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Flirting With The Boss
A few days had passed and Jace hadn’t been able to get Lori, or the kiss, out of his head. Even working nonstop at the site couldn’t keep his mind from wandering back to Lori Hutchinson. Until work came to a sudden halt when problems with the staircase came up and didn’t meet code. They had to make some changes in the design.
He needed Lori’s okay to move ahead with the architect’s revisions. He went by the bank, but discovered she was at home. So that was where he was headed when he realized he was looking forward to seeing her. Glad for the excuse.
He pulled up out front, sat there a moment to pull it together. Then he jerked open the door and got out of his truck. The early November day was cold. He looked up at the gray sky, glad that they’d finished the outside of the building. At the very least they would get some rain.
He walked up to the porch, but slowed his steps at the door, feeling his heart rate accelerate.
He hadn’t seen Lori since the night at his house. When she had been in his arms. He released a breath. Even time away didn’t change the fact that he was eager to see her.
Maggie opened the door with her usual smile. “Mr. Yeager. It’s nice to see you again.”
He stepped inside. “Hi, Maggie. Is Lori here?” He held up his folder. “I have more papers for her to sign,” he said, suddenly hearing the noises coming from upstairs.
“Oh, she’s here.” Maggie grinned. “Been working all day trying to get things finished before her sister and nephew’s arrival tomorrow. Charlie’s helping.” There was a big thud and Maggie looked concerned. “But maybe you should have a look.”
Jace nodded. He headed for the stairs and took them two at a time to shorten the trip. He walked down the hall and was surprised when he found the source of the noise. It was coming from the room across from Lori’s childhood bedroom.
He looked in the slightly open door and found Charlie and Lori kneeling on the floor with sections of wood spread out. The two were engrossed in reading a sheet of directions.
Lori brushed back a strand of hair, revealing her pretty face. Then his heart went soaring and his body heated up as she reached for something and her jeans pulled taut over her cute, rounded bottom.
“It says right here that A goes into B. Okay we got that, but I can’t find the next piece.” She held up the sheet of paper. “Do you see this one?”
Hiding his amusement, Jace stepped into the room. “Could you two use some help?”
They both swung around. “Mr. Yeager,” Charlie said and got to his feet. “Oh, yes, we could use your expertise. And since you’re here to help, I’ll go do my work.” The older man left, looking relieved.
Jace turned back at Lori. “What are you building?”
“Bunk beds,” she offered.
Jace pulled off his jacket as he glanced over the stacks of boxes. “Why not buy it assembled?”
Lori stood. “I didn’t have time to go to Durango, so I got them online. I didn’t realize it would come in boxes.”
“You should have called me. I would have sent Mac over.” He took the paper from her. Their hands brushed, and he quickly busied himself by looking over the directions. “Okay, let’s lay out the rails and the end pieces.”
Lori took one end and he took the other. He set the bolts, then went to her end. He was close and could breathe in her scent, which distracted the hell out of him. He finally got the bolt tightened. He got up and went to the other side, away from temptation, but she followed him.
Over the next hour, they’d become engrossed in building the elaborate bunk-bed set. They stood back and looked over their accomplishment.
“Not bad work.” He glanced at the woman beside him and saw her blink. “What’s wrong?”
She shook her head. “Zack is going to love it. He’s had to share a room with his mother the past few months. Thank you for this.”
“Not a problem,” he told her. “You helped me out with Cassie. I know how much you want to make a home for your sister and your nephew.”
“They’ve had a rough time of it lately.” She put on a smile. “It’s going to be great for them to be here.”
Jace looked around the freshly painted blue room. “I thought you were going to put Zack in your old bedroom.”
She shrugged. “I tried, but I couldn’t bring myself to touch it.” She looked at him and he saw the pain in her eyes. “I guess I’m still trying to figure out why my father kept it the same all these years. Crazy, huh?”
Unable to help himself, he draped his arm across her shoulders. “It’s okay, Lori. You have a lot to work through. You’ve pulled up your roots and come back here. There’s a lot to deal with.”
She looked up. “But I have the funds now to take care of my family.”
That was the one thing that kind of bothered him. He’d been pretty well-off financially before his divorce, but to have a woman with so much money when he was trying to scrape by hit him in his pride. But he truly thought it bothered her more.
