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Night Mist
“After you answer some questions.”
“If anyone should be answering questions, it’s you. I’m not the one creeping around out there.”
“Aren’t you?”
“Of course not.”
“You’re saying you’ve been in here all along?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Never mind.”
“Did you hear something before? Please tell me. I’d thought I’d heard something, too.”
“Do you always open your door at night to check on strange sounds?” he asked, his cool sarcasm running over her words.
She drew a deep, controlling breath. “No, of course not. I suppose I assumed it was you. I thought maybe you were feeling worse and might need help.”
“Help.” His gaze slid downward and he curled his lips, but there was nothing amused or congenial about the smile. “Exactly what did you have in mind?”
A scorching fever swept through her, growing less ignorable with each second he continued to stare. Unable to resist, she glanced downward herself and groaned inwardly.
No wonder he was treating her as though she’d propositioned him. During her brief, restless sleep, two buttons on her shirt had opened, leaving a gaping slash that couldn’t look more suggestive if she’d tried.
Well, there was no sense in pretending it hadn’t happened. Forcing herself to match him stare for stare, she buttoned up, drawling, “If you’ve seen enough?”
“Do you really want an answer?”
“No,” she replied coolly, fighting to ignore the sensations churning within her. It was because he looked so much like Joe Becket, she told herself. What she felt for Jay Barnes, however, was sheer, unadulterated dislike. “About your hand, does it hurt?”
“I feel it.”
“And that’s your remedy?” she asked, nodding to the can he lifted to his mouth.
“It beats the stuff coming out of our water taps. You look a little warm yourself—want a swallow?”
She eyed the can, thought about placing her lips where his had been, and her temperature rose another few degrees. “No, thank you.”
“What’s the matter? Afraid? I don’t have anything you have to worry about catching.”
She was afraid, period…of him, of herself, of what was happening every second their gazes held. “I simply don’t care for any, that’s all.”
Jay Barnes gave a brief shake of his head. “Where did they find you?”
Lost, she frowned. “Pardon?”
“Forget it. Let’s just say, I’m game if you are, Doctor.”
She didn’t understand a thing he was saying, but she understood an intimated insult when she heard one. “Mr. Barnes, I’m beginning to believe that if there’s a game being played, so far only you know the rules.”
“And that’s how I intend to keep it. All you need to understand is that if you want to save that gorgeous neck of yours, you’d better beat it while you still have a chance.”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I work here!”
His gaze swept over her one more time and lingered on her mouth. “Fine,” he growled, finally pushing away from the door. “Have it your own way.”
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