Полная версия

Valeriy Zamoryonov
© Valeriy Zamoryonov, 2023
ISBN 978-5-0051-1019-0 (т. 1)
ISBN 978-5-0051-1018-3
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
In his desire to know the world and all the universal wisdom, man is an unlimited entity. At the peak of scientific achievements, a person will discover a universal formula of the universe that can legitimize any phenomenon of the physical world, which will become an undoubted factor of supremacy over all things. By integrating all the accumulated knowledge into the genetic code, it will be possible to create a person who can control all things and the physical world by the power of his own consciousness, which in fact can be considered “divine” abilities. This will be the synthetic “God” the Antichrist mentioned in the prophecies.
Archive code of the universe
Life is made up of allegories for one simple reason – simple things have no definitions. Sometimes it is difficult to Express your idea so briefly that the interlocutor can understand it, and therefore the best way to narrate the idea is a parable. The supply language is full of allegories that makes the essence of the narrated colorful and clear picture perceived at the level of primary consciousness (subconsciousness). And the code of the human subconscious is written in the language of external factors of primary existence, when consciousness has not yet been formed. Wind, sea, sky, stars-all this is perceived by us on an intuitive level and is a component of the figurative language of allegories. That is, regardless of the person, all the information about what he knows is stored in the external world and only then the entire wealth of diversity is assigned an understanding structure of consciousness. I would call this phenomenon the archived code of the universe, when all information is transmitted to an individual, but in a very compressed, archived form.
Balamut, balabol and balabaechnik
Any of us has a need for socialization, well, life in society, which naturally involves the exchange of information. But at a certain stage of life, it becomes clear that not every revelation is useful for itself, which is why people resort to some types of hiding some of the information.
All these skills are formed in childhood and I prefer to use the Turkic language to convey my literary aesthetic.the word Bala (child) with the appropriate behavior ending.
So let’s get started.
The first type-Bala-Mut (Mut from the word mudra) – a person who quite frankly revealed the essence of his story, but in certain places of his speech replaced some concepts-sign language (mudra). Which in turn makes the essence of what is said invariative, but not expressed.
The second type-Bala-Bol (bol from the word chatterbox (boltun/rus) – a person who mixes objective facts with absurdity in his narration, which in turn gives him the opportunity to speak, but does not make his thought clear because he chatted all that without getting there.
The third type of Bala-Baechnik (baechnik from the word (bayka/rus) fun story) – a man who managed to put the essence of his thought in figurative creation. It is like a diamond playing in the sun with the reflection of many facets, a great many semantic subtexts, United by the light of the essence of the story. Everything is clear to everyone, but there is nothing to cling to.
Run by the sky
We are used to the fact that there are factors of absolute truth in our life. To order in everything begin to teach a person from an early age, in fact, it is the same though veiled, but the drill. Willy – nilly, a person becomes a hostage to a number of conventions. At a certain stage of life – this is not bad, but for a person formed requires further growth, the ability to see something beyond the ordinary reality, something very little tangible, but at the same time very, very meaningful-the metaphysics of being. And in the field of fine matter, there are no rigid supports that have sharp edges of unshakable postulates. All surrounding space ceases to be dense. It is understood that in principle, the dynamic system of our world should not be ossified, preventing constantly, at any time to provide the opportunity to be almost any material embodiment. The kaleidoscope of the changing universe makes you run, as it were, without relying on the impermanence of a second essence for a long time, run along the barely covered reality of a scattering of dreams, run by the sky.
We observe the world and live in it see logic in everything, sometimes finding it even where it is not obvious, but some of the worldviews explain even these very ambiguous phenomena.
Even if we sum up the essence of our entire life in General, it turns out that this is a series of comprehension of laws that are identical in principle to the same phenomenon. Phenomena about which it is impossible to build a clear definition, but which becomes more and more obvious as we grow up – everything in this world is connected by a single law, which undoubtedly exists by virtue of the principle of self – consciousness – " I AM”.
