Полная версия
The Cowboy's Baby Bond
At least Adam’s cries were now little more than whimpers—a fact that made her nerves twitch. “It’s only an earache. Children have earaches all the time and it’s not dangerous. Nothing bad is going to happen,” she murmured over and over, hoping her tone comforted Adam and wishing the words would comfort her.
“Can I do anything to help?”
Again she hadn’t heard Johnny approach. She looked up to see him enter the kitchen. “You caught me talking to myself.” Thankfully, it was too dark for him to see her cheeks burn with embarrassment.
“I thought you were talking to Adam.”
“I was.”
“His fever has returned?”
“Yes. I thought he was on the mend.”
Johnny pulled out a chair, but didn’t sit. “Do you want me to light a lamp?”
“He might settle faster if you don’t.”
“Of course.” He sat down. “Poor little guy.”
She heard the sympathy in Johnny’s voice, and before she could stop it, Willow’s heart opened a fraction. Not once had Bertie gotten up in the night with Adam. Not once had he done anything but complain when the baby cried. Nor had he let her forget the baby wasn’t his and never would be.
Willow’s jaw tightened. Poor Adam would never know a father’s love and she had no one to blame but herself. She meant to make up for that lack as best she could by being the best mother possible. Seeing him fuss, she wondered if she had failed at that.
After a bit Adam’s fever relented. He reached for Johnny, who took him and cradled him on his lap.
“He’s never gone to a man before.” She hadn’t meant to say it aloud.
“You mean apart from his father.” Johnny’s deep voice seemed to soothe away Adam’s fears.
“Not even his father.” Again, she unintentionally spoke her thoughts aloud. Blame it on the silvery moonlight.
“Really? But Adam is so...”
When he didn’t finish the thought, she pressed, “He’s so what?”
With a soft chuckle, Johnny said, “Cuddly.”
“He is indeed.” She managed to corral the rest of her thoughts—the many regrets and her guilt. Making a home for them would hopefully make up for some of them. “He’s content now. I’ll take him back to bed.”
Johnny got to his feet. “I’ll carry him to the door,” he said, when she reached for Adam.
They crossed the room together and paused before the bedroom Willow and Adam had been assigned.
Adam fussed a little as Johnny shifted him to Willow’s arms. She slipped into the room and closed the door softly. Adam whimpered, so she rocked him until finally, with a deep sigh, he slept, his arms thrown over his head.
Morning came and, with its brightening rays, a yearning for more sleep. But there was no time. Willow had to set out.
She touched Adam’s brow. He wasn’t hot. His fever hadn’t returned during the night. She could leave with a clear conscience.
On the tail of that thought came one vastly different.
Could she make a warm, welcoming home like the Hardings’?
Chapter Three
Johnny took his chair at the breakfast table. The place set for Willow remained vacant. “The baby was fussy in the night. They might both still be sleeping.”
“I’m here.” Willow stood in the doorway, her dark brown hair again brushed back into a coil about her head.
He liked it better loose about her shoulders as it had been last night. But of course, she hadn’t expected to see him then or she would probably have done it up proper. He shook his head. What made him think such a thing?
Little Adam looked at the room full of people and ducked his head against his mama’s neck.
“How is he this morning?” Johnny asked, not waiting for Maisie to do so.
“He seems better.”
Upon hearing his voice, Adam lifted his head, found Johnny among the others at the table and held out his arms.
Johnny had convinced himself that the baby reached for him yesterday only because of his fever. To have those chubby little arms aimed at him again this morning stalled his heart right in the middle of a beat. He would never let anyone know, but it made him feel special that Adam chose him.
The baby leaned clear out of Willow’s arms in his eagerness to get Johnny’s attention. He babbled a string of sounds that so far as Johnny could tell didn’t form any words, but he sure did make it as plain as the sunlight coming through the eastern window that he meant for Johnny to take him.
Willow shifted him, tried to distract him. “No, Adam. The man has to eat his breakfast.”
Adam babbled, his tone indicating he thought his mama wrong.
“I don’t mind,” Johnny said and lifted the baby from her arms.
Adam rewarded him with a toothy grin and excited chatter. His steady gaze seemed to look clear to Johnny’s heart and demand a response.
