Полная версия
Only His
She still remembered walking into the huge open room in the industrial complex. The ceilings had probably been thirty feet high, with light spilling in from all the windows. There’d been a huge platform in the middle and a beautiful woman wielding a blowtorch. But what had caught Nevada’s attention was the man standing by the platform. The grown-up Tucker was very different from the kid she’d remembered.
“It was one of those things,” she said, taking another bite of the quesadilla, chewing and swallowing. “I took one look at him and fell head over heels. I didn’t have a chance.”
Montana leaned toward her. “That’s not a bad thing, right?”
“It is when the guy in question is madly in love with someone else. He had a girlfriend.” If one could give Cat such a pedestrian title. “I was crazy about him, and he was wild over her and she wanted to be my friend.
It was hell.”
“Who was she?” Dakota asked. “Another student?”
Nevada shrugged. “It doesn’t matter.” No way was she going to say the name. There was a chance they would recognize it and Cat wasn’t anyone Nevada wanted to talk about.
“I hung out with them a few times,” she said. “Then I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I pulled back. One night I heard they broke up and I went to see Tucker. He was seriously drunk and we had very bad sex.”
She didn’t mention that she’d basically thrown herself at him. And that, looking back, she was a little surprised he’d even remembered it was her. After all, he’d called Cat’s name at the crucial moment.
She sighed. “It was a mess. They got back together, I was crushed and that was it. I never saw either of them again. Until today.”
There was so much more. The fact that Tucker had chosen Cat over her. Not a surprise, really. Cat was beautiful and larger than life and they’d been together first. Still, Nevada had been heartbroken and humiliated. Plus, the sex really had been awful. So bad that she’d waited nearly three years before risking getting intimate again.
“I wanted the job,” she said, picking up her drink. “I wanted the chance.”
“You don’t know he won’t hire you,” Montana told her. “You’re the best candidate.”
“I don’t think that’s a deciding factor.”
Dakota sipped her tea. “Was it hard to see him again?”
“It was a shock. I was expecting his father. But that’s not what you’re asking, is it?” “No.”
Nevada considered the unasked question. “I’m over him. It was a long time ago and I was young and foolish. Everything is different now.”
“There aren’t any lingering feelings?” Dakota asked.
“Not even one.”
Nevada spoke as firmly as a nearly drunk person could. The good news was, she was pretty sure she wasn’t even lying.
TUCKER HAD NEVER THOUGHT much about small-town America. Mostly his work took him to remote places, where they had to create their own infrastructure to get the job done, or to urban areas, often those that were crumbling. He wasn’t used to cheerful storefronts and friendly people strolling along clean sidewalks. In the ten minutes it had taken him to get from his hotel to the center of town, he’d been greeted multiple times, told to have a good day, asked if the weather could be any better and nuzzled by a tiny toy poodle in a pink sweater.
He’d been to Fool’s Gold before, back when he was about sixteen. Tucker’s mom had died when he was pretty little, so his dad had taken him along on construction jobs. He’d grown up all over the world, getting his education through local classes and tutors. His dad had worried that he wasn’t socializing enough with kids his own age, so every summer Tucker was sent to a different camp in the States. One year it was space camp, another had been a drama camp. The year he’d turned sixteen, his father sent him to a cycling camp, where he met Ethan Hendrix and Josh Golden.
The three of them had hung out all summer. Josh and Ethan had both been serious about cycling. Josh had gone on to make a career of it. Tucker had gone into the family business, and went where the next big project was. Ethan had stayed in Fool’s Gold.
Tucker crossed a narrow street and saw the sign for Hendrix Construction. Back in high school, Ethan had planned to go to college, then get the hell out of Fool’s Gold. He and Tucker had talked about Ethan coming to work for Janack Construction. They’d daydreamed about a dam they’d build in South America or a bridge in India. Instead, Ethan’s father had died, leaving Ethan responsible for running the family business. As the oldest of six kids, with a heartbroken mother, Ethan hadn’t had a whole lot of choices.
Tucker opened the door to the construction office and smiled at the receptionist sitting behind the desk. “I’d like to see Nevada, please.”