“So how does it feel to have that kind of money?”
She scrunched up her nose. “Oddly strange,” she admitted. “It’s far too much. I’m the kind of girl who’s had to work all my life, and when I lost my job a few months ago, I was really worried about what was going to happen, especially for Gina and Zack.”
“They have you now.”
She looked up at him, her eyes bright and rich in color. “And I have them. I wouldn’t stay here in Destiny, money or no money, if they couldn’t be with me. Their safety and well-being is the most important thing to me.”
He frowned. “Why wouldn’t they be safe here?”
She glanced away. “It’s just a worry I have.”
He touched her chin to get her to look at him. “Lori, what aren’t you telling me? Is someone threatening you or your family?”
She finally looked at him. “It’s Gina’s ex-husband. He’ll be getting out of jail soon.”
“Why did he go to jail?”
“Look, Jace, I’m not sure Gina wants anyone to know her private business.”
“I’m not a gossip. If your family needs protection then I want to help.”
Lori was surprised at his offer. She wasn’t used to anyone helping them. “Eric is in for drug possession and spousal abuse. He swore when he got out he’d make Gina pay for having him arrested.”
She felt Jace tense. “So that’s why you were headed out of state?”
She nodded.
“Does this Eric guy know where Gina is moving to?”
“No one knows. We haven’t even told Zack. I want so badly for Gina to make a life here. She has full custody of her son, but we’re still afraid of what the man might do.”
“This house has a security system. I hope you’re using it.”
She nodded.
“And I think you should have protection for yourself, also. You’re worth a lot of money and you could be a target for threats from this guy. Maybe a security guard isn’t out of the question.”
“I can’t let my life be dictated by a coward.”
Jace clenched his fists. “I don’t care for a creep who gets his jollies by beating women, either, but you still need to take precautions. Not an armed guard, but maybe a security man disguised as a gardener or handyman.”
She hesitated. “If Gina will agree.”
“What about you? I’m sure you’ve had some run-ins with your brother-in-law.”
Lori shivered, recalling Eric’s threats.
Jace’s eyes narrowed. “Did he hurt you, too?”
“Just a few shoves here and there, but I couldn’t let him hurt Gina.”
He cursed and walked away, then came back to her. He reached out and cupped her face. “He put his hands on you, Lori. No man ever has the right to do that unless the woman wants it.”
She stared into his eyes. That was the problem. She wanted Jace’s hands on her. Badly.
JACE had trouble letting go of Lori. He knew the minute he touched her again this would happen.
He cursed under his breath. “This isn’t a good idea.” His gaze searched her pretty face, those bedroom eyes, then he stopped at her perfect rosy mouth. He suddenly felt like a man dying of thirst. Especially when her tongue darted out over her lips. With a groan, he leaned down and brushed his mouth across hers, hearing her quick intake of breath.
“I swore I’d stay away from you. We shouldn’t start something.…” His mouth brushed over hers again and then again. “My life doesn’t need to get any more complicated.”
“Mine, either,” she whispered.
He fought the smile, but it didn’t stop the hunger, or the anticipation of the kiss he so desperately wanted more than his next breath.
Then Lori took the decision out of his hands as she rose up on her toes and pressed her mouth against his. That was all it took. His arms circled her waist and he pulled her against him, unable to tolerate the space between them any longer. Their bodies meshed so easily it was as if they were meant to be together. All he knew was he didn’t want to let her go anytime soon.
His mouth slanted over hers, wanting to taste her, but all too quickly they were getting carried away.
He tore his mouth from hers, and trailed kisses along her jaw to her ear. “I could get drunk on you.” Then he let his tongue trace her earlobe, feeling her shiver. He found her mouth again for another hungry kiss.
Then suddenly the sound of his cell phone brought him back to reality. He stepped back, and his gaze was drawn to Lori’s thoroughly kissed mouth. Desire shot through him and he had to turn away.
“Yeager,” he growled into the phone.
“Hey, Jace,” Toby said. “What happened? I thought you were coming right back.”
He glanced over his shoulder at Lori. “Sorry, something came up. I’m heading back now.” He shut his phone. “I’m needed at the site.”
