Полная версия
Royal Affairs: His Princess of Convenience / Her Royal Wedding Wish / The Secret Princess
There were going to be a lot of changes after his coronation in another week. He had a raft of constitutional issues that would put the royal family in a figurehead role, with specific duties. There would be a much reduced civil list, no hangers-on supported by the state; all personal belongings and lifestyle choices and holidays would be paid for by personal business interests rather than the state.
The areas of change went on and on, which was why the monarchy had been on the brink of disaster. This marriage would hopefully turn the tide of criticism. Christina’s values of hard work and true charity resonated with the people. Her example of selflessness was the big reason they’d embraced Antonio as their soon-to-be king. Antonio still had to prove himself equal to the task. And much more, like becoming the husband Christina deserved.
He walked her outside and across the courtyard to the terrace bedecked in flowers at the side of the palazzo. A small orchestra was playing a waltz at one end of the terrace with an area reserved for dancing. Hundreds of tiny lights strewn among the trees and flowers made it look like a true fairyland and had created a heavenly fragrance. The grand serving table with its fountain and flowers was surrounded by exquisitely set tables, an enchanting sight he’d always remember.
The late-afternoon Tuscan sunshine shone down on them. The picturesque setting and vineyard had an indescribable beauty, yet all he could see for the moment was the stunning bride draped in alençon lace, still clinging to his hand. Antonio swallowed hard.
She’s my wife! She’s the woman I promised to love and cherish.
Suddenly he seemed to see a whole new world ahead of them, uncharted as yet. Her faith in their marriage made him open his eyes to new possibilities. This was their wedding day. He wanted it to be wonderful for both of them. After their kiss at the altar, he was eager to feel her in his arms.
* * *
“Christina? Look this way.”
She was so dazed by what had happened at the end of the ceremony that she was hardly aware of the photographers brought in to make a record of their wedding day. When Antonio had deepened their kiss, she felt a charge of energy run through her body like a current of electricity. She could still feel his compelling mouth on hers.
Maybe this was how every bride felt when kissed on her wedding day. But Antonio wasn’t just any man. He was her husband, for better or worse.
Before everyone could crowd around to congratulate them, Antonio pulled her close. “Do you mind if we talk to our guests later? I’d like to dance with you first,” he said in his deep voice.
Her heart thumped hard before she looked at him. “I’d love it.”
His hot blue eyes played over her features. “Let me put your bouquet on this table.”
After he laid it down, Christina felt his arm go around her waist. The contact reminded her of the kiss they’d shared at the altar. She hadn’t been the same since and was more aware of him than ever as he led her to the dance area.
She couldn’t help thinking back to the time she’d been at boarding school. Never in her wildest imagination would she have believed she’d eventually become the wife of Elena’s dashing older brother. This moment was surreal.
As he drew her into his arms she said, “You need to know I haven’t done much dancing in my life.”
He held her closer. “Didn’t they teach you to dance at boarding school?”
“Are you kidding? Whatever you think goes on at boarding school simply doesn’t happen. We were all a bunch of girls who’d rather be home. We all had a case of homesickness and waited for the letters that didn’t arrive. We ate, studied and slept four to a room in an old freezing-cold chateau. You don’t even want to know how frigid the water closet could be.”
He laughed out loud, causing everyone to look at them.
“Once a week we were allowed to go to town with the chaperone. She chose the places we could visit. Elena managed to scout out the dancing places we weren’t supposed to visit, then dragged me with her where we met guys who flocked around her.”
“Sounds like my sister.”
“She taught me the meaning of fun. The rest of the time we went to a symphony or an opera, and other times we went to a play, always on a bus. I liked the plays, especially one adapted from Colette’s writings about a dog and cat.”
Antonio started moving them around the terrace decorated with urns of flowers. “Tell me about them,” he whispered against her hot cheek. His warm breath sent little tingles of delight through her body.
“Elena and I bought the books and studied the lines to help us with our French. Both animals loved their master and mistress. Their battles were outrageous and hilarious.”
“You’ll have to lend me the book to read.”
