Полная версия
The Marriage Bed
With extreme care she caressed the length of his jaw, traced a path across his cheek, then moved to brush each eyelid closed before trailing the slope of his nose.
The sensual mouth was a temptation she couldn’t resist, and she touched her lips to its edge, nibbling and tasting as she explored the lower fullness before traversing the upper curve, withdrawing as she felt it firm in preparation to take control.
Gabbi shook her head in silent remonstrance, then slid to her feet and stepped out of the Jacuzzi, grabbed a towel and wrapped it round her slender form, reaching for another as she turned and extended a beckoning hand.
Benedict held her gaze for a few heart-stopping seconds, and she saw his eyes darken with smouldering passion as he reared to his feet
He loomed large, his frame a testament to male magnificence, muscled sinew moving with easy fluidity, darkened whorls of hair glistening on his water-drenched skin.
His movements were deliberate as he stepped onto the marble-tiled floor, his pace slow as he shortened the distance between them, and his eyes never left hers for a second.
He held out his hand for the towel, and she shook her head, bunching it in her hand as she reached forward to blot the moisture from his skin.
Gabbi began with one shoulder, then the other, and moved to his chest, taking time and care as she slowly traversed his ribcage, his waist, the lean hips, then the muscled length of his powerful thighs. With deliberate casualness she stepped behind him and tended to the width of his back, watching the play of muscles as they flexed and tensed at her touch.
‘Nice butt,’ she teased gently as she trailed the towel down the back of each thigh.
‘You’re playing a dangerous game,’ Benedict warned with ominous softness as she moved round to stand in front of him.
‘Really?’ Her lips tilted slightly as she feigned a lack of guile. ‘I haven’t finished yet.’
‘And I haven’t even begun.’
Each word possessed the smoothness of silk, and a slight tremor slithered across the surface of her skin.
Was she mad? In setting out to smash his control, was she inviting something she couldn’t handle?
Yet she couldn’t, wouldn’t throw in the towel. Literally, she established with a choked laugh as she brushed the thick cotton pile over the matt of dark, curling hair at the apex of his thighs.
, A man’s arousal was a potent erotic testimony to his sex, his power and his strength. And instrument of a woman’s pleasure. With knowledge and expertise, it could drive a woman wild.
Gabbi looked at it with fascination. Unbidden, she trailed the length, gently traced the tip, and brushed a light finger down the shaft.
She wanted to taste him, to use her tongue and her mouth as if she were savouring an exotic confection.
‘Do you know what you’re inviting?’
Did he read minds? And was it her imagination, or did his voice sound husky and vaguely strained?
She lifted her head and met the burning intensity of his darkened gaze. ‘Yes.’
A thrill of anticipatory excitement arrowed through her body at the thought of what demands he might make when caught in the throes of passion. With it came a sense of fear of his strength if it was ever unleashed without restraint.
She swallowed, the only visible sign of her nervousness, and his eyes registered the movement then flicked back to trap her own.
‘Then what are you waiting for?’ he queried softly. The silent challenge was evident in the depth of his eyes and apparent in the sensual slant of his mouth.
She’d begun this; now she needed to finish it.
Without a word she held out her hand, and felt the enclosing warmth as he clasped it in his own.
In silence Gabbi led him into the bedroom. When she reached the bed she leant forward and dragged the covers free. She turned towards him and placed both hands against his chest, then gently pushed until he lay sprawled against the pale percale sheets.
This was for his pleasure, and she slid down onto her knees beside him.
Slowly she set about exploring every inch of his hair-roughened skin, tangling the tip of her tongue in the whorls and soft curls, the smooth texture that was neither soft nor hard, but wholly male and musky to the taste.
She felt a thrill of satisfaction as muscles tensed and contracted, as she heard the faint catch of his breath, the slight hiss as it was expelled, the soft groan as her hands sought the turgid length of his arousal. With the utmost delicacy she explored the sensitive head, traced the shaft and flicked it gently. Then she lowered her mouth and began a similar exploration with a feather-light touch, allowing sheer instinct to guide her.
Not content, she trailed a path to his hip, traversed the taut stomach, and traced a series of soft kisses to his inner thigh.
