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乐于助人的 小蜻蜓婷婷. 中文 - 英文 / The story of Diana, the little dragonfly who wants to help everyone. Chinese-English / le yu zhu re de xiao qing ting teng teng. Zhongwen-Yingwen.

Chapter one

It is a very hot summer’s day. Right here, by a pond near a wood, is where Diana, the little dragonfly lives.
It was just over a week ago that she turned from a little larva into a beautiful blue-green dragonfly.
Today, Diana is playing a water lily game with her brother Nicki. Which one of them can fly just above the
water lilies without touching them?
“Phew, I did it!” Diana calls relieved. “Now, it’s your turn Nicki.”
“Just a second... Ready, steady..., I’m off Diana!”, calls Nicki.
Nicki flies just over the first water lily. Phew... that was close. And here comes the second water lily.
Nicki, look out! Oh... too late! Nicki touches the water lily and the water lily bobs back up so suddenly that the little fly who was sitting on it falls into the water.

就在那儿,就在水塘边的木头旁, 是小蜻蜓婷婷的家.
“咻, 我做到啦.” 婷婷边说着边松了口气. “现在轮到你了尼克.”
„唔....等等. 预备...我飞啦 婷婷!” 尼克匆匆忙忙的说.
尼克正飞过第一朵荷花. 咻...差点儿就碰上了. 然后是第二朵荷花. 尼克...小心啊!

Chapter two

The fly falls on its back into the water. She tries really hard to come up again but just can’t.
She struggles and splashes. But she can’t turn herself over. All the dragonflies have stopped playing and watch the struggling fly. Diana buzzes over to the fly. The fly is afraid and begins to shiver with fear.
“Do you need some help, little fly?” asks Lolita.
“Oh dragonfly, I... I was so afraid that you wanted to eat me. You dragonflies love eating flies.”
“Oh, you don’t need to be afraid of me, I only want to help you!”
“Oh, please, dragonfly, that would be really nice of you.” Diana grabs the fly with her legs and flies her over to a water lily. The fly shakes off all the drops of water and is so relieved.
“That was really nice of you to help me, dragonfly. What’s your name?”
“Diana, my name's Diana.” “What a wonderful name, I’m going to remember it forever.
By the way, my name’s Lucy.” Lucy, the fly is very happy that she was rescued. Before she flies away, she waves her wing at Diana. “Bye bye, dragonfly Diana.”

小飞虫面朝天的掉到了水里. 她努力让自己从水里起来,可是怎么也不行. 她努力挣扎着.
婷婷嗡嗡地朝着小飞虫飞了过去. 小飞虫吓坏了,吓得直发抖. “你需要帮助吗,小飞虫?” 婷婷见状问道.
“哦,蜻蜓, 我很怕你会吃了我. 你们蜻蜓最喜欢吃飞虫了.”小飞虫害怕得直发抖.
“哦,你不用害怕我, 我只是想帮助你!” 婷婷安慰小飞虫.
“哦,那麻烦了, 蜻蜓,你实在是太好了.” 小飞虫这下才放心.
婷婷抓住小飞虫的腿,飞着把它带到了一朵荷花上. 小飞虫抖了抖身上的水珠,深深得松了一口气.
“你真是太好了,蜻蜓.你叫什么名字?” 小飞虫感激得问.
“婷婷,我的名字是婷婷” 婷婷回答说.
“真是个好名字, 我一辈子都不会忘掉的. 哦,顺便说一句,我叫露西” 小飞虫也毛遂自荐.
在飞走之前,她朝婷婷摇了摇翅膀说 ,“再见,小蜻蜓婷婷. 谢谢你帮了我.”