And if “I AM” is an immutable truth, then there is meaning and logic in everything. There is a consciousness that exists outside of time and outside of reality, there is he-the beginningless Mind and the Light that has shone on the darkness of non-existence.
Absolute proof
The absolute proof that Christ existed in history and is really the son of the Creator is that all those statements, parables and postulates of faith are recognized by us – the generation of information technologies, as very logical and self-evident truths in the light of the knowledge available to us in the field of modern technologies. And the most interesting thing is that if you analyze the text of Scripture, it becomes clear the vector of development of human civilization. And it is perfectly consistent with the existing doctrines of the development of modern thought. Such insights into the course of history are available only to the Logos that exists outside of time-the light of the worlds.
Maybe it’s a calculation after all
Sometimes we just live and do not dream and do not make a wish, but still sometimes the idea comes to take and calculate the probability of love. Perhaps this is the most ambitious and crazy idea, because everyone thinks that it is in a state of meaningful and controlled positive emotions that we habitually associate with love that we feel most comfortable. But the more your experience the more clearly you understand that there is no way to ride the storm, the element in its maximum phase, and only then and exactly then it becomes really interesting and delicious, but it is not love at all. And apparently no even the most sophisticated formula can account for all the variables in such a complex equation. And those emotions that are experienced at the peak of feelings are still a one-time discharge for a more complex reaction, which can not be a constant source of power, it is only intended to awaken internal sources of energy. And that’s when the internal sources of universal energy are awakened, there is a chance to ride the wave, and even then it will not be a calculation – it will be intuitive knowledge.
In many ideologems and religious movements, there is such a concept as a crown. I will not go into the interpretation of all possible understandings, I will highlight only one. In my humble opinion, the crown is considered to be the gift of the Creator of a perfect body, for the habitation, by the time this happens, of a properly formed spirit. And all possible allegories that we conform to the understanding of the possession of the crown, quite harmoniously fit into the idea of a combination of perfect spirit, soul and body. And it is this model of man crowned with the crown of a perfect body that is as close to understanding as possible-god.
Eternity begins on Earth
We perceive our life as it is sometimes without thinking about eternity, although you can already feel eternity here on Earth. And for this purpose, there are certain sensors built into our consciousness – this is a very complex intuitive device that is not initially integrated into the conceptual tools. We just do not think that the meaning of life is life itself, and this is the key idea that can reveal more complex forms of perception of the world. In order to feel eternity you need to pay attention to how you feel life and whether you see meaning and regularity in everything that happens. Life is a delicate pattern woven from all sorts of details-sensations, emotions and feelings. And the feeling when you start to treat all these components with care gives rise to an understanding of the infinite duration of nuances, colors and shades. Therefore, in order to see the whole picture of what we usually call life, we need not just a period of time, but an eternity.
Spirit seers
At the peak of the superpower confrontation, one of the trumps determining the outcome was technology – Stealth. For a long time, no one could crack the secret with which to discredit this technology. And then some smart guy figured out how to calculate the stealth on the trail that they leave behind them. I don’t know how or what the details are. But what am I talking about? The fact is that the spirit does not have a visible shell for the human eye, for me it is something like information content that exists in the electromagnetic field of the universe. But whatever it is, spirits interfere in our lives as we come into contact with a particular phenomenon in life. For example, a gambler, as the spirit of the game takes hold of him, the whole world gradually turns into a casino for him with its inherent risks, bonuses and bets. You will agree that it is quite clear to yourself that the influence on the personality is clearly visible. And there are many examples of this. But this narrative would not be complete if I did not mention people who can distinguish the influence of a particular spirit on a person. If necessary, identify the trace and adjust the process of conflict-free interaction of the entire system to a certain extent. Actually, I would call them spirit seers.
Internal conflict
Based on the experience of life not only your own, but the one that you managed to learn from outside, with a sufficient degree of confidence, we can assume the following – internal conflict is the main source of troubles in our life.
