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Anywhere with You
The man was dead now. And Ben would never know him. All he had left of his dad were the vague memories of a six-year-old. That, and the bitterness over his mother’s betrayal. It still lingered like a hot stone at the edge of a fire. At thirty-three, he was just better at hiding it.
Damn, he wished Claudia was here. She’d always acted as a buffer between him and Hilda. But she was pregnant and couldn’t make the trip, so she’d begged and pleaded for him to come.
He’d finally given in last week, not just for Claudia’s sake, but for Rachel’s, too, and he didn’t want to mess things up as a wedding memento. Where was the little firecracker, anyway? He scanned the crowd. How hard was it to find a redheaded bride?
“Oh, my God, Ben, you made it!” Her voice came from behind him.
He turned to find Rachel’s green eyes filling with tears. The last time he’d seen her, she’d just celebrated her twelfth birthday. She’d grown into a beautiful young woman.
She dabbed at her eyes, then picked up her dress and launched herself at him.
He caught her and stumbled back. “Jesus. How many tons of lace are you wearing?” She laughed and hugged him until he set her at arm’s length. “Man, you’ve grown up.”
“Hey, watch it. She’s taken.”
“Matt Gunderson.” Ben smiled at her new husband and shook his hand. “Good to see you.”
“Yeah, it’s been a while.” Matt yanked his tie loose with a relieved sigh.
Rachel smacked his wrist. “Stop it. We haven’t finished taking pictures.”
“Oh, yes, we have.”
“Please.” Rachel leaned into Matt. “When will I ever get you in a tux again?”
Matt slumped in defeat. “So this is married life, huh?” he muttered while letting Rachel redo his tie. “Stay single, Ben. Do yourself a favor and just stay single.”
“Way ahead of you on that one, bro.” Ben grinned at Rachel’s eye roll.
He liked women. He liked sex even more. Fortunately, he rarely went without. But give a woman that much power over him? Wouldn’t happen.
“Have you seen your mom yet?” Rachel asked.
Ben shook his head and looked at Matt. Time to change the subject. “I read somewhere you’re going to quit rodeoing.”
“I’m done. I rode in Vegas for the last time.”
“Why? You were earning big.” Ben glanced at Rachel. Would she miss the big prize money, or had she put the screws to him?
Matt shrugged. “I had enough.”
“Matt’s father died last year and left him the ranch,” Rachel said. “So he’s running the Lone Wolf and raising rodeo stock.”
“We’re running the Lone Wolf,” Matt corrected her, slipping an arm around her.
“Not really. I’m not much help yet. The Sundance guests keep me hopping.”
Ben frowned. “Guests?”
“Cole didn’t mention it when he saw you in LA,” Rachel said with a wry smile. “I’m not surprised. My poor brothers...” She sighed. “We’re now part dude ranch.”
Ben couldn’t have been more shocked. He thought again of the patched roofs and warped wood siding on the barn. The McAllisters had been proud, wealthy cattlemen going back several generations. “Since when?”
“About a year and a half now.” She shrugged. “Between the poor economy and drought, all the ranches around here have been suffering. We needed to generate income.”
“A dude ranch,” Ben murmured. No, he didn’t figure Cole would’ve volunteered that information.
“It was Rachel’s idea,” Matt said, his tone defensive. “If not for her, they would’ve had to lay off half the men. Not to mention she had to put her career on hold.”
“It’s okay, Matt,” Rachel said softly. “Ben didn’t mean anything. You were just as shocked when you found out, remember?”
“Hey.” Ben spread his hands. “I’m surprised, that’s all. I’m in the process of buying a ranch myself, out in California. But now you’ve got me nervous.”
Rachel and Matt both frowned. “What, and give up working in Hollywood?” Matt asked. “Dating hot women and walking the red carpet?”
Ben laughed. “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.”
Matt inclined his head at Rachel. “It’s not my fault. She looks up everybody.”
“I do not.” She lifted her chin, sending Ben back fifteen years. She’d always been an independent kid. “So you’re buying a ranch and giving up stunt work?”
“Eventually. But I’d still be in the business, so to speak. I plan to raise stock that I can supply to films and TV shoots. I’d train the animals, horses in particular, and work with them on the sets. Even commercial ads pay well. In Hollywood, it’s all about who you know, and I’m lucky in that department.”