With deliberately slow movements she raised her head and looked at him, then she loosened the pins from her hair and shook its length free.
A tiny smile curved her lips as she bent her head and trailed her hair in a teasing path down his chest, past his waist, forming a curtain for the delights her lips offered to the most vulnerable, sensitive part of his anatomy.
Control. He had it. Yet she could only wonder for how long as she lifted her head and lightly traced his moistened shaft with the tips of her fingers.
Her eyes never left his as she brought her fingers up to her mouth, and his eyes flared as she sucked each tip, one by one. Then she rose to her knees and straddled his hips with a graceful movement.
He didn’t touch her, but his eyes were dark, so dark they were almost black, and his skin bore the faint flush of restrained passion.
She wanted to kiss him, but didn’t dare. This was her game, but there was no doubt who was in charge of the score.
The element of surprise was her only weapon, and she used it shamelessly as she shifted slightly and teased his length with the moist, sensitive heart of her femininity. Then she arched against him, savouring the anticipation of complete possession for a few heart-stopping seconds before she accepted him in a long, slow descent.
Totally enclosed, she felt him swell even further, and gasped at the sensation. Then she began to move, enjoying the feeling of partial loss followed by complete enclosure in a slow, circling dance that tore at the level of her own control.
Her fingers tightened their grip on his shoulders as she fought against the insidious demands of desire, and she cried out when his hands caught hold of her hips and held them, steadying her as he thrust deep inside her, then repeated the action again and again until she became lost to the rhythm, mindless, in a vortex of emotion.
When she was spent he slid a hand behind her nape and brought her head down to rest against him.
Gabbi lay still, her breathing gradually slowing in tune with his. There was a sense of power, of satisfaction that had little to do with sexual climax in her post-orgasmic state. His skin was warm and damp and tasted vaguely of salt. She savoured it, and felt the spasm of hard-muscled flesh within her own.
Did a man experience this sensation of glory after taking a woman? That the sexual symphony he’d orchestrated and conducted had climaxed with such a wondrous crescendo?
And when it was over, did he want an encore?
Gabbi lifted her head and stared down at the slumberous warmth in Benedict’s dark eyes, glimpsed the latent humour in their depths and caught the soft slant of his mouth.
‘Thank you,’ he murmured gently as he angled her mouth down to meet his in a possession that was a simulation of what they’d just shared.
His hand slid down her spine, and she gasped as he rolled with her until she felt the mattress beneath her back.
It was a long while before she lay curled in the circle of his arms. As an encore, it had surpassed all that had gone before. And, she reftected a trifle sadly, it was she who had lost control, she who had cried out in the throes of passion.
On the edge of sleep, she told herself she didn’t care. If pleasure was the prize, it was possible to win even when you lost.
WHY was it that some days were destined to be more eventful than others? Gabbi wondered silently as she entered the house and made her way through to the kitchen.
She’d been very calm at the board meeting when Maxwell Fremont had verbally challenged her to explain in minute detail why it would be beneficial to re-finance a subsidiary arm to maximise the company’s tax advantage. The initial margin was narrow, given the re-financing costs involved, but the long-term prospect was considerably more favourable than the existing financial structure. Her research had been thorough, the figure projections carefully checked, and there had been a degree of satisfaction when the proposal had gained acceptance.
The afternoon had concluded with a misplaced file and a computer glitch, and on the way home a careless motorist hadn’t braked in time and her car had suffered a few scratches and a broken tail-light. Which was a nuisance, for insurance red tape meant that the Mercedes would be out of action while the damage was assessed, and again when it went into the workshop for repair.
A few laps of the swimming pool, followed by an alfresco meal on the terrace, held more appeal than dressing up and attending a formal fund-raising ball. However, the ball was a prominent annual event for which Benedict had tickets and a vague disinclination to attend was not sufficient reason to initiate a protest. Although the thought of crossing verbal swords with Annaliese over pate, roast beef and chocolate mousse wasn’t Gabbi’s idea of a fun evening.
And any minute now Benedict would drive into the garage, see a smashed tail-light and demand an explanation.
She crossed to the refrigerator, filled a glass with fresh orange juice and took a long, appreciative swallow.
‘Care to tell me what happened?’
