Maitland Maternity: Triplets, Quads and Quints
Maitland Maternity: Triplets, Quads and Quints

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Maitland Maternity: Triplets, Quads and Quints

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“So I’ve heard. All people have done is praise your work. They always mention how hard you work, how efficient you are. I figured you shoveled all of it to your assistant’s shoulders. They’ve assured me that’s not true.”

She gave silent thanks for the support she’d received. She’d worked hard to ensure that no one thought she was taking an easy ride because of her name. “I hope you’re satisfied, then.” She’d discovered the hard way that people assumed wealth meant no work on her part. That she would snap her fingers and get what she wanted.

“Not yet. I like to see things for myself.”

“I understand. And if I don’t meet your standards, I’ll expect you to let me know.”

“You can be sure of that. Are these my babies?”

She stared at the sudden switch of topic again. “No, these are my babies, no one else’s. Now, if you’ve finished with your questioning, I’d like to go home and rest.” She’d like to get away from him, so she could relax. The tension was getting to her.

He stood, but instead of leaving, he came around the desk and began taking her pulse.

“What are you doing? You’re not my doctor. I don’t want you—”

“It’s high. Are you on any medication for high blood pressure?”

“No! And my blood pressure will go down as soon as you leave!”

“How far away do you live?”

“That’s none of your business. Go away!”

He smiled, which, seven months ago, would’ve melted all her resistance. She was made of sterner stuff now.

“I can’t let you drive with such high blood pressure. I’ll drive you home.” He took hold of her arm as if he intended to pull her to her feet.

“Turn me loose. I can stand by myself.”

He lifted his hands, as if surrendering, and stood silently watching her.

Just what she wanted. Her ex-lover to see how awkward she was. “When you leave.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I’ll stand when you leave.” She sat in her chair, glaring at him.

“I’m afraid that’s not acceptable. I can carry you, I can call an ambulance, or I can call your doctor. You may choose which option you prefer. Or you can stand now and we can walk out to my car.”

She felt herself begin to shake, knowing she was pushing her limits. It was time for her to eat, too. Abby had explained the importance of eating regularly. Without saying anything, she stood. Then she bent over to pick up her bag. As she walked to the office door, she was aware of him following her, his tall form leaning protectively toward her.

Even on the nights when she’d hated him, she hadn’t forgotten how protective he’d been—until he walked out on her. She made it to the elevator without him touching her, which was a major accomplishment. But it took a lot of energy to control her reaction.

It didn’t take long to go down one floor. When the door opened, Hunter took one of her arms.

“You’re trembling!” he exclaimed. “Are you all right?”

“It’s time for me to eat. I’ll fix something as soon as I drive home.”

“You’re not driving home. I’m driving you. But there’s a café right here. Let’s grab some dinner there before I take you home.”

Bri debated her choices. If she ate, she should be able to drive home by herself. That would be better than this man taking her home. She opted for the Austin Eats Café, a favorite place of hers. “I’ll go eat at the café. You don’t have to join me. After I eat I’ll be okay.”

“We’ll see,” he said mildly, keeping hold of her arm. “Besides, I don’t like to eat alone.”

“Dr. Callaghan, you’re being outrageous,” she protested.

He pulled open the door to the restaurant. She saw several people she knew, since many of the staff at Maitland Maternity hung out at the diner. She could protest and they’d come to her aid, but how would that look? If she acquiesced to his company, everyone would think she was welcoming the new obstetrics chief.

“A lot of hospital people eat here. Unless you want to start rumors, we’d better pretend to be friendly.”

“Why, Bri, we are friendly,” he assured her with that lopsided smile, one that she’d never forgotten.

“Bri, how are you?” one of the waitresses called as she saw her enter. “Come on in. We’ve got a vacant booth back here.”

Bri cringed as she knew what was coming next. She’d dined in here just recently.

The waitress pulled the table between the two bench seats all the way to one side. Then she looked at Hunter. “You don’t mind sharing the same side with Bri, do you? She needs more room than most people these days.”

“I’d be delighted to sit beside her,” he said with a smile that had the waitress fluffing her hair. “Thank you.”

