Sky Full of Promise
Sky Full of Promise

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Sky Full of Promise

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“Except mine.” But he hadn’t been aware that his relationship was on the rocks. Thanks to Sky Colton. “So what are you going to do about the balance I owe on those rings?”

She sighed. “As much as I could use that money, I can’t in good conscience collect it from you. There’s that whole thing about not kicking someone when they’re down.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” He folded his arms over his chest. “I wish all the other wedding arrangements I’ve got to abort could be taken care of as easily.”

Especially in regard to his family, specifically the female members, who would be profoundly disappointed. What was he going to tell his mother? Not to mention his grandmother who’d come all the way from Spain?

“What else do you have to do?” she asked, pulling her coat more snugly around her as the wind kicked up.

“Look, it’s freezing out here. What do you say we go somewhere warm and I buy you dinner?”

She eyed him speculatively. “You’re not planning to slip a little poison in my grits, are you?”

“Now why would I do that? And just how do you think I could pull it off?” he asked, humor tugging at him again.

“My cousin Willow’s friend, Jenna Elliot, is a nurse. By association with her I’ve learned that nurses and obviously doctors have access to drugs. Have prescription pad, will prescribe.”

In spite of his resolve to resist her humor, his mouth curved up. “Did your nurse friend tell you we doctors take an oath to use our powers only for good?”

She laughed again, a merry, cheerful sound. “It’s just, you were so bent out of shape when you came in the shop earlier, I just can’t help wondering why you’d want to take me to dinner.”

He became less angry and more intrigued the longer they talked. On top of that, an idea began to form. It was unconventional, but he had a very immediate problem on the cusp of becoming a crisis. Desperate situations called for outside-the-box solutions. With her help, he might be able to get from Point A to Point B and spend a minimum of emotional energy.

“Let’s call dinner a thank-you for writing off my bill,” he finally answered, taking her elbow. “Besides, I’m in desperate need of a woman.”

Chapter Two

“Hold it right there, Doc.” Sky pulled her arm from his grasp. “I’m not that kind of girl.”

“No. Wait. You’ve got it all wrong.”

Starting to shiver, she turned up the collar on her coat. “I hate to tell you this, but after a statement like you just made, there’s no right way to take it. You’re barking up the wrong tree.”

“Look,” he said, holding his hands up in surrender. “You’re going to catch your death out here and I’ve taken an oath to save lives. Let’s go someplace warm where we can talk. I’ve got a proposition for you.”

“And that’s supposed to make me feel better—how, Doctor?” She held up her index fingers and made a cross.

“My name is Dom.”


“I swear it’s not what you think. If I’m lying—”

“What?” she asked.

He shifted his feet on the sidewalk. “Give me a second. I’m trying to come up with something that will convince you of my sincerity.”

“How about if you’re lying I turn my five brothers and four big, burly male cousins loose on you. And before you answer, I should warn you, my family is in law enforcement. My father is retired army and then a security consultant. One of those burly cousins I mentioned is the sheriff of Black Arrow. My brother Jesse is with the National Security Agency and Billy is a major in the army. They both know three hundred ways to kill a man with their bare hands. Then there’s my brother Grey—a judge. After the rest of them get finished with you, he could send what’s left up the river for a really long time.”

By the time she finished, he was laughing. Sky blinked, then stared. She couldn’t believe the difference. He went from angry austere doctor to approachable human male in zero point three seconds. Her heart kicked into a lively cha-cha as she noted what a very attractive smile he had. He’d been a hunk-and-a-half a minute ago. Now he was off the scale.

“You think I’m kidding?” she asked.

She was stalling, trying to sidestep the emotional danger she’d unwittingly unleashed. If she were smart, she would turn on her heel and leave him in the dust. She didn’t want to be attracted to a man. Especially one who was on the rebound—a fact for which he blamed her. But she wasn’t smart. She stood there and continued to bask in the warmth of his smile until it faded.

