Twilight Phantasies
Twilight Phantasies

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Twilight Phantasies

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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“How could he, short of reading my mind?” She blinked and looked away suddenly. “Unless…” He waited expectantly. She made up her mind. What she had to say couldn’t hurt Daniel. If anything, it might help him avoid a lawsuit if she could stay on good terms with Marquand. She tried to avoid the burning knowledge of her own powerful feelings for a man she barely knew. “There were times when I cried out loud, loud enough to alert Daniel and bring him to my room. He always told me he hadn’t heard clearly enough to guess what I’d said in my sleep, but I suppose there’s a chance he might not have told me if he thought it would add to the problem.”

“Or if he knew I would come to you, and planned to lie in wait.”

Until that point she’d done her best to see his side of things. Now her head came up fast and she bristled. “You need to get that idea out of your mind. I admit, Daniel follows you, lurks outside your house and watches everything you do. But why on earth would he want to trap you, as you say? What do you suppose he’d do with you when he got you?”

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