“Snag a Super Bowl Ad. That’s got to be—” Rachel’s gaze shifted to something behind him. “You’re about to meet my friend Katy.”
“What took her so long?” Matt murmured, then responded to Rachel’s stink eye with an innocent look. “What?”
“Be nice,” Rachel muttered under her breath and then said to Ben, “I want to hear more later. Hey, Katy.”
Ben smiled at the tall, striking brunette who’d joined them, her strapless red dress held up by generous breasts.
“Katy,” Rachel said, “this is Ben. I’ve told you about him. Ben’s like another brother to me.”
“Yes, I remember.” Katy leaned forward to shake his hand, her breasts plumping over the top of the dress, her smile sultry. “I believe you mentioned he wasn’t as bad as Trace.”
“Thanks.” Rachel laughed. “Thanks for that.” She looked at Ben. “I meant when I was a kid. You both teased me unmercifully and don’t deny it.”
Ben forced a smile. His memories weren’t quite that benign. “Where is Trace, anyway?” He looked past Katy to do a quick sweep of the crowd, but stopped at a familiar face. Whoa.
Deputy Hendrix had let her hair down in loose waves that skimmed her shoulders. The sunglasses were gone, and she’d traded her uniform for tan slacks and a tailored white blouse that showed off her fit, toned body.
Nice. Very nice.
He wondered if she had her ticket book with her. Maybe after a little champagne, she’d have second thoughts about the one she had written him.
Rachel glanced around, frowning. “I don’t see Jesse or Cole, either. They know the photographer wants to take more shots of the wedding party.”
“We could go look for them,” Katy said, and Ben knew the “we” included him.
He wasn’t in the mood for company. Maybe later. “I’ll be heading to the house soon,” he said. “If I see the guys, I’ll send them over. Or drag them out of their rooms if I have to.”
“Perfect.” Rachel’s smile lasted only a second. “Wait. Knock before you go in. Girlfriends may be involved. Or in Cole’s case, his wife.”
“Cole’s married?” He’d never said anything about taking the plunge.
“He and Jamie eloped a month ago to avoid having a big hoopla.” She lowered her voice. “Not common knowledge. Just the family knows.” She gestured inclusively to Ben. “And now you, too, Katy. But don’t say anything.”
A group approached to congratulate the newlyweds, and Ben used the opportunity to slip away. He could feel Katy’s eyes on his back. He might have played that better, but he’d lost sight of the deputy.
While he searched for her, Ben realized how easy it had been with Rachel and Matt. It felt good that she still considered him family. And so did Cole. As long as Ben did nothing to hurt Hilda. The McAllisters had always been fiercely protective of his mother. Starting with Gavin and Barbara.
Thinking of Gavin McAllister tightened Ben’s chest. Missing the man’s funeral would haunt him for life. Gavin had treated him like a son right alongside his own boys, never taking sides when they squabbled and disciplining without bias.
Time had a way of lending perspective. Ben understood now that he’d been damn lucky to have Mr. McAllister as a role model.
He looked toward the house, hoping he’d finally catch sight of the deputy, but she wasn’t among the people crowding the wide porch. People sat on rockers. Some lounged against the railing. A short, dark-haired woman wound her way through them carrying a large pitcher. He studied her for a moment, taking in the frail stoop of her narrow shoulders. Realization hit him square in the gut.
She set down the pitcher and glanced up suddenly, as if she could feel him watching her. He turned, hoping she wouldn’t see him.
Something twisted painfully inside his chest, and he had the sudden urge to make a run for the Porsche, drive so fast and far that he’d forget all about the Sundance. Forget about the family who’d given him a home. Forget about the mother who’d never trusted him enough to tell him the truth about his own father.
Hell of a time to figure out he wasn’t ready to see her. Certainly not in front of all these people.
Shoving a hand through his hair, he stared at the distant Rockies and the crimson sun sinking behind them. He was struck by the sudden notion that he’d missed more than the mountains. He’d missed the McAllister family. The Sundance. And in spite of her betrayal, his mom.
He hadn’t expected this, wasn’t prepared to do anything but push the feelings aside. Clear his head.
What he needed was another drink. He’d promised his sister he’d do this thing. Reconnect with their mom. Make some peace. Which felt impossible at the moment.
He found another makeshift bar and was about to pour a scotch when he saw her.
