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Montana Groom Of Convenience
“How much of a problem?”
“I don’t know if I can find anyone to agree to our plan.”
He should have known this wouldn’t work out. With studied indifference, he got to his feet. “In that case, I’ll be moving along. Nice talking to you.” He grabbed his worn and battered cowboy hat from where it hung on the back of the chair and reached for Jill’s hand. “Come on.” Jill raced ahead and was out the door before he’d made three steps.
Knowing she could get into all kinds of trouble in less time than it took to say her name, he rushed after her.
“Mr. Gallagher, wait just one minute.”
He ignored Carly Morrison’s imperative call and hurried out the door just in time to see Jill dash into the middle of the street, right into the path of an oncoming wagon. He rushed after her, praying he’d get there in time to prevent a tragedy.
Chapter Two
Carly stood with her hands on her hips, staring after Sawyer as the door slapped shut behind him. What had caused him to up and disappear like that? All she’d said was...
She groaned as she recalled her words. Did he think the problem she mentioned was unsurmountable? Her only concern was that the preacher, Hugh, who was also Annie’s husband, might decide to object. She sniffed. Not that he had any right to. Hadn’t he and Annie planned to marry solely to provide a home for his little son? Of course, they had soon fallen in love.
Not that Carly had any intention of doing that. She wanted nothing but to keep her ranch. Certainly didn’t want a man thinking he had the right to tell her how to act or dress.
Either Sawyer thought she meant there was no one to marry them or else Sawyer had changed his mind. But would it hurt for him to come right out and say so instead of leaving her standing in the middle of Miss Daisy’s Eatery, trying to gather her thoughts together?
Annie had paid for their tea so she chased after the man with every intention of making him explain himself.
Before she reached the door, she heard people shouting and a woman screaming. She hurried outside to see what the fuss was all about.
Her breath stalled in her chest at the sight before her. Sawyer held the head of two struggling horses that tossed their heads and reared. A man in the wagon the horses were harnessed to stood on his feet and reared back on the reins, trying to get control of the frightened animals. And then she saw Jill and her heart slammed into her chest.
The child lay in the street. Carly knew in a flash what had happened. Jill had run into the street without checking to see it was safe. It happened far too often. She remembered when Annie’s niece, Mattie, had almost been run over last summer. Mattie’s father had ridden up and swept her to safety. Jill had not been as fortunate.
She was annoyed at how her skirts hindered her—she’d only worn a dress to town because of some foolish hope it would make a man consider her as marriage material. Now they were a hazard to her. Carly grabbed the hem and lifted the fabric to free her to run as she dashed into the street.
Ignoring the flashing hooves of the rearing horses, she scooped up the girl and carried her to safety in front of Marshall’s Mercantile. Paying no attention to the questions from the spectators, she laid Jill gently on the step and bent over to wipe the tangled brown hair from the child’s face. Her eyelids fluttered, then brown eyes went wide with shock.
“Are you hurt?” Carly checked each limb. A lump bulged on Jill’s forehead.
“I’m okay.”
It was the first time Carly had heard her speak, so she couldn’t judge if the huskiness was from her fright or if that was the child’s normal voice. She looked around, hoping Dr. Baker or his daughter were among those hovering nearby.
“Kate.” Relief flooded her at the sight of the doctor’s daughter pushing through the crowd. Kate had light brown hair that she often wore in a careless bun. So typical of the woman. Caring for others mattered far more than looks. Her brown eyes filled with kindness.
“Is she hurt?” Unmindful of the dusty wooden sidewalk that would soil her dark skirt, Kate knelt beside Carly and deftly ran her hands over Jill’s legs and arms, then pulled down each bottom eyelid to look into Jill’s eyes. “Take her over to the doctor’s office. I’ll examine her more closely there.”
Carly shoved aside the offers of help to carry Jill and lifted her against her chest. Jill crossed her arms and stiffened. Poor child to be in the arms of a stranger. Something warm and protective blossomed in Carly’s heart. This motherless child deserved to be sheltered and cherished. “I’ll take care of you,” she murmured to Jill.
