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A Cowboy Family Christmas
“No,” he said, “not at all. The salsa was perfect. In fact, that was one of the tastiest meals I’ve had since I moved in here. Not that Joy, our regular cook, isn’t a good one, but she’s more of a down-home, meat-and-potatoes gal. And I like good Mexican food once in a while.”
“That’s a relief. I knew I’d have some big shoes to fill, taking Joy’s place in the kitchen while she’s on her honeymoon.”
“I haven’t heard any complaints yet. And that’s saying a lot, considering some of the old geezers who live here. They rarely keep their opinions to themselves.” Sully glanced at the letters on the table. “I didn’t mean to bother you. I’ll just take my coffee into the living room and let you get back to whatever it was you were doing.”
“Actually, I don’t mind the interruption.” Although she really should. With each tick and tock of the kitchen clock, her midnight deadline drew closer. And who knew if the ranch internet would work? She might have to drive into town and find Wi-Fi somewhere. Darn it.
“You look fretful, which doesn’t do your pretty face any good. What’s bothering you?” Sully nodded toward the stack of letters. “I hope it isn’t bad news.”
“It’s just...a friend with a problem.” Lainie chewed her fingernail and stared at the pile of unanswered letters. “I’m trying to come up with some wise advice, but I’m not feeling very wise.”
Sully’s smile softened the lines in his craggy face. “Wisdom comes with age and experience. Back when I was in my twenties, heck, thirties, too, I was under the false notion that I was as smart as I’d ever get.”
Lainie had thought the same thing after her college graduation, which wasn’t very long ago. Then Craig had taken her for a ride, leaving her with an unearned bad reputation and distrustful of sweet-talking men who couldn’t tell the truth to save their souls. She’d learned a big lesson the hard way, but that hadn’t made her an expert at facing romantic dilemmas.
“Want me to give it a shot?” Sully asked.
Was he offering his advice? Lainie wasn’t sure what the dear old man might have to say, but at this point, she’d take all the help she could get. “Sure, if you don’t mind.”
Sully pulled out a chair, took a seat and rested his steaming hot mug on the table. “What’s the problem?”
Lainie scanned the opening of the letter and caught him up to speed, revealing that her “friend” was twenty-four years old, relatively nice-looking with a decent job and a good sense of humor. Then she read the rest of it out loud.
“Three weeks ago, I found out the guy I was living with, the man of my dreams, was seeing another woman. We had a big fight, and he moved out. I’ve been crying every day, and I’m desperate to win him back.”
Sully clucked his tongue. “A man who cheats on his partner, romantic or otherwise, isn’t a prize worth winning back. That’s what I’d tell her.”
Lainie had once thought Craig was a prize, and boy, had she been wrong about that. It’s a shame she hadn’t had Sully nearby when she’d been taken in by that liar’s soft Southern drawl. But Sully was here now. And providing the wisdom this letter writer needed.
“That’s a good point,” Lainie said. It was clever, too, and a good response for the column. “I’ll mention that to...my friend.”
Male voices sounded outside, growing louder until the mudroom door squeaked open. A second later, Nate Gallagher, the acting foreman, entered the kitchen.
Sully acknowledged Nate with a nod, but Lainie focused on the man walking behind him. She guessed him to be a rancher or horseman, since his stylish Western wear suggested he could afford to hire someone to do the dirty work. He was in his early to midthirties, tall and nice looking, with broad shoulders and a rugged build.
He removed his black Stetson, revealing sandy-blond hair, which he wore longer than most of the rodeo cowboys she’d met. Not that she’d ever been a buckle bunny or even attracted to that kind of guy before she’d met Craig.
And after that awful night, she’d sworn off men indefinitely. Yet she found herself stirred by this one’s presence. He also looked familiar. Had she met him before?
“Meet Drew Madison,” Nate said. “He’s handling the Rocking Chair Rodeo promotion.”
Just the word rodeo sent Lainie’s heart slamming into her chest. Had she seen him while on one of the few dates she’d had with Craig?
No, she’d never forget a man like him.
But if he and Craig ran in the same circles, he might recognize her. For that reason, she’d better get out of here. She didn’t mind being around the older cowboys, some of whom had ridden in the rodeo back in the days before cable television and social media. But a recent connection spelled trouble—and further humiliation.
