Полная версия
Behind The Duke's Door

Behind the Duke’s Door
Lynne Silver

On her wedding day, Lady Elizabeth Fentworthy knows that while Harry Reedburn, Duke of Walthingburn, is marrying her, his kisses are reserved for his lover, Arthur. Their convenient marriage will save Elizabeth from becoming an old maid and give Harry an heir—though their wedding night does not go as planned ….
Harry needs Arthur to become aroused—and Elizabeth feels an unexpected desire seeing the two men together. Is adding Arthur to their marriage bed the key to unleashing the passion they need?
Ominous rain clouds hovered, but did not dare break over London on Lady Elizabeth Fentworthy’s wedding day. Her mother forbade it. The sky stayed dry and Saint James Church hosted its nattily dressed occupants with its usual venerable standards. After all, it was not every day a firmly on-the-shelf old maid of twenty-two married the catch of the season, the sixth duke of Walthingburn, Harry Reedburn.
Lady Elizabeth stood, knees shaking, in front of the large crowd and looked up at her new husband’s handsome face. He didn’t notice.
He was too busy scanning the room for his own lover, Arthur.
She passed a discreet glance around the room also. Ah, there he was. “Fifth row from the back on the right side,” she whispered under her breath to Harry. As the third son of the earl of Mayhue, poor Arthur could not be seated toward the front of the church. Her mother reserved those seats for the very highest levels in the ton.
Harry responded with an easy grin at her that had the romantics in the audience pressing lacy handkerchiefs to their eyes and sighing about young love. Elizabeth wished for a hankie herself, because she was the sole occupant of the room, save Arthur and her brother, who knew that while Harry’s grins were for her, his kisses were for Arthur.
What had she signed herself on for? When this past February Harry had suggested a marriage between them, she’d agreed with her eyes wide open, but now she stood in church and felt the lie pressing in on her soul. She’d recited her vows in a daze and barely heard Harry do the same. He’d pecked her on the cheek, a fitting dignified ducal kiss, and now he placed her hand on his brocade coat sleeve and she put one foot in front of the other to the exit of the church.
She saw her brother’s gaze on her and sent him a consoling smile he’d see right through. I’m fine. Worry about yourself. He’d no doubt be in Harry’s position in a few years’ time, with a false bride. She stepped past her family and smiled blindly at the rows of well-wishers and gawkers. The vast room was a sea of stone dotted with brightly colored hats and flowers. Cheers and good wishes passed through the pews and bounced off her like coins in a fountain. She felt numb to anything save her own thoughts.
One person’s gaze managed to penetrate her fog; Lady Violet Blackstone sat near the back, malice dripping from her false smile. Elizabeth raised a brow at the overdecorated girl wearing a violet hat and gown of the same shade, her signature look. A fashion affectation unbecoming in a fellow debutante. Giddiness washed through Elizabeth as she realized she’d never again have to sit on the side of a ballroom listening to Violet’s snide and cutting remarks hidden in the guise of witticisms.
It hadn’t always been this way. Two seasons ago, both girls had debuted and supported each other through the endless torture of holding up pillars and potted plants, while waiting for an invitation to waltz. But as the years progressed, Violet became more bitter and hostile. Elizabeth’s marriage to the Elusive Duke must be the icing on the cake, and Violet now saw her as an enemy.
She turned away, but not before Violet’s seat companion tossed her a wink and a snide smile. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at the young man. Did she know him? Oh, yes, that was Michael Finchley, Harry’s heir. Harry must have seen the wink also, for he hurried his step to block her view of his cousin, and bodily pulled her away from Finchley and “Lady Violent,” as she’d been dubbed for slapping one too many maids,
Harry pulled his bride along till they stumbled out the church doors and into the gray, muggy day. His magnificent, glossy black coach stood waiting steps away, six matched bays stamping and sweating in the unusual spring heat.
“Up you go,” Harry said, launching her into the carriage with all the delicacy of a child throwing a ball.
“Oof,” she gasped as she landed on the plush cushions. Burgundy fabric swathed the seats and walls of the sumptuous carriage. Thick, leaded glass bedecked with ivory curtains allowed plenty of light into the carriage. She slid over to make room as Harry followed her up into the enclosed space, crushing the train of her wedding gown.
“Right, sorry ‘bout that,” he told her.
Trust him to detect a detail like that. She’d once danced an entire set with a suitor who’d caught his sleeve button on the lace of her dress and did not notice till the set ended and he tore her gown in his exit. Luckily, a maid in the ladies’ retiring room had been able to repair the damage. No detail like that would escape Harry’s attention. He prided himself on his first-in-stare appearance; it would take some effort and several hours per day to keep up with her dandyish new husband. No matter; it was worth it. Becoming the duchess of Walthingburn and escaping the snickers and pitying glances were worth any amount of trouble. She promised herself a trip to the best modiste as soon as possible. Harry had given her a chance to escape the stares and whispers of the ton. She’d repay him by molding herself into the perfect duchess.