“Glad to be of service. What can I bring you to drink while you’re reading the menu?”

“I’ll have ice water, please,” Bri said before the waitress forgot she even existed. Hunter had that effect on women.

“Coffee for me,” he said, then added, “Decaf if you have it.”

“Sure do. I’ll be right back.”

After the waitress hurried away, Hunter leaned back and surveyed the diner. “Nice place. Very attentive service.”

Bri rolled her eyes. “Duh. I wonder why?”

“Because you look like you’re about to give birth at any minute?” he said, smiling down at her.

She looked away. “No. Because the waitress can’t resist your smile.”

“Some women manage.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to point out that if she’d been able to do so, she wouldn’t look like a blimp ready to pop. But then she remembered that he would realize she was carrying his children. And she didn’t want that. She wasn’t going to let a heartless man into her life. He might hurt her babies.

She flipped open the menu, though she practically knew it by heart. Not that she could order her favorite things right now. The girls didn’t like the chili or the enchiladas she loved.

“What’s good?” Hunter asked.

She pointed out several of her favorites, but when the waitress came to take their orders, she asked for baked chicken breast and steamed vegetables. Hunter asked for chicken-fried steak and french fries, preceded by a salad.

“You’re a medical professional and you’re going to eat those unhealthy things?” she prodded, irritated that he could and she couldn’t.

He understood completely. “Don’t worry. Not much longer and you can eat them, too.”

She sighed and was so tempted to lean her head on his strong shoulders that she stiffened.

“So, how long are you planning on working?”

She looked up in surprise. “I’m going home. I said I would.”

“No, I mean, how long before you go on maternity leave?”

“I’m going on maternity leave when I go into la- bor.” Her voice was crisp, as if there was no room for discussion.

He frowned at her. “Are you sure that’s wise?”

“My doctor and I have discussed my decision and she agrees with me. And it’s none of your business.” He acted as though he should have a vote in her decision. She hadn’t seen the man in seven months. Even then she’d only spent seven or eight hours with him.

“Maybe not, but as a medical professional—”

“Don’t expect me to bow down. I work with medical professionals every day. While I respect your work, that does not make you God!”

The waitress returned with their food. She also brought a glass of milk. “I forgot, Dr. Abby said for you to drink milk at every meal. Remember? Shelby says it’s on the house,” she added with a smile before heading back to the kitchen.

“Nice place,” Hunter said without actually commenting on the milk. “Who is Shelby?”

Briana took another deep breath. She’d planned to have her glass of milk at bedtime, but she guessed she’d have it now. Sometimes she thought everyone in Austin intended to supervise her babies’ arrival. “She’s the owner of the diner, and sort of family to the Maitlands.”

“Sort of?”

“They’re like cousins.”

“Okay.” Then, as if they were really friends, he began telling her about his day, very innocuous stories that began to soothe her without her even realizing it. If anyone had said she’d share dinner with Hunter Callaghan and enjoy it, she’d have laughed in their faces. Especially about ten o’clock this morning.

By the time she’d finished her milk, vegetables and chicken, Hunter had cleaned his plate. “Very good food. I can tell I’ll be eating here often,” he said with a smile.

“Not much of a cook?”

“I can manage, but usually I put in long hours and I’m just too tired to want to cook. I suspect that happens to you, too. Everyone I talked to today mentioned what long hours you worked.”

“Not lately. Abby’s pretty strict with me.”

“Good. I want my girls taken care of.”

He said those words so casually, as if they both knew these babies were his. But she’d told him they weren’t. “These are not your girls! They’re mine. All mine.”

“You shouldn’t be so greedy, Bri. You’re getting three. Surely you can share.” His smile had a teasing tilt to it, but Bri didn’t see anything to laugh about.

“I told you you’re not the father!”

“A little louder and the rumors will be flying tomorrow.”

He was right. She had forgotten where she was. And she was letting him upset her again. She drew another deep breath. “I need to go home now.”

“As soon as I pay, we can go.”

“I can pay for my meal, Doctor. And I don’t need you to see me home. I’m perfectly fine now.”

He gave her a steady look before saying, “Okay, you can drive home. I’ll just follow you to be sure you get there all right.”

