Полная версия
Her Christmas Baby Bump
Since neither one of them was into relationships, this odd excursion wasn’t a big deal, then, right? Why not just go along for the ride and enjoy herself?
He parked the car, then walked around the front of it to open her door. The moment she stepped out, a chilly wind whipped her hair, dipped inside her coat collar and fluttered the skirt of her dress. She hugged herself and cocked her head at him. “Still think it’s downright balmy out here?”
“Maybe it’s not quite as balmy as I thought.” He wrapped his long arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his side as they walked to the path lining the river. The glow of electric lamps warmly illuminated the stony path and the dark water as it flowed hypnotically beside them. The brick exteriors of several pubs were lit, too, as they strolled past rows of empty punts bobbing shoulder to shoulder in the water. “A glass of brandy might warm us up, then we’ll decide if maybe this was a harebrained idea after all.”
“No maybe about it.” Then again, without his harebrained idea, she wouldn’t be standing here in the curve of his arm being held close to his big, warm body, which felt absurdly cozy and nice. “But I admit it’s beautiful outside tonight. And I also hate to admit that I rarely come here to enjoy it.”
“Too busy working? Or playing?”
“Working.” She was past her playing days. Though at that moment, the pleasure she felt just walking with Aaron in the crisp, starry night made her wonder if that was as true as she’d believed it was.
The thought brought her to a sudden standstill. Of course she was done with her playing days. Hadn’t wanted them for years anyway. She’d gone out on the town because there’d been no one special in her life, and no child of her own to keep her home. Enjoying this night out with Aaron didn’t mean she wasn’t capable of being a loving, dedicated mother.
She glanced up at Aaron and could tell he wondered why she’d stopped walking. She forced a smile at him and started moving again. “Plus, I live on the outskirts of town, so I just don’t get into the city center very often.”
“You said you were born and raised here?”
“Yes. Been here forever. Went to university here, too, except when I did my advanced midwife training in London.” He was looking at her a little quizzically. “I take it you think that’s a little strange, since you lived in California, went to university in Denver and now you’re here.”
“I’ve traveled to a lot of other places over the years. Been accused many times of being the stone that refuses to gather moss.” His teeth flashed in a white smile. “I don’t think it’s strange that you’ve dug roots in here, but I admit moving around is more my style. That I’ve been here three years is a surprise to me, to be honest. I’m sure the travel bug will bite me one of these days and I’ll move on.”
The utter opposite of Hope. She couldn’t imagine how he didn’t feel a need to put down roots somewhere. Cambridge felt like a part of her, deeply entwined with her heart and her soul, and settling in there forever like a broody hen with her job and a family was all she’d ever wanted.
The patio of the pub they came to held a few hardy souls sitting at a table, but most were cozy inside. Cheerful music somehow penetrated beyond the thick brick to where they stood, and through the windows Hope could see a crowd of people mingling and laughing. Those days would be completely behind her very soon, and she closed her eyes and smiled, visualizing her new future.
Despite the chill, she wasn’t ready to go inside. She wanted to breathe in the fresh air and take in the surprising pleasure of walking with a man holding her close before there would be no possibility of that happening anytime soon.
She looked up at Aaron, surprised to see his eyes were on her and not the pub, his expression inscrutable. “Shall we walk just a bit farther?” she asked, wanting the moment to last a little longer. “That bridge up ahead is spectacular.”
“The whole city is beautiful. I’ve been impressed with its architecture since the day I got here.” He tugged her closer as they resumed their walk. “The path ends at the bridge, so we’ll have to double back or climb the stairs from the riverbank to the restaurants and pubs up there.”
The glow of lights faded behind them as they neared the dead end just before the old gothic-style bridge, where one lone punt disappeared on the water beyond it. Aaron dropped his arm from her shoulders, sliding it down to grasp her hand again as he turned to look at her. “I enjoy walking along here often,” he said, his voice quiet. “But tonight it’s especially beautiful. Thanks for coming with me, even though you didn’t really want to.”
