Полная версия
Playing With Seduction
She put her head on her knees and sighed.
Letting go of her silly crush on Wes would be easier said than done.
Chapter 2
Wes rang Liam’s cell four times.
No answer.
His best friend was definitely dodging him. It was probably best. He had a few choice words for Liam. No way it had just slipped his mind to mention that he’d selected Bree Evans to work on this project, too.
Not that Bree wasn’t the ideal person to front an annual sports-and-music festival with the potential to be a huge draw for the resort. She was.
Bree was one of the top beach volleyball players in the world. One of the few players of color to gain endorsements and a huge following. She was genuinely nice. Frequently participated in charity events. And the camera loved her.
Every single inch of her. A gorgeous smile. A curvy frame anchored by her voluptuous breasts and an ass that would give any red-blooded man reason to adjust his trousers. Long legs. Strong, lean thighs. Undulating hips.
Wes scrubbed a hand down his face. Sitting there recounting the finer points of Bree’s physique wasn’t a productive use of his time, or a very good way to maintain his sanity. He glanced over at the wall that separated their units. Tried not to wonder what she was doing. If she’d slipped out of the thigh-hugging black dress she wore at the meeting.
He’d like to think she’d worn it for him. The surprise on her lovely face meant she clearly hadn’t. Wes shook his head and sighed. Liam couldn’t dodge him forever. In the meantime, he had business of his own to handle.
Wes grabbed the key to the loaner car Liam left for him and headed to the front door. Time to go home.
* * *
The gravel crunched in the driveway of the old bungalow his grandmother once owned. His mother had left England five years ago and returned to North Carolina to take care of his grandmother, who had taken a tumble down the narrow stairs and broken a hip. After his grandmother passed, his mother decided to stay in her childhood home. A home that held lots of memories for him, too.
Wes stepped out of the red Dodge Challenger with black leather. The loaner was another enticement from Liam to take on the project. Perhaps also an apology before the fact for springing Bree Evans on him without warning. He shut the door and headed up the driveway. There was no answer, so he knocked. Twice.
Finally he heard footsteps inside and the turning of locks. The door swung open, releasing a dark, musty odor that made him wonder if he’d arrived at the wrong house.
“Wes? Baby, what are you doing here?” Lena Adams looked tired and slightly haggard. She ran her hand down the soiled apron she was wearing and smiled, then pushed open the screen door. “It’s so good to see you.”
He wrapped his long arms around his mother, her face buried in his chest. “Good to see you, too, Mom.” His gaze traveled around the room. A thick layer of dust had settled on the furniture. Dust bunnies inhabited the corners. Stacks of books and papers were piled on various surfaces around the living room and dining room. If he wasn’t holding his mother in his arms now, he wouldn’t have believed he was in her house.
Lena had been the house manager for a wealthy family for two decades. She’d administered weekly white-glove tests, making her the bane of the housekeepers’ existence. She would settle for nothing less than absolute cleanliness. Which led to much of her frustration with him, as a boy. Even while caring for his grandmother, she’d managed to keep the place immaculate.
What’s going on?
His mother finally released him. She squeezed his hands in hers. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were coming. I would’ve gotten the place ready and invited your brother up from Atlanta for a few days.” She looked behind him. “Where are your bags?”
“This is a last-minute business trip. I’m staying at the new resort Liam’s family built at Pleasure Cove.” He tried his best to focus on his mother’s face, and not the chaos surrounding them. “He wants me to work on a project for the resort. I haven’t accepted the job yet, but I’m considering it.”
“Really?” His mother pulled him into the room and toward the sofa. Shifting a pile of magazines from the couch to the floor, she made a place for him. She sat, then patted the space beside her. “All these years, you wouldn’t take a job from the Westbrooks. Got your daddy’s pride.” Through years of practice she’d managed to make the last statement without malice. In fact, there was almost a hint of a smile.
Wes wished he could manage even a semblance of a smile at the mention of his father. The man that had up and left them so many years ago.
All because of him.
He cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t be an employee. I’d be working with them as a contractor. And nothing is set in stone. We had the preliminary meeting earlier today.”
