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Her Christmas Wish
Alina was still laughing at the mental image of Eric in a wig and falsies when he joined them, Marty trailing behind.
“What have you two been up to?” Marissa asked, scooting over to make room for them. “We were beginning to feel abandoned.”
“I knew it was a mistake to leave you alone too long.” Eric squeezed in between them. “My sisters have probably been telling all kinds of lies about me.”
“Only the truth,” Sofia said, grinning. “They both know they’d be wise to stay far away from you.”
“That isn’t fair,” Eric said. “There’s no one here to tell stories on Marty.”
“There’s nothing to tell,” Marty said. “Compared to Eric, I’ve led a very unexciting life.”
“Alina has had more adventures than any of us,” Marissa said. “I’ve never even been out of Colorado, and she came all the way from Croatia to live here.”
“What made you decide to come to the United States?” Cari asked.
“It was a great opportunity to see new places, meet new people and learn some new skills.” As much as she loved her country and her family and all their traditions, she’d begun to feel smothered by them. She’d wanted the chance to live truly independently—to make decisions based not on what had always been done but on what she wanted.
“And you’re here for a whole year?” Sofia asked.
“Until mid-January, yes.”
Marissa shook her head. “I’d miss my family and friends too much to leave for that long,” she said. “I mean, my three sisters drove me crazy when we were growing up, but the toughest thing about going off to college was getting used to not having them around anymore.”
“I was very homesick at first,” Alina admitted. “And I do miss my family. But I think being away from them has made me appreciate them more.”
“Maybe I should get away from my family for a while,” Eric said. “So I could try that appreciation thing.”
Sofia stuck her tongue out at him. “You’d be lost without us, little brother.”
Alina turned to Marty. “What about your family?” she asked. “Where do they live?”
“They’re in Denver,” he said. “I have an older sister, who’s married and lives in Connecticut.” He shrugged. “Not much else to tell.”
But surely there was, Alina thought. What were their names? What did they do for a living? Did he miss them? Did he want to move back to Denver to be near his parents when he’d finished his studies? But she didn’t want to fire all these questions at him at once, afraid to appear she was interrogating him.
“I’m glad you decided to come to the United States,” Eric said. “If you hadn’t, we wouldn’t have gotten the chance to get to know you.” The words were innocent enough, but the unspoken message behind them was that he wanted to know her much better.
Unnerved by how much that idea pleased her, she excused herself and carried her empty plate and utensils to the trash barrels set up by the back gate. Marissa followed her. “Don’t leave me,” Marissa whispered. “I have to hide from Eric’s mom.”
“His mom? Why?”
Marissa glanced around, then, apparently deciding they were out of earshot of anyone else, said, “She wants to fix me up with her son.”
“With one of Eric’s brothers?” Hadn’t he told her all his siblings were married?
“No, with Eric!”
“Eric?” She had a hard time getting the word out, so stunned was she by this idea.
“Yes. Can you believe it?”
Alina swallowed, and forced a lightness she didn’t feel into her voice. “I thought you liked him. You said he was cute.”
“Yes, but I’d never poach on a friend’s guy.” Marissa shook her head. “That’s just wrong.”
The news flooded Alina with relief, though she fought against it. “I do like Eric,” she said. “But we only just met. He’s not exactly my guy.”
Marissa gave her a pitying look. “He’s really into you. Don’t pretend you haven’t noticed.”
Yes, she’d noticed. She’d have to be in a coma not to. And she was definitely interested in him. He was kind and funny and good-looking and sexy…but was he the right man for her? She was a modern, independent woman—but deep down she wanted to believe her grandmother’s prophecy, that there was one particular man pre-ordained to make her happy. “What do you think of Marty?” she asked.
Marissa shrugged. “He’s okay. But he’s kind of…dull.”
Marty didn’t have Eric’s charisma, that was true. “He seems very sweet,” Alina said.
“Yeah, but I like a little more spice with my sweet, if you know what I mean.”
Eric was plenty spicy. Alina turned to watch him as he pretended to wrestle with one of his young nephews. The longer she was around him, the more she felt her resistance to him weakening. The two of them could have a lot of fun together. But she was leaving in three months. What would happen then?
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