Johnny nodded. “That’s right, old boy. I completely agree.”
Levi chuckled. “Good to see you found someone who speaks your language.”
Aware that Pa and Maisie watched him with speculative expressions, Johnny perched Adam on one leg and did his best to appear as if this was an everyday event.
The baby grabbed a fork and began to pound the table.
Maisie smiled. “I suppose he’s hungry and telling us to get on with the meal.”
Color stole up Willow’s cheeks. “Oh no. He simply likes to make noise.” She captured Adam’s hands and stilled them, gently extracting the fork and putting it out of reach.
The look she darted to Johnny brimmed with apology.
“He’s not hurting anything,” he reassured her. “Ain’t that right, Maisie?”
“It’s a pleasure to have a young one at our table.” She glanced at Pa and they shared one of their secret looks that seemed to shut out the others. Likely she was remembering the babies she’d never birthed. She’d lost them long before they were big enough to survive.
Seeing little Adam made Johnny realize how painful it must have been for her. At the time he’d been too young to comprehend, concerned only that his stepmother recover. When an appropriate occasion came, he’d be sure to tell her he was sorry for her loss.
“We best pray and get on with our meal.” Pa reached for the hands of those beside him.
Johnny kept his arm about Adam, giving him an excuse not to take Willow’s hand. Somehow, he feared it would take him toward a place he meant to avoid.
Willow hesitated just enough for him to know she wasn’t comfortable with the idea, either, then she joined hands with Maisie.
They bowed their heads as Big Sam said grace.
The food passed from one to the other. Johnny dished up and ate with one hand.
“I’ll take him,” Willow said. “I’m used to holding him while I eat.”
“It’s not a problem.” Johnny kind of liked it.
“If you’re certain?” Accepting his nod, she mashed some food and fed Adam off her plate.
The baby opened his mouth like a hungry bird, and if Willow didn’t have a spoonful ready right away, he leaned forward and made a sound that clearly meant Feed me. I’m hungry.
Johnny laughed.
“His appetite has returned,” Maisie said. “That’s good.”
Willow smiled at Adam, then lifted her face to include Johnny. “I do believe he’s better.” She turned back to Maisie, leaving Johnny off-kilter from the gratitude in her eyes. “I can’t thank you enough for helping me.” She looked about the table. “All of you.” She glanced at Johnny again. “Especially you. You could have passed us by. Instead, you put aside your own concerns to help us. I truly appreciate it. You are a Good Samaritan,”
“I only did what anyone would have done,” he told her. But when had anyone outside his family appreciated him for living up to his standards?
Maisie caught Willow’s attention. “If you knew Johnny, you’d know he does what is right no matter the cost.”
Willow’s gaze came back to him, her eyebrows raised just enough for him to know she wondered if his stepmother exaggerated. “That’s nice,” she said.
For a few minutes, conversation turned to others things. The meal was about over when Willow spoke again. “I must be on my way this morning. I have a train to meet.”
Big Sam pushed to his feet. “Levi and I must leave, too.” He held out his hand to Willow and they shook. “It’s been nice meeting you. Perhaps we’ll see you again in town.”
Johnny rose, as well. “I’ll get back to fixing the cabin.” He paused to say goodbye to Willow and cup Adam’s downy head, then turned away. He sure did hate to see them go.
The men grabbed their hats and trooped from the house. Johnny first hitched Willow’s mare to the wagon. It seemed the right thing to do. Then he saddled Gray, threw on his heavy saddlebags and rode from the yard.
He reached the spot where he’d heard Adam yesterday and found the pair. The reins hung slack in his hands and Gray stood waiting for an indication of what he should do.
Johnny stared at the trees where he’d first seen the wagon.
He’d rescued her, then left her to get to town on her own. What was he thinking?
* * *
Willow stared after the men, feeling as if a door in her life had closed. What a truly foolish thought. It made no sense. Except she’d glimpsed something in Johnny and this family she hadn’t seen since the death of her parents. With a slight smile she acknowledged her feelings for what they were—a desire to re-create the sort of home she’d known before her parents’ deaths. The type of home she’d witnessed again with the Hardings. She’d almost forgotten that sense of comfort and safety. As she helped Maisie clean the kitchen, then gathered up her belongings, she vowed she would make that sort of home for Adam and her sisters.