“If it would keep you here, I’m all for it.” She patted his hand and smiled. “But you seem worried. Why?”
Wes drummed the pads of his fingers against his knee. Whatever was going on with his mother, her innate sense of when he was perturbed was still intact. “It would mean working with a girl I met more than a year ago. Things didn’t quite work out between us.”
“Humph.” She nodded, knowingly. “If you’d settle down and give me some grandchildren, you wouldn’t have to worry about encountering ex-lovers at business meetings.”
Wes sighed. “She isn’t an ex-lover. We spent one night dancing and hanging out at a club in London. There was nothing to it really.”
His mother laughed. “I’m guessing the young lady doesn’t agree.”
“Yeah, well it’s nothing we can’t work through.”
“If you really believed that, you wouldn’t be considering passing up on this job. And if you’re considering taking money from the Westbrooks, it must be a game-changing opportunity.” Her eyes twinkled. Sometimes he wondered if she didn’t know him better than he knew himself.
Liam and Nigel Westbrook had been trying to get him to come on board at Westbrook International Luxury Resorts since his days in university. But he’d been a scholarship kid at the private academy he’d attended with Liam and at college after that. He didn’t want a position just because Liam was his best friend. He wanted to earn his way in the world on his terms. Which was why his master’s degree in business was collecting dust on the shelf in his flat back in London. During college, he’d discovered his gift for organizing events. Better still, he’d learned he could make a hell of a lot of money doing something he actually enjoyed. So he’d abandoned his plans to scale the corporate ladder at some conglomerate and struck out on his own.
As proud as Wes was of how the business had grown in London, he wanted to expand his business to the US. Another way to prove to his father that he was a success. The kind of person he should never have walked away from.
It was the only reason he’d considered Liam’s offer.
Wes smiled. “Think you know everything, don’t you?”
“Not everything. Just you.” She squeezed his hand. “Why don’t I fix us some lunch. You must be hungry.”
“Don’t go to any trouble on my account. In fact, why don’t I take you out to eat? How about we go and grab an early dinner at the restaurant on the waterfront you’re always telling me about?”
A slow smile spread across her face. “You sure? I could just as easily cook us up something. Won’t take but a minute.”
“I’m positive.” He stood. “You go on and get ready. When we come back, I’ll help with anything you need around the house.”
The fair skin on his mother’s cheeks pinked slightly. “I know things have gotten a little out of hand around here. Like I said, if I’d known you were coming—”
“It’s okay, Mom.” The last thing he’d wanted was to embarrass his mother, but there was something going on. Something she hadn’t mentioned during their frequent calls. He needed to get to the bottom of it. “I haven’t been home in a few years. I just want to help any way I can while I’m here.”
Her smile slid back into place. “Okay, baby. Give me a few minutes to get myself together.” As she stood, she seemed to lose her balance. He reached for her, but she’d steadied herself on the edge of the couch. “I’m fine.” Her tone was defensive. She cleared her throat, then softened her expression. “Just the trappings of old age, I guess. I’ll be back in a few. Excuse me.”
He watched his mother cross the room and ascend the stairs. Her gait was unsure, and she gripped the banister as if her very life depended on it. The last time he’d visited she was practically taking the steps two at a time. Like always.
A sinking feeling settled in his gut and crept up his spine. Wes walked back into the dining room and surveyed the books and magazines cluttering his mother’s table. They were mostly health and nutrition magazines with little sticky notes protruding from them. He picked one up and turned to the marked page. A tightness gripped his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe. He put down the magazine and picked up another and another. Each sticky note marked an article about Parkinson’s disease.
He shifted his gaze to the pile of books. The title on the top of the pile sent a chill down his spine. Parkinson’s Disease: A Complete Guide for Patients and Families. The orange cover of the second book offered 300 Tips for Making Life with Parkinson’s Disease Easier.
A wave of panic rose in his chest. He steadied himself on a chair then flopped down in it. Lena Adams was one of the strongest women he’d ever known, rivaled only by his grandmother. She was wrong about Wes having his father’s pride. Every ounce of strength and willfulness he possessed, he’d learned from her. She’d always seemed...invincible, so independent. Thinking of his mother slowly losing herself to this disease terrified him.
