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Search And Rescue
A sidelong glance at Ryder convinced her further. He needed her help and that of the dog she was preparing for him. Call it a job or a ministry or whatever, it was why she was where she was at this moment in time. She would not waste the opportunity.
While it was wrong to think of hugging away his pain, it was right to support his rise in rank. Merely the fact that he had been promoted to police chief while still technically a K-9 cop was a wonder. Keeping him active and qualified with a dog for as long as he wished to be was up to her.
She closed her eyes for a moment and thought. Father, thank You. Please stay with me.
“You okay?” Ryder asked.
“Fine.” Her voice had a catch in it the first time so she repeated, “Fine.”
“Do you want me to drop you back at the training center or take you home?”
“Home, please,” Sophie said. “I want Phoenix to get used to living with his handler again. We may as well start right away.”
“You won’t take any unnecessary chances? Promise?”
“Cross my heart.” She made the motion.
“Okay. I’ll go in ahead of you and check your house.”
Her “No,” came easily.
Sophie was nodding. “Thanks, but no thanks. That won’t be necessary. If there’s anything wrong at my place the dog will alert.”
“How? By ducking and shaking the way he did at the depot?” The chief sounded cynical.
Reminded of the shooting incident and the way her own hands had trembled in its aftermath, Sophie covered her emotions by shrugging and saying, “Whatever.”
To herself, she added, That will make two of us feeling fearful. All her previous efforts to escape the rigors and threats of active law enforcement had been rendered ineffectual the moment those shots had been fired. If she had not been going home with a dog, traumatized or not, she might have welcomed human intervention.
Ryder was adamant. “Look. Until we know whether or not the attack on you was random, I’m going to pull rank. I’m inspecting your house when we get there. Is that understood?”
Sophie was so relieved she nearly sighed aloud. Instead, she purposely pouted, scooted lower in the seat and folded her arms, making sure her courageous image remained unspoiled. “Yeah, I get it.”
In truth, she was thankful. The house she’d been renting for several years sat on a double lot on East Second Street and backed up to undeveloped land, a quiet location that had seemed ideal until she’d started feeling vulnerable.
Right now, she’d have gladly settled for high stone walls instead of wire fencing, and maybe a turret with an armed guard or two, preferably one like Ryder Hayes.
If he turned up anybody hiding in her house, waiting to hurt her, she didn’t know what she’d do. But she was pretty sure she knew what Ryder would do—whatever it took to see that she was taken care of.
Ryder had figured Sophie’s objections to his entering her home had been based on its messy condition. One look had immediately changed his mind. She was a good housekeeper. The dishes were washed, the bed made, and a vacuum cleaner stood sentinel in a corner of the living room. There were slipcovers on her padded furniture and an extra throw on the sofa. He could understand that when a person kept bringing new dogs home.
Satisfied that she’d be fine, he divided the remainder of his day between his office and the depot crime scene. He was a methodical investigator. Usually. This time he felt as if he was missing something, some clue that would better explain why Sophie had been targeted. But what?
After being fooled so thoroughly by Carrie, he found himself mistrusting everyone, a trait which had gotten him into hot water with Sophie after her predecessor, head trainer Veronica Earnshaw, had been murdered at work. Unwarranted suspicion and hurt feelings at that time meant he’d have to be doubly sensitive about how he chose to dig deeper into Sophie’s past. Looking for someone who may have held a grudge since her days as a police officer was going to be his first objective.
The most logical choice was to simply question her, although he hadn’t gotten very far when he’d tried that before. There were cut-and-dried facts in her file, sure, but that wasn’t the same as getting her input on old cases.
Planning to speak with her the following day, Ryder put Titus in his car and started for Lily’s babysitter’s house. Passing the veterinary office adjacent to the training center, he did a double take. There was only one old car he knew of that lacked a backseat and was decorated with decals of various dog breeds. Sophie Williams was out and about.
He parked at the curb. Bypassing the deserted front counter he headed down the hall to the exam rooms. Phoenix was perched on a stainless steel table while Sophie comforted him.
Her eyes widened. “Oops. Caught me.”
“You promised me you’d stay home today.”
