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Virgin Midwife, Playboy Doctor
‘We’ll give you any help you need,’ Chloe promised.
Kate smiled. ‘Thanks. Let’s hope they make the decision for themselves. Now, what about our new babies?’
‘I understand there’s a detailed newborn screening programme in operation throughout the region.’ Oliver glanced up at Kate, his gaze moving to linger on Chloe until she shifted uneasily. ‘Nick mentioned it now covers cystic fibrosis?’
Chloe nodded. ‘Yes, CF is now included in the screen along with sickle cell disease, phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism. We do a heel-prick test on the babies when they are between five and eight days old and the samples are sent to the Newborn Screening Laboratory Service in Bristol. They test the blood for immunoreactive trypsinogen. In babies with CF, this is increased in the first few weeks of life. If IRT is found, they do DNA tests. Sometimes they require a second sample when the baby is three or four weeks old.’
‘So far our babies have been clear, thank goodness,’ Kate added, ‘but an early diagnosis means early treatment and the prospect of a longer, healthier life.’
‘I’ve just sent samples in for three babies, including little Timmy Morrison.’ Chloe paused and gave an affectionate smile. ‘Beth and Jason have been waiting years for their first child.’
‘Is he the baby you delivered at their home in the early hours last Friday?’ Oliver asked, returning her smile.
‘Yes. They were over the moon, it was very emotional.’ Embarrassed, knowing how involved she became with her mums-to-be and their babies, she dragged her gaze from Oliver’s warmly knowing one and focused her attention back on the files in front of her. ‘Kate, what about the Trevellyans?’
‘They are having a break from IVF for a month or two, but we’re keeping in regular contact while they decide what to do. I want to follow this journey through with them but…’
‘What’s wrong?’ Oliver frowned when Kate paused.
Kate sighed, wrestling with her thoughts. ‘Fran and Mike are Nick’s patients. So are Susan and Darren Fiddick. I’m not sure what to tell them about the new arrangements. No offence, Oliver, but some patients are going to want to stay with Nick.’
‘None taken, I assure you.’ Chloe couldn’t doubt the sincerity in his voice. ‘The patients’needs are the most important thing and somehow we’ll sort this out so that they don’t have to lose either you or Nick. Don’t worry, Kate. I’ll have a word with Nick on Monday. I’m sure that me taking over his duties is only a short-term measure.’
Kate looked hopeful, but Chloe felt less reassured that Nick would see sense. She was grateful to Oliver for trying, however. Smiling to convey her thanks, she was confused by the flare of something hot and intense in his eyes. Her alarm increased as he shifted closer. Reaching out for another ginger biscuit, his arm brushed against hers and caused an inexplicable prickle of sensation to shoot along her nerve endings. Disconcerted, she leaned away to fuss with the files again, wondering why it was suddenly hard to breathe and uncomfortably warm in the room.
‘Other than the new couples booked in for preliminary appointments next week, and anything unforeseen that comes up, I think that’s it for now,’ she said, her voice less steady than normal.
The others agreed, and Chloe was relieved when Oliver gathered up the tea things and biscuit tin, putting them all back on the tray and leaving the room. She immediately felt calmer and more settled with him gone.
‘I’ll see you later, then, Chloe,’ Kate murmured, stacking her files.
‘OK.’ She bit her lip. ‘You still think this is a good idea?’
A mix of inner pain and fierce determination shone in the older woman’s eyes. ‘I think this meeting proved what needs to be done. I can’t let patients suffer because of Nick’s displeasure with me personally. Not that Oliver isn’t a great doctor, he is, but people like the Trevellyans and the Fiddicks deserve better from Nick. They trust him to come through for them. He can’t abandon them because of me.’
‘Just be careful.’
‘I will.’ Smiling, Kate patted her arm. ‘Thank you for caring. Now, I’m going to put these files away and collect my things from the staffroom.’
Chloe watched her go, sighing as she rose to her feet and made her own preparations to leave. With luck, she’d have time to go home, feed the cats, shower, change and have a snack before Kate dropped Jem off. It had been another long, busy week and she was tired. She loved her job but it could be very demanding on her time and energy, and she never knew when she could be called out by one of her mothers during the night or at a weekend. Babies didn’t follow a nine-to-five, five-day-a-week schedule! Smiling to herself, she gave her room a final check and then turned to leave, shocked to find Oliver blocking her doorway.