Right on cue. She looked at him and rolled her eyes. ‘Heavy traffic, a driver more intent on his mobile phone conversation than the road, the lights changed, I stopped, he didn’t.’ That about encapsulated it. ‘We exchanged names and insurance details,’ she concluded.
He crossed to where she stood and his fingers probed the back of her neck. ‘Headache? Any symptoms of whiplash?’
‘No.’ His concern was gratifying, but his standing this close didn’t do much to stabilise her equilibrium. ‘Traffic was crawling at the time.’
‘Want to cancel out on tonight?’
She looked at him carefully. ‘What if I said yes?’
‘I’d make a phone call and we’d stay at home.’
‘Just like that?’ One eyebrow rose. ‘I didn’t realise I held such power. Aren’t you worried I might misuse it?’
His hand slid forward and captured her chin, tilting it slightly so that he could examine her expression. ‘Not your style, Gabbi.’
At this precise moment she felt disinclined to pursue an in-depth evaluation. ‘What time do you want to leave?’
He released her and crossed to the refrigerator. ‘Seven.’
She had an hour, part of which she intended to spend indulging in a leisurely shower.
In the bedroom she stripped down to her underwear then crossed to the bathroom and activated the water.
Bliss, she acknowledged several minutes later as she rinsed off shampoo and allowed the water to stream down her back. Scented soap freshened her skin with a delicate fragrance, and she lifted her hands to slick back her hair.
The glass door slid open and Benedict stepped into the stall. His naked body ignited a familiar fire deep inside her, and she attempted to dampen it down. ‘I’ve almost finished.’ How could her voice sound so calm, so matter-of-fact, when inside she was slowly going up in flames? she wondered.
Would he...? No, there wasn’t time. Unless they were to arrive late...
Gabbi subconsciously held her breath as he moved behind her, then released it as his hands settled on her shoulders. Firm fingers began a soothing massage that felt good. So good that she murmured her appreciation.
She let her head fall forward as he worked the tense muscles and she relaxed, unwilling to move.
‘Fremont gave you a hard time at the board meeting this morning.’
‘Anticipating his queries kept me on my toes.’
‘You came well prepared.’
‘Being family isn’t regarded by some as an advantage,’ she responded dryly.
‘Should it be?’
‘You obviously didn’t think so.’
Benedict’s fingers didn’t still. ‘My father was a very powerful man. I chose not to compete on his turf.’
‘Yet you’re where he wanted you to be.’
‘There was never any question I wouldn’t eventually take his place.’
No, just a matter of when, Gabbi added silently, and wondered whether destiny had played a part. For if Conrad hadn’t died Benedict would still be living in America. And the marriage between Benedict Nicols and Gabbi Stanton would not have taken place. It was a sobering thought.
She lifted her head and moved away from him. ‘I must get ready.’ He made no attempt to stop her as she stepped out of the stall.
It took fifteen minutes to dry and style her hair, a further fifteen to complete her make-up. The gown she’d chosen to wear was dramatic black in a figurehugging design with shoestring shoulder-straps. Long black gloves added glamour, as did jewellery, black hosiery and stiletto-heeled evening shoes. A few dabs of her favourite perfume completed the image.
Benedict’s frame, height and looks were guaranteed to weaken a woman’s knees no matter what he wore... or didn’t wear. In a tailored black evening suit and white cotton shirt he was positively awesome.
Gabbi cast him a studied glance, and felt the familiar trip of her pulse as it leapt to a quickened beat. The heat flared inside her stomach and slowly spread, licking each nerve-ending into vibrant life.
Less than an hour ago she’d stood naked with him in the shower, yet she felt more acutely vulnerable now, fully clothed, than she had then.
To dispel the feeling she spread her arms, completed a full turn and summoned a mischievous smile. ‘What do you think?’
His eyes were dark, and his mouth tugged wide over gleaming teeth as he deliberated.
Perhaps she should have worn her hair down, instead of caught into a carelessly contrived knot? Was black too dramatic, too stark?
‘Stunning,’ Benedict complimented, and saw relief beneath her carefully guarded expression.
‘Flattery is an excellent way to begin the evening,’ Gabbi said lightly as she turned away to collect her evening bag.
