An asymmetrical War
An asymmetrical War

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An asymmetrical War

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An asymmetrical War

1. Auflage, erschienen 4-2021

Umschlaggestaltung: Romeon Verlag

Text: Larry B. Ritter

Layout: Romeon Verlag

ISBN (E-Book): 978-3-96229-825-8

Copyright © Romeon Verlag, Jüchen

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Larry B. Ritter


Ukraine second half of 2014

„Russia had lost the finance war already in April of 2014! The falling value of the russian shares and the ruble will cost the russian economy dozens of billions. If the price of oil continues to fall also, Russia has to work on a financial fiasco in 2015 and thereafter.”

Financial expert in April 2014


First Act: Half dead

Scene 1: The Wannsee-conference

Scene 2: Learning, not to exist

Scene 3: Presentation at the ‘Holy Gral’

Scene 3: Presentation at the ‚Holy Grail‘

Scene 4: The ‚Helvetia‘ Conference

Scene 5: Marriage in Kiev

Scene 6: Summer vacations

Second Act: Locked in

Scene 1 : Strategic Options

Scene 2: Collecting the Entrance Fee

Scene 3: Rebirth of a Relationship

Scene 4: The Surprise in Divonne

Third Act: Break Through in New York

Scene 1: Sleeping through the Danger

Scene 2: The last battle?

Scene 3: Kept in Detension

Last Act: „You’re in the Army now“

Scene 1 : Jela‘s World

Scene 2: Visiting the country side

Scene 3: Attack from the Side

Scene 4: Financial Barrage

Scene 5: Day of the confessions

Scene 6: A new Option

Main Characters:

Other Actors:


This book is the second in a series of three dealing with the financal questions of the Ukrainian crisis, and its actors are the same like in the first one called „The lock keeper of Kiev - Ukraine in spring of 2014“. Whereas the first volume is focussing on the step-by step lifting of the financial embargo as background of the international conflict, the second volume explains the mostly invisible elements of the financial war between Russia and the West.

It explains how the strategic makro-economical finance variables like exchange rate and fincial reserves change as a consequence of the western embargo. In this game the cash supply of the Ukranian economy is playing a decicive role.

This is much more complicated as shown in the press as the situation is totally assymetrical in a sense that one side (the West) is playing the game as economic war whereas the others (Russia) puts its focus on military actions like in the Krimea and the East of the Ukraine.The cold war of which one starts to speak again is primary a dialogue with closed ears in 2014 when the Russian put military pressure on the Ukraine and others want to ruin Russia with economic measures.

As the situation is developpingrather fast, the historic context can only be taken into account until November of 2014. The leverage of the oil price change can only be estimated. In any case it will only multiply the described effects.

Later events can logically not be taken into account. So, the fact that a US citicen was appointed finance minister of the Ukraine is pure coincidence! The live of our hero Bob Horner and the poeple around him is pure fiction! An overvieuw of the members of the family and other important people is given at the end oft he book.

A special thank-you goes to my friend Serge Rosenberg, who had helped me with his wealth of software and business experiences. Christian Huck has given support to the german version with his professional know-how. A big thank-you also to him!

Geneva, November 2014

Larry, B. Ritter

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