Oliver leaned against the doorframe and watched as Chloe finished tidying her desk, a smile on her face as she turned towards him. He regretted the way that smile faded, to be replaced by wary uncertainty as her footsteps faltered and she hesitated just out of his reach. Knowing faint heart never won fair lady, he pressed ahead with his plan to ask her out.
‘Hello.’ She looked puzzled as her gaze met his then flicked away again. ‘Is something wrong?’
As nervous as a teenager, he summoned a smile and tried to look more confident than he felt. ‘No, not at all. I was just wondering… Would you like to come out for a drink or something tonight?’
‘Me?’ Amazement shone in her green eyes before she ducked her head.
‘Yes, you!’ He couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head at her total lack of self-awareness. Surely guys asked her out all the time? ‘Why not you?’
She regarded him in silence, apparently devoid of an answer. Closing the distance between them, he couldn’t resist brushing a few wayward strands of hair that had escaped her ponytail back behind her ear. This close to her, he saw the tiny network of faint scars that crisscrossed the side of her neck and dipped to her left shoulder. He’d not noticed them before. As his fingertips trailed over the series of narrow white lines, he felt the shiver that rippled through her at his touch before she froze as if in shock.
Concerned at the thought of her being hurt in any way, his voice dropped to a husky whisper. ‘What happened, babe?’
‘Nothing.’ Beneath his fingers he detected the rapid and irregular beat of her pulse. ‘An old childhood mishap.’
Oliver didn’t believe her. He could tell from her evasive tone, not to mention the shadow of remembered pain clouding her eyes, that there was much more to the event that had left these marks on her satin soft-skin than she had divulged. He was alarmed because he had never felt this intensely about a woman before. Why Chloe? What was it about her that drew him? He was impatient to know all about her, but he sensed her skittishness and knew he needed to take his time with her.
‘So,’ he said, getting them back on track and reluctantly removing his hand from her skin, ‘about tonight…’
‘I’m sorry, I can’t.’ Her voice sounded less steady and assured than before. ‘We can talk more about any patient queries you have next week.’
She thought he was asking her out to talk about patients? Frowning, he shook his head. ‘No, that’s not it.’ Frustrated that she didn’t seem to understand his intentions, he thrust his hands in his pockets to stop himself reaching for her again. ‘Chloe.’
She shifted uneasily, looking ready to flee. ‘I already have plans, Oliver. I need to go.’
‘Sure.’ He was still puzzled by her reaction but he let it go…for now. Knowing she often met up with physiotherapist Lauren Nightingale and some of their other friends, he smiled again. ‘Girls’ night out?’
‘No. Not this time.’
‘You have a date?’ Bitter disappointment and a wave of jealousy coursed through him. Had his caution meant he had missed his chance? Had some other man beaten him to Chloe?
She edged around him towards the door, her movements jerky. ‘Excuse me. I’ll, um, be late.’
‘Of course.’ Swallowing a curse, he reluctantly stood aside to let her by. ‘Maybe another time.’
Scowling, unsure of himself, wondering what the hell he was doing chasing after the woman when he wasn’t sure he was ready to get involved, he watched Chloe hurry to the stairs and disappear from view. He had been positive she wasn’t seeing anyone. Her rejection left a sour taste in his mouth and an ache inside him. Not to mention the fact she had seemed so surprised that he would ask her out at all. Why was the idea so strange to her? What was wrong with him? Did Chloe just see him as some feckless playboy, like so many other people did?
Why was he even torturing himself over her? There had always been women who wanted to be with him, but he hadn’t been interested in any of them. All he could think about, all he wanted, was Chloe. Something about her drew him in. In some inexplicable way, just being around her centred him, calmed him, made him feel real. There was so much about her he had yet to discover and he sensed there was something mysterious she held inside. He wanted to know her. Wanted Chloe to trust him, to open up to him. The prospect of an evening alone wondering where she was, what she was doing…and, dammit, who she was doing it with…was distinctly unappealing.
Glancing round in surprise, he saw Kate hovering at the staffroom door. He moved to join her, thankful to discover they were alone.
‘How are you doing, Kate?’ he asked, concerned that she had looked pale and stressed since the upset with Nick.
‘I’m fine.’