Wes heard his mother descending the creaky stairs. He should put everything back so she wouldn’t know he’d been rummaging through her things, but he wouldn’t. Instead, he turned to face her, brandishing the orange-covered book. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
The smile on her face instantly disappeared, replaced by a look of guilt and apology. She didn’t bother to chastise him for going through her books. “I—I was going to tell you the next time you brought me out for a visit.”
“How long ago were you diagnosed?” He tried to keep his voice even, despite the fact he was so angry he could practically crawl out of his own skin.
Lena lowered her gaze before returning it to his. “Formally? About six months ago. I began to suspect a few months before then.”
So she’d known on her last visit to London, just a few months ago. He rubbed his temple. Why hadn’t he noticed?
“We need to talk about this.”
Lena grabbed her purse off the chair. “No reason we can’t talk and eat.” Her cheeky smile almost made him laugh.
Wes looped his arm through hers and led her to the door.
“This is why I didn’t tell you. You’ve known all of five minutes, and already you’re treating me like an invalid.”
“I’m not treating you like an invalid. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“I am.” Her genuine smile and eyes shiny with tears warmed his chest. “Especially now that you’re here.”
On the ride into town, his mother chatted away, catching him up on what his aunts and cousins were up to. Her familiar laugh gave him a sense of solace. But he couldn’t help noticing the slight trembling in her left hand as it rested on her knee. Or the limited gestures she used as she spoke. Both were unlike her, giving him more cause for concern.
Wes had been ready to call his friend and tell him he was passing on the project, but this changed everything. His mother needed him, whether she was willing to admit it or not. Establishing his business in the US, so close to his mother, was no longer a matter of ambition or pride.
It was a matter of family.
His mother had made so many sacrifices for him and his brother, a reality that plagued him with guilt. He’d never be able to repay her sacrifices in-kind. Didn’t mean he couldn’t try.
Not even if it meant checking his ego at the door and working with Bree Evans to put on the best event the Carolina coast had ever seen.
Chapter 3
Bree arrived fifteen minutes early for the meeting. Because she was always early. Also, because she hoped to get a quick word in with Wes. If they were going to work together over the next six months, she needed to keep things civil. Nothing had happened between them. Other than an amazing night together and a kiss that was so hot and sweet that it melted her insides and made her heart skip a beat.
Other than that, nothing at all.
Bex was right. She needed to let go of her resentment toward Wes. Count her lucky stars they hadn’t slept together. Then things would’ve been unbearably awkward.
She would apologize and clear the air. Let bygones be bygones and all of those other ridiculous clichés. Not for him, but for her. Her participation in this event would expand their brand. Help her and Bex maximize the value of what remained of their careers on the volleyball circuit.
Bree entered the room. No one was there, except Lisa, who stood at the end of the table sorting documents. “Good morning, Bree. Can I get you a cup of coffee?”
“Good morning.” She smiled brightly as she surveyed the chairs. Where would Wes sit? Probably next to Liam, who’d likely sit at the head of the table. She walked around the other side of the table and hung her bag on the second seat from Liam’s probable chair. Lisa eyed at her expectantly. “Oh, the coffee. I’m fine. Thank you.”
The corner of Lisa’s mouth quirked in a knowing smile. “All right. Everyone should be here in a minute.”
Bree’s cheeks warmed. The other woman hadn’t done a very good job of hiding her amusement over her careful deliberation about where to sit.
Note to self: take it down a notch. Your crazy is showing.
“Can I help with anything?”
“I’m about finished here.” Lisa slid a few stapled sheets into a blue folder, then shut it. “There. All done.”
Rather than taking a seat, Bree wandered over to the window and gazed out onto the water. She loved her life on the West Coast, but the Carolina coast was certainly beautiful, too. As soon as the water warmed up a bit, she would get out on a kayak and explore the Cape Fear River on the other side of the island. Right now, the water was still too chilly, despite the mild temperature outside.