“It was punting in an evening dress that was the problem, Dr. Cartwright. And the cold air. And the threat of exercise.” Though she wasn’t feeling at all cold. In fact, an intense warmth seemed to be creeping across every inch of her skin beneath her coat. “Who knew I’d be glad you dragged me here?”
He laughed, the sound a soft rumble in his chest as he drew her close. “So my gamble paid off.” Then he lowered his mouth to hers.
For one split second, she was stunned with surprise. Then it was quickly gone, replaced by a punch of desire the likes of which she hadn’t felt for a long, long time. Her eyelids flickered closed as his mouth moved oh-so-skillfully on hers. Teasing and tasting, sweet then intense, with a hunger that made her dizzy. She gasped into his mouth as her heart pounded and her knees wobbled, and she blindly lifted her hands to grip his wide shoulders so she wouldn’t sink straight to the stone path.
His mouth moved from hers to caress the sensitive spot beneath her ear before warmly sliding across her jawline and up her cold cheek to rest at the corner of her lips. “You taste better than anything on that buffet dessert table, Hope,” he whispered. “Better than champagne. Better than the finest vintage in Napa Valley.”
“Have you had every fine vintage in Napa?” she breathed.
“No.” She could feel him smile against her mouth. “Not necessary to know with absolute certainty that it’s true, though I’ve had my share.”
His share of wine or his share of women? Women for sure, if rumor was to be believed. And she did believe, because there was no doubt other women found him as completely irresistible as she did, considering she’d barely spent an hour with the man and was kissing him as she hadn’t kissed anyone in pretty much forever.
His mouth covered hers again in another kiss that left her quivering. When their lips finally separated, quick breaths came hard and fast against each other’s cold skin.
Moonlight gleamed on his dark brown hair, creating shadows beneath his prominent cheekbones and highlighting a stubborn jaw. His brown eyes no longer seemed warmly chocolatey, but instead glittered like molten onyx, hot and dangerous. Her insides quivered and she tried to think of something to say, but couldn’t come up with a single, rational thought.
“I’ve decided you were right,” he said in a low voice.
“About punting tonight. Staying inside where it’s warm and showing you another of my talents is a much better idea.”
That startled a laugh out of her. “Mmm-hmm. And I can guess what those talents might be, Dr. Has-A-Big-Ego. I can also guess that showing me those talents was your plan all along.”
“Plan, no. But hoping to get to know the beautiful Hope I’ve noticed so often in the hospital? That I’m delighted to learn is single?” His hand slipped down to grasp hers, his thumb stroking across her empty ring finger. “Oh, yeah. I freely admit I’d hoped for that.”
“That’s a lot of hope in one sentence,” she said, trying for a little humor so she could catch her breath and banish thoughts of those talents he boasted, which, based on his amazing kissing skills, she was more than ready to believe on a scale of one to ten were probably a twenty.
As for being single, that was true. The way she was wired, apparently. Something sadly missing in her DNA. The other reason she wasn’t really available despite her single status would doubtless surprise him. Maybe even shock him.
“I guess it is. But one thing I never thought to hope for is this unbelievable chemistry between us. Unless it’s only me who feels like a nuclear bomb just went off in my head from kissing you. Is it?”
She stared into the gaze searching hers, the question hanging in their dark depths. She opened her mouth to answer, but found her throat all closed up at the heat she saw there, at the dangerous current swirling around as if the two of them were standing in some electrified tornado.
“Is it, Hope?”
Her name on his lips, spoken in a deep voice that promised a delicious pleasure she hadn’t had in so long, and definitely wouldn’t have for even longer, maybe even ever, sent her closing the gap between them. Shocking her. Speaking her surprising answer against his lips. “No. It’s not just you.”
The kiss was excruciatingly soft and sweet and went on so long, she felt dizzy. When their lips separated, they just stared at one another until he spoke in a rough voice.