It was a promise she meant to keep. Somehow she would persuade Sawyer there was no need to retract his offer of marriage...an agreement between them was in the best interests of all three of them. No. Only two of them. She didn’t know what Sawyer needed, nor did it matter so long as Jill got her home and Carly got her ranch.
She reached the doctor’s house and glanced back to see Sawyer looking about. His gaze found her and when he saw she held Jill, he handed the calming horses to another man and trotted in Carly’s direction. She didn’t wait for him but carried Jill inside to the examining room.
Kate brought a basin of warm water. “I need to see what’s under the dirt.”
“I’ll do it.” Carly took the wet cloth and gently washed Jill’s face. All the while, Jill watched her solemnly. Carly smiled. “Tell me if I hurt you.”
“It don’t.”
Kate stood beside Carly.
“Kate, this is Jill. She’s eight years old.” She smiled at the child. She was quite lovely with all the dirt removed. “Jill, this is Mrs. Marshall.” Kate had married Conner Marshall, one of the three sons of the Marshall family who had built the town. “She’s a nurse. She’ll see if you’re hurt.”
Carly stepped back to allow Kate more space.
The door banged open and Sawyer strode through, jerking off his worn hat but not slowing until he was at his sister’s side. “That was a foolish thing to do. You could have been killed.”
Jill’s eyes went from hungry to angry. “I’m not even hurt.”
“I was about to see if that is so or not,” Kate said.
Carly introduced Kate to Sawyer.
Kate waited for Sawyer to realize he needed to step back. “Can you tell me what happened?” She examined Jill as she talked.
Sawyer answered though Carly wondered if Kate had directed the question at Jill. “She ran full speed into the street without looking to see if it was safe. The horses saw her and reared in fright. If she hadn’t tripped and fallen, she would have been kicked.” He spoke in a flat tone.
Carly wondered if he was as unfeeling about seeing his sister in such dire straits as he sounded.
Kate stepped aside. “Apart from the goose egg on her forehead, she seems unhurt. I suggest you keep her awake for the next eight or twelve hours to make certain she’s okay.”
Now was the time for Carly to speak her mind. “Kate, can you watch her for a minute?”
Kate nodded, her brows raised in curiosity.
Carly turned to Sawyer. “May I speak to you in private?” Not waiting for him to agree or otherwise, she headed for the door that led to the doctor’s living quarters. With Sawyer on her heels, she crossed the front room and entered the kitchen, sparing a quick glance around.
Last spring, Kate, her friend Isabelle and Sadie, the teacher, had all arrived in town, along with Dr. Baker. The doctor and teacher were to replace those who had left after the devastating fire that had leveled a block of buildings in Bella Creek. Now the three female newcomers were married—all to Marshall men. And Annie Marshall, Carly’s best friend, had recently married Preacher Hugh Arness. Carly had never thought to be joining them in wedlock but her father had left her little choice.
She reached the outer door, was about to grab the handle and head outside, then changed her mind. It would be much harder for him to escape her demands with her back pressed to the closest exit. “Did you offer to marry me only to mock my need?”
He sank back on his heels. “Did you not say there would be a problem in getting married?”
“Nope. Sure didn’t. Said it might be a problem getting the preacher to agree to marry us.”
His eyebrows lifted marginally. Barely enough for her to guess that he wondered what she meant.
“That woman you saw me with earlier is my best friend, Annie. She’s one of the Marshalls. Of course that means little to you at this point but you’ll soon learn that the Marshall family is pretty much in charge of Bella Creek.”
His eyebrows remained arched in question.
“Grandfather Marshall started the town so people would have a safe place to live. Until then, Wolf Hollow was the only town in the vicinity and it’s a rough mining town.”
He nodded, though she wondered if anything she said was making sense to him.
She continued, “Annie married the preacher. Preacher Hugh Arness. Likely they’ll have an opinion about my decision to marry a stranger.” She considered the alternatives and could come up with nothing but asking Hugh to marry them. There was no other preacher nearby and the judge wouldn’t be around until who knew when.
Of course, it might not be a problem if Sawyer had changed his mind. “That is if you were serious about marrying me.” Life had come to a pretty pass when she had to beg a complete stranger to agree to a marriage...or rather, a pretend marriage.
“I’m serious about getting a home for Jill.”
They studied each other.