“I don’t think you’re joking.” He shook his head, but humor still lurked in his eyes and turned up the corners of his mouth. “I believe you have contacts in law enforcement.”

“So you want to make me a proposition and you don’t need a woman, right?”

“Wrong. I want—actually, I need to talk to you. If you’re offended by what I have to say, bring on the family testosterone.”

“All right then. But you don’t have to buy me dinner.”

Sky trusted this man. Maybe because Shelby had talked about him as if he had wings, a halo and walked on water. Could it be that medical school training in bedside manner helped generate trust in patients? Whatever it was, except for one notable exception when her heart had been the only casualty, she was a good judge of people. Sky knew there was nothing to fear from Dominic Rodriguez.

She angled her head toward the second story above her shop. “My apartment is over the store. I’ll cook dinner for you.”

“You don’t have to do that—”

“You don’t think I can cook?”

“No, I—”

She sighed—loudly. “You’re just digging yourself in deeper, Doctor.”

“I meant no offense.” He blew out a long breath, creating a smoky cloud of white between them. “I’m sure you’re a fine cook. It’s just I don’t want to put you to any trouble.”

“No trouble. I like to cook. It’s relaxing. Besides, it’s Friday night. Restaurants in town will be crowded and we’ll have to wait. We can be warm and cozy in no time and I’ll whip up something that will fill that empty place in your tummy before you can say code blue.”

“Code blue?” he questioned, lifting one eyebrow.

“I watch TV.”

“So you said.”

“This way, Doctor,” she said, walking down the alley between her store and the one next door.

“Can’t you get upstairs through the shop?” he asked.

She glanced over her shoulder. “No. My cousin Bram—”

“The sheriff?”

“Yes. Bram and my dad checked out everything for security purposes. Since my business is expensive jewelry and a possible target for robbery, they both agreed my apartment should be inaccessible from the store. Just in case.”

“Good point. But you still have safety precautions?”

She nodded. “A security system approved by Bram and Dad. Also lots of insurance.”

“Actually, I meant your apartment,” he clarified.

“I have a separate system upstairs and lots more insurance. No need to worry your pretty head about me.” And he did have such a pretty face. But she didn’t for one minute believe he was worried about her.

She turned right at the end of the brightly lit alley and led the way up the wooden staircase on the outside of the three-story, red-brick building. At the top, she took the key ring from the pocket of her coat and unlocked the door. After flipping on the lights, she punched numbers into a keypad on the wall, waited for the all-clear beep, then closed the door.

“Home sweet home,” she said, removing her coat and hanging it on the wooden tree in the corner. “Can I take yours?”

He nodded, then shrugged out of his leather jacket and handed it to her. It was warm from his body and smelled pleasantly of cologne mixed with man.

“Thanks.” Looking around her living room, he said, “Nice place you’ve got here.”

“I like it.”

The apartment was spread out over two floors. Upstairs were three bedrooms and two baths, plenty of space for a home office and a guest room if needed. The main floor, where they now stood, was comprised of a living room, dining area off the kitchen and service porch big enough for her washer, dryer and freezer. Her sofa and matching love seat were upholstered in a floral print of green, coral and beige. A glider covered in a coordinating fabric took up a corner of the room with a brass table lamp beside it for reading.

She led the way to the kitchen through the dining room, which was decorated with an ornate oak table with the ball-and-claw feet and surrounded by four chairs. A matching hutch took up most of the one wall.

In the kitchen doorway, she stopped to flip the switch, illuminating the spotlights in the ceiling. “Can I get you something to drink? Beer? Wine? Coffee? Tea?” Me?

Please God, if there was any justice in the world she hadn’t just said that out loud.

“Beer would be great.”

“Coming right up.”

Whew! What was it about this guy that unnerved her so? Enough to invite him up to her apartment. Her personal code of conduct was three dates, minimum, before a guy got the green light to enter her personal space. She hadn’t known Dominic Rodriguez three hours and already she was breaking rules.

