Полная версия
Family of Her Dreams
The wagon rocked as Miss Grimsby climbed aboard. “I’m sorry I took so long, but someone was ahead of me.”
Three minutes wasn’t long. Three minutes was astonishing. Unsure what to say, he grunted an acknowledgment. He pocketed his watch, took the reins and started the one-mile trek to his spread.
With each clop of the horses’ hooves, the stabbing pain he experienced every time he saw the place intensified. Memories abounded, as sour as they were sweet. He and Trudy had worked hard to make the house a home. Although she was gone, he could see her everywhere. Why, he fancied he could even smell the rosewater she’d favored.
“What was she like?”
“Your wife. You looked sad. Were you thinking about her?”
An inquisitive housekeeper was not what he needed. “That’s not something I care to talk about, especially with a stranger.”
“I’m sorry. I thought—”
“You thought wrong. I need a job done. Nothing more.” That had come out harsher than he’d intended. She was only trying to help. Even so, he didn’t trust himself to talk about Trudy without choking up. Silence was safer.
“I’ll pray for you. I know what it’s like to lose a loved one and feel that vacant ache.”
He bit back a retort. How could she possibly understand what he was going through? She’d never been married and left with two children to raise alone. “Pray if you like but no more questions please.”
She bowed her head.
For some reason her gesture comforted him. He’d reached the point where he no longer knew what to pray and trusted the Spirit to intercede for him “with groanings which could not be uttered,” as it said in Romans. If Miss Grimsby’s prayers could help, he wouldn’t turn them down.
When she opened her eyes, they held unasked questions, but the compassion he’d seen before was there, too. She smiled, and the future didn’t seem quite as bleak as it had. Perhaps she was as capable as she’d said and would solve his immediate problems. He’d know soon enough.
* * *
Tess remained silent the rest of the way to Mr. Abbott’s place. He’d made it clear her attempts to offer sympathy were unwelcome. She could understand. Each child who’d come to the orphanage handled grief differently. Some wept. Some talked about their losses, while others kept their own counsel. Some blamed themselves and suffered guilt, while others lashed out in anger. And there were those like her soon-to-be employer who did their best to go on with their lives despite the near-crippling pain.
As she’d prayed, a sense of peace had descended on her—along with a sense of purpose. She wasn’t here to get what she wanted. She was here to give of herself to this hurting family. All those years comforting others had prepared her for this. She would offer the care and comfort Mr. Abbott’s motherless children needed, and she would lift some of the burden their grieving father carried.
Above all she would guard her heart. Even though she was drawn to him, she mustn’t let herself care too much. This was a job like any other, and she would do well to remember that.
They approached a two-story ranch house painted bright red with white trim. All the windows were open, curtains peeking from beneath the raised frames. A wraparound porch beckoned her to slip into one of the ladder-backed rocking chairs gracing it and spend time sipping lemonade with a friend. She’d often dreamed of having such a house, although the one in her dreams was blue—a lovely slate blue with burgundy trim.
Mr. Abbott parked the wagon, and she was on the ground in a heartbeat. He held out a hand toward the stairs. “After you.”
She passed through the open front door and nearly gagged. What was that horrid stench? It smelled worse than the rotten eggs some of the more daring boys at the orphanage had hurled at Mr. Grimsby’s carriage once—before he’d meted out the swift punishment he was known for.
“Luke!” Mr. Abbott bellowed and charged inside.
That didn’t bode well. Tess followed on his heels. They reached the kitchen where a full-figured woman with white hair attempted to wipe a squirming baby girl’s jam-spattered face. Mr. Abbott’s four-year-old son ran circles around the dining table in the adjoining room, whooping like an Indian on the warpath.
Everywhere Tess looked, chaos reigned. Soiled shirts had been draped over chair backs, newspapers and toys were strewn about and a path had been worn through the dust coating the floorboards. Although she’d only been there two minutes, she itched to get to work restoring order and a sense of harmony.
Mr. Abbott addressed the older woman, raising his voice to be heard over the din. “What happened?”
“That boy of yours snuck up behind me when I was checkin’ the fire and chucked some salve in the stove.”
“What next?” He raked a hand through his thick blond hair, causing a swatch of his long locks to stand on end. Tess suppressed the urge to smooth it for him.