Carly wasn’t sure what she expected from him but after a moment of silent study, one of the other, she realized he’d said all he meant to say on the matter. “Then we are agreed?”
“I’d say so.”
“Then let’s get Jill and go find the preacher.” She pretended she didn’t feel an uncomfortable tremor in the pit of her stomach. This marriage would change nothing except to have a man in the little bedroom and a child chasing after butterflies.
They returned to the examining room where Kate waited with Jill who now sat cross-legged on the gurney. They both watched Carly and Sawyer step back into the room; both wore curiosity-filled expressions. Carly knew that Kate must wonder what Carly needed to say in private to a stranger, and Jill likely wondered how their conversation would affect her.
“She’s fit to go,” Kate said. “Bring her to Father if you have any concerns.”
“How much?” Sawyer asked.
Kate named a sum and Sawyer pulled the coins from his pocket and gave them to her.
Carly watched Jill. What they planned to do was partly on behalf of this child. Didn’t she need to be informed?
“Let’s go,” Sawyer said.
Jill jumped down and headed for the outer door.
Sawyer caught her arm. “No more running into the street.”
They exited into the empty waiting room.
“Wait,” Carly said.
Sawyer stopped and gave her a hard look. “You’re changing your mind again?”
“I never changed my mind before and I don’t plan to now. But I think we should tell Jill our plans.”
His gaze went to his sister. “Why?”
Annoyance colored her voice. “Because it concerns her.”
Sawyer and Jill both looked at her, one as silently demanding as the other. Carly sucked in air. Fine. She’d be the one to tell the news.
She sat on the bench so she’d be face-level with Jill. “I’m very sorry about your mama and papa. You must miss them very much.”
Jill blinked twice and then grew impassive.
Carly glanced at Sawyer. His expression matched Jill’s. The child had already learned to hide her feelings, had learned it well from someone who admitted to being very good at it.
“Sawyer—” She stumbled a bit at using his name so freely, but seeing as they were to be married... “Well, he wants you to have a home where you’ll always belong.”
Jill’s eyes darted toward her brother. “He’s gonna leave me here, isn’t he?”
“No, sweetie. That isn’t what he has in mind at all. You see I have a very nice home that needs a—” She couldn’t bring herself to say a man. “A family. You need a home. I need a family. So your brother and I are going to get married and we all get what we need.”
Jill stared, her brown eyes intense but Carly couldn’t tell if she approved of the idea or found it loathsome. “Is that okay with you?”
“What kind of home you got?”
“I live on a ranch with my father. We have horses and cows—”
“Puppies and kitties?”
“Not at the moment.” Carly promised herself she’d get one of each as soon as possible. “We had a dog but he died during the winter. He was old.” Carly missed him and hadn’t considering replacing him yet. It was time to think about one now. Every child needed pets.
“I’d have to work?”
“You’d have chores. We all would. It’s how families operate.”
Jill nodded. “That’s what Mama said, too.” She nodded. “Okay.”
Sawyer cleared his throat. “Seems we’re all agreed.”
“Then let’s go find the preacher.” Carly led the way out of the doctor’s house. She turned left, marched past the schoolhouse where Jill would soon be attending, past the town square with trees budding and flowers pushing up through the sod. They turned by the church and went to the manse where Hugh had his office. The three of them stood at the doorway. It felt strange to be coming to this entrance. Carly always went to the door that opened to the kitchen. She knocked.
Hugh opened the door, a smile driving deep dimples into his cheeks. “Carly, go round to the kitchen. Annie’s there.”
“I’ve come to see you.” Remembering the other two, she corrected herself. “We’ve come to see you.”
Hugh’s mobile face sobered and a hard look replaced his smile. He surely must wonder why Carly had brought a man and a child to his office.
“Then by all means come right in.” He waved them toward the pair of chairs facing the desk, realized he needed another chair and snagged one from against the wall.
They sat. Carly to the right, Sawyer to the left and Jill in the middle. Hugh took his place across the desk from them.
Carly had always liked Hugh. He was darkly handsome with a quick smile and those lovely deep dimples in his cheeks. And single-minded. He’d come to town to find his missing son, Evan, and hadn’t given up until he’d rescued the boy. Not unlike Sawyer’s situation. Surely he’d see the similarities and it would make him eager to help.