“I live just a block away.” His warm lips pressed softly against one chilled cheek, then the other. Feathered against each eyelid before his gaze met hers again. “I want you, which I’m sure doesn’t come as a surprise. Will you come home with me to see where our undeniable chemistry leads? And if you decide it leads to just a glass of wine or brandy, that’s okay.”
Oh. My. God. He wanted her. The sexy man she’d have to confess she’d had more than one fantasy about wanted her.
Not that she was completely taken aback, after his comment about nuclear explosions and those knee-melting kisses they’d shared. And after hearing the stories of his lifestyle. Her heart pounded so hard in her chest, she was sure he could probably hear it.
Did she really want to be another notch in his bedpost?
Her gaze took in how his dark hair blew across his forehead, how his lips were curved in a small smile, how his brown eyes gleamed with an unmistakable desire and, for the first time in her life, she wanted to say Oh, yes! to a one-night fling.
As she looked at him she thought about her new life right there on the horizon. A new life which would be all about changes to her body and sleepless nights and new responsibilities. Didn’t she pride herself on knowing what she wanted and making it happen? What would be wrong with enjoying one, doubtless delectable night with Aaron Cartwright? She never worked with the man, and a one-night fling wasn’t any kind of real relationship anyway, right?
“I...um...” She licked her lips and tried again. “I’m not in a place in my life where I want a relationship.”
“I’m never in a place in my life where I want a relationship.” His smile widened. “At least not one that’s long-term. I don’t stay put in one place long enough for that. But time with you, getting to know all about Hope Sanders and who she is and what she likes? That I’d like very much.”
His hand dropped hers to cup her cheek, warm against her cool skin, and his thumb slipped across her cheekbone with the same feathery touch he’d used on her fingers. Hope quivered as her thoughts suddenly turned to how those fingers might feel against other parts of her body.
“I meant I’m not in a place where we could spend any time together other than tonight.”
“Other than tonight?” His dark brows raised slightly, his eyes now looking both perplexed and slightly amused. “Got to say, a woman saying she wants to kick me out the door after one night together is a first.”
“Wouldn’t be kicking you out, because it’s your own house.” She managed a breathless laugh. “I admit it’s a first for me, too. But that’s all I can offer and...and...”
As she struggled to figure out what to say he touched his lips gently to hers. “And what?”
“And I’m offering it.” She gulped in disbelief that the words had actually come out of her mouth. But as his lips sweetly, softly pressed against hers, warm and tender and oh-so-delicious, her disbelief and uncertainty faded. She lifted her hands to the sides of his strong neck as heat radiated from him, warming her even through her coat. It all felt so good, so wonderful, so right, she knew she wouldn’t regret being with him tonight. Just one evening of excitement and passion with a strong, sexy man before everything in her life changed.
He pulled back, and the eyes staring into hers were that smoldering, dark onyx again. “You might not believe it, but I’m not normally a one-night-stand guy. If that’s all you’re willing to offer, though, I find it’s damned impossible for me to say no. We’ll go to my apartment and have that nightcap, and you can decide then where, if anywhere, you’d like the rest of the evening to go before I take you home.”
His hand wrapped around hers again, and he led her up the stone steps. He was moving fast, and she nearly tripped in her heels. He looked at her feet and slowed down as his hot gaze lifted to hers again. “Sorry. I forgot you had those things on. Very sexy,” he said, leaning down to brush his warm lips against her cheek. “But not so great for walking, hmm? Thankfully, we don’t have to go far.”
They didn’t speak again on the short trek, and Hope’s breath was short, but not from the walk. Her chest was filled with a crazy excitement that completely overwhelmed the nervous butterflies in her stomach.
They trotted up short steps to a gorgeous Victorian-style stone building with two ornate front doors, and Hope had to pause to admire it.
“Is this a semi? Do you own this one side?”