He’d arrived early enough in the morning to catch her before she headed to a job site, but still expected to be asked if he had an appointment. Instead, the receptionist pointed toward a door at the rear of the big room.
“She’s in her office.”
He circled around a couple of empty desks and knocked on the open door.
Nevada stood with her back to him, pulling out a file drawer. In the second it took her to turn, he saw she wore jeans and a T-shirt instead of the trousers and blazer from the day before. Heavy work boots added a couple of inches of height, bringing her closer to his eye level. She was tall and lean, with curves in all the right places.
Attractive, he thought absently. Sexy. And she’d probably been back in college. Not that he would have noticed. Being around Cat had been like looking at the sun—he couldn’t see anything else. Life would have been a whole lot easier if he’d fallen for someone normal like Nevada instead of Cat.
As Nevada spun to face him, he noticed she wasn’t wearing much in the way of makeup and her face was pale.
“Good morning.”
She blinked at him. “Maybe for you.”
Her eyes were red and looked a little puffy. Judging by the shadows underneath, he guessed she’d had a difficult night.
“Hangover?” he asked, keeping his voice low.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Had she been out drinking because of him? Well, them. He hoped he was the cause of her morning pain. If only for proof that their meeting had affected her as much as it had affected him.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop,” she told him.
“You’re looking smug. It’s annoying. In fact, you should go away. Why are you here, anyway? Are you looking for Ethan?”
“I’m looking for you.”
She touched her forehead, as if trying to rub away pain. “I can’t imagine why.” “Sure you can.”
Despite the dark circles and her pallor, she was still appealing. He liked Nevada in jeans and a T-shirt, rather than dressed for an interview. These clothes were more like the woman he remembered.
“I want a do-over,” he told her. “The interview,” he added, just in case she thought he was talking about sex. Not that he would say no to a chance to prove himself.
“I have nothing left to say to you. You have my résumé. That’s enough.”
“You’re right. It is. I want to hire you as a construction manager.”
“Go to hell.”
“Is that an ‘I’ll think about it’?”
“It’s a go to hell. I’m not interested in being played.”
“Why would you think I’m playing you?”
“You’re only offering me the job because I said you were lousy in bed.”
He winced, hoping her voice wouldn’t carry. “This is a project worth tens of millions of dollars. Do you think I’d risk that because of my ego?” He moved toward her. “You’re more than qualified, which is important, but as you pointed out yesterday, you’re a local. You know how things are done around here. You can help us avoid making mistakes.”
It was a lesson he’d learned the hard way more than once. Paying attention to the seemingly foolish rituals and expectations of the locals could often mean the difference between coming in on time and on budget and blowing through all projections.
“I know you’re interested,” he continued. “Otherwise you wouldn’t have bothered applying or showing up for the interview.”
“It was supposed to be with your father,” she snapped. “Not you. I never wanted to see you again.”
“I’m the one in charge.”
“Exactly. Which is why it’s okay for you to leave now.”
As rejections went, she was more than clear. He didn’t like it, but he wasn’t going to beg. He nodded once, then left, still confused about what was going on. He got halfway across the parking lot when a pickup pulled in next to him.
“You’re a long way from the Amazon,” a familiar voice called.
Tucker saw Ethan climbing out of the truck and grinned.
“What are you doing here?” Tucker asked. He and Ethan shook hands, then slapped each other on the back.
“I run the place,” Ethan said, pointing at the sign. “Not that I’m here much these days. I’m over with the turbines.”
Tucker knew his friend had become involved with turbine construction. Wind energy was a growing field and Ethan’s product was in high demand.
“I have some names for you,” Ethan told him, pulling a worn briefcase off the passenger seat. “Good guys you’ll want to think about hiring. A couple work for me, but I’ll let them go. With Nevada leaving, there’s going to be less construction work.”
“Leaving? Where’s she going?”
“To work for you.” Ethan looked surprised. “I know she applied.”
“She did. I just offered her a job, but she turned me down.”
