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Pony Express Special Delivery
“Thanks.” Dinah pulled the plate to her and began eating once more.
“What about your dream to be a doctor?” Her soft question took him by surprise.
Clayton’s head came up and his gaze met hers across the table. “I’ll still study while working for the Pony Express and the ranch. When the Pony Express stops, I’ll continue helping you with the ranch while studying to be a doctor. I’m not giving up on that dream.”
She took a sip of her coffee. After several long moments, she asked, “Are you sure you want to do this?”
He didn’t know what more he could do besides propose to her. Clayton pushed his chair back and walked around the table. He knelt on one knee and asked, “Maggie Fillmore, will you marry me?”
Chapter Six
Maggie felt as if every eye in the restaurant was watching them. She answered, “Yes.”
The room exploded in clapping hands. People nodded their congratulations to them. Clayton stood and grinned down at her. She had to admit, as far as future husbands were concerned, she’d found a handsome one.
She almost groaned when the traveling preacher stood up and walked to their table. “Well, Maggie Fillmore. Congratulations. I’ve been praying the right man would come along and marry you.”
She looked up at Clayton, who grinned as if he was the happiest man in the room. “Thank you, Reverend White.”
“How soon did you two plan on being wed?”
Maggie swallowed.
Clayton answered, “I’ll marry her today, if she’ll have me.”
The minister turned to look at her. She knew that the sooner she married Clayton, the better. Maggie nodded. “I would like that.”
“Well, then, let’s walk over to the church.” He turned to leave. Lifting his voice, he announced, “Maggie Fillmore is getting married today. Let as many people know who you think would like to attend. We’ll be performing the service in about thirty minutes.” He continued out the door as if his inviting the whole town to her wedding was an everyday event.
Clayton laughed. “Well, he doesn’t waste any time, does he?”
Maggie shook her head no. She looked to Dinah, who hadn’t spoken during most of their conversation. “What do you think, sis? Is it all right with you if I marry Clayton?”
Happiness lit up her sister’s small face that looked so much like their mother’s. Maggie wished her ma were there. For the hundredth time, she silently asked the Lord why her mother had died. Why she’d been left to raise Dinah on her own and why her father hadn’t loved her enough to stay with the family. Dinah had suffered much loss in her young life. Maggie hoped that their new life with Clayton would bring some stability to the little girl’s world.
Dinah nodded. She scooted down from her chair and came to stand beside Maggie. “Will we have to move out of our nice house?”
Clayton knelt in front of Dinah. “No, you can stay in the ranch house. If it’s all right with Maggie, I’ll move in with you two.”
“Of course it’s all right with me.” Maggie pushed her chair back, along with the sorrow of losing her mother and father. She stood. “I suppose we’d best hurry or the preacher’s going to think we’ve changed our minds.”
An hour later, Maggie stood on the church steps with her new husband. Clayton had said his vows with his shoulders pulled back and his gaze locked on her face. He now held baby James and was looking down on the child with warmth in his pretty blue eyes. Dinah stood beside her also looking up at Clayton. It was obvious that Dinah adored her new brother-in-law.
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