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Mistaken Target
Diego reached out for the ledge and pulled himself up to it. She let go of the branch and peered over the edge. The shooter was kicking rocks around. It would be only a matter of seconds before he found the gun.
She thrust her arm down so Diego could grab it. Diego planted his feet against the cliff face. Even though there was nothing to hold him there, it lessened the pressure and pull on her arm. He used his arm strength to pull himself up and reach out for the cliff ledge.
Down below, the shooter had found the gun.
She held on to Diego’s hand while he anchored his other hand on the cliff ledge and pulled himself up. A gunshot tore through the wind, grazing the base of Diego’s shoe just as he pulled himself to the top of the cliff with her help.
By the time the second shot reverberated through the air, they had managed to get to their feet and take off running.
They arrived back at the camp, both of them out of breath. They raced toward the caretaker’s cabin.
Diego pounded on the door as his gaze darted around nervously.
Tension snaked around her torso. She glanced through the window. The sheer curtains allowed her to see that there was no movement inside.
Diego knocked again.
“It must be almost dinnertime by now. He’s probably wandering through the woods with his easel.” Or worse, the assassin had got to him before coming to the lighthouse.
As though he could read her mind, Diego said, “Unless he saw the shooter, the old man is still alive. Professional killers like this guy don’t take anybody out unless they have to. They like things tidy that way.”
It scared her that Diego knew that kind of thing. His world was so different from hers. She studied the trees, waiting for the assassin to burst through them even though she knew, logically, that he wasn’t right on their heels. Not yet, anyway. “How long do you think it will be before he gets here?”
“To have to run in a big loop like that will take at least an extra fifteen minutes.” He tried the doorknob. “Under the circumstances, I think it warrants us breaking in and seeing if there is a phone or means of communication in there.” He pushed the door open. “You look around. I’ll watch the windows.”
She checked the living-room surfaces and opened some drawers. George’s cabin wasn’t any bigger than the guest cabins. She peered into a closet stuffed to the brim but saw nothing that looked like a radio or phone.
“If he has a phone that works out here, he must have taken it with him,” she said, fighting off the seeping disappointment.
“We’ve got time. Let’s go look for him around the camp and then out into the woods. We’d be okay shouting his name,” Diego said.
“I think we should leave a note here, warning him to stay in the cabin and to get help.”
Diego nodded. She found a pen and paper, and they left the note on the refrigerator.
They ran through the camp calling George’s name without any results. They stopped outside the kitchen. “Let’s hurry and get something to eat first before going to look for George in the forest,” Diego suggested.
“I’m starving, too,” Samantha agreed.
As they slipped into the kitchen, she caught Diego watching the forest. Both of them knew it was just a matter of minutes before the assassin made it back to the camp. She could only hope Diego had another plan, because she had no idea what they would do then.
Diego felt a growing urgency as he opened and closed cupboard doors. “I thought there would be more food here.”
“It’s just left over from parties past. The cabins are stocked with food when they have guests. The wedding crew will be bringing all the food with them. Most of it is prepped ahead of time.”
Hunger ate at his gut the more he searched.
Samantha found some bottled water and tossed him one. He chugged it, but soothing his thirst only intensified his awareness of the hole in his belly. She retrieved some packaged cookies and crackers.
“We’re wasting time. Let’s make a run for my cabin. I know there’s food there.”
She tore open one of the cookie packages. “Okay.” She handed him a cookie.
He devoured it while he moved toward the kitchen door.
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