had taken her over an hour to fall asleep, which would account for sleeping through the alarm.
When she peeked into the living room, expecting to see Chase and Mac, it was empty. The only thing that had finally allowed her to doze off was the thought they were downstairs protecting Jamie, Rachel and her. Did something happen?
For a moment, panic seized her as though she were in a tug-of-war again with her attacker. But she quickly squashed the fear. Chase was probably patrolling through the house. She hastened through the vacant rooms, then returned to the foyer to see if the alarm was still on. It wasn’t.
Her heartbeat picked up with each second that passed. She crossed to the dining room window and peered between the slats in the blinds. Chase had Mac on a leash and was talking with Todd in the front yard. His partner handed Chase what looked like photos. Of Hammer’s house? The getaway car? Another crime scene?
She started to go outside to see, but halfway to the door she decided not to. She needed to get breakfast ready. She’d promised Chase a special one, and she intended to deliver. It might be about another case. If it was concerning Jamie’s attempted kidnapping yesterday, Chase would tell her when he came inside.
She walked to the kitchen and began preparing a quiche lorraine. After it was in the oven, she made coffee then sliced up strawberries, a cantaloupe and a pineapple then put them in the refrigerator. When she glanced at the clock over the stove, she realized it was well after eight o’clock. The alarm company had promised to be here by nine-thirty. Only an hour away. After what happened yesterday, she’d prefer not having anyone here, but the window and the alarm hooked to it had to be fixed.
“Why the frown?”
Chase’s voice coming from the kitchen entrance startled her. She whirled around, laying her splayed hand over her chest. She hadn’t heard him come into the house. How was she going to protect her son when she couldn’t even notice intruders?
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
With her heartbeat thumping against her rib cage, she waved her hand in the air. “It was no big deal. I should have been listening more carefully. You might be used to being super vigilant. I’m not.”
“You should be. You’re a judge involved in the criminal system.”
“I don’t think of family court in the same way as criminal court.”
“You should. When it comes to the family, emotions can be very heated and long-lasting. It becomes personal.”
“You’re right. My goal is always to protect the children and do what I can to keep the family together. When those are conflicting goals, the child’s welfare comes first.” She took plates down from the cabinet and crossed to the table.
“Can I help? I may not cook, but I know how to set the table.”
“Sure. We’re having quiche, fruit and cinnamon toast. Jamie loves it. I’m going to check on Jamie and Rachel. She should be up by now. Jamie probably is, too.”
“Before you go, I want to show you copies of some pictures that were found at Hammer’s house in the garage. We’re hoping you can tell us when and where all of them were taken.”
“Any news concerning Hammer?”
“No. Todd is checking with the neighbors about security cameras then he’ll join us.”
“Great. I have enough breakfast for him, too, if he wants any.”
“Knowing my partner, he won’t turn down a meal.”
“Where’s Mac? I saw you had him on a leash.”
“I walked around the house to make sure I didn’t miss anything last night in the dark then I put him in the backyard to exercise.” He headed for the counter by the kitchen entrance and picked up a stack of photos. “You might want to sit. The idea of someone stalking you and taking the pictures can really hit home when you see them.”
When she took a seat at the table, Chase passed them to her. A trembling in her hands quickly spread throughout her body as she shuffled through the ten pictures, highlighting different aspects of her day from running with Jamie to grocery shopping to being at the courthouse.
The last one was taken at the Remington Nature Reserve as she was getting out of the car. The jogging clothes she had on were what she’d worn the day before the attempted kidnapping. Chills flashed up her spine while sweat beaded on her forehead and upper lip.
She pointed to that photo. “He must have been at the reserve on Thursday. That’s what I wore, and it was cloudy like that at the time we went.”
“The others? When do you think they were taken?”
“This week.” She sorted them by what she had on. “Those two Monday morning. These Tuesday afternoon and the rest Thursday throughout the day. And I didn’t notice anything unusual.” Sweat rolled into her eye, and she swiped it away.
Chase gathered the pictures. “Thanks. When we find Hammer, this will help us with what questions to ask him. We’ll also try to figure out where Hammer was those days and if he has an alibi. Of course, we could catch a break, and he’ll confess.”
She rose. “I’d better go upstairs and get Rachel. The quiche will be ready in a few minutes. If the timer goes off while I’m gone, please turn off the heat and take it out of the oven.”
“I will and I’ll finish setting the table. Do you want me to do anything for the cinnamon toast?”
“It’s set up to go. I’ll do that at the last minute.” Kate hurried from the kitchen, needing to get away from those photos. The knowledge the kidnapping had been planned for days, if not longer, made the situation even more serious to her.
* * *
Later, after the man who replaced the window glass and the technician from the alarm company had left Kate’s house, Chase walked with his partner toward his car. “I wonder if Hammer has fled Cimarron City since his attempt failed.”
“Even if he left, his photo and license plate numbers have been sent to every county in Oklahoma. Hopefully something will come from widening the search.” Todd stopped at his sedan and twisted toward Chase. “How did she take the photos?”
“About as well as you would think.” Chase could still remember her hands shaking and the color leaching from her face. Chase had wanted to promise he wouldn’t let anything happen to her or Jamie, but he could never guarantee that. He didn’t want to give her false hope. She needed to be as vigilant as possible.
“I wondered, because she didn’t say too much through breakfast.”
“And she held Jamie rather than put him in his highchair. She kept looking at one of the pictures.”
