Полная версия
In Petrakis's Power
He grimaced and shrugged. ‘She’s a good woman, your mother. The best woman I ever knew. It’s a crying shame I didn’t appreciate her more when we were together. As to your comment that she hopes I’m doing well … It near kills me to have to admit this, darling, but I’m afraid I’m not doing very well at all. Come into the kitchen and let me get you a cup of tea, then I’ll explain what’s been going on.’
The admission confirmed her increasingly anxious suspicions, but it still tore at Natalie’s insides to hear him say it. Feeling suddenly drained, she followed his tall, rangy frame into his modern stainless-steel kitchen, watched him accidentally splash water over his crumpled sleeve as he filled the kettle at the tap—was she imagining it, or was his hand shaking a little?—and plugged it into the wall socket. He collected his whisky glass before dropping wearily down onto a nearby stool.
‘What is it, Dad? Have you been having pains in your chest again? Is that why you wanted to see me so urgently? Please tell me.’
Her father imbibed a generous slug of whisky, then slammed his glass noisily back down on the counter, rubbing the back of his hand across his eyes. Communication was suspended for several disturbing moments as he looked to be struggling to gather his thoughts. ‘For once it’s not my health that’s at stake, here, Nat. It’s my livelihood.’ His mouth shaped a rueful grimace.
Outside, from the busy street below, came the jarring sound of a car horn honking. Natalie flinched in shock. Drawing in a steadying breath, she saw that her dad was perfectly serious in his confession.
‘Has something gone wrong with the business? Is it to do with a downturn in profits? I know the country’s going through a tough time economically at the moment, but you can weather the storm, Dad … you always do.’
Bill Carr looked grim. ‘The hotel chain hasn’t made any profit for nearly two years, my love … largely because I haven’t kept up with essential refurbishment and modernisation. And I can no longer afford to keep on staff of the calibre that helped make it such a success in the first place. It’s so like you to blame it on the economy, but that just isn’t the case.’
‘Then if it’s not that why can’t you afford to modernise or keep good staff? You’ve always told me that the business has made you a fortune.’
‘That’s perfectly true. It did make a fortune. But sadly I haven’t been able to hold on to it. I’ve lost almost everything, Natalie … and I’m afraid I’m being forced to sell the business at a loss to try and recoup some money and pay off the vast amount of debt I’ve accrued.’
Natalie’s insides lurched as though she’d just narrowly escaped plunging down a disused elevator shaft. ‘It’s really that bad?’ she murmured, hardly knowing what to say.
Her father pushed to his feet, despondently shaking his head. ‘I’ve made such a mess of my life,’ he told her, ‘and I suppose because I’ve been so reckless and irresponsible the chickens have come home to roost, as they say. I deserve it. I was blessed with everything a man could wish for—a beautiful wife, a lovely daughter and work that I loved … But I threw it all away because I became more interested in seeking pleasure than keeping a proper eye on the business.’
‘You mean women and drink?’
‘And the rest. It’s not hard to understand why I had a heart attack.’
Needing to offer him some comfort and reassurance, even though she was shocked and slightly dazed at what ‘the rest’ might refer to, Natalie urgently caught hold of his hand and folded it between her own.
‘That doesn’t mean you’re going to have another one, Dad. Things will get better, I promise you. First of all, you’ve got to stop blaming yourself for what you did in the past and forgive yourself. Then you have to vow that you won’t hurt yourself in that way ever again—that you’ll look after yourself, move on, and deal with what’s going on right now. You said you’re being forced to sell the business at a loss … to whom?’
‘A man who’s known in the world of mergers and acquisitions as “the Alchemist” because he can turn dirt into diamonds at the drop of a hat it seems. A Greek billionaire named Petrakis. It’s a cliché, I know, but he really did make me an offer I couldn’t refuse. At least I know he’s got the money. That’s something, I suppose. The thing is I need cash in the bank as soon as possible, Nat. The bank wants the money from the sale in my account tomorrow, after we complete, or else they’ll make me bankrupt.’
‘Don’t you have any other assets? What about this flat? Presumably you own it outright?’
Again her father shook his head. ‘Mortgaged up to the hilt, I’m afraid.’ Noting the shock in her eyes, he freed his hand from hers, winced, and started to rub his chest.
Natalie’s own heart started to race with concern. ‘Are you all right, Dad? Should I call a doctor?’
‘I’m fine. I probably just need to rest a bit and stop drinking so much whisky. Perhaps you’d make me a cup of tea instead?’
‘Of course I will. Why don’t you go and put your feet up on the couch in the living room and I’ll bring it in to you?’
His answer to her suggestion was to impel her close into his chest and plant a fond kiss on the top of her head. When she glanced up to examine his suddenly pale features, his warm smile was unstintingly loving and proud.
‘You’re a good girl, Natalie … the best daughter in the world. I regret not telling you that more often.’
‘You and Mum might have parted, but I always knew that you loved me.’ Gently, she stepped out of the circle of his arms.
‘It does my heart good to hear you say that. I don’t want to take advantage, but perhaps you won’t mind me asking another favour of you?’
Her throat thick with emotion, Natalie smiled back at him. ‘Ask away. You know that I’ll do anything I can to help.’
‘I want you to come with me to this meeting I’ve got with Petrakis and his lawyers tomorrow. Just for a little moral support. Will you?’
Instinctively she knew it would probably be one of the hardest things she’d ever done, watching her father sign away the business he’d worked so hard to build all these years to some fat-cat Greek billionaire who didn’t have a clue about how much it meant to him, or care that the sale might be breaking his heart …
‘Of course I will.’ She lightly touched her palm to his cheek. ‘Now, go and put your feet up, like I said. I’ll make that cup of tea and bring it in to you.’
Her father’s once broad shoulders were stooped as he turned to exit the room. Natalie had never felt remotely violent towards anyone before, but she did now as she thought of the Greek billionaire known as ‘the Alchemist’ who was buying his business from him for a song when he could no doubt well afford to purchase it for far more and at least give her dad a fighting chance to get back on his feet again …
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