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“Get your ass back here!” Grant bellowed.
Higson paid no attention to the command. Swiftly he unpinned the grenade and hurled it overhead into the center of the glowing green wraiths, then he flung himself flat, covering up, face buried the cradle of his arms. The V-60 exploded in a ballooning ball of flame. The concussion slapped Kane and Grant backward a few paces. Dust sifted down and they impatiently waved it a way.
Although they didn’t see the ghostly figures, they saw the little swarm of orbs surrounding Higson. Howling, he leaped to his feet and flailed at them with the frame of his rifle, without making solid impact.
The cloud settled over the man’s head and shoulders, spreading over his face. When he opened his mouth to scream, two of the orbs darted past his lips and his shriek turned into a gargling croak. Dropping his rifle, he ran in a blind panic across the crater, hands clapped over his eyes.
“Baptiste, get everybody back to the parallax point!” Kane snapped.
He didn’t wait to find out if she obeyed his order or had even heard it. He and Grant kicked themselves into sprints as they chased after the frantically fleeing Higson.
The man stumbled over an irregularity in the ground and fell heavily. He writhed, crying out, limbs thrashing in wild spasms.
By the time Grant and Kane reached him, the swarm of green orbs had lifted from the man’s body and circled high overhead. Higson lay sprawled on his back, saliva bubbling over swollen lips, his respiration shallow. A puff of gray-green vapor rose from his mouth.
Kane recoiled at the sight of his face—the blotched flesh leaking and suppurated as if suddenly exposed to a horrific blast of heat. Tiny blisters formed on his cheeks and burst with pops. The whites of his eyes showed only bloodshot streaks.
“He’s still alive?” Grant rasped.
Stooping over the body, Kane pressed two fingers against the base of Higson’s neck, timing the pulse. It beat fast and erratic. “Not for long.”
When Kane removed his fingers, a layer of Higson’s flesh peeled off. “It’s like he’s rotting from the inside out,” he said quietly.
Grant shook his head. “Not so much rotting as disintegrating.”
Even as he spoke, the left side of Higson’s face went slack, sagging from the bone. With the moist sound like a wet rag dragged over a rock, the flesh completely fell away, revealing red-filmed cheekbone. The man shuddered violently for a moment, then died.
As Grant and Kane watched in stunned, shocked silence, Higson’s body beneath his clothes collapsed in on itself, the flesh and bones dissolving into a foul-smelling green smoke. The cloud was shot through with tiny crackling flashes, like miniature versions of the pyrotechnics they had seen dancing on the tower’s disks.
Kane backed away, feeling bile rise up his throat. “Let’s get out of here.”
“And leave Higson?”
“There’s not much to take with us,” Kane retorted flatly.
He eyed the witch-fire glow of the green orbs still hovering overhead. He said quietly, “We need go before we end up like Higson.”
Grant’s teeth bared in a silent snarl. “We don’t know what was going on here!”
Kane nodded and backed away, keeping his gaze on the ghostly swarm. “Exactly. That’s why we need to get the hell out of here as fast as we can.”
Chapter 7
Grant and Kane scrambled down the rocky crater wall. The moon slowly rose ahead of them, casting a silver luminescence over the sand. The silence all around was ominous. They heard only the scuffling of their running feet as they sprinted in the direction of the village. As Edwards claimed, the bound and gagged millennialists were nowhere to be seen.
Kane resisted the urge to glance over his shoulder, looking for the swarm of green bees. He glimpsed them only once, whirling in the distance like jade-hued dust motes.
“I hate to say it,” Grant half gasped, half growled, “but we’ve been skunked by the consortium again. I don’t know what they were trying to pull, but they managed to do it.”
“You don’t really think they had anything to do with any of this, do you?” Kane panted.
The two men slowed their pace, noting the mess of footprints over a comber of sand. They stopped in order to catch their breath. Grant stared back toward Phantom Mesa. His face was beaded with sweat.
A thick plume of smoke coiled into the desert sky. Flames still erupted from some entrances to the complex, but the glowing orbs weren’t visible.
“I think they decided we’re not worth chasing after,” Grant commented. “Maybe the consortium called them off.”
“The Millennial Consortium isn’t behind those things,” Kane said flatly.
“What makes you so sure?”
“They wouldn’t have warned us about attracting their attention.”
Grant knuckled his chin thoughtfully. “Even so, I don’t think they were worried about our safety.”
Kane nodded in agreement. “Neither do I. But I have the distinct impression the millennialists bit off way more than they could chew.”
Grant gusted out a sigh, then stiffened. He hissed, “Shit!”
Bobbing like a multitude of tiny bubbles on the surface of a stream, a cloud of green orbs circled overhead. An icy hand clenched around the base of Kane’s spine. The orbs swirled in a clockwise direction, then back again. With each rotation, the glowing flecks sank lower and lower.
“What the hell are those things?” he demanded angrily. “Weapons? Tracking devices? Are they alive or what?”