The refrigerator was on the far wall with a cooktop beside it. The narrow room had countertops on both sides, with a divided sink and disposal bisecting the one on the left. The window above gave her a view of the city of Black Arrow, now lit up for the night.

The heels of her low black shoes clicked on the tile as she walked to the fridge and opened the door.

She leaned over and grabbed a bottle, then straightened and shut the door. When she glanced at him, satisfaction coursed through her as his gaze quickly lifted from her backside. Then she saw an approving look steal into his eyes.

A shiver of awareness skipped up her spine, along with pleasure that he approved of what he saw. But why? She wasn’t interested in him and didn’t especially care whether or not he was interested in her. She chalked it up to ego. It wouldn’t do hers much good to catch him perusing her alphabetized spices in the rack beside the built-in oven instead. She walked the length of the kitchen to where he stood in the doorway.

“Here you go.”

Handing him the longneck, she wondered what it was about a man lazily leaning a shoulder against the wall that she found so darned masculine and appealing. He’d rolled the long sleeves of his shirt to just below his elbows, then folded his arms across his broad chest. He could be posing for an ad in a magazine. But he was no male model. He was a doctor who nipped and tucked and made people look like models.

“Thanks,” he said, saluting with the amber bottle. “Are you going to join me?”

“You wouldn’t be trying to get me drunk, would you?”

“Perish the thought. That three hundred ways to kill a man is an effective deterrent.”

“Smart man. Besides that deterrent, it’s hard for a tipsy cook to whip up a decent meal.”

Turning away from the sexy sight of him casually filling her doorway, she took a plastic-covered baking dish from the fridge and pressed buttons on the oven to preheat.

“That’s what you call ‘whipping up a meal’?”

“Sure.” She glanced to the side and tossed him a grin. “I just whipped it up this morning. Spinach-and-cheese-filled pasta with tomato sauce and herbs.”

“Sounds good.”

“It is.”

She set the timer, then threw together a salad and garlic bread. The only thing left, and she’d been putting it off because it meant breaching his space in the doorway, was setting the dining room table. Here goes nothing, she thought, gathering plates, utensils and napkins.

Sky couldn’t decide whether it was fortunate or not that she had to brush past him to get the job done. The very male scent of his cologne was unmistakable and did funny things to her stomach as she passed. If that wasn’t bad enough, she was close enough to feel the warmth of his body, making her wonder how she could have been so cold when he’d stood so very near her outside on the sidewalk just a short time ago.

She finished setting the table. “Okay, now we just have to wait until the food is heated. Want to sit in the living room? It’s about time to start digging out of that hole you got yourself in.”

“Which one was that?”

“You dig so many you can’t remember how you offend people?”

“Ordinarily, no. But since I met you—”

“To refresh your memory it was the comment about desperately needing a woman, compounded by the proposition you want to make me.”

“Ah, yes.”

Sky let him precede her into the living room. Not because she was a Martha Stewart clone concerned about her hostess reputation. She wanted him to pick a couch first so she could sit on the other one, as far away from him as possible. He chose the eight-foot sofa, so she settled herself at a right angle to him on the love seat.

“Shoot,” she said. “Why are you desperate for a woman?”

“Actually it’s your fault.”

“Don’t start in on me again,” she warned.

“Wouldn’t dream of it. But I find myself without a bride.”

“What does that specifically have to do with me? Can’t you simply move on? I did—”


“Never mind. We’re talking about you. In your situation, the best thing is to not look back.”

“My situation means dealing with my mother. Let me give you a little background and maybe you’ll understand.” He rested his elbows on his thighs, holding the bottle in both hands between his knees.

“Okay.” She sat back and crossed her legs, trying not to notice the second in his seemingly endless repertoire of masculine poses.

“My parents emigrated from Spain when my mother was pregnant with me. My father was a doctor, studying to take his medical boards so he could start a practice in this country. But he was killed in a car accident.”