“Anytime. Wouldn’t it be fun if animals really could talk? I used to love the Doctor Doolittle books as a child. When I first got to Africa, I thought I really had arrived in Jollijinki Land.”
He lips twitched and he held her a little tighter, but her gown provided a natural buffer. “I have a feeling you could entertain me forever.”
She moved her head so she could look into his eyes. Marrying Antonio felt right. She felt like a princess. The feeling was magical. She was living her fantasy and never wanted it to end. Her parents were proud of her today. Everything was getting better with them. “This is a new experience for both of us, Antonio. Forever sounds like a long time. Let’s just take it one step at a time.”
His lips brushed hers unexpectedly, creating havoc with her emotions. “One step at a time it is. Since everyone is watching us, let’s put on a show, shall we?”
She smiled at him. “I thought we’d already been doing that.”
“They haven’t seen anything yet.”
Her adrenaline gushed as he waltzed them around the terrace. It didn’t surprise her that he knew what he was doing. She followed his lead as he dipped her several times, causing people to clap. Dancing with him like this was a heady experience she hadn’t anticipated. He must have been enjoying it too, because one dance turned into another.
“This is fun,” he murmured against her lips. “Your idea for having our wedding here at the palazzo has turned out to be sensational. I remember once when the three of us climbed into the mountains above the vineyards lining Lake Geneva and came to an old farmhouse that had been turned into a quaint inn.
“You said it was your favorite place and went there often on your hikes and bicycle rides with Elena for fondue bourguignonne. I think you must have had it in mind when you chose the Palazzo di Comparino for our wedding. I see similarities.”
Her head tilted back in surprise. “I can’t believe you remembered that hike, let alone made the association with this place.”
His gaze played over her features. “I’ve remembered all our outings. The truth is, I found you and my sister more entertaining than most of my friends, with the exception of Zach.” His comment made her smile.
“When I did fly to Switzerland, I came because I wanted to. Being with you two was like taking a breath of fresh air and kept me grounded. I’ve never told you this, but I was always relieved to know you were there to help temper my sister. She’s always had trouble with boundaries.”
“And I was the insipid, boring tagalong, afraid to break out of my shell, right?”
He frowned. When he did that, he looked older and quite fierce. “You were shy, but amazingly kind to my sister. Even when she got herself into impossible situations you never judged her.”
“You were kind to me too by including me. Remember the day we visited the Chateau de Chillon? We’d climbed up on the ramparts and I was taking a picture when I dropped my camera by mistake and it fell into the lake several hundred feet below.”
“You should have seen the tragic look on your face,” he teased.
“I was so upset, but you turned everything around when you bought me a new one just like it and gave it to me before you left us at the school.” She felt her eyes smart. “That was the kindest thing anyone had ever done for me.”
“Then we’re even because Elena needed a constant friend like you and you were there for her in her darkest hours. You have no idea what that meant to me. I knew I could always count on you. I wish I could say the same for our parents. They’ve been so caught up in a lifestyle that has cost them the confidence of the people that they’ve neglected Elena, who needed a strong hand.”
Christina sucked in her breath. “I needed her friendship too.”
“Elena told me you had problems with your parents.”
“Yes, but I don’t want to talk about them right now. We were talking about your sister. She’s so sweet. Elena cared about me when no one else did. She made me believe in myself.”
“The two of you have an unbreakable bond. Otherwise you wouldn’t have stayed close over all these years. You don’t know how lucky you are. How rare that is.”
“According to Elena, you have that kind of relationship with Zach.”
He nodded. “But I didn’t have a friend like you while I was at boarding school and college. It wasn’t until I moved to San Francisco. If you want to know a secret, I envied you and Elena.”
She heard a loneliness in his admission that went deep. “Because you’re the prince, it was probably hard for you to confide in someone else during those early years. With you being expected to rule one day, you had to watch every step.”
Antonio stopped dancing and grasped her hands in both of his. “You understand so much about me, Christina.” His blue eyes had darkened with emotion. “But you paid a price by agreeing to get engaged to me.”