He wasn’t taken in by the brave smile she sent him. ‘You can talk to me. If you ever need to.’
‘Thanks.’ He saw her knuckles whiten as she gripped her hands tightly together.
‘I’m sorry about today. About Nick ducking out of the antenatal meeting.’
‘It’s not your fault.’ She tried another smile, no more successful than the last. ‘Nick and I have to work this out between us, Oliver.’
‘OK.’ He’d back off…for now. But he’d be keeping his eye on her just the same.
Kate’s expression lightened as she watched him. ‘How about you?’
‘I’ve noticed you seem smitten with our Chloe.’
‘Yeah.’ That was one way of putting it. Oliver sent Kate a rueful smile. ‘Not that I’m getting very far. Chloe treated me with the same friendliness she does everyone else for the first few days I was here but now she’s cooled and it’s almost impossible to get close to her.’
Now Kate’s smile was genuine. ‘I think it dawned on her that you were seeing her in a way that the other doctors don’t.’
‘I was interested from the first moment I met her.’
‘Chloe wouldn’t have realised that,’ Kate commented, surprising him.
‘Why not? She’s a beautiful woman. Men must beat a path to her door.’
Kate shook her head. ‘Hardly.’
‘What are you trying to tell me?’
‘Just that Chloe really is as unaware and innocent as she seems.’ Kate paused and rested a hand on his arm. ‘Tread carefully with her, Oliver.’
He was sure there was more here than Kate was saying. ‘Tell me about Chloe.’
The older woman’s expression contained a mixture of amusement and caution. ‘What do you want to know?’
‘Everything. Anything.’ He ran a hand through his hair, his frustration showing. ‘I just asked her out. She turned me down flat. She seemed to think I wanted to discuss work, but…I don’t know. I gather she has a date tonight, anyway.’
‘Actually, she’s watching my son for me while I run an errand.’
‘She is? Why didn’t she say so?’ Oliver stared at her in bemusement. ‘I know you’re friends, Kate. What do you think I should do? I didn’t plan on getting involved with anyone when I came here,’ he admitted, sitting down and resting his elbows on his knees. ‘But…well, I hadn’t counted on meeting Chloe.’
Kate frowned, taking a chair next to his. ‘Chloe is…’
‘What?’ he prompted after she paused and the silence lengthened.
‘She’s not like the kind of women you’re probably used to mixing with.’
He raised an eyebrow at that, irritated by the way so few people saw beyond the image. Sure, he enjoyed life, he liked to have a good time, indulge in the things he could afford and which gave him pleasure and relaxation away from the pressures and responsibilities of his work, things like surfing and jet-skiing. That didn’t mean he was a jerk.
‘I wanted time to settle, for the community to accept me, not judge on rumour and gossip or the family name.’ He paused, reining in his disgruntlement. It wasn’t Kate’s fault. He needed to earn a new reputation, a true one. ‘I’ve noticed you and Lauren are very protective of Chloe.’
Kate’s expression softened. ‘Chloe is special. Be patient, Oliver. Go slowly. Don’t scare her.’
‘She’s frightened of me?’ Shocked, he stared at Kate in disbelief. He respected women, would never cause anyone harm. ‘I don’t understand. I’d never hurt her.’
‘Not intentionally, maybe.’
‘Chloe puts up a lot of barriers and not many people get to know the real woman,’ Kate explained. ‘Her work is her life and that has always suited her.’
‘She doesn’t date?’
Confused, Oliver studied Kate’s face. ‘But why? She’s intelligent, beautiful, funny.’
‘I know.’ The older woman’s smile was filled with affection and a hint of sadness. ‘You’ll have your work cut out to persuade Chloe. It won’t be easy. But I think you’d be good for her.’ She hesitated a moment, biting her lip as she considered him. ‘I can’t break a confidence, Oliver, and Chloe is one of my best friends. I don’t know everything, but I do know that she has issues.’
‘I can’t say more. I would if I could—and I encourage you to persevere.’
He mulled over the information. ‘Issues from her past? With men?’ Was that why Chloe was so skittish?
‘Only Chloe can explain…if she trusts you enough.’