Deputy Hendrix. From the strained curve of her mouth to her stick-straight posture, she seemed uncomfortable. Probably trying to get rid of the old guy in the loud sports jacket who was bending her ear. Ben could help her with that. He smiled, practically seeing her void his ticket.
Before he could approach them, the man walked away. She turned a longing glance toward a row of parked cars, looking as though she wanted to be here as much as Ben did.
Keeping an eye on her, he exchanged the whiskey for a bottle of champagne sitting in an ice bucket and filled two flutes.
* * *
GRACE WAS BEGINNING to wish she’d brought her gun. If her uncle didn’t stop annoying her, she was pretty sure she could make a case for justifiable homicide. Although since she didn’t have a squeaky-clean record, maybe she’d be better off hiding the body. Plenty of good places around here.
Grace swallowed. Dear God. How could she joke about this? Even if only to herself. She was a horrible person. And now she’d lost track of Clarence. He’d disappeared into the crowd. But he’d pop up again and motion for her to meet yet another person who simply wanted to enjoy the party and not be bullied by the mayor.
Maybe she should make a run for her car. Now. While she had the chance. She hated that Rachel might see her, but Grace could always apologize later and pretend she’d been ill.
“Well, don’t you clean up nicely.”
The deep voice sent a flutter down her spine. Taking a moment to compose herself, she met his eyes. “I’m not tearing up the ticket.”
Ben just smiled and passed her a flute. “I’d planned to rescue you a minute ago. I figured that might soften you up, but I was too late.”
“Rescue me?”
He glanced back at the crowd. “I saw some guy bothering you.”
“An old guy with a bad comb-over.”
Grace laughed. Oh, wouldn’t Clarence love to hear that description. “Better watch it. He’s the mayor.”
“And my uncle.”
“Ah. My apologies.” With that lazy smile of his, he looked about as apologetic as a tomcat toying with a mouse. No, he didn’t care who Clarence was to her or the town. “I didn’t want him chasing you off before we could get better acquainted.”
Grace snorted a laugh. He was smooth, a real charmer. In her line of work, she met quite a few, usually trying to talk their way out of an arrest.
“You don’t believe me?” He was watching her, studying her face with a faintly bemused expression that she didn’t care for. Though fair was fair. She’d given him the once-over earlier. The difference was, while she’d admired his bronzed skin, he was probably counting her freckles.
She stared at the champagne she’d absently accepted from him. “I really shouldn’t drink this,” she said and took a sip. “I have to drive.”
“You can’t have far to go. Not in this town.”
She moved slightly so his shoulder blocked the remaining rays of sunlight and she didn’t have to squint at him. He had a strong jaw, a symmetrical face. “Most accidents happen within five miles of home.”
Amusement brought out the gold flecks in his eyes. “Makes sense. Statistically speaking.” He paused. “Are you going to tell me your first name?”
“You can call me deputy.”
He seemed momentarily startled, then threw his head back and laughed. So loudly that people turned and stared. Including Chloe and the other blond bridesmaid standing by the tent pole. Grace got the feeling they’d been watching her and Ben all along. They were probably wondering why he’d approached her. Grace wondered the same thing.
She cleared her throat. “It’s Grace.”
“Grace,” he repeated, and surprised her by offering his hand.
His palm was rough against hers, which wasn’t exactly soft and tender, either. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Grace. The name suits you.”
“Um...really not so much.”
Ben’s brows lifted, just a tiny bit, as though she intrigued him. He’d be disappointed. If only she’d left when she had the chance.
After studying her a moment, his attention drifted toward the house. He watched the guests gathered on the porch and then swept a gaze over the tent crowd. Most likely plotting an escape.
“Lucky it didn’t rain today,” she murmured, searching the sky. A few clouds hovered but none threatened. “I heard Rachel pushed the date back, hoping for an outdoor wedding.”
He said nothing, but she sensed his amusement at her feeble attempt to change the subject. She saw a band setting up on the stage and realized the oak planks in front of it served as a dance floor. No way she’d stick around for dancing. It would be just like Clarence to drag her up there with some cowboy. Not Ben, though. She imagined her uncle would give him a wide berth.
Katy had joined her friends and they all were staring at Grace and Ben. The brunette looked sulky and Grace wondered what had happened between her and Ben.
“Beautiful, aren’t they?” Ben murmured.