“Oh, dear. I’m so sorry.”

Sky leaned forward and put a hand on his forearm. She knew it wasn’t a recent tragedy for him, but still felt compelled to offer sympathy. For her that meant touching him. Words only conveyed so much. A reassuring squeeze did far more.

For just a moment he covered her hand with his own. It was the strangest combination of cold and heat. The feeling sizzled up her arm and she pulled her fingers from beneath his palm.

“Because my father had wanted his child to be a U.S. citizen and grow up here, my mother refused to go back to Spain even though her mother urged her to come home. She had no marketable skills, so she cleaned houses.”

“A very courageous, industrious woman.”

He nodded then took a swallow of his beer. “She put me through college and medical school, supporting us by working as a housekeeper for very wealthy families. The money was pretty good, but every spare cent went for my education. If anyone knew the value of that, it was my mom.”

“You must be grateful.”

“Yeah.” His intense, blue-eyed gaze met her own. “I owe her everything. She gave up a lot for me. The only thing she ever wanted for herself was to travel and to see the world. But she couldn’t afford trips and tuition, too.”

“She sounds like a wonderful mother.”

“If not for the sacrifices she made, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

“I agree. But I don’t understand what that has to do with needing a woman.”

“Patience. I’m getting there.” He let out a long breath. “I worked hard to not let her down. Then I was lucky enough to catch the attention of Houston’s best plastic surgeon. He offered me a partnership and the opportunity to take over a thriving, prestigious medical practice at his retirement. My own reputation grew fast and for a while now, money hasn’t been a problem.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard there’s mega bucks in nips and tucks.”

“Who knew you could rhyme and be witty at the same time? There’s more to plastic surgery than that, but let’s save it for another conversation.” He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. “I tried to get my mother to retire or at least let me send her on a trip. Or both.”


“She’s very independent.” He shook his head. “She said she couldn’t have any fun until I was married and settled down.”

“Subtle,” she said wryly.

A corner of his wonderful mouth lifted for a moment. “For a long time now my mother and grandmother have made no secret of the fact that, in their opinion, I should be married.”

“Mothers are like that.”

“That’s what she said. Her exact words were that I couldn’t possibly understand. It’s a mom thing and unless I had a uterus, I would just have to take her word for it.”

Sky laughed. “I think I would like your mother. She and your grandmother must have been pretty excited when you got engaged to Shelby.”

He nodded. “A whirlwind engagement. It all happened fast, just before the holidays. I wanted to give them two gifts—the news of my engagement and a cruise to Greece.”

“Wow.” Sky felt her eyes grow wide. Not bad.

“I wanted a small wedding so we could make the arrangements quickly. Shelby agreed. The plan was to bring my grandmother over from Spain. She would accompany my mother on the trip and when they returned, we’d have the wedding.”

“What did they say when you told them it was off?”


“The woman who wished you a uterus said nothing?”

“I haven’t broken the bad news to her yet.”

“Dom, you have to break the news to her,” she said, astonished. “And your grandmother, before she makes the trip for nothing.”

“It won’t be for nothing if things work out the way I hope. I want to send my abuelita—my grandmother—on the cruise, too. My mom would love it. And my abuelita hasn’t traveled much, either.”

“Now that you won’t be settled down and married, will they go?” Sky asked.

“If I can get through the party, they won’t find out.”

“What party?”

“The one to announce my engagement. My mother wouldn’t take no for an answer. She insisted her only son have a formal engagement party before she leaves on her cruise.”

“That’s dishonest. You have to tell them the truth. Surely if they know how much it means to you for them to have fun—”

“That’s just it. Even if I can convince them to go under the circumstances, my mother’s first trip will start out on a downer. Because of you,” he added pointedly.

“Me?” She heard the timer go off in the kitchen and stood. “Thank your lucky stars you were just saved by the bell.”

Instead of looking angry or off balance, he merely appeared confident and self-satisfied. “Wasn’t that the signal to start round two?”