Nevertheless, she wouldn’t be rude to a ranch visitor. So she placed the letter she’d been holding upside down on the rest of the stack on the table. Then she got to her feet and said, “It’s nice to meet you. I’ll put on a pot of coffee.”
Then she did just that. If there was one thing she’d learned in her short time at the Rocking C, it was that the cowboys, young and old, loved a fresh brew.
As the coffee began to perk, Lainie studied the pot as if it might bounce off the countertop if she didn’t stand guard.
She fingered the side of her head, checking to see if any strands had come loose. She used to wear it long, the curls tumbling along her shoulders and down her back. But after that video had gone viral, she’d pulled it up into a prim topknot—just one of several alterations she’d made to her appearance so she could fade into the background until that ugly incident was forgotten.
When the coffeemaker let out a last steamy gurgle, she poured two cups, then turned to face the younger men. They continued to stand in the middle of the kitchen, speaking to Sully, who was still seated at the table. She was about to excuse herself and leave them to chat among themselves, but her curiosity betrayed her and she took one last glace at Drew, who’d zeroed in on her.
“For some reason,” he said, his gaze intense enough to see right through her, “it seems as if I’ve met you before.”
“That’s not likely,” she said. “I’m not from around here.”
“Where are you from?”
She wanted to ask, What’s up with the third degree? Instead, she said, “I’m from up north—originally. But I’m sure we’ve never met. I just have that kind of face. I get comments like that all the time. Sugar? Cream?”
“I like it black.”
His gaze continued to roam over her, as if removing her façade one piece at a time. But she pushed through the discomfort and handed him a mug.
He thanked her but didn’t take a drink. Instead, those baby blues continued to study her as if trying to pinpoint where they’d met. But wouldn’t she remember if they had? A woman wouldn’t forget a man like him.
No, he was mistaken. She glanced down at the loose blouse and baggy jeans she wore today. She hadn’t used any makeup. Her curls had been pulled into a bun.
But when she again looked at him, when their gazes locked, her heart soared and her hormones flared. For a moment she wished she’d been wearing that red dress Craig had given her for her birthday and insisted that she wear to the hotel that night, their first significant date, where they were to celebrate by having dinner. But she suspected someone who frequented thrift shops had already snatched it up, pleased with their find.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Lainie said, “I have work to do.”
Then she left the kitchen and headed for her room.
After that awful night in Houston, she’d made up her mind to steer clear of handsome cowboys. And Drew Madison was as handsome as any cowboy she’d ever seen.
Chapter Two
Drew leaned back in his chair and watched the housekeeper stride toward the kitchen doorway. She wasn’t the kind of woman he usually found attractive, but for some reason he did, and he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off her.
She had a wholesome, clean-cut way about her. Maybe it was the lack of makeup, which she really didn’t need. She looked cute in those baggy overalls and plain white T-shirt, but there seemed to be real beauty underneath.
Her dark hair had been pulled up in a simple topknot, but he imagined it’d be lush and glossy if she wore it loose. And those brown, soulful eyes? A man could get lost in them.
She’d said they’d never met, and she was probably right. Her name didn’t ring a bell. Laney? It wasn’t one you heard every day.
Even though she’d already stepped out of the kitchen, he continued to watch the open doorway until Nate mentioned Drew’s sister.
“How’s Kara Lee doing?” he said. “It must have been devastating for her to lose another baby.”
“She’s still pregnant, thank goodness.”
“Really?” Nate said. “That’s good news. I’d heard otherwise, which would have been a real shame.”
“There’re a lot of rumors going around.” Hell, Drew had heard most of them.
“Speaking of babies,” Drew said. “How’s little Jessica?”
Nate, who’d recently assumed custody of his newborn daughter, a preemie, broke into a proud papa grin. “She’s doing great—and growing like a weed.”
“And Anna?”
Nate’s smile deepened. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I love being married.”
“Better you than me,” Drew said.
Nate chuckled. “Anyway, I’m glad Kara Lee’s doing all right.”
“Part of what you heard was true,” Nate said. “She did go into labor the night she caught Craig cheating. Thankfully, her obstetrician managed to stop the contractions, but she’s on bed rest for the time being.”