So, if he really wanted to take things further, he had to keep working hard to earn Chloe’s trust. Patience wasn’t his strong suit, not when he wanted something badly enough…and he did want Chloe. To her friends she was special. Hadn’t he sensed that, too? There was something different about her. Wasn’t that why he was still interested when a relationship so soon had never been on his agenda? For some reason he couldn’t yet fathom, Kate saw something in him, and was encouraging him not to give up on Chloe. He had no idea where the journey would end, but for now he was along for the ride.
‘Oliver, I think you should talk to Lauren. She knows much more than I do about Chloe’s past…not that she’ll divulge any secrets. But she might have some better advice on how to gain Chloe’s confidence.’ Kate hesitated, her gaze assessing. ‘If you’re serious about this. Chloe’s not a temporary kind of girl.’
‘I know that.’ Oliver frowned, seeking a way to explain feelings he scarcely understood himself. ‘I came here to begin a different life, Kate, to settle down. This is new to me, but I’d like the chance to get to know Chloe, to see what develops. She affects me in ways I’ve never experienced before.’
‘Then I think you’ll find Lauren and I will do all we can to help.’
A slow smile curved Oliver’s mouth as hope flared inside him. He didn’t imagine wooing Chloe was going to be easy, not from the subtle, mysterious hints Kate had given him. He wasn’t even sure of himself, of what he was getting into. But giving up on Chloe was not an option.
Kate stood outside Nick’s imposing stone built house, situated at the opposite end of the village to her own whitewashed cottage. Was she doing the right thing? She had managed to sound confident when she had told Chloe of her plans, but much of that bravado had evaporated. It was impossible to explain how hurt she was. Nick had genuine cause to be angry at the way he had found out about Jem—overhearing her confidential confession to Eloise that day at the surgery must have been a shock—but she didn’t feel it excused his behaviour towards her since. Today he had taken the easy way out in his eagerness to avoid her, but in doing so he had drawn Chloe, Oliver and a host of patients into their personal disagreement, and that wouldn’t do.
Having worked up a fresh head of indignation, she walked along the path to the single-storey extension where the top half of the yellow-painted stable door stood open. Inside the expensively fitted kitchen, all wood and granite and steel, Nick stood at the island unit, his back to her. Before she lost her nerve, she rapped on the door. Nick swung round in surprise, his face creasing in a scowl of displeasure, the expression in his eyes cooling, leaving her in little doubt that she was not welcome. Tough.
‘What do you want?’ he demanded, voice harsh.
‘We need to talk, Nick.’
He folded his arms across his chest, withdrawing into himself. ‘We have nothing to talk about.’
‘You’re wrong.’ As he turned and left the room without another word, she reached over the lip of the door and opened the bottom half, swinging it open and following him into the main part of the house, finding him in the airy sitting room. ‘Don’t walk away from me!’
‘You’re trespassing.’
‘For goodness’ sake!’ Usually slow to ire, Kate wanted to shake the man. ‘How long are you going to keep this up? It isn’t going to go away by ignoring it.’
Nick faced her, his scowl deepening. ‘I’ve told you, I don’t want to talk about it. I feel betrayed, I—’
‘You feel betrayed? That’s rich. For once in your life stop and think how other people might feel. How I might feel.’ Her hands clenched to fists at her sides. ‘What we did, Nick, we did together. It was a terrible time, we needed each other. Then we both admitted it was wrong and we never spoke of it again. I had the guilt of betraying James while he was out there, dying, his body never found. How do you think it was for me, coming to terms with losing my husband, discovering I was pregnant from my one night of comfort with you? What was I supposed to do? Come and tell you and Annabel about it? Or would you rather I had sprung it on you a few years later while you were going through your own desperate grief at losing your wife? When would have been the “right time”, Nick?’
He looked surprised at her outburst but no more approachable. ‘I don’t know. I don’t have any answers. What do you expect of me?’
‘Nothing. Nothing at all,’ she shot back, knowing she had long ago given up expecting anything from the man she had always loved but who had chosen another woman over her, a woman for whom he was still grieving.
‘What about Lucy, Jack and Edward?’ he demanded, naming his grown-up children. ‘What do you think this will do to them?’
‘I have no idea. All I do know is that they are adults, exceptional people who have their own lives and responsibilities. You can tell them or not, as you think fit. What really worries you? That they’ll think less of you?’
Shoving his hands in his pockets, Nick turned away to stare out of the window. ‘My relationships with all three of them haven’t been easy.’