Finally, Bree heard voices approaching. She waited until they were in the room to turn around, flashing her biggest smile. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, Bree.” Liam shook her hand in both of his, a gesture that was warm and welcoming. “Sorry I couldn’t make yesterday’s preliminary meeting. I had a family emergency, but I’m here now, and I’m thrilled you’ve decided to come on board with the project. It’s going to be an amazing event. Good for the Pleasure Cove community and the sport of volleyball.”
“I know. I’m thrilled. Thank you for inviting me to be part of it.”
Miranda greeted Bree, then took the seat next to Liam, closest to the door. The seat she would’ve expected Wes to take. When Lisa slipped into the seat between her and Liam, that left only the seat across from her vacant. Which meant she’d spend the entire meeting pretending not to stare at him.
“Looks like we’re all here,” Miranda said. “Let’s get started.”
“What about... I mean, isn’t Wes joining us?” The words spilled out of her mouth before she could stop them. She didn’t dare look over at the amused half grin that was probably perched on Lisa’s mouth.
Liam’s eyes twinkled and his mouth pressed into a slow, subdued smile. “Wes had a family emergency of his own. He won’t make today’s meeting, but he should be here when we meet on Friday.”
“Oh.” Bree tried to filter the disappointment from her voice. She adjusted in her chair. Way to look nonchalant.
There was a brief moment of awkward silence that made Bree want to crawl into a ball and hide in a corner, until finally, Miranda started the meeting. She directed everyone to the agenda placed inside the front pocket of the folders in front of them.
They reviewed various possible formats for the event, based on ideas generated in the previous meeting. Miranda reviewed reports on current beach-volleyball tournaments in California and Miami Beach. Bree shared her insight on what worked at those tournaments and what could be improved, based on her participation in them in the past. Liam stressed that the event needed to entice notable celebrities who would draw people to the resort.
Lisa reminded everyone of the need to draw visitors who were not diehard fans, including locals. That was Wesley’s expertise. Together they made a solid plan that they were all excited about.
After the meeting, Miranda leaned in toward Liam, her voice low. “Has Wes committed to the project?”
“Not yet. But I expect he will soon.” Liam’s polite smile indicated that his vague response was the extent of their discussion on the matter.
Bree had reacted badly to seeing Wes. She realized that now. Was he waffling on the project because of her?
Wes didn’t seem like the kind of guy to let a little contention get in the way of something he really wanted. Still, if she was the reason he hadn’t committed, it was more important than ever that she apologize to him. Before he walked away from the project.
Bree said her goodbyes and headed down the hallway.
Liam caught up with her. “Bree, can I give you a ride to your guest house? I’m headed out for a lunch meeting.”
She wanted to politely reject his offer. Spend the short walk back to her place lost in her own thoughts. Her feet, already tired of the four-inch patent-leather heels she was wearing, had other ideas. “Sure.”
As they walked toward the front door, Liam stopped and turned to her. “I’m meeting with a few influential folks in town to quell their concerns about the commercialization of the island. It would be great if you came along. You’d be doing me a huge favor, if you don’t have other plans.”
She wanted to say no. She really did. But his pleading dark eyes and brilliant smile won her over. Besides, she’d taken the time to make up her face and wear a sexy outfit. She should get some mileage out of all that effort before heading back to the guest house and slipping into her comfy yoga pants and T-shirt.
“I’d love to meet some of the townspeople. Maybe even get them on board with the project early on. We’re going to need a lot of volunteers.”
Liam shook a finger, smiling. “I love the way you think. I owe you one.”
“Two, actually.” Bree held up two fingers. “The other is for not telling me Wes would be working on the project, too.”
Liam pressed his mouth into a straight line, an eyebrow raised.
“Perhaps I should’ve mentioned that. But I can’t say I’m sorry I didn’t. It would’ve been a shame if either of you begged off because of it. I think you two will make an excellent team.” His smile widened.
She sighed. No apology, but at least he’d given an honest response. That, she could appreciate.
“You’re right. I would’ve said no. That would’ve been a mistake.”
Liam grinned. “You’re both here. That’s what matters.”
Bree wasn’t so sure. After all, she’d committed to the project; Wes hadn’t. Maybe he’d decided that working with her wasn’t worth it. She forced a smile and tried not to let the hurt that arose from that thought crack her smiling veneer.