“Yes, it’s a duplex and my neighbor is a nice, quiet, older lady. But since I move around a lot, renting is always the way to go.”
Apparently it was true that the man wanted nothing to tie him down, but it wasn’t any of her business why he felt that way. His hand palmed her back as she stepped inside the door on the right, the butterflies now flapping a little more insistently. He shut the door behind them, and his eyes met hers for the briefest moment before he wrapped his arms around her, pulled her close and kissed her.
There was nothing sweet or gentle or teasing about this one. It went from zero to sixty in a split second, hot and intense, his tongue exploring her mouth with a thoroughness that weakened her knees and melted every brain cell. She let her hands slip up his chest and the sides of his neck into his soft thick hair, mussing it even more than the breeze had, and found herself pressing his mouth somehow even closer to hers, deepening the kiss until she was quivering from head to toe.
“I keep my home pretty chilly. But kissing you has definitely warmed me up.” The dark hunger in his eyes as he pulled back made it hard to breathe. Even harder when he reached to flick her coat buttons open one by one. He tossed the coat on a chair behind him, then took off his own. “You warmer now, too? Would you like that brandy we talked about? Or a glass of wine?”
His voice was husky, and Hope was surprised at the sincerity in it, considering the gleam in his eyes and the shortness of his breath that mirrored her own. He clearly had truly meant what he’d said about giving her time to decide what she wanted from the evening. It added one more layer to his already delicious appeal, and every last vestige of doubt slid away as she tugged at the bow of his tie until it lay loose around his neck.
“Would you be surprised if I told you that every time I saw you at the hospital, fantasies of kissing you and being with you usually followed? So even though we don’t really know each other, somehow I feel like we do. Like those fantasies were real.” It was true, and she was surprised she didn’t feel embarrassed to tell him. To help him understand why she felt good about being here with him tonight. “So right now I don’t want a drink. What I want is for those fantasies to truly become real.”
His gaze slid to her mouth, to the beading on her dress above her breasts, before slowly meeting hers again. “You can be sure you’ve starred in my fantasies as well, Hope Sanders. I always assumed a woman like you would already be taken by some lucky guy, and I’m more than glad to learn that’s not the case.” His lips tilted in a slow smile. “But I know it must be because you dump all the men eager to be with you as soon as you’ve had your way with them.”
That hadn’t been her failing, but she was glad he didn’t know what was. “Not quite accurate, but I’m finding it rather fun to pretend to be that woman tonight.”
He grasped her shoulders and turned her around. Cool air swept her hot skin as he tugged on the tab of her zipper, his soft, moist mouth pressing against the side of her neck.
His lips crept along her skin as he lowered the zipper inch by inch, his hands trailing after in a slow, shivery path so heart-poundingly delicious she feared she might pass out from the intense pleasure of it. Over her shoulder blade, her spine, sliding the dress off as he went, ending with his hands grasping her hips and his tongue caressing the indentations above each buttock.
“Your skin feels so soft,” he whispered. “Tastes so good.”
Trembling, she could have stood there for ever savoring the feel of his hands and mouth, the rumble of his low voice against her flesh. Except she didn’t want to be the only one standing there half-naked, and she turned. Trembling even more when she realized he’d crouched down to kiss her back, and that his mouth was now just above her panties. Slowly, excruciatingly, kissing all across the lacy top before lazily licking her skin beneath.
Part of her wanted him to just keep going with all the licking and kissing that was short-circuiting all thoughts except how incredibly good it felt. But the part of her brain that somehow still worked had her grasping his arms to tug him upright before she just lay down on the floor and begged him to make love to her.
“Not fair for me to be standing here freezing while you’re still dressed.” Though freezing was about the last word to describe how she really felt. “I’d undo your shirt, except I don’t know what to do with those little pearl buttons.”
“I’m perfectly happy with things staying unfair, but if you insist.”