The older woman lugged the baby upstairs, and Mr. Abbott strode to the cookstove. Tess tore her gaze from him, entered the dining room and stepped in his son’s path. She caught the little fellow’s raised arm as he passed. “Whoa there, young man.”
He came to an abrupt stop and stared at her with eyes as big and round as washtubs. “Who are you?”
“I’m Tess, and you must be Luke.”
“What’re you doing here?”
“Your papa is going to see if I’m the right person to look after you and your sister.”
He shook his head wildly. “No! I don’t want you here. Go away.” He flew out of the house.
She took off after him, hitching up her skirts with one hand, holding on to her hat with the other and running as fast as her high boot heels would allow. He dashed into the barn. She found him crouched in the corner of an empty stall, tears flowing over his flushed cheeks, and her heart went out to him. She approached slowly on tiptoes, but she bumped into a shovel leaning against the wall and sent it crashing to the floor.
Luke prepared to bolt, but she caught him by the shoulders and held him tightly as he twisted and turned. She squatted so she wouldn’t tower over him. “I’m not going to hurt you, but I won’t let go until you settle down. You can’t run off like that. A ranch is a big place. You could get hurt.”
“No, I couldn’t!”
The little fellow showed no signs of giving up his struggle. He flailed his arms as he attempted to break free. “You’re coming with me, Master Luke.” She planted him on her hip and headed to the house. His fists flew, coming uncomfortably close to her face. Her ears rang from his shrieked protests.
She reached the kitchen, where Mr. Abbott knelt in front of the stove filling two metal pails with glowing embers. He’d shed his coat and rolled up his shirtsleeves, revealing muscular arms. She had little time to take in the unexpected—albeit pleasing—sight because he turned toward her, exasperation etched in every line of his attractive face.
“Quiet down, Luke,” he said in a firm voice. “Do something, Miss Grimsby. Please.”
The mischievous boy ceased shouting long enough to send her a triumphant smirk.
She’d had enough of his antics. No four-year-old, however unruly, would keep her from securing the position. She’d dealt with his kind before and knew just what to do. “I guess you don’t want to see what kind of candy I brought. I won’t give it to a boy who’s pitching a fit. I’ll set you down—if you agree to stay put. Will you do that?”
He crossed his arms over his chest in such an adult manner Tess hid a smile. She rummaged in her reticule with her free hand and withdrew a small package. He followed her every move, his eyes glued to the peppermint stick she unwrapped.
“Here. Why don’t you smell it?” She placed the striped sweet under his nose, pulling back when he attempted to snatch it. “You may have it if you’ll sit quietly while your papa cleans up the mess you made.” She indicated a chair at the kitchen table.
The boy’s gaze was riveted on the red-and-white stick. He licked his lips. “I don’t like you, and you can’t make me.”
“You don’t have to like me, and I won’t make you. You just have to do as I ask.” She set him down but kept a firm grip on his shoulder.
His face scrunched in puzzlement. “You’re not mad?”
Tess shook her head. “I understand. You want your mama, but she’s gone now. I know you don’t want me here, but you need someone to cook your food, wash your clothes and buy you candy, don’t you?”
“You’ll buy me candy?”
“I will.” Provided Mr. Abbott hired her.
Luke studied her with the same intensity his father had. “Whenever I want?”
“No. Candy is a treat, but you’d get it sometimes.” She released her hold on him.
He sidled over to the chair and stood beside it a moment before sitting down. Tess handed him the sweet, which he promptly stuck in his mouth.
Mr. Abbott hefted a pail in each hand and headed to the back door. She beat him there and held it open for him. His bright blue eyes held a hint of amusement—and something else. Attraction perhaps? Of course not. She must be seeing things.
“I didn’t expect you to stoop to bribery.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t classify it as bribery. I prefer to think of it as a reward for making a good choice.”
“Whatever you call it, it worked.” She warmed at his approval and smiled at his retreating form.
When Mr. Abbott and Mrs. Carter returned, he got the story out of her.
“I kept my eyes peeled, Mr. Abbott, but you know how troublesome your young’un can be. Luke got into a scuffle with the baby. Both of ’em wanted to play with that canvas ball you brung ’em last week. Lila wouldn’t let him have it, so he smacked her. I told him to stand in the corner, but he don’t mind any better than I cook.”