“Of course,” Lori said, wrapping honey-blond strands behind her ear. “I can’t thank you enough for your help. I couldn’t have done this on my own.”
Unable to resist, he went back to her and stole another kiss. They were both breathless by the time he released her. “Your sister and nephew arrive tomorrow, right?”
She nodded.
“Okay, I’ll have a security guy in place here before you get back from the airport.” When Lori started to disagree, he put his finger over those very inviting lips. “He’ll work with Charlie so Gina doesn’t have to know. I want you and your family safe.”
Lori smiled. “I wasn’t going to disagree. I think it’s a good idea.”
He blinked. “You’re agreeing with me? That’s a first.”
“Don’t get used to it, Yeager.”
The next afternoon, Lori had agreed to let Charlie drive her father’s town car the 47 miles to the Durango airport to pick up Gina and Zack.
She couldn’t hide her excitement as she watched her sister and nephew come out of the terminal. She gave them a big hug, then herded them into the backseat of the car while Charlie stowed the few belongings in the trunk.
They talked all the way to Destiny. It was as if they’d been apart for months instead of only two weeks.
Lori kept hugging her seven-year-old nephew beside her in the backseat. She’d missed him. “Zack. I was able to work in the second grade classroom last week and met your teacher, Mrs. Miller. I think you’re going to like her.”
The little dark-haired child didn’t look happy. “But I don’t know any kids.”
“The class knows you’re coming. And there’s Ellie and Cassie, who will help you learn your way around the school.”
That brought a smile as Lori looked at her sister. Although beautiful, with her rich, dark brown hair and wide green eyes, Regina Williams Lowell looked a little pale and far too thin. Lori hoped she could erase her sister’s fear once she knew she was safe living in Destiny. And her son would blossom here, too.
“It might take a little time, Zack, but I know you’ll make lots of friends.”
They drove through town, past the square and fountain, then down the row of storefronts. “Just wait. Soon they’ll be putting up a big Christmas tree with colorful lights. The whole town will be decorated.”
“Can we have a Christmas tree at your house?”
Suddenly Lori got excited. This was going to be a special holiday. And a new year that meant a fresh beginning for all of them. “You bet we can. And you can pick out a really big one.”
Zack grinned as they pulled through the gate. “Wow!” The boy’s eyes lit up. “Mom, are we really going to live here?”
“We sure are.” Gina looked like a kid herself. “Although, I can hardly believe it myself.”
Lori glanced at her sister’s face. “That was my first reaction, too. Welcome to Hutchinson House.”
Charlie drove up the long drive and stopped in front of the house. He opened the back door and helped them out, then sent them up the porch steps.
Maggie swung open the front door and opened her arms. “Welcome, welcome,” the older woman said as she swept them inside the warm house. First, the older woman embraced Zack, then Gina.
“We’re so happy you’re here. Oh, my, and to have a child in this big house again is wonderful.”
“It’s so big,” Zack said. “What if I get lost?”
“Don’t worry. Charlie will show you around. The important thing to remember is there are two sets of stairs. One leads down here.” Maggie pointed to the circular staircase. “Most important, the other one leads to the kitchen and I’m usually there.”
Zack looked a little more comfortable after the quick explanation.
Maggie turned to Gina and smiled. “Goodness, my, you look so much like Lorelei and your mother. Your coloring might be different, but there’s no doubt you’re sisters. And both beautiful.”
Her sister seemed embarrassed. “Thank you.”
“How was your flight?”
“Not too bad, especially sitting in first class.” Gina glanced at Lori. “It was a big treat for Zack and me.”
“Well, we’re planning on a lot of treats for Master Zack.” The older woman placed her hands on the boy’s shoulders. “After you go and see your new bedroom, come down to the kitchen so you can tell me all your favorite foods. And if it’s okay with your mother you can sample some of my cookies.” Maggie raised a hand and glanced at Gina. “I promise not to spoil his appetite for our special dinner tonight.”
“The way my son eats, I doubt anything can.” Gina smiled, which made Lori hopeful that her sister would start relaxing.
“We’re also having a couple of guests for dinner,” Maggie announced. “Mr. Yeager and his daughter, Cassie. And before you frown, Zack, the girl has a horse. That’s a good friend to have.”