“That’s got to be tough,” Nate said. “Especially for an active woman like her.”
“You got that right, she’s determined to have this baby. And she’ll do whatever it takes.”
“Well, give her my best,” Nate said. “I know how badly she wants a kid.”
“This one’s a boy. And she plans to name him Robert. Bobby for short.”
“I hate to even bring up his name, but how’s Craig fit into the picture? I heard he’s been begging her to forgive him.”
Drew’s back stiffened. “Where did you hear that?”
“Just around. There’s been a lot of talk.”
Drew wished that was one rumor he could debunk, but it was true. Craig had been calling her, promising her the moon. “I can’t see her taking him back. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still seeing that sexy brunette who was with him in that hotel restaurant.”
“Knowing Craig like I do, you’re probably right.” Nate crossed his arms. “I didn’t see the video, but a couple of the other guys working here did. They say that woman looked like a pop-star wannabe. Did you see it?”
“Yeah.” Way too many times. “I didn’t get a clear look at her face, but she was certainly dressed the part in that curve-hugging red dress and high heels.”
Other than that, Drew didn’t know much about the woman, other than what he’d either heard through the rodeo grapevine or gathered from social media. Rumor had it her name was Elena, that she knew how to get what she wanted and that she’d set her sights on landing a champion bull rider, even if he was married to someone else.
Now there was another person he’d like to confront—if he ever crossed paths with her.
Kara Lee had told him that the brunette had claimed it was all a mistake, that Kara Lee had it all wrong. But there were plenty of nearby bars and restaurants where that woman and Craig could have met. So there was only one reason for them to be at a hotel.
Nate clucked his tongue and shook his head. “Craig never did deserve a woman like Kara Lee. And she sure as hell didn’t deserve the way he treated her.”
“You got that right.”
As they both pondered the truth of that fact, the room grew silent for a couple of beats. Then Sully spoke up and snagged Drew’s attention.
“Where did you two fellas meet?” Sully asked.
Drew glanced first at the retired cowboy, then at his buddy. “Nate and I competed in the junior rodeo as kids, and we went to the same high school. But when I left for college, I quit the circuit.”
“I never could figure out why,” Nate said. “Drew was always the guy to beat. He might not look it now, in those fancy duds and shiny new boots, but he’s a damn good cowboy.”
Drew shrugged off his friend’s compliment, as well as the good-humored ribbing about his success in the business world. “Yep, don’t mess with my hair.”
They all laughed, but Drew suspected all the rodeo talk struck a tender spot in Nate, who’d suffered a career-ending injury and hadn’t had an option when it came to hanging up his spurs.
“Do you guys miss the rodeo?” Sully asked. “I sure did when I had to give it up. But we all have to do that at some point. Our bones don’t stay young forever.”
Nate shrugged. “Sure, I miss it. I loved the thrill of competition. But now I’ve got a beautiful wife and baby, and they’re more important to me than anything. I actually enjoy being at home these days.” He winked at Drew. “Maybe you should consider finding a nice woman and settling down.”
“You sound like Kara Lee, but I don’t see that lifestyle in my future.” He hadn’t seen it in his past, either. He and his sister had grown up on their mother’s run-down spread outside of Brighton Valley, and the only real memories they’d had consisted of hard work and sparse meals.
“Well, fellas,” Sully said, “if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go check the football spreads. A couple of the guys have a Last Man Standing pool, and I’m still in contention.”
“Not me,” Nate said. “I had to drop out during the second week.”
As Sully left the room, chuckling at his good fortune, Nate turned to Drew and pushed away from the table. “I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll let you get started on that interview process. It’ll be lunchtime before we know it.”
Speaking of lunch, Drew wondered when the cook would be back to start the food prep. He’d like to see her again. Maybe he’d ask again where they might have crossed paths.
It really didn’t matter, he supposed. Yet for some weird reason, it did.
* * *
Lainie had barely gotten to her room when she realized she’d left those darn Dear Debbie letters on the table. Sure, she’d turned them face-side down, but what if...?
Darn it. The last thing in the world she wanted was for someone on the ranch to see them. So, in spite of her plan to avoid Drew Madison while he was visiting, she hurried back to the kitchen.