“I believe I promised I wouldn’t make any unnecessary trips.” She’d looped an arm over the trembling dog’s shoulders while Tanya Fowler, the veterinarian, held a stethoscope to his ribs.
“This is necessary?”
“Yes,” Sophie replied.
“And why is that?”
“Well, you wouldn’t want a sick dog to contaminate our working teams or facility, would you?”
He eyed the shaking canine. “He’s sick?” Judging by the way Sophie’s cheeks bloomed even before she answered, he doubted it.
“Um, no, Tanya says he’s healthy.” Sophie brightened. “But you have to agree. We did need a professional opinion.”
“And now we have one. Let’s go. I’ll follow you home and check the place again.”
“Don’t be silly. There’s no reason for you to go to all that trouble. I told you, I’m armed.”
“A handgun is no defense against a rifle unless your attacker runs out of ammo and tries to club you with it.”
The face she made at him was hilarious. Rather than smile and lose authority he turned away and pointed to the door.
Although Sophie didn’t hurry, she did comply. Giving the vet a brief hug and thanking her, she lifted Phoenix down and started for the exit.
Ryder let her pass before he allowed himself to grin behind her back. Of all the trainers and handlers he’d ever known, this one was the most admirable—and the most hardheaded. She had a quick answer for everything and a dry wit that often surfaced at the most needed moments. Working in law enforcement was tough, particularly for men and women who were in it for altruistic reasons, and they often needed the kind of emotional release that laughter provided.
Sophie was out the door and halfway to her car before he stopped her. “Wait. You forgot something.”
He’d already scanned their surroundings, satisfied they were safe for the time being. “You never once checked for threats. You just barged out the door as if you were the only person in town.”
“Like I keep telling you, Phoenix will let me know if there’s danger.”
“Sure. After he has his own nervous breakdown.”
The view of Sophie, chin held high, her eyebrows arched and her hands fisted on her hips, was so cute he could hardly keep a straight face.
“I’ll have you know he saved me at the depot this morning. If he hadn’t held back I might not have bent over and could have been shot.”
That was enough to ruin Ryder’s day. “Why is this the first I’m hearing about a connection?”
She shrugged. “Actually, it just occurred to me when you questioned his abilities.”
“You didn’t hear or see anything to make you duck?”
“Nope. The first I knew I was in trouble was when the bullets started flying. Which reminds me. How long do you think my SUV will be out of service? I like my car but it lacks a certain dignity.”
“If I had my way you’d be stuck in your office for the rest of the year. Or longer.”
It was the rapid way Sophie’s expression changed that focused his attention. She was clearly trying to maintain her bravado and failing miserably. What had he said or done to trigger such a transformation? Even shortly after the shooting that could have taken her life, she hadn’t looked this doleful.
Concerned, Ryder approached. “What is it? What just happened?”
He reached out, not quite touching her shoulder, and heard an unexpected growl at his feet. Wonder of wonders, the usually shy dog had stepped in front of Sophie and was prepared to defend her.
“Whoa.” Ryder withdrew. “Maybe there is hope for Phoenix after all.”
“There’s hope for all God’s creatures, given the right environment and enough love,” Sophie said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be going.”
She let the dog jump in before she slid behind the wheel of her decal-covered car.
Because he assumed she’d take off as fast as possible, Ryder jogged back to his idling patrol unit, unlocking the door remotely. Titus was panting but comfortably cool thanks to a special air-conditioning system that functioned whether the car was moving or not.
It was easy to follow her to the small house on Second Street. Ryder stayed in his car and observed, just in case. The usual spring was missing from Sophie’s step. She was almost plodding, as if bearing a heavy weight on those slim shoulders. Seeing such a change come over her—and linger—had him worried.
Somehow, he had caused emotional injury to someone he admired, and for the life of him he couldn’t figure out what had happened. They’d been talking about her SUV and he’d made some sarcastic remark about wishing she were stuck in her office, but surely that couldn’t have been enough to instantly depress her.
Puzzled, Ryder kept watching and mulling over the problem until Sophie and the dog were safely inside. Whatever he’d done had also bothered the new dog so it must be something simple. Intuitive.