When undertaking something it is always advisable to think about how serious the consequences of further awareness of what you have done can be. And if the question is put so that you have to go to conflict with the internal established principles on which your idea of life is built and these principles have a positive vector, then it is unlikely that you should exchange small things for the sake of short-term benefits.
Harmony is a fertile ground for contemplating eternity. Keeping peace is easier and clearer to find a way out of any life conflict.
But even if you go to the point of undergoing some fluctuations in your faith, you should always be prepared for the fact that an external factor will correct your insanity according to the universal balance, although not always realized and understood by the subjectivity of human interests.
The possibility of the impossible
How often does it happen that we stop assuming what might have been possible? In the meantime, more and more evidence suggests that almost any, even the most daring and crazy versions of the manifestations of nature and spirit are possible. Only the freedom of your consciousness will be a necessary and imperative condition. Ceasing to pay attention to the vanity of everyday life, you need to open up the infinity of the universe. And everything around us will cease to be ordinary, all those things and circumstances surrounding us are in fact structures of the information and material essence of being in which free consciousness is open to penetration. Learning more and more of the same structural nuances, it becomes clear that in principle there is a possibility of what at first glance seems impossible.
Log in and log out
A lot has been said about how people relate to how their lives are shaping up. In fact, everyone agreed that life is a game. But how do I log in? And here’s what I think. If you are a person who does not just share the views of theism, but a religious person, then in principle for you to “enter the game"is to build a relationship with the Creator, and at any time and at any stage of life there is an option to “leave the game”, if in the process of some communication there is a wrong understanding. In this way, life consists of a series of” entrances “and” exits” until there is an absolute understanding.
I consider excitement to be one of the things that are not fully realized in our life. This is the feeling of a person when he comes to a state of emotional excitement for various reasons – love, fear, responsibility. In this state, the boundaries of familiar, established concepts are blurred and the person is in a state of weightlessness, without relying on the generally accepted bases of consciousness. Being in this state, we are in a zone of special risk, because even a slight emphasis on negative emotions can bring down a person’s awareness into the abyss of insanity.
There it is
If we accept as a fair statement that everything was initially in absolute balance, it turns out that everything began with the fact that there was a rift. The fault when the world shared, and the characteristic of the fault is a universal code in which all information is recorded, everything and about everything. The fact is that the very principle of recording information is based on a unique damage to some initially whole. It turns out that in order to count all that huge layer of information that we habitually call our universe, we need to recreate theoretically the original state that was inherent in everything from the beginning. And when we compare what was with what is, the very principle of the existence of information will reveal itself.
Our routine life, devoid of any intrigue, drama, quest and Thriller-insipid, boring and uninteresting. Often the plot of a fairly common fate twists according to the following scheme. “Finding the key” – using various types of stimulants, a person finds the opportunity to transition to an altered state of consciousness, in which, in turn, life has splashed colors in everything from aesthetic embellishments to carnal pleasures. But finding the key, a person pays with a “crown” – the will to do as he pleases and not be dependent on external circumstances that are not of an objective nature, but simply the freedom to be himself. From the very moment when the exchange of the “key” for the “crown” takes place, there begins to be an eternal whirl of exchanging this for this and that for that in search of omnipotence – the possession of the” key “and” crown” simultaneously.
Universal entertainment
If you think about it and consider our life, it can be represented as a universal entertainment. A performance industry whose main product is a stream of spectacles that we consume in unthinkable quantities. As any of entertainment, the problem is formulated as one to form world of consciousness.
And in principle, if everything is brought to a certain logic, the consciousness is looking for the most comfortable feeling of the world. And all this entertainment is only a tool for the formation of the inner self with the greatest degree of tolerance to everything going on as Providence.
And all those bright colors, and bulges as something making entertainment not so boring.