She’d no more than entered the room when Drew pulled out a chair and took a seat at the table, right in front of those blasted letters. He placed his hand on them, pushing them aside, and her breath caught.
She’d better move quickly. All she needed was for him—or anyone—to learn that she was the new lovelorn columnist, especially since Mr. Carlton wanted Dear Debbie’s identity to remain secret. Besides, Lainie wasn’t looking forward to adding any failed journalism jobs to her resume.
So she scooped them up, clutching them to her chest. “Let me get rid of this mess for you.”
She was about to dash out of the kitchen again when Nate said, “Lainie, you’ll need to set out an extra plate for meals for the next few weeks.”
“Sure, I can do that. But who...?” She paused, afraid to pose the question when she was already connecting the dots.
“Drew will be staying with us for a little while,” Nate said. “He wants to interview the men who live here. Get to know them. Learn their daily routines. I think there’s at least one empty cabin that’s decent. I’m not sure what’s available, but I know Joy gave you a tour of the ranch before she and Sam left on their honeymoon.”
If you could call it a tour. Joy had taken Lainie on a quick walk and pointed out a few buildings, none of which she thought would be her concern for the short time she’d be here. But if Drew was going to stay on the Rocking C, she’d take him out to the cabin that was the farthest from the kitchen.
“Of course,” she said. “I’ll make sure it’s aired out and ready for him.”
“I hate to inconvenience you,” Drew said, his gaze unwavering and kicking her pulse up another notch.
“It’s not a problem.” She feigned a lighthearted grin and tamped down whatever nervous energy he provoked, either through guilt or fear...or downright sexual attraction. “I’ll take care of that cabin right away.”
When Nate nodded, Lainie took her chance to escape.
“If you men will excuse me,” she said, “I have chores to do.” Then she headed toward the living area, clutching the letters to her chest.
As she reached the doorway, she overheard Nate say, “I’ve gotta get back to work. Next time you talk to Kara Lee, give her my best.”
Lainie nearly stumbled at the mention of a name that sounded similar to that of Craig’s wife. Then she shook it off.
Boy, she was jumpy today. Nate had said Carolee. Or possibly Carrie Leigh. Either way, they surely weren’t the same woman.
Thank goodness for that. If Kara Baxter was Drew Madison’s friend, and if he realized who Lainie was and believed what people said about her, then having him on the ranch would be a lot more than an inconvenience.
It would be a humiliating disaster.
* * *
Lainie had no more than returned from Caroline’s Diner, where she’d accessed the free Wi-Fi and emailed her first column to the editor, when she spotted Drew and Nate leaving the barn and heading for the house.
Her pride and enthusiasm waned, and her steps, once light and quick, slowed to a near stop. Her first impulse was to slip into the kitchen before they spotted her, but she couldn’t very well do that, even if she did have the dinner meal to prepare.
The men waved to her, and she made her way toward them as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do and greeted them with a forced smile.
“There’s the lady we’ve been looking for,” Nate said. “Have you had a chance to get one of the cabins ready for Drew?”
Oops. Her first priority had been to make her deadline—well before the midnight cutoff. She lifted her hand to her throat and fingered the ribbed neckline on her T-shirt, as well as the bib of her overalls, both of which covered the long, thick scar that ran the length of her sternum. “I haven’t made up the bed yet, but the cabin on the knoll behind the barn will work best. It’s empty, and I’m pretty sure it’s clean.”
“Do you have time to check on it now?” Nate asked. “I’m sure Drew would like to get settled in before dinner, if possible.”
Lainie was already behind schedule, but she couldn’t shirk her responsibilities, especially when this job paid her a lot more than the newspaper did. “Of course. Just give me a minute to get fresh linens and a set of towels from the house.”
“Thanks,” Nate said. “I’d do it myself, but I’m going to be tied up for a while.”
Lainie shot a quick glance at Drew, who was perusing her every bit as intently as he’d done before. Why did he keep doing that?
Her hand began to reach for her chest again, but she let it drop, her fingers trailing along the denim and brushing away imaginary dust. The scar wasn’t visible, and she had to stop reverting back to the old habit she’d once kicked.