“I don’t get it,” Ethan told him. “She was excited about the opportunity.”
“I wanted her on board.”
There had to be something else going on, Tucker told himself. It couldn’t just be the past. Assuming what she’d said was true, that their time together had been … awful, even that shouldn’t be enough to keep her from coming to work for him. He wasn’t some jerk of a boss.
“I was planning on giving her a team of my best guys.”
Ethan frowned. “Let me talk to her.”
Tucker shook his head. “Don’t. She either wants the job or she doesn’t. It needs to be her choice.”
“Okay. But don’t think this means you’re going to be in town and avoiding me. I want to have you over for dinner. You can meet Liz and the kids. See all you’ve been missing with your nomadic lifestyle.”
“I like my nomadic lifestyle.”
“That’s because you never were as bright as the rest of us.”
NEVADA DID HER BEST to ignore the pounding in her head. She’d taken as much aspirin as she thought was safe and had hydrated enough to water fifteen acres of corn, but she still felt as if she would have been smarter to shoot herself that morning.
Jo had tried to warn her, she reminded herself. She’d been very specific on the consequences of drinking that much—especially for someone who generally limited herself to a single drink. But had she listened? Of course not. Now she was paying the price with a pounding headache and a body that hurt everywhere but her eyelashes.
“I can’t believe you turned down the job.”
The loud words came unexpectedly, causing her to jump. She glanced up and saw her brother standing in the doorway to her office. Tucker had filled up the space nicely, she thought, remembering how good he’d looked and how that had pissed her off.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she mumbled, wondering when the last of the alcohol would finally get out of her system.
“You’re going to talk about it. This is what you wanted. You said you were interested in a challenge. Tucker’s offering all that. He thinks you’d be good for his team.”
Telling her sisters what had happened was one thing, but explaining the details to her brother wasn’t a place she was willing to go.
“I’m not interested anymore.”
“Why? I don’t get this. Are you scared?”
“Then, what?”
Ethan was a great big brother. In school, he’d looked out for his baby sisters, and as an adult, he’d put his own dreams on hold so he could run the family business and put his younger siblings through college. He’d grown Hendrix Construction into a much larger company and had started a successful turbine business as well. He was a good guy.
That was why she couldn’t tell him about her sordid past with Tucker. Ethan would feel the need to do something, which would only complicate the situation.
“Ethan, I love you. Let it go.”
He stared at her for a long time, then shrugged.
“Tucker’s a great guy. Why wouldn’t you want to work for him?”
“I just wouldn’t.”
“You’re being an idiot. You know that, right?”
“Okay. It’s your decision.” He walked away.
Nevada was left alone in her office, her head pounding, the past threatening to bubble over into the present. She tried to busy herself with work, but could not stare at her computer screen. Not with her headache. Giving in to the inevitable, she left for the day and walked home.
Late summer was a beautiful time in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Fool’s Gold sat nestled at about twenty-five hundred feet. Just high enough for them to have all four seasons, but not so high that they still had snow until June. To the east were the jagged peaks, to the west were the vineyards and the highway that led to Sacramento.
Nevada took a slightly longer route home, mostly because she wanted to be on quieter streets where she was less likely to run into anyone and have to make conversation. Between feeling like roadkill and having a very unusual urge to cry, she wanted to simply be, without any expectations.
As always, catching sight of her house made her feel better. It had been built in the 1920s by a man who loved all things Victorian. The three-story house rose well above all the neighboring homes, a fussy dowager out of place among more modern offerings. She’d bought the place three years ago and had done all the remodeling herself.
The new exterior paint had toned down the pink-and-yellow trim to a soft white. The house itself was a pale gray. Turrets stood on either side. One was her master bath, the other was part of the guest room.
She’d turned the main floor into two small apartments she rented out to college kids. This year her tenants were grad students who did something with computers. She wasn’t sure what, but they were quiet and paid their rent on time, which worked for her.
She climbed up the main staircase to her place—a spacious two-floor unit. After passing through her living room, she took a second set of stairs up to the third floor and walked into her bathroom.