“Ohhh! You’re worse than Caleb!”

“Who’s Caleb?” he demanded sharply.

“My baby brother. He thought he should start driving me back and forth from work. But Abby assured him I could manage a while longer.”

The waitress came over to offer dessert, but Hunter gave her his credit card instead, saying they needed to go.

She rushed away, anxious to impress the doctor with her efficiency before Bri even protested.

She pulled a ten-dollar bill out of her purse and shoved it at him. “I said I’d pay for my meal.”

To her surprise, he accepted the ten and folded it, stuffing it in his dress shirt pocket. “Okay, Miss Independent. Ready?” he asked as the waitress had him sign the receipt. Then he slid out of the booth and offered her a hand.

She started to refuse his help just to be rude, but it wasn’t easy to slide out of the booth with both her and the girls, so she let him help her.

She was startled, however, when he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “What do you think you’re doing?” she whispered urgently.

“Escorting you home, just as I said,” he responded, as if his behavior was normal.

“Take your arm down!” she urged, still whispering, not wanting to make a scene in front of people she knew.

“I just thought you could use a little support.” He immediately did as she requested, however, which pacified her.

When they got outside, she said, “I didn’t mean to be rude, but tomorrow there will already be a lot of talk about us eating together. If you appear too friendly, they’ll think—never mind. Let’s just keep our dealings on a business level.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Well, thank you for—for having dinner with me. I’ll see you around nine, when it’s convenient.”


She started off in the direction of her car, but he didn’t move away. Instead, he fell into step beside her.

“What are you doing?” she demanded.

“Walking you to your car.”

“I told you that’s not necessary.”

“Honey, even if you weren’t pregnant with triplets, my mother would disagree with you. She was very strict about how we treated women, my brother and me. I have no choice, or she’ll never let me sleep tonight.”

She remembered him mentioning his mother when she’d suggested he sit and she stand in the storeroom. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t want your sleep to be interrupted tonight!” she snapped.

“I knew you wouldn’t,” he agreed with a smile. “Do your feet swell these days?”

She considered telling him it was none of his business, but it seemed simpler to just say, “Yes.”

“When we get to your place, I’ll give you a foot massage. I’m pretty good at those.”

As heavenly as that sounded, and only a very pregnant woman would appreciate the sacrifice she now made, she refused his offer.

“Don’t worry,” he said, as if she hadn’t spoken, “I enjoy giving foot massages. Maybe I have a foot fetish. You can give me your opinion afterward.”

He was teasing her and she knew it. She wanted to laugh and tease him back, but the last time she’d decided to quit trying to be strong and lean on Hunter, she’d ended up pregnant. Not something she wanted to try a second time. He’d broken her heart once. She wasn’t going to risk her heart—or her girls—again. She’d been raised to be strong, to compete with her brothers. She mustn’t forget.

When they reached her car, she said, “Thanks again for the escort. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Now, honey, quit trying to ignore the foot thing. My car just happens to be right over there. If you’ll wait just a minute, I’ll be right behind you. We’ll soon have you with happy feet, I promise.”

Bri gave him a sweet smile, unlocked her car door and slid behind the wheel, grateful for her long legs that allowed her to still reach the pedals with the seat pushed all the way back. She smiled again as Hunter waved and headed toward his car.

Then she started the engine, threw her car in reverse and backed out of the parking spot. Putting the car in drive, she peeled rubber out of the parking lot, determined that the hardheaded man who’d been her shadow for the past hour wouldn’t be able to follow her home.

Chapter Seven

Hunter stood in the parking lot, staring as Bri drove away.

He was an idiot. He’d offered to marry the woman, and she’d refused. So why did he still feel protective, concerned, mesmerized by her? He’d intended to keep his distance, not to risk his heart. But two minutes alone with her and he wanted to give her a foot rub.

He was crazy. But he wasn’t going to walk away from his children. The girls, as Bri called them, would know their father. Briana might refuse to marry him, but he would claim his children. He’d have DNA tests run after their births if he had to. He would have his family with or without Briana.