Everyone knows that for the full perception of the entire spectrum of taste sensations in our diet there is such a seasoning as mustard. So, by direct analogy with this, exactly the same ingredient is present in the range of our feelings. No matter how your life develops and no matter what your relationships with people around you are, there will always be at least a little bit of bitterness, even if it is to set off pleasant feelings. And here is another observation – over time, when a person increasingly resorts to stimulants to re-experience the taste of life, and this is known to be very chaotic distribution of accents in the range of sensations, a very unpleasant effect can occur. The shifted accent can deviate towards the same bitterness and then ceasing to be a shade, it becomes the main background. In this case, all your experiences turn into a continuous tragedy, despondency and hopelessness, which adversely affects the person as a whole.
Many of us in our lives have thought about the fact that there is money in essence. And here is my interpretation. In our time of electronic money, no one needs to explain that money is information, but what information and what content it contains. I think the key word here is trust. The ideology of welfare raised to a material resource gives rise to the idea of commodity-monetary exchange of participants or even adherents of this doctrine. That is, the primary idea from which everything flows, and then the trust of this idea is converted into a material aspect. Agree because the money (in the conventional sense – as colored paper or metal) is in fact not necessary if you are using a trust or as they say in the people – “kept on parole”. From here comes the future of cryptocurrency – fairly, transparently and clearly to formulate ideological content to engage the largest number of supporters of this paradigm of thinking – to create a resource (a credit of trust to issue cryptocurrency) and based on a mathematical formula of distribution of proportions to form the body crypto-economic model distributed trust within the community. This leads to another conclusion: if in the future it is possible to convert a person’s personal qualities, the crypto-economic model will help to improve our society as a whole.
If you try to bring to a simplified understanding of the approach to understanding the world, it turns out that some part of society is convinced that energy is at the head of everything, and another part believes that the cause of everything is the word (information). And if we accept the statement that everything around us is a form of energy existence, then it becomes clear that faith in the Sun-God (sun worship) is the most powerful and inexhaustible source of energy in the visible world. However, in this age of information technology, the theory of information primeval existence seems more and more convincing to us. After all, everything that would not be preceded by a plan, and this is in fact an information model-the word. Although in order that the word could be still need energy and by the way I think that there is also a third component that I would conditionally designate the word environment. Here the Association with the belief in the triplicity of God in the Trinity – one, not merged and not separate-comes by will not by will. Let me assume that, after all, religion is primarily a form of understanding of the world, and consequently of communication with it. What we know from the sacred texts is just the course of the river that we must fill with the waters of our research, observation, and as a result, knowledge hidden in the depths of the world itself.
The key factor in the life of each of us is trust. You can not build a career or form a family or even any social ties excluding such an important factor from the relationship. Just as in the earthly life, in the spiritual life trust plays a crucial role in the relationship with God. And if in matters of everyday vanity, which is in fact our earthly life, we often face disappointment in our relations with our fellows, then it would be foolish and disastrous to doubt our trust in God. For then the whole paradigm of the life of a believer collapses, which inevitably entails sad consequences for the health of the soul. And for this reason, whatever the trials in the life of each of us, we must always be sure that only this way it is possible to pass to salvation, which is what the Lord leads you.
Spiritual warfare
I think no one will argue that between the words spirit and software (software), you can put an equal sign. And if we consider a person in the language of modern technologies, it is a self-reproducing biorobot controlled by complex self-developing neural network algorithms. But why am I doing this? The fact is that when a person becomes addicted to stimulants, a self-developed neural network algorithm begins to build a parallel software of self-identification, in other words, a person begins to have another personality in parallel, but already with a distorted perception of the world due to a bad habit. From that moment on, a war is unfolding inside a person between a person who was formed and perceived the world before the stimulants and a person who was deformed by the abuse of stimulants. Each of the variants of the algorithm has its own arguments in favor of its rightness from which the fight is conducted with particular ferocity. In principle, this is the spiritual war raging in each of us.
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