Thirty minutes later a parking valet swept the Bentley down into the vast concrete cavern beneath the hotel as she walked at Benedict’s side through the main entrance.
Smile-time, show-time. She knew she shouldn’t be such a cynic at twenty-five. Yet years spent taking an active part in the social scene had taught her she was expected to play a part. And she’d learned to do it well—the radiant smile, the light-hearted greeting, the spontaneous small talk.
The Grand Ballroom looked resplendent with its decorative theme, the DJ had unobtrusive mood-music playing, and impeccably uniformed waiters and waitresses hovered dutifully, taking and delivering drink orders.
A sell-out, one of the committee members delighted in informing Benedict as she directed him to their appointed table.
Gabbi entertained the slight hope that Annaliese might bring a partner, and she brightened visibly for all of two seconds before recognising the man on her stepsister’s arm as none other than Dominic Andrea. More of a mismatch was difficult to imagine, and hot on the heels of that thought was...what about Francesca?
‘A migraine,’ Dominic said for her ears only as he seated Annaliese on his right and then slid into the seat beside Gabbi. ‘Annaliese’s date will be late.’
A smile curved her mouth. ‘You read minds?’
‘I anticipated your reaction.’
‘Am I that transparent?’
His smile was slow and his eyes sparkled with devilish humour.
‘Subtlety isn’t my strong point.’
No, but determination was. She thought of Francesca and smiled. If Dominic was intent on pursuit, Francesca didn’t have much of a chance.
‘She intrigues me.’
Gabbi’s smile widened. ‘I had noticed.’
‘Wish me luck?’
‘All you need.’
James arrived with Monique and they took the seats opposite, exchanged greetings, and placed orders with the drinks waiter.
Monique looked radiant in a royal blue gown and a matching evening jacket. Sapphire and diamond jewellery graced her neck and her wrist, and a large sapphire and diamond dress ring on her right hand almost eclipsed the magnificent diamond above her wedding band.
Annaliese had chosen deep emerald silk that hugged her curves like a second skin, with a side-split that bordered on the indecent.
The two remaining couples at their table slid into their seats as the DJ changed CDs and played an introductory number that was followed by the charity chairman’s welcoming speech.
A prawn cocktail starter was served. Soft music filtered unobtrusively while the guests ate, providing a pleasant background.
The main course followed, comprising grilled chicken breast served with mango sauce and vegetables.
Delicious, Gabbi complimented silently as she forked delicate portions. A sandwich eaten at her desk around midday seemed inadequate sustenance by comparison.
A few sips of excellent Chardonnay proved relaxing, and she listened with interest as the host extolled the virtues of the charity, cited the money raised at this evening’s event and thanked various sponsors for their generous donations.
A tall male figure slid into the empty seat beside Annaliese and, when the speech was concluded, Annaliese performed the necessary introductions.
Not that one was needed. Aaron Jacob was equally well-known as an eminently successful male model as he was as a star in a long-running television series.
A heartthrob and a hunk, Gabbi acknowledged in feminine appreciation of a near-perfect male specimen. Pity he had an inflated ego and a reputation for changing his dates as often as his socks!
As a couple, Annaliese and Aaron were guaranteed to have their photo prominently displayed on the society page in tomorrow’s newspaper. Perhaps that was the purpose of their date? Be nice, Gabbi silently chided in self-admonishment as she sipped her wine.
Soon the DJ would increase the volume of the music and invite guests to take to the dance floor. It would be a signal for everyone to mix and mingle, dance and provide an opportunity for the society doyennes to flaunt their latest designer gowns.
‘More wine?’
Gabbi turned slightly and met Benedict’s warm gaze. ‘No, thanks. I’d prefer water.’
One eyebrow lifted in silent enquiry, and she offered him a brilliant smile. ‘I thought you might like me to drive home.’
‘Considerate of you.’ His quiet drawl held a degree of musing cynicism, aware as she was that he rarely took more than one glass of wine with an evening meal and that therefore the offer was unnecessary.
‘Yes, isn’t it?’
Monique’s intrusion commanded his attention. ‘I’ve managed to get a few tickets to Phantom of the Opera, Wednesday evening. You and Gabrielle will join us, won’t you?’