She’d spent most of her time and budget on this bathroom and the kitchen and loved how both had turned out. The bathroom was huge, with a separate shower and a reproduction claw-foot tub. Big stained-glass windows let in plenty of light while giving her privacy and, when she stretched out in the tub, she could see the fireplace in the master bedroom.
Now, her head still pounding, she turned on the water and threw in a handful of jasmine-scented bath beads. In a matter of seconds, the soothing smell had combined with the steam, already relaxing her.
She walked into the bedroom and took off her boots, then stripped off her clothes. She shrugged into a robe and returned to the bathroom to wait for the tub to fill.
Without wanting to, she remembered the first time she’d met Tucker. She’d been maybe ten and Ethan and Josh had brought him home with them from cycling camp. The most exciting thing about his visit was his father’s flying to pick him up in a private jet. She’d found that far more intriguing than Tucker himself.
Eight or so years later, when she’d gone off to college, Ethan had told her to look up his old buddy. She’d made the duty call and was surprised when Tucker was enthused about seeing her again.
He’d given her directions to an industrial complex by the Los Angeles airport. She remembered being surprised by the location. The address was for a building nearly as big as an airplane hangar. The first thing she noticed when she stepped out of her small truck was the sound of music. The pounding rock beat had made the windows rattle.
She’d knocked on the half-open door, but no one had answered. Probably because no one could hear her. She pushed opened the door and stepped inside.
The open area was huge, maybe ten thousand square feet, with soaring ceilings. Big windows allowed the L.A. sunshine to illuminate everything. The floor was concrete, and the music was even louder here. The bass caused her chest to vibrate.
But what caught her attention was the scaffolding in the center of the massive room. Reaching nearly as high as the ceiling, it was a complex framework with platforms and railings. It surrounded a gigantic, twisted piece of metal.
The piece seemed to curl in on itself, yet reached up at the same time. As Nevada studied it, she felt as if the shards had been ripped open by a blast, then hastily put back together, but not in the right order. There was tragedy in the work. A sense of loss.
After a few seconds, she noticed a woman stood near the top of the scaffolding, welding sparks showering her. From this distance, Nevada couldn’t tell much about her, except that she was tall and thin.
“You made it.”
The voice came from her left, a shout to be heard over the music. She turned and saw Tucker. Only this guy wasn’t the tall, skinny teenage boy she remembered. This guy was broad and handsome, with an easy smile and eyes that beamed with pleasure at seeing her. Despite the loud music, the strange building and the unusual artwork, everything disappeared. The world became a pinprick of light, expanding again until there was only Tucker.
Nevada had never believed in love at first sight. Never thought it was possible for one soul to recognize another. Never knew what it was like to have the very breath stolen from her body. She stood rooted, unable to move or speak. She could only stare at the man she knew she would love for the rest of her life.
He said something. She saw his lips move, but couldn’t make out the sound. He laughed, grabbed her arm and pulled her outside.
“Hi,” he said when they were in the relative quiet of the parking lot. “You made it.”
“I did.”
He hugged her, his body warm against hers. She wanted to lean in, to get lost in his strength and heat, but he straightened too quickly and she wasn’t ready to let go. Not yet.
“How’s college?”
“Good. I’m settling into my classes.”
“You’re okay in the dorm?” He sounded more like a parent than a friend, but she nodded anyway. “Ethan’s good?” “He’s dealing.”
The humor faded from Tucker’s face. “I’m sorry about your dad.”
Over the summer, her father had unexpectedly died, leaving the whole family shocked and devastated. Although she and her sisters had protested going off to school, their mom had insisted. Ethan had been the only one to put his dreams on hold, to take over the family business.
“It’s complicated,” she said. “I still can’t believe he’s gone.”
Tucker put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. “I want to tell you it will get better, but right now that’s pretty meaningless, huh?”
“I know it won’t hurt so much later, but it’s hard right now.”
He stared into her eyes, making the emptiness kind of fade into the background. He still had his arm around her, another amazing concept. Had he felt it, too? The connection?
For once she wished she had more experience when it came to men. In high school, she’d never much seen the point. There had been the occasional guy, but no real boyfriend.