Judging by the deplorable state of the kitchen, cleaning wasn’t one of Mrs. Carter’s strengths, either. Dirty dishes were piled everywhere, chunks of dried food clinging to them. If the house hadn’t been filled with the overpowering stench that had greeted her, Tess would have been able to follow her nose to the kitchen.
Mrs. Carter set Lila on a blanket with a pile of blocks. The little girl seemed content to play with them. “Sorry ’bout the trouble with the salve. I opened all the windows, but I don’t think it done much good.”
Tess wrinkled her nose. “What kind of salve would make it smell like some poor creature died in here?”
Mr. Abbott explained. “My dog has mange. I mixed lard and powdered sulfur, which I’ve been rubbing on him. It doesn’t have much of an odor normally, but it stinks something fierce if it’s burned.”
She laughed. “I’ll say. So, what do we do?”
“I got the stove cleared out. Now we wait for the smell to go away.”
“And the dog?” she asked. “What about him?”
“I’m keeping him in the barn until I get the mange under control. Could be a week or more.”
Mrs. Carter patted Tess’s arm. “I’m awful glad you’re here, young lady. You got a big job ahead of you. The place needs a bit of sprucin’ up, but I done my best. Those young’uns need a firm hand. I spent most of my time chasin’ after Luke. He’s a real handful, that one. Mind you, don’t let him out of your sight.”
Mr. Abbott washed up and donned his frock coat with its row of shiny brass buttons and a black armband to show he was in mourning. How sad that such a handsome man wore a perpetual frown. Perhaps one day she’d be able to make him smile.
“Might I have a word, Miss Grimsby?”
“Yes, sir.” She followed him onto the porch, doing her best to quell the queasiness his request had caused. Had she failed to please him already?
He cleared his throat and ran a finger under his collar. If she didn’t know better, she’d say he was as uneasy as she. Surely, in his position, he was practiced in dismissing people.
“I understand you were governess to a number of girls before but only one boy—all of them considerably older than my children. Do you think you’re up to dealing with my son? He can be a challenge at times.”
Luke couldn’t begin to compare with some of the boys at the orphanage. “I am. Does this mean...?”
“What it means is that I’m considering things. Show me what you can accomplish before I get home tonight, and we’ll talk.” He descended two steps, paused and inclined his head toward the house. “You might want to go back inside before Luke springs a surprise on you.”
Tess maintained her composure until she was in the foyer. She lifted her hands to the heavens. Thank You, Lord.
She would set the place to rights, prepare a delicious meal and prove to Mr. Abbott she was the woman for the job. If all went well, she’d have a family to care for at last. It might not be her own, but it was the next best thing.
Chapter Three
A shrill whistle signaled the departure of an outbound freight train, relieved of its load and ready for the return trip to Sacramento City. Spencer checked his pocket watch. Right on time, just the way he liked it.
He crossed the platform and went in search of his freight traffic manager, notebook in hand. The sooner he got the statistics on the latest shipments from Peter, the sooner he could update his records and find out how the station was doing.
Processing the cargo quickly and keeping their customers happy would improve their chances of gaining more business and ensure that he could keep his position as long as possible. He’d known ever since taking the newly created Shingle Springs stationmaster position the summer before that the Transcontinental Route to the north would bring about the end of his company’s monopoly, which was why he had a plan that didn’t depend on the railroad.
He located Peter talking with one of his workers. He finished the conversation and ambled over. “Come for the numbers, have you?”
“Are they any good?”
Peter consulted a sheaf of papers. “You’ll be happy with them. But not as happy as when the Sutro Tunnel Act passes. Should be soon from what I hear.”
Handling the many supply shipments needed to construct the six-mile tunnel connecting Nevada’s Comstock’s silver mines would give them plenty of work—for the time being. “Let’s hope we get a fair amount of the business before it’s siphoned off by the CP.”
“Don’t be such a killjoy. They haven’t even reached the summit yet. It’ll take some doing to blast through all that rock. We got us a few good years before our dreams of being rich railroaders die.”