Grace blinked. Talk about rude and unexpected. Not that he’d get a rise out of her. “They’re Rachel’s sorority sisters,” she said, turning back to him.
He frowned. “Who?”
“The bridesmaids. Rachel’s friends.”
He followed her gaze, his frown deepening. With a short laugh, he looked at Grace. “I was referring to the Rockies.”
“Oh.” She silently cursed herself and her fair skin, then gave the mountains her complete attention. “Yes, they are breathtaking.”
“That snow melts and comes streaming all the way to the foothills,” he said, pointing. “Four-wheelers can make it clear to that ridge when it’s not too muddy. People go up just to see the wildflowers.”
She squinted, trying to follow the direction of his finger. “Why am I not seeing a ridge?”
“Come here.” He took her arm and stationed her in front of him. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he ducked down to her eye level, his cheek close to hers. “Right there,” he said, gesturing with the champagne flute. “See where the aspens are still bare?”
She nodded, the movement causing her cheek to rub against his stubbled jaw. Her skin tingled. Not just at the point of contact, either, but all the way down her back.
Grace didn’t like it. Didn’t like that she could so acutely feel the heat from his body. Hated that his touch had awoken a sudden yearning. She didn’t need the aggravation of wanting something she couldn’t have.
She swallowed. “That’s pretty high up for a quad to go,” she said, moving her shoulder and shifting to the side.
“You can’t be squeamish. On some of those trails, your tires are hugging the edge.” Ben finally lowered his hand. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. You tip over and sure, you’ll get beat up some, but you won’t slide all the way down. Eventually the trees will stop your fall.”
That made her laugh. “So, you could break your arms and legs, and God knows what else. And likely total your four-wheeler. Explain to me how that’s not so bad.”
His smile alone would make any sane woman run and hide. “Hell, if you put it that way...”
“I heard you’re a stunt man, so your perspective might be skewed.”
He shrugged. “Kids go up there all the time. Back in high school, Cole, Jesse, along with half the football team, we all used to go up there. We survived.”
She sighed. “I miss those days. Being certain I knew everything was so comforting.”
Eyes narrowed, Ben searched her face, giving her the feeling he’d taken her casual remark personally. “You’re not from the area,” he said finally.
“I moved here two weeks ago.” She paused when she heard someone call his name. “I think you’re being summoned.” She nodded toward the tent.
Ben turned. “Is that Trace?”
“I believe so.” She hadn’t actually met the youngest McAllister brother, but no mistaking the resemblance to Cole and Jesse.
“Jesus. He was thirteen when I left. Tall and skinny as a rail.” Ben lifted his hand in acknowledgment, the fondness in his gaze kind of sweet. “The kid talked horses and trucks nonstop. And girls. He was worried his brothers and I weren’t going to leave him any.”
“Did you?”
His slow smile was ridiculously sexy. “A few.”
“They’re motioning for you to join them. Go ahead. I think they’re taking pictures.”
“Come with me.”
“No.” Grace shook her head, surprised he’d asked. “They’re your family. I’d feel awkward.”
He hesitated as if he wanted to argue the point, but then just nodded. “Don’t go anywhere. Okay?”
She simply smiled. She never made a promise she couldn’t keep.
BEN WASN’T IN a hurry to reach the group. He scanned the people surrounding Rachel and Matt, not keen on unexpectedly coming face-to-face with his mother. He’d see her soon, but not with everyone watching.
“Get over here, Carter.” Trace held a pair of longnecks in one hand and motioned with the other.
Ben hadn’t gone by Carter for a long time. His last name was Wolf now and had been for thirteen years, since he’d scraped together enough money to legally change it. Carter had never been his real name, anyway. Nor Hilda’s. She’d made it up after she’d run out on his father, whose name she refused to divulge.
Jesse was standing beside Trace. Cole was there, too, along with a couple of women Ben didn’t recognize. Rachel was trying in vain to get everyone’s attention while an older man set up a camera.
“Rachel got you in a tux, huh?” Ben extended his hand to Trace, who ignored it and gave him a hearty one-armed hug.
“Man, it’s good to see you,” Trace said, his voice deeper now.
“Yeah, it’s been a while,” Ben said casually, unprepared for the emotion washing over him. He’d been fairly tight with Cole and Jesse. They were close in age and shared many of the same interests. But with Trace, the bond was different.