Okay, so she wasn’t a useless woman, wanting the glory without the work. Everyone had praised her work ethic. The McCallum Wing was functioning well. And that didn’t happen without a good administrator. But a good work ethic didn’t mean she was honorable in her dealings with men. Maybe she got her kicks by luring men in and then dumping them.

He didn’t believe her story about the ex-boyfriend, though. With a frown, he crossed to his car. If she didn’t tell anyone about the boyfriend, then how could he check it out? But that fact was also why he didn’t believe it.

Caleb. Her brother would know, if no one else would. It was time he bought the guy a beer, did a little talking.

An hour later, after a few phone calls, he arrived at Lone Star, a steak place down the street from the hospital. But instead of heading into the restaurant, he grabbed a seat at the bar and watched for Caleb’s arrival.

“Dr. Callaghan,” Caleb McCallum said with a friendly smile. “Hope I haven’t kept you waiting.”

“Not at all, Caleb, and call me Hunter. What’ll you have to drink?” Caleb had obviously seen his photo to identify him. But Hunter hadn’t needed a photo. Caleb resembled his sister, only he didn’t look soft, sweet, feminine.

“What you’re having will do,” Caleb said, nodding toward the draft beer Hunter had hardly touched. Hunter waved to the bartender. Then he debated his approach. Caleb took the lead however.

“R.J. said you had some questions about the security at the hospital. I’m a consultant for them, not actually in charge of security, but maybe I can answer your questions. What do you need to know?”

“No specific questions. More general things, like what’s the crime in this area? Are there crimes in particular we need to be aware of? Have we had problems?”

The bartender delivered his beer, and Caleb took a sip before he answered. “Maitland Maternity is in a safe neighborhood. However, in the past year, they’ve had a few problems. Mostly connected to the Maitlands themselves, rather than their patients.”


Caleb grinned, “Things like the day-care center being held hostage.”

Hunter had been looking for info about Bri. He’d never suspected there had been real problems. “You’re kidding.”

“Nope. But it was taken care of. Since the McCallum Wing opened, there hasn’t been anything.”

“Is your sister going to put her babies in the day-care center?” Hunter realized he’d been less than subtle when Caleb’s eyes narrowed, eyes just like his sister’s.

“Why do you want to know?”

Hunter drew a deep breath. He had a choice—continue to try to outfox this man, and Caleb appeared to be pretty sharp, or come clean. He looked at Caleb and made his decision. “Because I think I’m the father of her babies.”

Caleb came off his stool, his hands forming tight fists.

“Wait a minute before you beat me to a pulp,” Hunter asked, still calm. He wasn’t surprised by Bri’s brother’s response. He would’ve been disappointed if he hadn’t shown anger.

“Why would I wait?” Caleb growled.

“Because she says I’m not.”

Caleb slowly sat back down. “Explain.”

“It’s a long story,” Hunter warned. Caleb nodded, and Hunter began his tale, starting seven months ago…

“And you didn’t know where to reach her?”

Hunter sighed. “I knew. But would you pursue a woman who walked out on you after you thought you’d found the one woman in the world perfect for you?”

“So it was coincidence that you wound up here?”

“No. When word got out about the opening, I leapt at the chance to come here. I’d told myself Bri was a wealthy woman, playing games, not worth my time, but when I got the opportunity, I took it.”

“But you’ve left her here alone for seven months!” Caleb exclaimed.

“Yeah, but I didn’t know she was pregnant. I was shocked when she walked into the office.”

“And when you asked her about the babies?”

“She told me they weren’t mine. That her old boyfriend met her at the airport and told her he was ready to commit now. Then, six weeks later, when her pregnancy was discovered, he split.” Hunter watched Caleb closely.

“I don’t remember any old boyfriend. I mean, there was a man she was crazy about in college. Then she overheard some gossip that he only wanted her money. She had me play a role in a little drama, pretending our dad’s company had gone bankrupt, and we’d lost all our money. He started backing out of the relationship at once.”

“So she’s had acting experience?”

“Not professionally,” Caleb assured him with a grin.

“I didn’t believe her story, but she was pretty good when she told it.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“What do you suggest?”

Caleb rubbed his chin, staring into space. “I don’t know. She’s stubborn.”