Lori was surprised by the news, and a little too happy, feeling a stir of excitement. Maybe he was bringing the security guard they’d talked about.
Maggie gave her the answer. “Jace has something to discuss with you. So I invited them both to dinner.”
Her nephew called to her. “Can I go see my new bedroom, Aunt Lori?”
“Sure. How about we all head up and see it?”
The child ran ahead of them, following Charlie up the steps with the bags.
Lori hung back with Gina. “Lori, you never said the place was a—” she looked around the huge entry, her eyes wide “—mansion.”
“Okay, so the Hutchinson family liked things on the large size. Now that you and Zack are here, it’s already starting to feel more like a home.” She hugged her sister again. “I want you and Zack to think of this place as home. More important, I want you to feel safe here.”
Gina looked a little panicked. “Just so long as Eric never finds us.”
Another precaution had been for Gina to take back her maiden name, Williams.
“If he shows up in Destiny, you can believe he’ll be arrested.” Jace had convinced her to let Sheriff Reed Larkin in on the situation.
“Does everyone in town know?”
Lori shook her head. “No, only the people who work here at the house. And Jace Yeager, my business partner. He suggested that I hire some security.” Lori raised a hand. “Only just as a precaution.”
“That has to cost a lot of money.”
Lori smiled. “Look at this place, Gina. Lyle Hutchinson might have been a lousy father, but he knew how to make money. And taking care of you and Zack is worth whatever it costs.”
Tears filled her sister’s eyes. “Thank you.”
Before Lori started crying, too, she said, “Come on, I hope you like your bedroom. It’s got a connecting bath with Zack’s room.”
They started up the steps arm in arm. “I can’t imagine I wouldn’t love it.”
“If you don’t like it, you can redo it. You’re the one with experience. In fact, I’d be happy if you would redo the entire place.”
Gina turned to Lori. “Decorating a boutique window doesn’t make me a professional.” She looked around. “It’s so grand as it is.”
Lori knew what her sister had been thinking. There had been a lot of times when their living quarters hadn’t been that great, especially when Gina was married. Being a school dropout, Eric hadn’t been able to do much, and he spent his paycheck on alcohol instead of diapers.
“This is our fresh start, Gina. You don’t have to worry about Eric anymore. I’m not going to let anything happen to either you or Zack.”
Lori prayed that was a promise she could keep.
Three hours later, Jace walked up the steps to the Hutchinson home, carrying a bottle of wine and flowers. He normally didn’t take Cassie out on a school night, but this was a special occasion and he knew how it was to be the new kid in town.
Okay, the truth was he wanted to see Lori. He’d tried to keep focused on work, but she was messing with his head. Last night he couldn’t sleep, recalling their kisses, but he knew from now on that he had to keep his hands to himself. If Shelly got wind of any of this, she would make his life miserable just for the hell of it.
He had to focus on Cassie and getting the project completed on time. That was all. Once he had custody settled, he could think about a life for himself.
The front door opened and a little boy stuck his head out. “Hi,” he said shyly.
His daughter answered back. “Hi. You’re Zack. I’m Cassie Yeager. You’re going to be in my class at school.”
The boy looked up at Jace as if asking for help. His daughter never had a problem with being shy.
“I’m Jace. I think your aunt is expecting us.”
Zack nodded. “You want to come in?”
“Sounds good. It’s a little cold out here.”
The door opened wider as another woman appeared. She smiled, showing off the resemblance to Lori.
“Hello, you must be Gina. I’m Jace Yeager. I’m Lori’s business partner.”
She took his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“This is my daughter, Cassie.”
His daughter beamed as she came up to Gina. “Hi, Miss Gina. My dad brought you flowers and for Miss Lori, wine. And I bought Zack a school sweatshirt.” She held up the burgundy-colored shirt with Destiny Elementary School printed on it.
“Hello, Cassie. That’s very nice.”
Cassie turned to Zack. “My dad said you have a new bedroom.”
“Yeah, it’s cool.”
“Can I see it?”
Zack looked at his mother for permission. With Gina’s nod the two seven-year-olds took off upstairs.
“My son’s a little shy,” Gina admitted.
“Well, that won’t last long if Cassie has anything to say about it.”
