Civilizations development and species origin technologies
Civilizations development and species origin technologies

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Sebastian Rudolf Karl von Hoerner, a German astrophysicist, in his article «The Search for Signals from Other Civilizations» explained the silence of the Universe by the fact that the tools of mankind are still very imperfect with the costs of the search being completely negligible. Perhaps people will never be able to visit other star systems, so it is possible to start looking for other civilizations and try to contact them remotely, in the radio frequency band, by means of the SETI and METI projects. The term SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) refers to the international efforts aimed at extraterrestrial civilizations’ search. The SETI experiments are not aimed at the life’s search in the entire galaxy, but at finding out whether there is a civilization that uses a certain portion of the radio frequency band for communication using a radio telescope within 50 light-years distance from the Sun. Dozens of experiments have been conducted in order to search for signals in the radio frequency band as well as in the optical range within the last fifty years. However, they did not produce any results. Developed civilizations, and especially super-civilizations, are not likely to use radio communication, which is uneconomical and ineffective at large distances, and is also limited by the light barrier.

The lack of evidence of the highly developed civilizations’ existence in the Universe may confirm the erroneousness of our ideas about their nature. Any methods used by a person wanting to establish contacts with a highly developed civilization should not use the concepts conventions developed by a human civilization. In my opinion, the universal language of communication with all civilizations, regardless of their material form, should be based on the geometric shapes. Moreover, not on figures, but on fractal images created by means of these figures. Fractals are sometimes called the language of geometry. The letters of any alphabet carry no semantic meaning unless they are combined into words. In the same way, complex images expressing a certain meaning can be composed of the geometric shapes. As well as, for example, in the Chinese language, where symbols already express certain meaning, fractal geometry can be considered in the same way. There are two main groups of fractal languages: linear and non-linear. Both groups use an infinite number of algorithms and cover an infinite number of possible fractal images, most of which use a deterministic set of rules, similar to grammar rules. The linear fractals’ geometry is the most common form of fractal languages. Such fractals are usually formed starting with the initial figure, to which a certain basic pattern is being applied. Self-similarity is manifested at all levels of all deterministic fractals. Encoding by means of the fractal images is justified only if there is an effective method of an image hidden in fractal algorithms’ «extraction». Having mastered the language of fractals, one can describe any messages by means of images that use the language of traditional geometry. Aren’t crop circles an attempt of a highly developed civilization to leave a message by means of the fractal geometry language?

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