‘No.’ Kate resisted pointing out that he was largely to blame for that. It wouldn’t help the current situation. ‘The person who most concerns me is Jeremiah. He’s only a child. I don’t want him hurt.’
‘I repeat, what do you want?’ he challenged, swinging back to face her, his expression fierce.
Kate held her ground. ‘I have no intention of making demands on you, or of publicly outing you as Jem’s father. If you would like to spend more time getting to know him until you decide what you want to do, that’s fine with me, but I won’t have him hurt, used or tossed aside if it gets too much.’ Taking advantage of Nick’s continued silence, she pressed on. ‘At work, I want you to at least be civil. It isn’t fair on the other staff, or the patients, that you treat me like a pariah. Today was embarrassing for everyone, especially Chloe and Oliver. And it isn’t right for people like the Trevellyans and the Fiddicks that you put our personal business before their medical needs. They are your patients, Nick. We have to see their journeys through with them, even if you cut back some of your other antenatal work for patients not on your list. We’re adults. We made adult decisions, adult choices, adult mistakes. We have to bear the consequences like adults,’ she finished, the fight draining out of her.
A muscle pulsed along Nick’s jaw and he evaded her gaze. They stood in tense silence for several moments until Kate could bear it no longer. Her shoulders slumped. She knew him well enough of old to know he wasn’t about to unbend, not until he had time to think things over for himself. If only she didn’t still care for him, if she didn’t still love him, despite all their ups and downs and all that had happened in their years of friendship.
‘Think about it, Nick,’ she advised quietly. ‘I’ll see myself out.’
She was shaking, her pulse racing from the fraught encounter, as she walked back towards the centre of the village. Finally she was passing the library and approaching the cluster of six cottages known as Fisherman’s Row, which occupied the last of the space before the harbour bridge and the turning to Bridge Street. Forcing back the threat of tears, she stopped outside one of the colourful old cottages and rang Chloe’s doorbell.
With Jem safely occupied, kicking a ball around the small enclosed garden at the rear of her cottage, Chloe dried her hands and went to answer the front door.
‘Hi,’ she greeted, stepping back to let Kate enter, noticing the glisten of unshed tears in her brown eyes and the paleness of her face, presumably evidence of her recent encounter with Nick. ‘Come on in. I’ve just made some fresh lemonade.’
‘Jem’s out at the back. He’s been fine. He wore Pirate and Cyclops out in no time,’ Chloe chattered on, gesturing to the two cats curled up asleep side by side in an armchair.
Kate managed a smile. ‘Thanks, Chloe. For everything.’
‘No problem.’ Returning the smile, she poured two glasses of the ice-cold, tangy drink and handed one to her friend. ‘Would you like to sit a while?’
‘That would be good.’
They chose chairs by the open doors, watching Jem play outside. Chloe curbed her nosiness but couldn’t help wondering what had happened when Kate had visited Nick. It seemed clear that Kate didn’t want to talk about it, however. Nick was a wonderful doctor, but he could be difficult, and he was known to be rigid in his opinions. Chloe ached for her friend and the predicament she now found herself in.
Kate had recently taken her into her confidence about Nick being Jem’s father and, whilst she didn’t know the circumstances of how it had all come about, she knew how much her friend fretted over it and felt guilty. Chloe could understand how Nick felt at not being told before, but she could also understand Kate’s point of view. Although Kate had always been staunch in her friendship and support, Nick often appeared to take her for granted and not appreciate all she did, for the practice and for him. If both of them had felt guilty for their aberration all those years ago, and then both had needed to deal with bereavement at different times, it couldn’t have been easy for Kate to know what to do for the best.
‘Hmm?’ Feeling relaxed, she leaned back in the chair and sipped her drink.
‘Why did you let Oliver think you had a date tonight?’
Surprised at Kate’s question, Chloe faced her. ‘I’d made arrangements with you.’
‘I could easily have changed my plans.’
‘But why?’ She frowned in confusion. ‘Oliver probably just wanted to talk about work after our meeting. I told him we’d discuss it next week.’
Kate laughed. ‘That’s not at all what he wanted, Chloe!’
‘It isn’t?’
‘No, my love!’ Shaking her head, Kate reached out and patted her arm with amused tolerance. ‘Oliver’s interested in you.’