“Arthur’s going to meet us at the wedding breakfast.”
She smiled and nodded at this bit of superfluous news, and leaned over to pat Harry’s hand. “It was a lovely ceremony.”
“Do you think we accomplished our goal?” Inbred arrogance threaded his voice with just a touch of hesitation.
She nodded. “Everyone seemed convinced. Lady Hesterbridge even unbent enough to offer her felicitations on landing you, the Elusive Duke.”
He grimaced slightly at her reference to his popular nickname circling Society, but squeezed her hand between his. “Have I thanked you today for doing this?”
“No, but you did three times yesterday and once last week.”
He smiled and met her eyes. “As soon as I have an heir, you’ll be free to go find your own Arthur.”
She smiled at his promise to release her from the tight strictures of marital fidelity. Slightly wasted on a virgin, really, but appreciated nonetheless. A frisson of fear at the actual heir-making rattled through her bones. “Harry, how will it work?”
“Just like we discussed. Once you give me an heir, Art and I will vet potential lovers for you.”
She felt a blush crawl from her forehead down to her mostly exposed bosom. Drat this new fashion for low-cut gowns. “I meant how will the heir-making work? I understand from my brother and his proclivities that you won’t be interested in me in your … your bed. So how …?” She trailed off, waving her hand between the two of them, sure the coach would explode into flames from the heat generated from her cheeks.
He looked momentarily disconcerted, and then shrugged. “I haven’t figured out all the details yet.” A smile lit up his face. “I have an idea. Come here.” As he spoke, he reached over to pluck her off the carriage seat and onto his long, lean lap.
Surprise had her reaching and grasping for a handhold. Her hands found his shoulders and dug into the surprisingly warm, taut muscles filling out his coat. Before she could react to the unfamiliar strength and scent of a man holding her, his lips pressed into hers. A shocked gasp escaped her, and then she leaned into him, eager to fully experience her first kiss.
His clove scent invaded her and expensive brandy laced his breath. When his tongue pushed into her mouth, the bold liquor taste grew stronger. She allowed him his liberties—after all, he was her husband. And besides, he seemed to be an excellent kisser. Some of her married friends indiscreetly confided the indignity of kisses their husbands pressed upon their persons. Drooling tongues, sharp teeth. Ick. Elizabeth pulled herself back from these intruding thoughts and refocused on Harry.
Hesitantly, she followed his lead, then grew more bold, daring to wrap her arms around his broad shoulders. She slid her tongue closer to his and they engaged in this most fascinating of dances. Her breasts felt shockingly tight and heavy. When he reached one finger into the bodice of her gown and flicked a pebbled nipple, she pulled back in shock. His expression mirrored the way she felt.
Harry gave her a wry smile as he lifted her off his lap onto the seat next to him. “Damn me. Never felt that before.”
Elizabeth lifted a brow at him, and then giggled when he gestured to her breasts.
“You seem to have a lovely pair, but then I’m no connoisseur, seeing how those are my first and probably last set.”
Gales of laughter erupted out of her despite the embarrassment and residual tinge of arousal coursing through her. “Oh, Harry, you sweetheart. You don’t need to pretend for my sake. I know you love Arthur.”
He smiled at her. “It’s difficult to pretend that,” he said, and shifted his bottom, causing her to notice a distinct bump near the fall of his trousers that had most definitely not been there before. “I was thinking of Arthur, though,” he admitted sheepishly.
She hadn’t thought it possible to flush further, but her body managed splendidly. “I didn’t know you’d react like that.” She wasn’t totally clueless; she did have an older brother and had lived in the countryside for years.
Harry shrugged. “Well, it puts my mind at ease about tonight.”
“Have you never … been with a lady?” It was perhaps a bit forward to ask, but curiosity ranked high on her list of faults. Shouldn’t a certain degree of liberty be granted to questions for her husband?
He shook his head. “No. I’ve always known I prefer men. Arthur tried it once with a woman. He made a concerted effort to be normal before we met.”
“Harry, you are normal,” she said, fascinated by the little glimpse into his world.
‘Well, you’re the only person I’ve met with such a liberal mind-set. The rest of Britain would just as soon tear me to pieces than allow me to live how I please on my estate,” he said with bitterness in his tone.
“You could have, you know,” she pointed out. “Simply put out a false, tragic story about a childhood love dying. Devastated Duke Swears Never to Marry. I can see the society pages now.”
“A sound plan, and something I’d love to have done, if only. Blasted Finchley, with his threats. Can’t let him take the dukedom.”