“Yeah. I think I’ll try to be supportive, try to convince her I’m sincere, until after the babies are born. I don’t want to put any stress on her now. Then, afterward, I’m going to insist on my parental rights.”

He stared at Caleb, his jaw firm. He wanted to know now if he was going to have a problem with her family.

“I don’t blame you. But fight fair.”

“I always do,” he assured him.

“Will you offer marriage as an alternative?”

Hunter’s immediate response was yes, but he didn’t say it. He’d offered marriage already. She had two months of pregnancy left, if she went to full term. Maybe he should get to know her better. Then he could make his decision. “I’m not sure. I’ll wait and see.”

Caleb seemed to be a reasonable man. “I understand. Shall I talk to my father, or my brother Adam?”

“No. I’ll explain myself when the time comes. I’d appreciate you keeping what I’ve told you quiet.”

“Okay. Just—just don’t hurt her.”

“No, but I won’t give up my children.”

FIRST THING the next morning, Hunter asked Helen to get the files on all the multiple birth patients from the various doctors on the staff. He wanted to review all the cases. “And in the future, Helen, tell the doctors I’ll expect an update after each contact with the patient.”

Helen nodded and excused herself.

Hunter hoped everyone else’s reaction was as accepting as Helen’s. But he wanted to be on top of the situation if they had difficulty with any patient. In particular, with Briana McCallum.

Helen returned a few minutes later and assured him all the doctors would send the files as soon as they could get them copied.

“Good. And after the files arrive, we’ll need to schedule a visit with each doctor to go over the cases. Now, call Ms. McCallum and tell her I’m ready to go over some things with her as soon as she’s free. And when she comes, I’d like you to bring in some milk and a muffin for her and coffee for me.”

“Yes, sir.”

He wanted to make sure she was eating properly. He’d decided last night, lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling, that he wasn’t going to risk his heart. But he was going to take care of his babies.

Only minutes later, Helen buzzed him to say Briana had arrived. He rose from his chair as the door opened and the mother of his daughters entered. Today she was wearing black slacks and a rose-colored top that matched her cheeks.

“Good morning,” he said and gestured toward a large, comfortable chair in front of his desk. As she sat down, he found a low table near another chair, cleared everything off it and put it in front of Bri’s chair. Then he lifted her feet to rest on the table.

“What—what are you doing?”

“It’s better for pregnant women to keep their feet up.”

“But I’m at work. I can’t—”

“You’re also one of our patients. Did you get a good night’s sleep?” He didn’t think so. She looked a little fragile this morning.

“Yes,” she replied, her voice crisp. “I brought you a list of the problems we’ve dealt with in the past month. I’ve also set up a rotating checklist to stay on top of possible problems, and a contact sheet of people to call, depending on the specific problem. Other than me, of course. I’m supposed to be called when anything goes wrong.”

“How very efficient of you. That will come in handy when you’re on maternity leave. Have you thought about working half days now until you deliver?”

She glared at him. “No, I haven’t!”

“Hmmm. Well, we’ll talk about that later, after I review your file.”

“After you what?”

He had been scanning the sheets of paper she’d given him. When he looked up in surprise, he discovered her leaning forward, stress on her features.

“I said, after I look at your file. I’m reviewing all the cases we’re currently handling. I want to be familiar with all our patients before we have a surprise.”

“I don’t want you to look at my file!” She drew a deep breath, an obvious effort to calm down, but her gaze remained firmly on him. “I’m going to ask Abby to keep my file private.”

“If she does, she’ll have to operate at some other hospital,” he said calmly.

She was sputtering, unable to get a coherent word out as Helen walked in carrying a tray.

“Ah, thanks, Helen. I think my guest is ready for a break.”

Helen smiled back and then looked at Briana. “My dear, are you all right? Do I need to call Abby?” She shot Hunter a suspicious look, as if he were responsible for Bri’s distress.

“Maybe you should ask Abby to visit with us as soon as she can, Helen. Bri and I are having a difference of opinion.”

After another close look at Briana, Helen moved quickly to the door.

When it closed behind her, Bri found her voice. “You can’t threaten to throw Abby out of her own family’s hospital! You’ll be out the door if you try such a thing!”

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