“The photo of her standing at the window holding Jamie?” Todd leaned against his car, crossing his arms and ankles.
“What are you going to do? Leave Mac here?”
“After the rock incident, I’m staying even if I have to sit out in front of her house. I wonder if the rock was thrown to test her security system.” Chase lounged against Todd’s car and stared at Kate’s house.
“That’s possible. I wish the two neighbors’ cameras hadn’t been covered.”
“The fact that he knew who had cameras is just another thing to indicate he’s been casing her for a while.” Every time he thought of the extent of planning the attacker had gone to, Chase’s gut knotted like a hard fist.
“I hope you don’t have to resort to sleeping in your SUV. A couch is a lot more comfortable. If anything comes up, I’ll let you know. Maybe Hammer’s car will be found, and he’ll be inside.”
“We can always hope. Talk to you later.” Chase shoved away from Todd’s sedan and started for Kate’s house.
When he entered, he retrieved Mac from the backyard then put the alarm in stay mode. He’d already told Kate and Rachel he would. Everyone was in the den, trying to act as if there was nothing wrong. Jamie sat on the floor, playing with his big blocks. Boss was sunning himself on a table near the window.
The second he spied Mac coming into the room, Jamie pushed himself to his feet. “Doggie.” A huge grin spread across his chubby cheeks, and he half walked, half ran toward the German shepherd.
“Mac, sit.” Chase knelt next to his pet.
Kate made her way to her son and slowed his steps by taking his arm. “Jamie, you need to be gentle with the doggie. Running at him could scare him.” Crouching on the other side of Mac, she raised his hand and ran it along the back of the dog. “Nice and easy. Mac loves to be rubbed here.” Kate showed Jamie the sweet spot on the dog’s neck.
“Mac likes that. See his tail wagging?” Chase pointed to it swishing back and forth in the doorway.
“Like doggie.”
Before anyone could stop Kate’s son, he laid his head against Mac, caressing his cheek. Chase could remember how much he’d loved his dog when he was growing up. They went everywhere together.
Jamie put his arms around Mac. “My doggie.”
Kate looked at Chase. He gave her a slight nod to show that she should handle this. She said to Jamie, “Hon, Mac is Chase’s dog. He’s loaning us the dog for a few days. He heard how much you love animals and thought you would enjoy having Mac here.”
Jamie lifted his head and switched his attention between her and Chase. “Me love Mac.” He ran his hand along the dog’s back. “See?”
“I do. Would you like to throw a ball for Mac to fetch? He loves to play that game.” Chase rose. “If your mom says it’s okay, we can go out back.”
His eyes as round as saucers, Jamie twisted toward Kate. “Go now.”
“It sounds like a great idea. Rachel, would you please fix lunch?” Kate pushed to her feet.
“Yes, we still have chicken salad. I’ll make some sandwiches.”
“Let us know when it’s time to eat.” Kate started to take Jamie’s hand.
Instead, her son moved to Mac’s side and settled his touch on the dog’s back. He talked to Mac, most of what he said being unintelligible. But there were a few words Chase understood sprinkled throughout the conversation.
In the middle of the fenced-in backyard, Jamie remained at the dog’s side and held out his arm. “Ball.”
Chase had snatched it from Mac’s things in the kitchen as they passed through a minute ago. “Do you know how to throw a ball?”
Kate laughed. “He loves to throw one, not necessarily accurately.”
Chase closed the space between him and the boy and knelt next to him. When he gave Jamie the tennis ball, it left the child’s hand before Chase could give him pointers. The ball bounced five feet to the side. Mac looked at Chase then moseyed over to it and picked it up then came back and dropped it at Jamie’s feet. The boy giggled and tried again.
Chase moved back to Kate. “Jamie has his own method.”
“Haphazard, yes.”
After a few pitches, Jamie decided to change things up. He would send the ball sailing, then ran after it with Mac. At first, Chase stepped nearer, not sure how his dog would deal with competition, but soon Mac turned it into a game. Sometimes he would get the prize while other times he’d let Jamie get it.
“Mac is great with little children.” Kate closed the space between them.
“My friend who gave me Mac had children. I never thought to ask him about how Mac would be with kids.”
“A natural. It’s like he knows Jamie is young and needs gentleness and patience.”
“Animals sense a lot of things.” When Chase had had one of his nightmares about that last skirmish and had woken up shaking and sweating, Mac had been right there to comfort him. In the past months, he’d had fewer of those dark dreams and part of the reason was Mac.
“I feel comfortable with Mac here. When the workers were fixing the alarm and window, he sat nearby and watched their every move. I’m glad we didn’t have to find out what he’d do if one of them stepped out of line.”
“He’d corner the person. Unless physically threatened, he’d just remind them he was there and prepared to protect.”
Kate pointed at his dog sitting on the ground letting Jamie rub him. “As fierce as he can seem, you wouldn’t expect that kind of gentleness from him.”
“He’s been trained and treated well. Speaking of Mac, I wanted to talk to you about me staying here until Hammer is caught, too. My dog is good, but I’d feel better if I was here. The couch was quite comfortable, and I even dozed some last night.”
She released a slow breath. “I wasn’t going to ask you, but with both of you here, I’d feel even better and safer. I’m so glad you want to. But what about your work and Monday when I go back to court? I’m concerned about Jamie’s safety here in the house with just Rachel.”