“Thank you again.”
Maisie handed her some drops. “In case his earache returns.”
Willow took them, tears clogging her throat at the unexpected kindness she’d experienced here. “You’ll never know how grateful I am.”
The older woman wrapped her arms about Willow and Adam. “I wish you could stay longer, but I’ll be sure to look you up when I’m in town, if only to assure myself you are okay.”
“You’re welcome anytime. And your family, too.” Perhaps Johnny would stop in to see them, as well. She immediately corrected the thought. She would never again expect anything from a man.
She carried Adam and her belongings outside. Someone had hitched the mare to the wagon. How thoughtful. Had Johnny done it? And if so, why?
She shook away the questions and turned her mind toward getting to town. Adam perched on her knees as, with a final goodbye wave to Maisie, she drove from the yard.
According to what the Hardings said, it would take her close to an hour to reach Granite Creek. An hour in which to think and plan and, unfortunately, regret.
A long lonely ache consumed her insides. She meant to do her best to provide a home for her family, but it would never be the same as she’d known as a child. Her parents were dead and nothing would ever fill that void. She thought of how Maisie fitted into the Harding family so well and filled the home with love. Willow could never offer Adam and the girls a stepparent like that because she would never again trust her future and happiness to a man, let alone those of her sisters and son.
The one regret that would never go away was her own foolishness in sleeping with Adam’s father without the benefit of marriage. Peter Shaw had won her heart at sixteen when he’d bought her box lunch at the church social. Her parents had approved of their courtship and the two of them had spent many happy hours with the family. Peter had lofty ambitions. He meant to strike out for the north as soon as they were married. “New lands and maybe even gold,” he’d said.
When Willow told her ma that she didn’t want to go so far from home, Ma had reassured her. “My child, you won’t be happy if you hold him back from his dreams.”
But then Ma and Pa had died. Wedding plans were postponed while Willow grieved. Peter had comforted her, and one night she’d allowed the comforting to go too far.
But she’d expected Peter to marry her. Yes, they would have to rush the wedding, ignoring expected standards about the mourning period. But she loved him and he loved her.
Except, it turned out, he didn’t love her enough.
“I can’t take a woman carrying a baby into the wilds. It wouldn’t be safe.”
Her heart had fallen apart. “I don’t want to be responsible for you losing your dream.”
He’d taken it the wrong way. “That’s very kind of you. I’ll leave within the week.”
Willow closed her eyes against the remembered shock and shame of having to go to Mr. Reames and tell him the truth.
Now she held Adam to her chest, ignoring his protests. “I have you,” she crooned to the boy. “That’s all that matters.”
A pair of approaching riders snapped her from the tender moment. She set Adam behind her in a safe little nest she’d made among her belongings. She handed him a hard biscuit to chew on, hoping it would keep him quiet, then eased the pistol from her satchel and hid it in the folds of her dress. Many men would see her as easy prey, but she had no intention of letting herself fall into evil hands.
The men parted to go on either side of her wagon, putting her at a disadvantage. She shifted her gaze from one to the other.
“Howdy,” the bigger man, on her left, said. “You out here by yourself?”
She flicked the reins, but the man on her right caught the mare and held her in place.
“Seems a little unneighborly to ride on without answering my friend.”
Willow refused to show fear even though her heart raced so hard it hurt. “Howdy to you both. Now would you please let me pass?”
“What’s yer hurry?”
The skin on the back of her neck shivered at the way the bigger man leered at her.
“I’m meeting someone. He should be along any moment now.” It was an outright lie but she’d do anything to protect her child from the likes of these ruffians.
Both men looked up and down the trail.
“Don’t see anyone coming.” The big man rode forward and poked at the canvas covering her belongings. “What’cha got in here?”
Please don’t see Adam. Please don’t see him.
“Hey, look, Shorty. A baby. Well, ain’t that cute? Jes’ look at him.”
Shorty didn’t move, still holding the mare.