Giddy with happiness she said, “What price is that when I’m having the wedding of my dreams?”
Her thoughts flew back to their engagement. The king and queen had thrown the supposedly happy couple a huge, glossy engagement party, but it had been the worst night of Christina’s life. To have to be on show, self-consciously standing next to the most gorgeous man she’d ever known, she’d never felt so unglamorous in her life. Especially when she knew her parents considered her a failure.
Yet they’d acted thrilled over the engagement and made such a fuss over her that it made her happy that they showed her that kind of attention. She’d been starved for it. But once she saw the photos, she’d been unable to bear the sight of herself looking so dull and plump. But that was a long time ago and she refused to dwell on it.
The guests had been going through the buffet line before finding their seats at individual linen-covered tables with baskets of creamy roses and sunflowers. Christina had to admit the estate and grounds looked beautiful. A fountain modeled after the one in the courtyard of a draped nymph holding a shell formed the centerpiece. Everything looked right out of a dreamworld, including the beautifully dressed people.
Antonio drew her even closer as they walked past the guests to get their food. He handed her a plate and they moved back and forth, choosing a delicious tidbit here and there. But she was too happy and stimulated to sit down to a big meal with him at a table reserved for them alone.
Several of the guests had started to dance. Among them Louisa, who was being partnered by Nico. According to Louisa, the two of them weren’t on the best of terms, but the way he was looking at her right now, Christina got the feeling they had a strong attraction. Well, well. It appeared the festive party mood had infected everyone.
Antonio finished what was on his plate. Since hers was empty, he put them both on the table. When he looked at her she was filled with strong emotion and said, “Today I’m so happy to be your wife, Antonio. I mean that with all my heart.”
“Christina,” he said in a husky voice, squeezing her hand. “Because of your sacrifice for me—for the country—I trust you with my life.” He said it like a vow and kissed her fingers in a gesture so intimate in front of the wedding guests that she made up her mind to be the best wife possible.
Just then Louisa happened to pass by her. “You look radiant,” she whispered.
Christina was still reacting to Antonio’s gesture as well as his words. “So did you out there dancing with Nico.”
“Who knew he could waltz?”
Her comment made Christina chuckle. Antonio smiled at her. “I want to dance the whole evening away with you, but I think we need to say something to our parents.”
They walked hand in hand toward the king and queen and they all chatted for a moment. Christina’s parents were seated by them. While Antonio was still talking with his parents for a minute, her mother, dressed in an oyster silk suit, got up from the table to greet Christina with a peck on the cheek.
Though Christina had known this began as a publicity stunt, she’d tried to win her parents’ affection. Four years later she was still trying and had hopes that her marriage to the future king had softened their opinion of her.
Her mother stared into her eyes. “You look lovely, Christina. I do believe that tint on your hair was the right shade.”
A compliment from her mother meant everything. “I’m glad you like it.”
“It’s a good thing Lindsay planned everything else, including your new royal wardrobe. You’ll always want to look perfect for Antonio.”
“I plan to try.”
“I know you will. Certainly today you’ve succeeded.” Her voice halted for a minute before she added, “You’ve never looked so attractive.”
Christina’s eyes moistened. She couldn’t believe her mother was actually paying her another compliment. In fact, she sensed her mother wanted to say more but held back.
“Grazie, Mama,” she said in a tremulous voice, and kissed her mother’s cheek.
Marusha stood nearby. Christina hugged her. She’d flown in for the wedding. Her family would be coming for the coronation. For this ceremony, only their closest friends and relatives made up the intimate gathering.
Next came Christina’s great-aunt Sofia. “You look enchanting.” The older woman embraced her. “Working in Africa has made all the difference in you,” she said quietly. “You have a queenly aura that comes naturally to you.”
Christina craved her aunt’s warmth and hugged her extra hard. “I’m thrilled to be wearing the brooch.” She was glad Antonio had sneaked up to the bridal chamber to give it to her.
“It suits you. I’m so proud of you I could burst.”
“Don’t do that!” she said as they broke into gentle laughter.