“I’ll see you at dinner,” Nate told Drew. “I need to have a chat with a couple of hands who are at odds with each other. It seems they’re both dating the same cocktail waitress at the Stagecoach Inn. I couldn’t care less what they do with their time off, but it’s begun to affect their work.”
“The woes of being a supervisor,” Drew said.
Nate rolled his eyes. “That’s acting supervisor. And you’re right. It’s not an easy job, especially with a young and inexperienced crew. Once Sam gets back from his honeymoon, I’m going to turn over my keys to the ranch and hightail it out of here.”
“We’re looking forward to having you join us at Esteban Enterprises,” Drew said.
“I’m glad to hear that, because I can’t wait.” The guys did some elaborate hand shake and fist pump ritual.
Lainie planned to move on once the honeymooners returned, too. Only problem was, she didn’t have another job lined up, like Nate did.
Nate would undoubtedly be successful at Esteban Enterprises, but Lainie’d hate to work for a company that had anything to do with rodeos. Cowboys weren’t her thing—except maybe for Sully and the other oldsters. But she’d prefer to never cross paths with the younger ones again.
She glanced at the handsome promoter. Drew might be dressed like a fancy Texas businessman, but his more casual demeanor shouted urban cowboy. So the sooner she could escort him to his temporary quarters and be done with it, the better off she’d be.
“I’ll go inside for the linens,” she told him. “Do you have your bags?”
“Just a suitcase and my briefcase. They’re in the back of my pickup. It’ll only take me a minute.”
“Then I’ll meet you back here.”
Moments later, with her arms laden with freshly laundered sheets, pillowcases and towels, Lainie returned to the yard and found Drew waiting for her. He held a suitcase in one hand and a leather briefcase in the other.
“There it is.” She pointed about fifty yards away from the barn, where a lone structure sat. The outside needed a coat or two of paint, but the inside was probably just fine. It looked sturdy enough and should keep him dry and cozy. “It doesn’t look like much, but I think you’ll be comfortable there.”
“I don’t require much.”
No? She found that hard to believe. She glanced across the driveway at his spanking new Dodge Ram truck, then at his fancy denim jacket, his silver belt buckle and his shiny leather inlaid boots. No, this guy clearly liked the finer things in life.
“This way.” She began walking along the graveled path toward the knoll, and he fell into step beside her.
“There’s something you should know,” she said. “The cell and internet access on the ranch isn’t very good. There are some random spots here and there where you might get a bar or two, but it’s sketchy at best.”
“I won’t need to get online right away.”
“Okay, but when you do, it might be easier and faster to drive to town. Caroline’s Diner offers free Wi-Fi now. And they also have the best desserts you’ve ever tasted.”
“Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll keep that in mind.”
They turned to the right, following the incline to the cabin. A cool winter breeze kicked up a bit, sending the scent of his cologne her way. It was a clean woodsy fragrance—no doubt expensive—that suited him.
For a moment, her femininity rebelled, scolding her for not applying makeup earlier this morning, for choosing a plain white T-shirt and baggy overalls. But her days of enhancing her curves—whether they could be considered a blessing or a curse—were behind her now.
Yet despite her resolve to remain low-key and unaffected by Drew’s presence, she stole a peek at him, hoping he wouldn’t notice. But he caught her in the act. Her cheeks warmed, and she quickly looked away, placing her focus on the pathway.
“Have you ever been to Houston?” he asked.
The first image that flashed in her mind was the swanky hotel restaurant, where Craig had invited her for a birthday dinner. But she shook off the memory the best she could. “I went to college in Houston, but I’m originally from Amarillo.”
He nodded, as if storing that tidbit of information away to use against her someday. No, come on. That kind of thinking is crazy. But she couldn’t help being a wee bit suspicious. For some reason, he seemed to have locked onto the idea that they’d met before, and they hadn’t. She was sure of it.
Still, there seemed to be something familiar about him. Probably his lanky, cowboy swagger.
She cut a sideways glance his way. “Why do you ask?”
“Just curious about everyone here.”
She reminded herself that she’d have to stay on her toes around him.
They approached the small front porch, which appeared to have a rickety railing. Maybe the cabin wasn’t so sturdy after all, but it would have to do.