He finally got a smile out of the pretty dark-haired woman with green eyes. There was definitely a strong resemblance between the two sisters, except for their coloring. Both women were lovely.
“Here, these are for you. Welcome to Destiny.”
He watched her blush as she took the bouquet. “Thank you.”
“It’s rough having to pick up and move everything. I had to do it about six months ago, but it was worth it. Destiny is a wonderful place to raise kids. Cassie loves it here.”
“I’m glad.” Gina hesitated. “Lori said she told you about my … situation.”
He watched her hesitation, maybe more embarrassment. “I assure you, Gina, no one else will know about your past. It’s no one’s business. Your sister only wants you safe. I agreed to help her take some precautions.”
“I appreciate it, really. I’m sure Eric wouldn’t think to look for us here. He knows nothing about Lori’s father.” She sighed. “But I wouldn’t put anything past him. So I thank you for the extra security.”
Jace was about to speak when Lori came down the steps. She was wearing a black turtleneck sweater and gray slacks. He was caught up in her grace as she descended the winding stairs. She smiled at him, and his insides went all haywire.
Lori felt Jace’s gaze on her and it made her nervous, also a little warm. She’d missed seeing him. The last time had only been a little over twenty-four hours ago when he’d helped her with the bed, and they almost fell into it. A warm shiver moved up her spine. How did he feel about it?
She walked across the tiled floor, seeing her sister holding flowers. That was so nice of him. “Hi, Jace.”
She went to him. “Sorry, I wasn’t here when you arrived. I just saw Cassie upstairs.”
“Has she reorganized Zack’s bedroom yet?”
Lori couldn’t help but laugh. “I think he’s safe for the moment.”
Gina spoke up. “Excuse me. I’ll go put these in water, then go up and have the kids wash up for dinner.” She turned and walked to the kitchen.
Jace looked at Lori. “I don’t want to barge in on your family dinner.”
“You’re not at all. You’re always welcome here,” she told him, knowing that was probably admitting too much. “Maggie loves to have company. She hasn’t been able to cook this much in a long time.”
“Anytime she wants company tell her I’ll be here.” He held up the bottle. “I brought wine.”
Lori smiled. “Why don’t we open it?”
“Lead the way,” he said and they started toward the dining room. Lori watched as he stared at the dark burgundy wallpaper, dark-stained wainscoting and long, long table with the upholstered chairs, also dark.
“It’s pretty bad. This room is like a mausoleum. It’s going to be my first redecorating project. In fact, I’ll put Gina in charge. I hope you don’t mind eating in the kitchen.”
“I prefer the kitchen.” He glanced down at his jeans and sweater pulled over a collared shirt. He followed Lori to the sideboard. In actuality, he preferred her over it all, but he tried to stay focused on the conversation. “As you can see, I’m not dressed for anything fancy.”
Lori thought he was dressed perfectly. The man would look good in … nothing. Oh, no. Don’t think about that. She busied herself by opening a drawer and searching for a corkscrew. Once she found it, she handed it to him, then crossed to the glass-front hutch and took out two crystal wineglasses.
“Gina won’t drink, so we’ll have to toast my sister and nephew’s arrival on our own.”
“I think I can handle that.” He managed to uncork the bottle and when she brought over the glasses, he filled them with the rosy liquid.
He held out the stemmed glass to her. She brushed his hand and tried to remain calm. It was only a drink, she told herself.
Jace picked up his. “To yours, Gina’s and Zack’s new home,” he said.
Lori took a slow sip, allowing herself to enjoy the sweet taste. She took another, and soon the alcohol went to her head, making her feel a little more relaxed. Then her eyes connected with Jace, and suddenly her heart was racing once again.
“This tastes nice,” she said, unable to get her mouth to work. “I mean, I’m not much of a drinker, but I like this.”
His deep sapphire gaze never left hers as he set his glass down on the sideboard. “Let me see.” Then he leaned forward and touched his mouth to hers.
She froze, unable to do anything but feel as his firm mouth caressed her lips, coaxing her to open for him with a stroke of his tongue.
She whimpered as her hand rested against his chest, feeling his pounding heart. She only ached for more.
He pulled back a little. “You’re right. Sweet.” He took her glass from her and set it down beside his. “But I need another taste to be sure.”