Was it coincidence that Monique had tickets for the same night that Gabbi and Benedict had invited Francesca and Dominic to make up a foursome?
‘Thank you, Monique. I already have tickets.’
‘Perhaps we could arrange to meet afterwards for supper?’
Familial togetherness was a fine thing, Gabbi acknowledged. But Monique’s stage-managing was becoming a little overt.
‘Unfortunately we’ve made other arrangements.’
‘Annaliese and Gabrielle are so close, and see so little of each other.’ Monique injected just the right amount of regret into her voice then moved in for the figurative kill. ‘It seems such a shame not to take advantage of every opportunity to get together while Annaliese is home.’
Oh, my, her stepmother was good. Gabbi almost held her breath, waiting for Benedict’s response.
‘Another time, Monique.’
‘You must come to dinner. Just family. Monday, Tuesday? Either evening is free.’
Persistence, thy name is Monique!
That’s right, she thought wryly; pass the buck. Avoiding the dinner was impossible, therefore decisiveness was the only way to go. ‘Monday. We’ll look forward to it.’ Were polite lies considered real lies? If so, she’d be damned in hell. Yet she felt justified in telling them for her father’s sake.
‘Shall we dance?’
Now there was a question. Dancing with Benedict inevitably became a dangerous pleasure. ‘Thank you, darling.’ She rose to her feet and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor.
The Celine Dion number was perfect, the lyrics revealing a certain poignancy that echoed most women’s hopes and dreams.
Gabbi’s body fitted the contours of his with easy familiarity, and she had the crazy desire to discard her conventional hold and wind her arms round his neck.
Did he sense how she felt? He was the very air that she breathed. Everything she wanted, all she would ever need. In a way it was frightening. What if she ever lost him?
She lifted her head and looked at him for a few seconds without comprehension.
‘You shivered,’ Benedict enlightened her gently. Get a grip, Gabbi, she chided herself. She summoned a smile and dismissed it lightly. ‘Old ghosts.’
‘Want to go back to the table?’
‘You think I need to conserve my strength?’ she queried solemnly as he led her to the edge of the dance floor.
‘Tomorrow’s Saturday.’
She shot him a sparkling smile. ‘An hour of morning decadence before enjoying a late breakfast on the terrace?’
‘Early-morning decadence, breakfast on the terrace, followed by a drive to the airport.’
‘We’re escaping?’ Gabbi looked at him with due reverence. ‘Alone? Where? No, don’t tell me. Someone might overhear.’
‘Witch,’ he murmured close to her ear.
Dessert was served as they resumed their seats, followed by coffee and after-dinner mints.
Annaliese drifted onto the dance floor with Aaron, then paused and posed for a vigilant photographer.
‘May I?’
Gabbi glanced at Dominic and rose to her feet. Benedict broke his conversation with James and cast her a quick smile.
‘Benedict is selective with men who want to partner his wife.’
Gabbi cast Dominic a startled glance as he led her towards the dance floor and pulled her gently into his arms.
‘Don’t you believe me?’
How did she respond to that? Her light, amused laugh seemed relatively noncommittal.
They circled the floor, twice, then Dominic stepped to one side as Aaron and Annaliese suggested an exchange in partners.
Gabbi smiled as she moved into Aaron’s clasp, then winced as he pulled her close. Too close.
‘Watch my show?’ The query was smooth, and she felt reluctant to enter the game he expected every female to play.
‘No, I don’t.’ She tried to sound vaguely regretful, but it didn’t quite come off.
‘You don’t watch television?’
The temptation to take him down was difficult to resist. ‘Of course. Mainly news and documentaries.’
‘You’re a brain.’
Gabbi wasn’t sure it was a compliment. ‘We all have one.’
‘In my business you have to look after the body. It’s the visual thing, you know? Nutrition, gym, beauty therapist, manicurist, hair stylist. Waxing’s the worst.’
‘Painful,’ she agreed.
‘Oh, yeah,’ he conceded with a realistic shudder. ‘I’m jetting out to LA next week. Been offered a part in a film. Could be the big break.’
She attempted enthusiasm. ‘Good luck.’