He’d been a baby when Ben moved to the Sundance. Trace had grown up thinking of Ben as his older brother, often confiding in him instead of Cole or Jesse. The day Ben had told him he was leaving, Trace had punched a door and broken his hand.
Cole and Jesse joined them, only briefly. After the handshaking was done, the photographer asked them to move a few tables.
Trace left the task to his older brothers and nodded at Ben’s empty flute. “You don’t have to drink that champagne crap. Here.” With a grin, Trace offered him a longneck. “We saved the good stuff for immediate family.”
Ben accepted the beer, saw Trace’s jeans and cowboy boots, and laughed.
Trace tugged at the lapel of his tux jacket. “Rachel hasn’t noticed yet.” He looked guiltily over his shoulder. “I didn’t know she wanted more pictures so I went inside and changed. As long as that photographer dude shoots from the waist up, it shouldn’t matter.”
Ben shook his head. “She’s gonna kick your ass.”
“I know. If she doesn’t, Nikki will.”
“Your girlfriend?”
Trace shrugged. “In three months, we’ll be getting hitched, too, so she’s a little more than that, I guess.”
“Ya think?” Ben’s laughter turned a few heads.
“Nice. Get me in trouble,” Trace said, glancing around. “By the way, the Porsche...yours or a rental?”
“I bought it last year and got ticketed twice in three weeks.”
“Only twice?” Trace took a pull of his beer. “You gonna let me take it for a spin?”
“You finally learn how to use a clutch?”
Ben waited for Trace to remember the driving lessons. Teaching a twelve-year-old to drive hadn’t been one of his wiser ideas.
Trace winced. “Ah, man, that was humiliating.”
The second time he’d gotten behind the wheel of the ranch’s old Ford, Trace had clipped a tree and smashed the side mirror. Ben had taken the blame rather than admit his stupidity.
“You still owe me,” he said. “Your dad made me pay for the repair out of my salary.”
“Yep, I do. I’ll even tack on interest.”
Ben smiled. “I had no business letting you drive.” He flashed back to another day, another time, and took a gulp of beer. “I didn’t know about your dad,” he said quietly. “About the cancer, or that he’d passed away. I found out much later.”
“I know.” Trace clapped him on the back. “Everyone knew you would’ve come back if you’d heard in time.”
“My fault for not keeping in touch.” Ben surprised himself with the admission. He’d always felt his mom was to blame for everything that was wrong in his life. Her claim that she’d run from abuse didn’t completely add up. Why isolate herself and her kids from her own family? Ben didn’t know his grandparents. Or where he was born. Or if he had uncles, aunts and cousins.
It was one thing to lie to a couple of kids, but once they’d turned eighteen, he and Claudia had a right to know, even if the truth was messy. Hilda’s silence was a barrier he’d never been able to cross. The longer his mother continued to lie to them, the more convinced Ben became that she was hiding the truth not just about their father, but also about herself. Why else would she keep her silence? The man was dead.
“Ben?” Trace’s tone indicated it wasn’t the first time he’d tried to get Ben’s attention. “Rachel wants us. The photographer’s waiting.”
“She wants you, not me.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Benedicto,” Rachel’s voice carried over the murmurs of the bridal party who’d gathered near the stage. “Get over here.”
“See?” Trace grumbled. “Still bossy as hell.”
Ben had to smile. He gave Rachel a small shake of his head, and her glare turned pleading.
“For what it’s worth, your mom’s busy in the kitchen,” Trace said quietly, then strolled toward the waiting group.
Ben glanced at Katy and the other bridesmaids eyeing him as if he were a juicy steak. Normally, he’d already have decided on his companion for later. But he was restless, edgy.
And there was Grace to consider. Something about her quiet beauty and wit appealed to him. Add the fact that she was a refreshing challenge. She hadn’t flirted with him once. He turned to see if he should pick up another drink for her. She could probably tempt him into...
She wasn’t where he had left her.
He looked toward the house, then panned across a group of women huddled near the bar. Grace wasn’t among them. He could tell they were local women, though none he recognized. A pair of older cowboys carrying guitars emerged from a row of parked trucks.
Ben squinted at a blur of movement behind them and caught a glimpse of her. Only for a second. He waited a moment, watching to see if maybe she’d gone to get something out of her car. A minute later, a silver compact drove out the driveway.