“I’ve been watching your handsome husband. He’s hardly taken his eyes off you since we came outside.” Her brown gaze conveyed her sincerity. “I can see why. You’re a vision, and you’re going to help Prince Antonio transform our country into its former glory. I feel it in these old bones. I have the suspicion that you didn’t need the brooch to bring you good luck. You and your prince are special, you know?”
No, Christina didn’t know, but she loved her aunt for saying so. “I love you.”
Her great-aunt kissed her on the cheek before Elena rushed in to hug her hard. “Ooh—you’re the most gorgeous bride I ever saw. I do believe you’ve knocked the socks off Tonio. All the time he’s been talking to the parents, he’s had his eye on you.”
Sofia had said the same thing. From the mouths of two witnesses...
“The two of you looked so happy out there it seemed like you were sharing some great secret. By the way, in passing I heard your mother tell your aunt Sofia that she’d never been so proud of you.”
“Thank you for telling me. Things seem to be better with Mother,” she whispered. “It is a beautiful wedding, isn’t it?”
“It’s fabulous, and you know why? Because you’re Tonio’s wife and will make him a better man than he already is. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. He’s going to feel the same way once he gets to really know you the way I do.”
Tears glistened on Christina’s eyelashes. She hugged her again. “We’re true sisters now,” she whispered.
“YOUR HIGHNESS, THE photographer is waiting for you and your bride to cut the wedding cake.”
Antonio switched his gaze to Zach, but his mind and thoughts had been concentrated on Christina and it took a moment for him to get back to the present. “Thanks, Zach. We’re coming.”
“I hope you love wedding cake,” she whispered as they made their way to the round table holding the fabulous three-tiered cake.
He flashed her a quick smile. “Is this the moment you’re going to get your revenge on me for past misdeeds?”
“If you’re referring to the chocolate you fed me full of cherry cordial that dripped down my blouse on one of our outings, I wouldn’t be surprised.” The impish look in her beautiful gray eyes was so unexpected that his heart skipped a beat.
“Be gentle,” he begged, putting his arms around her from behind to help her make the first cut with the knife. Another chuckle escaped her lips. With great care she picked up the first piece and turned to him, waving it in the air as if trying to decide how to feed it to him. This produced laughter from the guests.
“Just take your best shot, whatever you have in mind.”
“So I do have you a little bit worried.”
“Please, Christina.”
“I tell you what. I’ll have a napkin ready.” She plucked one off the table. “Now open sesame.”
He closed his eyes and obeyed her command.
“You have to keep your eyes open, coward,” she said in a low teasing voice.
“I can’t do both,” he teased back.
“Then I’ll eat it instead.”
Shocked by her response, he opened his eyes only to be fed the cake, part of which fell onto his chin into the napkin she held for him. The wedding guests laughed and clapped their hands. Of course everything had been caught by the videographer.
Christina cleaned him up nicely, then kissed his chin. “Thanks for being a good sport, Your Highness.”
“Don’t call me that.”
She looked surprised. “No?”
“Not ever.”
She flashed him a smile. “Are we having our first fight?”
Her question caught him off guard. Before he could respond, Lindsay came up to Christina with her bridal bouquet. “When you’re ready to leave the party, you can toss it behind you.”
“Thank you, Lindsay. All your planning has made this the most beautiful wedding party in the world. I’ve never been happier.”
“You look radiant, Christina.” She gave her a hug, and Antonio saw his wife whisper something to her in private.
“It’s already being taken care of,” Lindsay whispered back, but Antonio read her lips.
Intrigued, he couldn’t wait to get his bride alone, but no one was ready to leave the reception yet and Zach had snatched her away to dance. He decided now was the time to dance with his mother, then his mother-in-law.
The queen gave him a hug before he danced her around the terrace. “You’re going to have to keep an eye on that one,” she said, eyeing Christina, who was still whirling around with Zach. “She isn’t quite as docile as I remember.”
“She’s her own person,” Antonio replied with the sudden thrilling realization that his new bride might mean more to him than he could have imagined.