Sky marched into her kitchen and grabbed oven mitts then lifted the steaming baking dish out of the oven to a hot plate. “I’m going to say this for the last time. It’s not my fault.”

But she couldn’t suppress the guilt trickling through her. Along with a question that had no answer. If she’d kept her mouth shut and her opinions and advice to herself, no matter how relevant, would his bride-to-be have run off with the chauffeur?

“So you didn’t suggest Shelby follow her heart? Or tell her life is too short to waste a minute with anything or anyone who doesn’t feel right?”

“I already confessed. And it’s good advice, if I do say so myself.” Sky had a bad feeling about the way this conversation was going. A diversion would be good. “Dinner is served. Because I promised. After that I think it’s time to say good-night.”

“Don’t you want to know why I need a woman?”


“You’re not the least bit curious?”

“Not a single inquisitive bone in my body.”

“You’re not a good liar, Sky.”

“There’s a news flash. Sit down and eat, Doctor.”

“I need a fiancée.”

“And that pertains to me, how?”

“Just to get through the engagement party.”

“Dom, that’s only postponing the inevitable. You know what they say.”

“No. What?”

“‘Procrastination is a crime…. It only leads to sorrow…. I can stop it anytime…. I think I will tomorrow.’ It’s better to come clean. A clear conscience cuts down stress levels and will help you live longer.”

“Thanks for the diagnosis. Normally I would heartily agree with you. But I know those two stubborn women. If they’re not convinced my wedded bliss is just around the corner, they’ll refuse to take the trip. And I know how badly my mother has wanted this. On the other hand, if I throw a party, convince them I’ve never been happier and can’t wait to marry the woman of my dreams, my mother and grandmother can go on the cruise without a care in the world.”

“Shelby was the woman of your dreams?” Sky asked, her voice small, her guilt compounding by the second.

“My mother would have thought she was perfect. Her family has money. She went to all the right schools. Traveled,” he said pointedly. “She’s the kind of woman my mom kept house for and grew to admire. Beautiful, independent, educated. Able to take care of herself. Do her own thing and let her significant other do his. Stay in the background while he works. She would have been the perfect doctor’s wife.”

The ideal mate for Dr. Perfect until Sky had put in her two cents and kiboshed his dream and carefully laid plans. What she wouldn’t give for a do-over where she kept her mouth firmly shut.

“So what do you say?” he asked.

“I say you’re crazy.”

“This isn’t a psych evaluation.”

Sky shook her head. “It will never work. There are a hundred things that could go wrong. Maybe more.” She rested a hand on her hip. “Aren’t there laws against this sort of thing? Fraud? Alienation of affections? It’s a really bad idea.”

“I’m not asking for your opinion.”

“Then what are you asking?”

“Will you be the woman? My woman.” He looked heavenward for a moment, and let out a long breath. “What I mean is, will you be my fiancée?”

Maybe she was crazy, too, but for a split second she wished he were asking for real. To marry him. How insane was that? “I won’t dignify that with a response.”

“I’m not looking for dignity. A simple yes or yes will suffice.”

“I can’t do this, Dom.”

“Do I have to remind you it’s your meddling that cost me a fiancée? Think about my mother, a courageous woman who sacrificed everything for me. It’s my chance to do something nice for her. With your help. Before I have to lay the bad news on her that I’m not getting married, after all. You owe me, Sky.”

“When you said you needed a woman, I thought you were talking about something else.”

“Like what?” he asked, his mouth curving up to let her know he knew what she meant.

“Sex. I thought you meant sex—as in ‘he needed a drink and he needed a woman.’ Not necessarily in that order.”

“And you still invited me to dinner,” he reminded her, his deep voice brimming with laughter.

She sighed. “Yeah. We should both have a psych evaluation. Maybe we can get a group rate.” Shaking her head, she met his gaze and sighed. “Sex would have been so much simpler.”

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