“I raised my voice?” he muttered. “I was just worried about her but...” But perceived anger had demoralized her. Perhaps Sophie’s mood had had less to do with what he’d said than it did with his forceful delivery.
So, who had verbally abused her in the past? And why were the residual effects lingering in her twenties?
A strong urge to climb out of the car and apologize was not easy to quash. Surely there would be a better time to speak with her in private and express regret. Besides, it might be too soon to approach after inadvertently hurting her.
That was what bothered him the most, even though it had been unintentional. He would never purposely harm anyone.
“Except for Carrie,” Ryder murmured. It would be better for all concerned if he were not present for the capture. His respect for the law was strong, yet he didn’t want to have to put it to the ultimate test.
Modern laws didn’t allow “an eye for an eye” biblical justice. God forgive him, he sorely wished it did.
* * *
Before releasing Phoenix, Sophie led him on a comprehensive tour of her house, allowing him to sniff to his heart’s content now that she was sure he was healthy. It was good to have a dog underfoot again, even if she was going to eventually have to relinquish him to a new partner.
She stroked the top of his head and saw his stub of a tail begin to wag. “That’s right, boy. I’m one of the good guys. You can trust me. Now let’s see if I can trust you.”
She unsnapped the leash. At first, the timid dog stayed close to her, not venturing far until he caught a scent and put his nose to the floor.
“You have natural ability and curiosity,” she said, keeping her voice gentle. “Good boy.” The stubby tail wagged faster. “I can get you over your fear. I know I can.”
So, who’s going to help me? Sophie asked herself. It had been a long time since she’d had such a strong flashback to her dysfunctional childhood, and even longer since she’d let it show enough to be noticeable. What was the matter with her? Chief Hayes—Ryder—was liable to think she was as unstable as the new dog.
“I’m not. Not at all,” she insisted. “There must be lots of people who don’t like to be yelled at.” And, to be totally honest, Ryder had not actually shouted. Maybe it was his reference to her being stuck in her office, combined with a harsh tone, that had pushed her panic button. As a child she’d spent long hours hiding in her closet and had even crawled under the bed a time or two, seeking escape from her parents’ anger. By themselves, her mother and father were generally amiable, but put them together and they didn’t seem to know a civil word.
“Which is why I love dogs,” she reminded herself, smiling at her new boarder. “Come, Phoenix.”
His ears perked up and he stopped to look at her. Pleased, she repeated, “Come,” and turned to walk away. To her delight, the mottled gray Aussie trotted along behind. By this time his short tail was wagging his whole rear end.
“Good boy. Sit,” Sophie commanded. Phoenix plunked down so fast it was a blur. She made him wait while she entered the kitchen, then released him to join her.
“You are going to be perfect for the chief,” she told him. “Now, let’s get you food and water bowls and fix a place for you to sleep in my room. Are you hungry?”
Two leaps and a skid on the slick, marbled vinyl floor took Phoenix straight to the refrigerator. Tongue lolling, he danced in circles.
Sophie had to laugh. She cupped his furry face on each side and gazed into his light brown eyes, positive they reflected intelligence. “Dogs eat dog food out of bowls in this house,” she told him. “Didn’t they teach you safety in those other places?”
He barked in her face. “Eww, dog breath,” she joked. “Follow me and pay attention. Lesson one is going to keep you from getting poisoned.”
Sadly, it was necessary to teach working dogs to ignore treats from strangers in order to protect them. The Canyon County Training Center did allow their graduates to eat from a human partner’s hand, but only when given a specific command.
With Phoenix close at her heels, Sophie pulled out two weighted dog dishes and placed them on a mat beside the back door. The expression on his face when he saw they were empty made her laugh again. “Patience, buddy. I’m working on your dinner.”
He watched her every move, quivering with excitement before she released him to eat. Then he approached his food as if he’d been starving. That kind of dog could be harder to train to leave food fragments alone but considering his rapid improvement she felt confident he was a quick learner.
As soon as he’d licked up the last crumb and polished the food dish with his tongue, Sophie accompanied him outside.