Peter didn’t want to accept the bitter truth. Since Congress had granted the Central Pacific the right to lay track east of California, it wouldn’t be long before they reached Reno. Word was the CP aimed to make it to Cisco high in the Sierras by year’s end and bore tunnels in the mountain passes through the winter. When that happened and the CP met up with the Union Pacific, the Placerville & Sacramento Valley Railroad, now enjoying its heyday, would become a sleepy passenger line.
Unlike his father, who’d counted on selling cattle to the army indefinitely, despite the fact that the war wouldn’t last forever, Spencer had a contingency plan. That’s why he’d turned down the offer of a company house in town and invested in a place of his own instead. Some thought him crazy, but once his bull arrived and he could begin building a herd of cattle—
“Yes?” What had he missed?
“I asked if you wanted to take a break and see what kind of pie Miss Minnie fixed today. Based on the mouth-watering smells coming from the café, I’m guessing it’s peach.”
“As tempting as that sounds, I have too much to do.”
“When are you going to relax and have some fun, Cap’n? You can spare ten minutes, can’t ya?”
Spencer fought the urge to grimace. He never knew whether the nickname had been bestowed on him out of respect or if his workers were poking fun at him. Sure, he checked up on the various departments, but he trusted his men. He just wanted to assure himself things were running smoothly. His father had spent his time holed up in his office oblivious to his ranch manager’s shenanigans, and look where it had gotten him. He’d come close to losing everything.
“Take a whiff. If that hint of cinnamon in the air doesn’t win you over, I don’t know what will. Then again, perhaps you’re saving your appetite for Mrs. Carter’s latest culinary catastrophe.” Peter gave Spencer a playful punch in the arm.
“She’s done her best.” The well-intentioned widow had ruined a perfectly good pot roast last night and made chicken as dry and tasteless as paper the night before that.
“Polly tells me Tess knows her way around a kitchen, so your troubles could be over.”
“Perhaps.” If the food on his table that evening wasn’t scorched beyond recognition and he could swallow it without gulping water after each bite, he’d be happy.
“How about joining me, then? That way you know you won’t starve.”
Peter had a point. The simple dinner of bread and cheese Spencer had eaten at his desk left much to be desired. Supper was hours away, after all. This would give him an opportunity to show his men he wasn’t as regimented as they seemed to think. “I’ll drop this off—” he held up his notebook “—let Drake know where to find me and meet you there.”
Fifteen minutes later Spencer chewed his last bite of pie, savoring the sweetness of the peach filling. “This was a good idea.”
“At least you won’t waste away if Tess’s cooking doesn’t pan out.” Peter grinned at his pun. “And speaking of Tess, what do you think of her?”
“It’s too soon to tell.”
“She’s tall. At least as tall as you, isn’t she?”
Not quite, if his estimate was correct. “It’s the hat.”
Peter chuckled. “Quite something, isn’t it? She could provide shade for half the town under that thing. Although her taste in bonnets might be questionable, she’s easy on the eyes. Or didn’t you notice?”
He’d noticed all right. Because of her, he’d had a hard time concentrating ever since he returned from running her to the ranch. Memories of her captivating smile kept resurfacing. “My mind was on the interview.”
“Do you think you’ll hire her?”
“Maybe. Maybe not. I offered to give her a one-week trial period, but she countered, claiming she could convince me of her suitability in a day. I accepted her challenge.” Spencer stood, and Peter followed suit.
“Polly said she’s got pluck.”
She did indeed. Would her plucky ways keep his headstrong son in line? Or would she resort to mollycoddling to get Luke’s cooperation, as several of the church women had? One stick of candy to win him over initially couldn’t hurt, but a lack of consistent discipline could ruin him.
Since his son was almost guaranteed to act out at supper, he’d have Miss Grimsby handle the situation. If she didn’t exert a firm hand, he’d have no choice but to give her a day’s wages and put her on a train back to Sacramento City. He hoped it didn’t come to that.
* * *
Tess surveyed the parlor. Mrs. Abbott had certainly loved red. At least she’d chosen burgundy furnishings rather than the cherry red on the house itself. The plush chairs and settee in the rich color coordinated with the blue flowers sprinkled amid sprays of wine-colored roses on the wallpaper’s white background. Some slate-blue accents would bring out the secondary color and add a soothing element. Curtains, pillows and a rug, too.