Grant inhaled a deep breath, turned and started running again. “Let’s ask questions when we’re safe.”
They ran toward an area of rock formations, dust spurting from beneath their boots. They jumped over a tumble of stones, turning toward a narrow cleft, wide and tall enough for a man to enter. Kane risked a misstep by looking over his shoulder. The green-glowing swarm darted after them. He heard a strange hissing noise, like static over a dead comm circuit.
The two men sprinted toward the cleft and squeezed into the crack, sidling through the deep shadows. After a few feet, they were in absolute blackness. They kept moving forward, wincing at the clink and crunch of stones beneath their feet.
The sandstone walls of the cleft would provide some protection from the swarm, since pursuit in a straight line was impossible. Kane and Grant threaded their way through a labyrinth of cracks, slamming their knees and banging their elbows against outthrusts of rock.
They swore between clenched teeth, but kept running, stumbling and lurching from wall to wall. The farther they penetrated into the cleft, the narrower the walls became. A stitch stabbed along Kane’s left side, and the muscles of Grant’s legs felt as if they were caught in a vise. Both men’s vision became shot through with gray specks.
Even over the rasp and gasp of their own labored breathing, they heard the incessant hiss of their pursuers. It was like running on a conveyor belt and getting nowhere.
Then both men saw the wedge of relative brightness ahead of them and they struggled out of the cleft and into the cooling desert air. Looking behind them, they saw the green glowing swarm sliding around bends in the rock wall, like a stream of embers.
Panting, Grant snatched an M-33 fragmentation grenade from his combat webbing, slipping the spoon at the same time. “Enough of this shit.”
He threw the grenade underhanded into the cleft. He and Kane dropped flat behind a tumble of low rocks. The grenade rolled only a few feet before detonating with a brutal thunderclap. A hell-flower bloomed, petals of flame curving outward. A rain of shrapnel spewed from the end of every petal, rattling violently against the rock walls. Loose shale showered down from above and crashed from the sides of the cleft. The rolling echoes of the explosion faded, replaced by clicks and clatters of falling rock.
Cautiously, Kane and Grant rose to their knees, spitting out grit and particles of sand. They saw only a thick, roiling haze of dust and smoke. Quickly they got to their feet, backed away, neither man wanting to voice the hope that the swarm of ghostly pursuers had been crushed and buried.
Suddenly a hiss of static filled their heads and both men jumped in startled reaction. Then Brigid Baptiste’s voice filtered through their Commtacts. “Kane! Grant! Where are you?”
Glancing around, Kane saw the ridge of gravelly dunes that bracketed the settlement barely half a mile away. He said, “We’re close. Be there soon.”
“What was that explosion?”
“Our way of swatting bugs,” Grant replied dryly.
“When did the Commtacts start working again?”
“I don’t know,” Brigid replied. “The EM interference is still around, but it’s not as pronounced. Brewster is still picking up an energy signature on the sensor. There’s some sort of generalized power source around here, so I suggest you double-time back to us.”
Brigid closed the channel and Grant said grimly, “I don’t feel much like running anymore.”
Kane shrugged. “Me, neither. But you heard the lady.”
The two men sighed with weary exasperation and began jogging across the moonlight-splashed landscape. Both of them cast apprehensive glances over their shoulders, but saw no sign of anything small, glowing or green.
They reached the little settlement within ten minutes and found Brigid, Philboyd and CAT Alpha, tense, anxious and ready to move out. Two of the away team supported the man who called himself Mr. Gray between them. He looked pale and frightened. Brigid had already retrieved the interphaser’s cushioned and waterproof carrying case from its hiding place in one of the abandoned dwellings.
“I thought I told you to wait for us at the parallax point,” Kane said to her by way of a greeting.
Brigid lifted one shoulder in a dismissive shrug. “There wasn’t enough time to get there. Besides, I didn’t know that you weren’t going to get yourselves lost out there.”
Kane only smiled, not in the least offended by her mendacity, knowing it was her way of concealing her genuine concern and worry.
At the beginning of their relationship, it was very difficult for Kane and Brigid not to give offense to one another. Both people were gifted in their own way. Most of what was important to people in the early twenty-third century came easily to Kane—survival skills, prevailing in the face of adversity and cunning against enemies. But he could also be reckless, high-strung to the point of instability and given to fits of rage.
Brigid, on the other hand, was compulsively tidy and ordered, with a brilliant analytical mind. However, her clinical nature, the cool scientific detachment upon which she prided herself, sometimes blocked an understanding of the obvious human factor in any given situation. Accommodating their contrasting personalities, Kane and Brigid now worked very well as a team, playing off each other’s strengths rather than magnifying their individual weaknesses.
Philboyd swept the sensor wand of the energy analyzer in the direction of the mesa. Despite his swollen lips, he frowned. “There’s definitely a low-level pattern out there…it spikes, then flatlines, then spikes again.”
“It’s probably a good idea to get out of here during a flatline period,” Grant said uneasily.
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