Her hand covered Harry’s larger one. “We won’t,” she promised.
Oh, Lord. Night had finally fallen. Elizabeth pulled the coverlet just a bit higher till her lips kissed the rich silk fabric, and wiggled her toes, which could now almost peek out the bottom of the bed. Despite her earlier bravado to Harry, she lay terrified in her room, the duchess’s suite.
Swaths of teal and ivory silk hung from the windows. The wallpaper was festooned with curlicues and a decorative motif, the exact blue as the drapery fabric. The alluring fragrance of wildflowers and grass wafted in through the open windows, carried on a cooling spring breeze.
Harry had insisted on driving to his property just outside London after the wedding breakfast. He refused to “do his duty” in the gossipy confines of his London town house. At first, his decision relieved her. Her jaunt into the surreal seemed easier on unfamiliar ground than in the harsh familiarity of loud, noisy Town. But now, surrounded by darkest night and chirping crickets, she wished for the familiar calls of the hackney drivers, or the clacking of carriages heading home after a ball.
The hidden, wall-papered door leading to the ducal suite creaked open and Harry’s head popped around it. “Hallo. Settling in?”
“Quite well. The room is lovely.”
“Liar,” he said, and strolled in clad in only a loose burgundy silk robe. “Your face is as white as the cover you’re trying to hide under.”
She attempted a brave smile at his lightheartedness. She’d done the right thing in marrying him. Really. Was there a better man, other than her brother, in all of Britain? She thought not. She’d be a duchess, have a child and gain a great friend in her husband. What lady could ask for more? Not her, certainly. And if a tiny part of her dreamed of passion and kisses and … more, well, she pushed those thoughts to the very back of her mind and scooted over to make room for her husband on the bed. Her marital bed. The one where she would soon lose her virginity. To a man who liked her, but did not want her. Oh, hell.
“You’re frowning,” Harry observed.
“Am I?”
“Yes. Having second thoughts?”
“No. Let’s do it.” In an act of bravery, she pushed the comforter down to her waist, baring the decadent negligee her mother insisted she include in the trousseau, her mother having no idea she could wear the costume of a Drury Lane performer and Harry still wouldn’t care.
He untied the knot at his waist and slipped the robe off, letting it pool on the ground at his feet. His broad shoulders spoke volumes about the hours spent in fencing practice, and his flat stomach showed no excess of dining that so many of his peers suffered. Elizabeth stared at his penis, curiosity overcoming her shyness. He seemed nicely formed; a shaft about the width of her wrist hung down between his legs. She’d heard rumors of hard protruding parts, but Harry didn’t seem to have one of those types. She guessed she preferred his softer, more approachable looking member.
Harry raised a knee onto the bed and hoisted himself next to her, then slid under the covers. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing the two of them together from head to toe, and kissed her cheek. Elizabeth turned slightly to kiss him back on the lips when he abruptly pulled away. “Hang on,” he told her, and slid off the bed, striding back toward his own rooms. “This isn’t going to work,” she heard him muttering.
He disappeared into his room while she clutched the covers to her breasts. Had she blundered? Was it over?
A few minutes passed before he entered the room again, and this time she understood the whispers and rumors of protruding parts. His penis no longer hung down his leg, but stood at attention, pointed straight at her. She felt her mouth drop open in amazement, but before she had time to take a second look, Harry was under the covers and on top of her.
Her nightrail bunched at her waist and Harry’s penis poked at her belly before he lifted her right thigh. Then she felt him between the lips of the most intimate part of her. A deep breath relaxed her slightly, but his thrust at her entryway forced her to clench her muscles tightly against his invasion. She offered up an encouraging smile, but he missed it. His eyes were closed and concentration marred his handsome visage.
Suddenly his eyes flashed open. “Wait here,” he ordered, and exited the bed one more time for his own room.
Her body protested the sudden cold at his absence. “What is going on?” she asked the cherubs smiling down at her from their painted perch on the bedroom ceiling mural. Their arrows pointed toward Harry’s room, so she followed the advice. She slid off the bed, straightening her nightgown back to virginal modesty, and crept toward Harry’s suite. One finger, then her whole hand pushed open the connecting door.
“Harry?” she called, peeking her head in to look for her absent husband. “Is everything all rig …”
Harry stood facing her. Arthur perched on his knees in front of him, his mouth on Harry’s—Oh, my. Elizabeth froze, her eyes wider than guineas. She should move, leave them to their privacy. But somehow her feet took one step, then another, until her body stood fully in the duke’s bedchamber. Her voice trailed off as shock and another, unfamiliar emotion careened into her like a phaeton running a race. Desire?
Harry’s eyes opened to lock on her, and he immediately pushed Arthur away. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “It was the only way I could stay ha—”
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