The instant his paws hit the porch, Phoenix bristled and began to growl. Sunset was casting her small backyard in long shadows, the lingering heat making portions of the ground shimmer.
Sophie followed the dog’s line of sight to her chain-link fence and past it to a stand of ancient ponderosa pines. The climate might not be conducive to grass and a lot of greenery but it was perfect for drought tolerant trees and scrub brush. Normally, that kind of growth made it easier to spot threats but at this time of day every silhouette seemed to mask danger.
A gust of wind lifted her hair, bringing a welcome draft of cooler air. She squinted to see what was bothering Phoenix. If he was the kind of dog who alerted at every lizard or blowing leaf he might not be suitable after all.
Opening her mouth to speak, Sophie never had the chance. Phoenix leaped off the porch without touching the steps and tore toward the wire fence. His bark was fierce, his hackles bristling.
When she saw the problem her heart skipped a beat. A large rattler was coiled, ready to strike, mere feet in front of the dog. If she called him now and he turned his back on the reptile he was sure to be bitten!
Although she was still armed she didn’t want to shoot so close to civilization unless she had to. Praying silently, she slipped off the porch and opened the door of her metal toolshed.
A broom would only irritate the snake and a shovel was too unwieldy. A hoe, however, was ideal. If she couldn’t scare off the rattler she might be able to pin its head long enough for Phoenix—and herself—to escape. It wouldn’t be the first snake she’d routed since coming to Desert Valley, but it was the first incident involving a working dog. If the fangs pumped venom directly into a dog’s head, the chance of survival wasn’t good.
Phoenix was still barking when Sophie approached behind him. Too bad she and the Australian shepherd didn’t know each other well. If they had, she would be able to better predict his reactions.
Staying to one side, Sophie inched closer. There was no way she could swing faster than a snake could strike. The trick would be getting the metal blade of the hoe between it and her dog, then trying to pin it or push it away. If it had recently fed and was only defending itself, it might turn and flee.
Another short step closer. And another. She extended the hoe. The snake’s forked tongue flashed out, its mouth opening. She could see folded fangs descending. It was ready. So was she.
Phoenix backed up slightly. The rattler’s head rose. Sophie was out of time and she knew it. She thrust the blade forward. Her aim was accurate. With one lunge she managed to force the viper’s triangular head to the ground.
Startled, Phoenix jumped back. He began to circle her, barking, while the snake writhed, struggling to get free. As soon as she was certain the dog was out of striking distance she gave the blade a last push, dropped the handle and made a dash for the back door.
She didn’t get far. A slightly smaller rattlesnake was crossing her path. Two more were curled up on her back porch! Incredulous, she climbed onto an old rickety picnic table, hoping it wouldn’t collapse under her weight.
“Phoenix, come!” The order was more than forceful. It was filled with alarm.
Sophie braced herself as the dog vaulted to the bench, then joined her atop the table. Encountering one venomous snake wasn’t that unusual in the desert but this... This was incredible. Why in the world had they suddenly invaded? There was no wildfire to drive them into her yard. And if there had been a den located nearby she should have noticed problems right away, not several years after moving in. Such reptile gatherings tended to be seasonal and this was her third summer here.
Wide-eyed, she scanned the ground around the table and noted three more reptiles. They instinctively knew that direct August sun would kill them and had taken refuge in shady spots. Unfortunately, some were resting between the picnic table and her kitchen door. Once night fell they’d move. But by then she’d have trouble seeing well enough to avoid being bitten, not to mention keeping Phoenix safe.
Sophie was trapped. Frustrated. Mad at herself. She hadn’t even brought the hoe to the table with her. How long could she stay crouched without her legs and feet going to sleep? And how long could she keep the new dog from attacking the reptilian menace and getting himself killed?
Easing into a sitting position and preparing to fold her legs, she glanced down. One of the smaller snakes was climbing onto the bench. Once he got that far he’d be able to reach the top of the table! Sophie lowered one foot over the edge, hooked a toe under the side of the bench, and kicked.
It wobbled. Teetered. When it fell all the way onto its side it was farther away, hopefully far enough to keep all but the largest rattlers from getting to her.