Willow’s mind raced. Should she shoot Shorty? Shoot the man behind her? Which would give her the best advantage? And could she actually pull the trigger?
“I ain’t played with a baby since I was a kid.” The big man leaned across the side of the wagon.
It was now or never. With shaking hands she whipped the pistol out, sucked in a deep breath and shot toward Shorty.
The man’s horse reared, forcing him to release his hold on her mare.
“Hi yi!” She whipped the reins as hard as she could and the wagon jerked forward. She glanced over her shoulder.
One man fought to gain control of his horse. The other tried to keep his mount from racing down the hillside. Then her gaze lit on her son. Adam lay in the wagon, his eyes scrunched up, ready to cry. She didn’t have time to comfort him as she urged the placid old mare to run harder.
Another glance behind her revealed the two men had their horses under control and were racing after her. A third followed. Where had he come from?
Panic sucked at her insides until she felt nothing else. She kept her attention on the road, which veered to the left ahead. She’d have to ford the river here—not something she cared to attempt at a full gallop. She was trapped between the water and the wicked men behind her.
She heard a shot ring out and tensed. She felt nothing. Not that she knew how it felt to be hit with a bullet. She wondered if she’d feel anything at this point, she was so consumed with fear.
At the sound of another shot, she glanced behind her to make sure Adam was safe. He watched her with wide. unblinking eyes. Then he chuckled. For a heartbeat her fear gave way to surprise. Then she faced the road ahead. The left turn approached. If she took it at this speed, she’d surely overturn the wagon and risk their lives.
Was this what her parents saw happening when their buggy ran out of control?
She bit down on her bottom lip. No time to deal with such thoughts. She would not put Adam’s life in danger even if it meant fighting off two angry men and now a third. She pulled back on the reins. “Whoa. Whoa.”
The mare fought the weight of the racing wagon as she slowed.
With no time to spare to check on her pursuers, Willow eased around the corner and down the slope toward the river. Her throat tightened. She’d never driven a wagon across a ford. Was it wide enough she didn’t need to worry about the wheels falling into the depths? How strong was the current? She clenched her teeth and—
“Willow. Stop.”
Her heart lurched. Who knew her name around here?
“Wait. Stop. Those men have gone.”
She turned to stare at the man who called out, in time to see Johnny ride up to her side.
She blinked, as if to clear her vision, but when she reopened her eyes, he was still there.
He reached for her hands and unwound her fingers from the reins.
It took forever for her mind to begin functioning again. She looked behind her and saw nothing but twin tails of dust as the men rode away. She brought her gaze back to him. “What...? Where...?”
He grinned. “They didn’t stick around once they saw the scales were balanced.” He leaned back to check on Adam, who gurgled in pleasure. “Why, I think the little scamp enjoyed the race.” Johnny regarded Willow with some concern. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
She shuddered. “I’m fine. But where did you come from?”
He swung off his horse and reached up to lift her down. It never crossed her mind to refuse or wonder about his intentions.
Her knees rattled, so she couldn’t stand on her own, and she clung to his arm.
Adam climbed from his little nest and crawled toward them. Johnny took the boy in one arm and, with Willow clinging to the other, led them to a grassy spot. “Let’s sit down for a few minutes until you’re feeling better.”
How did he know her stomach alternately clenched and rolled? Was it so evident in her expression? Not that it mattered. She gratefully sank to the ground, glad that Johnny had Adam. Her arms were too weak to trust herself to hold him.
“Who were those men?” Her voice came out in a frightened whisper. She must get herself under control. This weakness could not be allowed. She must be strong and in control.
“I’ve never run into them before, but rough men pass through from time to time. I expect we’ve seen the last of those two.”
She shuddered again. “I certainly hope so.”
Johnny edged forward so he could look her directly in the eyes.
She met his gaze and felt her fear instantly abate. She hoped he saw nothing but courage in her glance. She repeated her question. “Where did you come from?”
He smiled gently, almost undoing her determination to be strong on her own. Wouldn’t it be nice to feel a pair of sturdy arms about her? No, she would never again trust a man’s arms to shelter her.
“I got as far as where I found you and little Adam yesterday.”