“Indeed she is. You both look perfectly marvelous together. She’s changed so much since the engagement that I hardly recognize her. You have no idea how glad I am that you’ve come home for good to settle down. A man needs marriage, and your marriage is good for the monarchy. I’m very happy with you today.”
“Thank you, Mama.” Except that marriage hadn’t stopped his parents from having their offstage affairs.
He twirled her back to the table and asked Christina’s mother to dance. She had been a former fashion model and was still a very attractive woman. But as he gazed at Christina, who was laughing quietly with Zach, he thought she was the real beauty. Not only in her appearance, but in her character.
“Are you sorry our daughter wanted the wedding here instead of at the cathedral in Voti?”
“Anything but. Don’t you think every woman should be able to have the wedding of her dreams where she wants it?”
“But you’re the crown prince.”
Antonio smiled at her. “Tonight I’m a new bridegroom and I can’t imagine a more perfect setting for Christina and me than this delightful spot in Tuscany.”
“Then I’m glad for both of you. You make a stunning pair.”
He could still hear Christina’s words when she’d told him what it was like at boarding school. We were all a bunch of girls who’d rather be home. We all had a case of homesickness and waited for the letters that didn’t arrive. The emptiness in her voice had conveyed pain, even after all these years.
If he didn’t do anything else, he would make certain she didn’t feel pain because of him. “Did you visit her in Africa?”
“We made it over once and were guests in the palace of Marusha’s parents. They’re very westernized there.”
“Your daughter has made a big contribution. It’s no small thing she has done to help those in poverty.”
“I’m very proud of her.”
He was glad to hear it. On that note he danced her back to the table. After thanking her, he went over to the table where Marusha was seated and asked her to dance with him. The charming woman had come with her husband. He gave her a turn around the terrace.
“You honor me, Your Highness. I’m very happy Christina is your bride. We hope you’ll both come to Kenya and stay with us.”
“I’ve always wanted to travel there and promise to visit you when the time is right. You honor us by coming. Christina thinks the world of you and your family.”
“We feel the same. Thank you.”
Once she was seated, Antonio hurried to find Christina, who was talking to Elena. His sister smiled at him. “It’s about time you paid attention to your bride.”
“First I want a dance with you, little sister, if it’s all right with my wife.”
Christina darted him a serious glance. “She’s the reason we even know each other. You’re welcome to enjoy her for as long as you want.”
He knew she meant that and moved Elena around the terrace. She had a gleam in her eye. “Having fun, brother dear? More than you thought?”
“Much more,” he confessed.
“Christina has that effect on people. Mother can’t get over the change in her. I told her that Christina is like the woman in the stone. All Michelangelo had to do was chip away at the marble until her beauty emerged for all to see.”
His sister had just put the right words to his thoughts. “It’s a perfect analogy.”
She studied his features. “It’s growing dark. Are you ready to leave the party?” she asked with a sly smile.
“The truth?”
“I feel like I did the first time I had to jump out of a plane during my military service.”
Elena chuckled. “Since you survived, I’m not worried.”
“In all honesty, I haven’t made this easy for Christina by maintaining distance between us over the last four years.”
“Don’t worry about it. She married you today and I think you’ve both met your match. I’m so happy for both of you I could burst. Don’t let me keep you from whisking your bride away.” She kissed his cheek and hurried off.
He was left standing there while her last comment sank in. Antonio hated to admit he felt nervous for what was to come. He’d be taking his wife upstairs to the bridal chamber. This was a new experience for him. Taking a fortifying breath, he made a beeline for Christina, who was talking to more guests.
Lindsay came up to him. “Christina still needs to throw her bridal bouquet to the crowd. If you’re ready, take her to the front of the palazzo and I’ll make the announcement to the guests to follow you.”
“Thank you for all you’ve done.”
“It has been my pleasure.”
He kissed her cheek before reaching for his wife. Christina’s gaze flicked to his. “What is it?”
“We have one more ritual to perform.” He picked up the bridal bouquet. After putting it in her hands, he slid an arm around her slender waist. Her lovely body was a perfect fit for him.