Hugh directed his gaze toward Sawyer. “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.”
“Hugh, this is Sawyer Gallagher and his sister, Jill.”
The men shook hands, Hugh unmistakably curious. Then he offered his hand to Jill and she solemnly took it.
Hugh returned to a seated position. “Now what is it I can do for you?”
Carly and Sawyer glanced at each other, turned back to Hugh and spoke at the same time.
“Marry us.”
Hugh sat back, shock and surprise making his mouth fall open. He sucked in air. “Marry you? To each other?”
Carly nodded.
“How do you know each other?”
“We don’t. First time I saw him was this morning after I had tea with Annie.”
“I see.” He tented his fingers and tapped the ends of them together. His gaze was serious and not exactly affable. “Then may I suggest that this is rather sudden? Perhaps you should wait and get to know each other better.”
“Why?” Carly and Sawyer asked at the same time.
Sawyer continued, “We know what we’re doing.”
Hugh shook his head. “You know nothing about each other.”
Carly made a derisive sound. “This from a man who advertised for a mail-order bride.”
Hugh had the grace to look embarrassed. “I would have wanted a few details before I actually tied the knot.”
“I know all I need to know,” Sawyer said, his voice calm. “Like she said to Jill, we need a home and she needs a family.”
“She does?” Hugh didn’t have to sound like this was unexpected news to him. Even if she’d never before mentioned this need. The truth was she’d never considered such a thing before, but thanks to Father’s ultimatum, it had become imperative.
“Does Annie know of your plans?”
“Not yet.” Carly hadn’t had time to inform anyone.
“Do you mind if I ask her to join us?”
Annie knew why Carly had to do this. She would support Carly’s decision. “It’s all right by me if it’s all right by Sawyer.”
“I’ve no objection.” He sat still and patient. As if it didn’t matter that he was about to marry a stranger.
Carly eased back until she pressed to the wooden chair. She slowed her breathing and did her best to appear as unconcerned as Sawyer.
Hugh hurried from the room. They heard his murmured conversation with Annie though they could not make out the words. Heard her surprised response, then the pair returned, Hugh carrying a chair for Annie. He put it beside his own.
“You want to get married?” Annie asked, her voice and expression full of shocked surprise.
“I told you I would.”
“Yes, but I didn’t think...” She shook her head. “I didn’t think it was possible.”
Carly chuckled, seeing the humor in this situation. “I told you to pray I’d find a husband.”
“Yes, but—”
“Is there a problem?” Sawyer asked.
“We know nothing about you,” Hugh said.
“There’s not much to know.”
Carly needed to prove that she had found out the essentials. “He’s twenty-three. Been working on ranches or cattle drives since he was fourteen. Guess that qualifies him to work on the Morrison Ranch. His parents are dead. Jill is his half sister and her mother is dead, too. He came to Bella Creek hoping to find a cousin and her husband but they’ve passed on.” She sat back, feeling quite triumphant.
“Cousin?” Hugh said. “And who might that be?”
His tone carried just enough doubt for Carly to know he wondered if Sawyer made up the information. She had never thought to ask and she really should have.
“Ida and Henry Brown. They had a young son, Hank.”
“The Browns. They passed last spring. Their chimney blocked and they died of fumes.”
Hugh continued to press for more information. “What was your plan when you found them?”
“I thought they would give Jill the sort of home she deserves.”
“And you’d do what?”
“Look for a job. Maybe head to Texas and get on another cattle drive.”
Carly sat up tall and straight. She would not let anyone guess at how this information troubled her. She could live with a man who cared nothing about feelings. Suited her just fine. But a wandering one? How would that meet Father’s requirements? She had no wish to be saddled with an absent husband and a father who believed an able-bodied man was necessary in order for her to keep the ranch.
She knew Annie watched her and guessed at her worry. Again, she smoothed her expression, wanting to hide her feelings from her friends. Soon she’d be as good as Sawyer at revealing nothing.
Perhaps Hugh understood the situation as well for he asked another question. “Once you marry and Carly takes on Jill’s care, what’s to stop you from heading for Texas and leaving her to carry the load on her own?”
“I won’t. I give my word. I keep my word.” A beat of heavy silence met his answer.