* * *
Wes parked the Challenger in front of the guest house, stepped out of the car and stretched his long frame. He’d spent the last two nights in one of his mother’s spare rooms. They had a delicious meal on the waterfront. By the time they ordered dessert she finally leveled with him about her Parkinson’s diagnosis. She brought him up to speed on her doctor’s prognosis and invited him to accompany her to her next doctor’s appointment, which had been today.
He’d spent the last two days getting his mother’s house back to the standards she’d always kept. He’d sifted through stacks of papers and mail, sorting and filing what was important, dumping what wasn’t. He’d vacuumed carpets, scrubbed floors and cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. Every muscle in his body ached. It reminded him of those brutal days on the rugby field at university. The days when he’d been sure he must be some guilt-ridden masochist to love the damn sport so much.
His mother’s doctor appointment was two hours before his meeting with Liam and Bree. He’d hoped to get back in time to catch part of the meeting, but the doctor’s office had used the term appointment loosely. By the time they got in to see the doctor, got blood tests, a CAT scan and filled her prescription, they were both exhausted. And there was no way he could make the meeting.
Bree had probably been thrilled by his absence.
Liam pulled behind his car, his face etched with concern. “You made it back. Everything all right?”
“Things have been better.” Wes forced a weak smile and rubbed his hand over his head. That’s when he noticed Bree sitting in the passenger seat of Liam’s car. Their eyes met briefly. She forced a quick smile and nodded, then turned away.
“You look like hell. Want to talk about it?” Liam asked, before he could acknowledge the olive branch Bree had extended.
Liam was his best friend. They kept few secrets from each other. But for now, he preferred to keep the news of his mother’s illness to himself. As if not talking about it made it less real. A bad dream from which he’d awaken. Besides, he didn’t want to discuss it in front of Bree.
“Maybe later.”
“Over golf tomorrow? Ten o’clock?”
Wes shook his head and laughed. There were few things in life Liam enjoyed as much as beating his ass in a round of golf. “Yeah, sure.”
“Great. I’ll pick you up then,” Liam said before turning to Bree and thanking her for lunch.
He should’ve headed inside. After two nights in that too-little bed, he was desperate to sleep in a bed that could accommodate someone taller than a leprechaun. Instead, he remained rooted to his spot, his feet refusing to budge, as he watched Bree exit the car. When Liam waved and pulled away, Wes didn’t respond. He was focused on Bree. She looked stunning, and she seemed fully aware of it.
She strutted toward him in mile-high patent-leather heels that gleamed in the sunlight and made her legs look even longer than he remembered. The white wrap blouse hugged her full breasts, revealing a hint of cleavage. The black pencil skirt grazed the top of her knee. Each step she made offered a generous glimpse of her thigh through a slit positioned over the center of her right leg. She came to a stop in front of him. The same exotic scent she’d worn the night they met at The Alley wafted around her. Fruity and floral. He hadn’t been able to get enough of that scent as he held her that night.
“Hello, Brianna.” His voice came out softer than he’d intended. Wes cleared his throat and elevated the bass in his voice. “How’d the meeting go?”
“Very well. Sorry you weren’t able to make it. Looks like you’ve been busy the past couple of days.” She assessed his clothing. Same jacket and pants he’d worn during their initial meeting. Only more wrinkled.
He could only imagine what she was thinking. No point in trying to dissuade her. Besides, he didn’t owe her an explanation. Wes ran a hand over his head. “Yeah, I have. It’ll be good to sleep in my own bed tonight.”
Her cheeks turned crimson. She bit the corner of her lip. The deep red lip color highlighted how kissable her lips were. A fact to which he could attest. “Can we talk?”
“Sure.” He reached into the backseat of the car and pulled out two grocery bags. “But I have to get these groceries in the fridge. Mind stepping inside while I put them away?”
Her hair wasn’t pulled back into the severe bun she’d worn earlier in the week. Loose curls cascaded over her right shoulder. She shook her head, and the curls bounced. He balled his fingers into a fist at his side at the thought of fisting a handful of her luxurious hair and taking her from behind. He swallowed, his mouth dry.