And speaking of those... A triangular head poked over the edge of the table. Its forked tongue vibrated. There was no way she was going to try to kick this one away.
Drawing her gun she started to take the standard two-handed aim, then thought better of it and used one hand to grab the dog’s collar so he wouldn’t bolt when she fired so close to him.
The first shot hit the reptile under the chin and threw it backward. Trembling, Sophie leaned over the table’s edge to make sure she’d killed it—and came face-to-face with its bigger brothers. More shots finished those. By this time, she sincerely hoped her neighbors had heard enough to call the police because she didn’t want to take her eyes off the snakes for a second.
Up until then, Phoenix had held his position pretty well, considering. Now, however, he rose slowly, hackles bristling, and stared past the side yard to the street beyond. Sophie recognized the dog’s attitude immediately. He was no longer concerned with chasing dangerous snakes. There was something else in his sights. Something he’d sensed was evil without even seeing it.
She swiveled, kneeling, looked in the same direction and brought the muzzle of her gun up, ready for self-defense.
A sudden thought stripped away her bravado. How many shots had she fired at the snakes? How many bullets were left? Did she have any? In the heat of the moment she’d failed to count and if she dropped the clip out now to look, she might not be able to replace it fast enough.
Only one thing was certain. There was at least one shell left in the chamber or the slide would have stayed back.
Was one shot going to be enough?
“You’d better get over here, Chief,” rookie officer Shane Weston said, once Ryder answered the phone. “And don’t bring Titus. I think we’ve killed all the snakes but we could have missed one or two.”
“That was what all the ruckus was about? There was enough radio traffic to have handled a small war. I could hardly make out a thing the way you were interrupting each other’s transmissions.”
“Sorry, sir. It was pretty hectic for a while. I’m surprised she managed to keep that dog safe.”
Ryder scowled. “Dog? What are you talking about? Was the call at the training center?”
“No,” Weston said. “I thought you knew. Sophie Williams had a backyard full of rattlers.”
“What? The dispatch was for the corner of Desert Valley and Second, so I didn’t realize they meant her house down the block.” His pulse jumped when he imagined the scene. “I might expect a bunch of snakes gathering like that in the spring but not now. How many were there?”
“Hard to say. We’re still counting. That’s why I called you.”
“Go on.” Ryder was losing patience. With Lily at home and no one to watch her, any action on his part was going to be delayed until he could drop his daughter back with his babysitter, Opal Mullins.
“There’s more. Sophie insists somebody else was here, sneaking up on her. I’m not convinced. The snakes had her cornered in the yard and she was pretty paranoid about it.”
Ryder clutched his phone so tightly his hand throbbed. “Is there a chance they may have been dumped there?”
“I suppose it’s possible,” Shane said. “Some lowlife sure has it in for our head trainer. Since the bullets missed her this morning, I did wonder if they tried to kill her with a batch of rattlers.”
“Kind of hard to plan ahead for an attack like that,” Ryder said. “Although I suppose they might have gathered them to release at the training center and changed their minds.”
“Terrific.” He snorted wryly. “Look, the worst of the danger is over and nobody was bitten. I just thought it would be good to get your input on this. You know how Harmon and Marlton can be when they’re trying to avoid paperwork.”
“Yeah. The sooner they retire the better,” Ryder replied. “I can’t believe Louise didn’t call me right away. Isn’t she covering the desk?”
“Not this late. So, should we hang around? Are you coming out?”
“Yes,” Ryder said. “I’ll have to drop Lily at the babysitter’s. Give me fifteen minutes, tops.”
“Copy,” the rookie officer said as he prepared to end the call. “Wear your boots.”
Ryder looked over at his drowsy, little blonde five-year-old and had to smile. He’d been reading her a bedtime story and she’d laid her head on the cushiony arm of the sofa when he’d stopped to answer the phone.
The sight of such a loving, beautiful child made his heart beat faster, yet constricted his gut as if he’d just taken a body blow. He’d failed to protect her mother. He was not going to fail Lily. The mere concept was abhorrent. This child was his life, his legacy, his and Melanie’s, and nobody was going to harm her. He’d die before he’d let that happen.