Carly knew Annie and Hugh were thinking the same as she. How were they to know if they could trust him?
“A man is only as good as his word.” Sawyer’s voice rang clear.
Carly was convinced. Or perhaps, she admitted, she wanted to believe him so they could proceed with their plan.
Hugh continued. “I can’t marry the two of you without knowing what your religious beliefs are.”
Carly looked at Sawyer. Another question she should have asked.
Not a muscle twitched anywhere on him. Nothing about his expression changed. He was very good at hiding his feelings. If, indeed, he had any. She couldn’t be sure he did at this point.
“I believe in God,” he said when he realized Hugh would not go on without an answer.
Hugh gave a mirthless laugh. “Perhaps you could tell me what you believe about God. Who is He to you?”
* * *
The preacher’s question snaked through Sawyer. He had long ago stopped thinking about God. He couldn’t say when it had happened. “My mama taught me that God loves me.” A rush of long-forgotten memories swept over him. Mama reading the Bible and praying. She’d loved God and yet God had let her and Johnny perish in the fire. How could he trust a God like that?
“How would you describe your relationship to God?” the preacher asked.
Sawyer understood the man on the other side of the desk was reluctant to marry Carly Morrison to a stranger and would leap on any reason to refuse. This would be the reason if Sawyer let it be.
He couldn’t lie, not even to gain the preacher’s approval. As he said, a man was only as good as his word and once that was gone, so was honor and self-respect. It was about all he had left that mattered to him. And now the responsibility of his little sister.
“I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day, he rose again.” The words rolled off his tongue as he said them from memory. But when had they been committed to his memory? Who had taught him those words? The answer was simple. His mama had taught them to him long ago and they had lain dormant in his brain until he needed to recall them. Thank you, Mama.
“Are you a believer?” the preacher asked.
The preacher hadn’t been specific about what Sawyer believed in. He believed in lots of things. Doing a job to the best of his ability. Never quitting until the task was done. Being kind to children, women and animals. Keeping one’s word. And of course, a God who ruled the world. “Yes.”
Preacher Arness dropped his hand to the desktop. “I’m still not convinced this is the right thing to do.” He pondered in silence a moment, then brightened. “Sawyer, perhaps there are things you want to know about Carly before you commit yourself to spending the rest of your life with her.”
He knew marriage was forever but to hear it in those terms—the rest of your life—gave him pause. Between them, Jill swung her legs. Her hands moved restlessly. He knew the signs. His little sister had about reached the end of sitting still and that could lead to all sorts of unwanted events.
Just then, the door leading to the living quarters creaked open and a small boy peeked through the opening. “Mama, I finished the picture.” The lad looked about the room. “Hi, Auntie Carly.”
“Hi, Evan.” Carly turned her gaze to Sawyer. “This is Annie and Hugh’s son. Why not let Jill play with him while we finish up here?” She had no idea what she suggested. She couldn’t begin to know what disasters Jill was capable of.
But Jill had already gotten to her feet and pushed past Sawyer. He caught her arm and stopped her. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Jill favored him with a scowl fit to curdle his stomach.
“Evan would like that, wouldn’t you?” Mrs. Arness said. “We can leave the door open so we can see them.”
Jill squirmed from Sawyer’s grasp and followed the woman into the other room.
The two children sat in plain view with an assortment of toy animals between them. A small dog flopped down beside them and Jill began to pet it. The preacher’s wife returned to sit by her husband.
Sawyer tried to relax but it was impossible. Every muscle in his body tensed, ready to react to whatever might occur.
“Now back to the business at hand,” the preacher said. “You were wondering about Carly.”
He wasn’t but Sawyer let the assumption go unchallenged.
“I don’t know what she’s told you so I’ll provide a few details. Carly is nineteen years old.”
Sawyer nodded. He would have guessed her older than that but her age made no difference to him. At least she wasn’t forty.
The preacher went on, “She’s a believer. She lives on a small ranch four miles southeast of town along with her father. Mr. Morrison was injured in a wagon accident a few weeks ago. Doc says his leg will never mend properly. Carly’s been doing most of the work around the place since even before her father’s accident but he has never let her handle their big Clydesdale.”