Hearing his name, Adam chuckled. “Man,” he said. “Man.”
Any other time, Willow would have been thrilled to hear him say a word she could understand, but right now she wanted to know why Johnny was there.
He paused to grin at Adam. “Me, man. You, boy.” Then he shifted Adam to one side so he could give Willow his attention. “When I got there I knew I couldn’t go on. I felt responsible to see you and your sisters get settled in your own home. So here I am.”
“I have to say I’m thankful. Those two men were frightening.”
“Who was responsible for the shot I heard before I got here?”
She grinned at him. “That would be me. I needed to scare them off.”
He shook his head. “Sure am grateful you didn’t try to scare me off yesterday.”
“You were a gentleman or I would have.” They considered each other at length until a chill raced up her spine. What was there about this man that threatened all her hard-learned lessons?
She pushed herself to her feet and reached for her son. “Thanks for your help. Now I’ll be on my way.”
Johnny rose, too, and shifted Adam to his hip as if he’d done this all his life. He led the way back to the wagon, grasped his horse’s reins and, using his free hand, tied them to the back, then offered Willow a hand up to the bench.
She hesitated. “You’re coming with me?”
“Thought I would, if you have no objections.”
Objections? She had plenty of them. “None at all.” Where had those words come from? She tried to clear her thoughts. Then gave up and shook her head as she settled herself on the bench. He handed her the baby and climbed up beside her, then drove across the ford with an ease that made her feel safe. Maybe it didn’t hurt to accept help once in a while.
They said little as they continued on toward the town. She tried to ignore Johnny’s presence beside her as she planned what she would do as soon as they arrived. “Where will be the best place to ask about houses to rent?”
“I’d suggest Mr. Marsh at the general store. He knows pretty much what’s going on in the town. I’ll take you there first, if you like.”
“Yes, please. What time does the train come in?”
“There was talk about changing the schedule, so I can’t rightly say.”
What if her sisters had already arrived and she wasn’t there to meet them? What would they do? If they hadn’t changed greatly, Celia would be angry and set off to find her own way, and Sarah would go along because she didn’t have any choice, but she’d protest the whole way, saying they should just wait.
Soon the wagon approached the town. It appeared to be a decent size, which provided encouragement. The children could go to school here and Willow could find employment rather than deplete her little stash of gold.
They pulled up at a store and before she could move, Johnny hurried around to lift her and Adam down and then escort them up the steps and inside. She breathed deeply. It had been a long time since she’d been in a store that didn’t reek of tobacco smoke and unwashed bodies. For the most part, the populace of Wolf Hollow cared more about finding gold than they did about cleanliness.
“How do, Johnny. How’s your folks?”
Willow’s gaze followed the sound to a man at the end of the counter, a big canvas apron covering most of him. Mr. Marsh, she presumed.
“Just fine.” Johnny introduced Willow to the owner of the general store. “Mrs. Reames is looking for a house to rent.”
“Hmm.” Mr. Marsh rubbed his chin several times. “Only thing I can think of offhand is the one at the end of the street behind the hotel. It belongs to the Sears family, but they left last fall. I’m sure he won’t mind you using it. I have his forwarding address. You can write him and make arrangements with him. Now, mind you, it’s a little run-down on the outside. I haven’t been inside, so can’t speak for what it’s like. But it’s about all there is at the moment.”
“I’ll take it.” She didn’t care what it looked like, only that her family could be together. “Is there a key?”
“Doubt it’s locked, but if it is, just look over the doorjamb.”
She jerked about. “Do I hear a train whistle?”
Mr. Marsh consulted his watch. “Yup and right on time.”
“I’ve got to go. I’ll take the house and contact the Sears family. Thanks.” She hurried out the door, not surprised that Johnny beat her to the wagon. In minutes they were on their way to the depot.
They pulled up to the platform as the train chugged to a halt, releasing a gust of steam.
Again, Johnny helped her from the wagon, and carried Adam as they went up the stairs to the platform.
Willow rocked back and forth on her tiptoes. “I can hardly wait to see them.” She tidied Adam’s shirt. “Soon you’ll see your aunties and they’ll see you.” She laughed for the sheer pleasure of the occasion.