He stood to tower over her—something she wasn’t used to at five feet eight inches. “How tall are you, anyway?” she asked absently, staring with fascination as his fingers flicked open his buttons one by one, slowly revealing dark brown hair in the center of his chest that tapered down to a taut stomach.
“Six foot three or so.”
His shirt slipped off him completely, showing smooth, broad shoulders and a torso that was thickly muscled and masculine and so sexy, her mouth watered. She’d thought the man swoon-worthy in a suit and tie, scrubs, or tux. None of that had prepared her for the sheer, male beauty that was Aaron Cartwright.
Speechless, she stared at him as he kicked off his shoes and tossed his belt on the floor. The brown eyes that met hers glittered with the same crazy desire she felt, but he had that appealing little smile on his lips, too, as he wrapped one arm around her and kissed her. Without the intensity of the deep kiss they’d shared the minute they’d stepped inside his door. This one was sweet, and slow, tasting like a promise, and she couldn’t help but melt right into him. The kiss stayed mind-blowingly tender as his fingers moved to trace the lace of her bra, then slipped inside to caress her nipple. It felt so good, so wonderful, she moved back a smidge to give him better access.
“I guess...this is that talent you were talking about,” she managed to whisper as they kissed. “You weren’t lying about being good at it.”
“Did I say I wanted to show you just one talent?” She felt him smile against her mouth. “I have more.”
She smiled, too, since, holy wow, that was beyond true. His kisses and caresses were pretty much the best things she’d enjoyed in forever. “Does that big ego count as a talent?”
“No.” His fingers moved to trace where his tongue had gone inside the lace of her panties, and her amusement faded with a gasp as they moved south to stroke her moist folds. “My big ego is a failing of mine, so if you can help me with doing better, I’d appreciate it.”
She bit back a moan. “Having an orgasm right this second probably wouldn’t help you with that.”
“No. But it would make me very happy.” His hot breath mingled with hers as their tongues continued a gentle dance. The feel of the hard muscle of his chest with its soft hair beneath her hands, his low voice, and the excruciatingly wonderful touch of his fingers expertly moving on her most sensitive part sent her over the edge she hadn’t wanted to go over, and she shuddered and moaned.
“I didn’t mean for that to happen.” Gasping, she slumped against him feeling slightly embarrassed. But mostly she felt incredibly, amazingly, quiveringly good. From just his touch and nothing else.
He held her tightly against him, and his hand slipped from her wetness to cup her rear inside her panties. His lips touched her cheek, her ear, her forehead. “I did.” His voice sounded breathless, too, and rough, and also very satisfied, damn it.
“I guess I failed in my assignment to help keep that ego of yours in check.”
“I’m probably a hopeless case, anyway.” He chuckled as his lips pressed the corner of her mouth. “Let’s go somewhere more comfortable, hmm?”
She didn’t care where they went, so long as it was for more of the bliss he’d just given her. The floor would be fine with her, but he led her to a room with a big, wide bed. He yanked back the covers before he picked her up and deposited her into the middle of it. He stared at her, and the fire in his eyes scorched every inch of her body they perused, making her tremble all over again. Had any man ever looked at her like that before?
“You are a beautiful woman, Hope.” He yanked off his trousers and socks and she had a heart-stopping moment to admire his gorgeous nakedness and the clear evidence that he was every bit as aroused as she was. “Even more beautiful than my fantasies.”
“My fantasies about you had you being pretty godlike, Dr. Cartwright. And let me say you’ve met those expectations quite well. Except, oops, there I go forgetting about that ego assignment again.”
Another chuckle rumbled from his chest into hers as he lay next to her on the bed and pulled her close, kissing her and touching her until she’d have been hard pressed to come up with her own name. Dimly, she realized her underwear was now off and every inch of her body was quivering from the touch of his mouth and talented fingers. She tried to return the favor as much as she possibly could in the state of sexual intoxication he’d driven her to, but found every sense focused on the intense pleasure he was giving her.
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