She could imagine Mr. Abbott in the wingback armchair by the fireplace, a child on each knee. A sewing basket sat on the table beside the settee. His wife’s favorite place to sit had likely been the end of it nearest him. The picture of domestic bliss.
A wistful sigh escaped, and Tess chided herself. Giving way to the longing for a family of her own would do no good. She mustn’t fuel futile dreams. How many times had Mr. Grimsby told her she’d best prepare for a lifetime of service?
His words uttered on her tenth birthday came back as sharp and piercing as ever. No man will look twice at you, Tess. You’re going to tower over most of them. And those who are tall won’t be interested in a woman who can look them in the eye. A man wants to feel superior in all respects. Take my word for it, and apply yourself to your studies, so you can earn a decent living.
And then came the nickname. Of course Charlie had been the one who’d overheard that dreadful conversation. Charlie, who taunted anyone and everyone, from the youngest children all the way to the orphanage director himself.
Too-Tall Tess.
That’s what Charlie had dubbed her, and nothing she could say or do would silence him. So, she’d done the only thing she could—pretended it didn’t matter.
From that day on she’d vowed never to let anyone see how much she detested being different. She’d stood tall, proud and unflinching as the other children singsonged the ditty Charlie had coined.
Oh, what a pity! Oh, what a mess!
When God said height, she shoulda asked for less.
She’s Too-Tall, Too-Tall, Too-Tall Tess.
It didn’t help that Tess wasn’t her real name. Mr. Grimsby had given it to her when her father left her at the orphanage, despite the fact that she’d told the domineering director her name was Faith. Although Tess was a fine name, his insistence on using it and offering no reason why had rankled.
After shaking herself from her reverie, Tess smoothed the crisp white cloth covering the pedestal table in the center of the room, repositioned the antimacassar on the back of Spencer’s armchair and pronounced the parlor ready for inspection.
Restoring the dining room to rights would take no time at all. The layer of dust coating everything gave evidence no one had eaten there since Mrs. Abbott’s passing. Perhaps Mr. Abbott felt her absence in that room more deeply than other places. Replacing old memories with new would help.
Tess gathered the soiled shirts draped over the chairs and picked up the toys. She removed the petrified bouquet serving as the centerpiece. She’d send Mrs. Carter and the children in search of fresh flowers, thus gaining the time needed to scour the kitchen and plan her supper menu.
Discovering the whereabouts of the widow and the little ones was easy. Mrs. Carter must have asked Luke to do something he didn’t want to do. His complaints coming from the backyard could be heard throughout the house. That boisterous boy would require a firm hand—and a full measure of compassion. He must miss his mama terribly.
Tess stepped through the back door onto the wraparound porch. She called to the older woman, who had the baby propped on one hip. They stood beneath a sprawling oak with a rope swing suspended from one of its sturdy branches. “I’d like a fresh bouquet on the table tonight, Mrs. Carter. Might I ask you to pick some flowers? I saw a nice selection in the beds out front.”
The widow appeared relieved by the request. Luke even ceased his whining. “The children and me would be happy to do that, wouldn’t we, Luke?” She gave him an over-bright smile.
“I don’t wanna, and I’m not gonna. I want her to push me on the swing. Right now!” He jabbed a stubby finger at Mrs. Carter.
Tess feigned indifference. “That’s all right. I don’t want your help, after all.”
He eyed her with suspicion. “You don’t?”
“No. This is a special job, and you’re still quite young. I don’t think you could pick flowers without breaking their stems or crushing their petals.”
He rammed his fists against his sides and scrunched his face in a sour-pickle expression. “I could, too.”
“What do you think, Mrs. Carter? Should we let him try or have him sit with Lila and watch while you pick the flowers?”
Luke snorted. “I’m not a baby. I’m a big boy. Papa says so, and he knows everything.”
The snowy-headed woman looked from him to Tess and back again, understanding dawning. “I reckon we could let him try...if he promises to be careful.”
“I won’t hurt them. I’ll show you.” He raced around the corner of the house. Lila bounced on Mrs. Carter’s ample hip as she hurried after him.