“Want to get lunch?” he asked.
Her heart gave a little jump. Okay, it wasn’t a date, but it was close. “I’d like that.”
“Good.” He dropped his arm. “Let me go see if Cat wants to take a break.” He shook his head. “She has the classic artistic temperament. I never know when she’s going to go off on me, so don’t be surprised if you hear a lot of screaming.”
He sounded more excited than upset by the prospect.
“Cat?” she asked, remembering the female welder.
But Tucker was already gone, walking quickly into the building.
Nevada walked to the door and watched as he gracefully climbed the scaffolding. When he reached the welder, he touched her on the shoulder. The sparks stopped and the woman removed her protective gear.
Even from all the way across the building, Nevada could tell she was beautiful. Long, dark hair tumbled halfway down her back in cascading waves. A classically beautiful face—wide eyes, high cheekbones and a full mouth. The woman stepped out of a jumpsuit, revealing a cropped T-shirt and shorts, long, perfect legs and a waist small enough to belong on a model.
She and Tucker descended the scaffolding together.
Once again Nevada was unable to move, but it wasn’t Tucker who held her in place—it was her own sense of insignificance. The woman was older than Nevada, and probably a couple of years older than Tucker. Even casually dressed, she had an air of sophistication. Men wrote songs for women like that, went to war for them, loved them.
As the couple approached, Nevada wanted to run. She forced herself to stand there, knowing she would probably trip over her own feet if she tried to get away.
“So, you’re Tucker’s friend,” the woman said, her voice low and sultry, with a slight accent. “I’m delighted to finally meet you. I’m Caterina Stoicasescu.” She held out her long, slender hand. “Nevada Hendrix.”
Nevada shook the strong, scarred hand, doing her best to keep her mouth from hanging open. Her gaze went from the woman to the sculpture and back.
Caterina Stoicasescu? She was famous all the way to Fool’s Gold. Talented, gifted. She’d been discovered when she was little. Maybe before she was a teenager. Her sculptures were supposed to be brilliant beyond words. Nevada knew her work was displayed all over the world, that Caterina was well-known and wealthy.
“You are from a small town, yes?” Caterina asked.
“Fool’s Gold. It’s in the Sierra Nevada foothills. It’s pretty. Quaint. Probably different from your regular life.”
Caterina smiled, her piercing green eyes tilting up at the corners. “So you’ve heard of me. That’s good.”
“I’m not an expert, of course, but yes. Your work …” She motioned to the sculpture. “It’s very beautiful.”
Caterina moved next to her and they both faced the piece. “Tell me. What does it make you feel?”
Nevada swallowed. “I, um … I don’t really know what you’re asking.”
“When you look at it, what do you think? What did you think when you first saw it?”
“I’m an engineering student,” she began, feeling herself blush. She glanced at Tucker, hoping he would rescue her, but he wasn’t looking at her. Instead his gaze was locked on the other woman.
“You’re smart, I can tell. What did you feel?”
Nevada swallowed. “Sad. Like something bad had happened.”
Caterina threw up her hands and turned in a circle. “Yes. That is it exactly.” She grabbed Nevada by the shoulders and kissed her on each cheek. “Thank you.”
Nevada blinked a couple of times. “You’re welcome, Ms. Stoicasescu.”
“Cat, please. All my friends call me that.” She linked arms with Nevada and motioned to the metal. “It is the end of war. Not something likely to happen, but I made it as a reminder of the pain we all feel. I didn’t plan what it would be. I don’t. I am only the vessel. The art comes through me.”
Cat turned to her. “So, tell me everything about yourself. I know we are going to be great friends.”
Nevada was taken aback. “What do you want to know?”
“All. Start at the beginning. I am from Romania. Do you have brothers or sisters? Yes, you must because that’s how Tucker knows you. We must do something together soon. Perhaps go to a party.”
“I thought we could get lunch,” Tucker told her.
Cat released Nevada and turned to him. Her head tilted slightly, causing her blue-black hair to tumble over one shoulder.