Полная версия
Alessandro's Prize
In Carlo’s capable hands the large Mercedes purred south from Sophia’s Lake Como villa to Milan, entering the age-old city where traffic was intense, and it appeared every driver vied for position … often with a combination of high risk and dubious skill.
‘Ah, we are almost there,’ Sophia enthused as the car slowed before turning into an entrance bay decked with carpet leading into the chosen venue.
Lily was unsure what to expect, but the sight of the paparazzi crowding in on each car as it arrived, the inevitable crush to determine who were the occupants, the brilliant flash bulbs popping, was incredible, and over the top.
‘Your bags will be waiting for you at Alessandro’s apartment,’ Carlo relayed as Sophia and Lily exited the car.
‘Grazie, Carlo,’ Sophia offered in thanks. ‘I’ll be in touch with a time for our return.’
To say the day was an experience to remember didn’t quite cut it, Lily mused as she became caught up with the sheer glamour, the personage of world-famous designers, the models and the Spring Collection fashions.
From avant-garde to almost bizarre, there were designs that were delightful, appealing and in a brilliant mesh of colours. Worn with professional panache by slender young models with sculptured hairstyles, perfect make-up, who held their heads high, eyes front, and rarely smiled.
Exquisitely aloof, Lily accorded, and couldn’t help wondering if there was pandemonium behind the scenes as egos clashed in discord.
Yet on the runway the presentation went like clockwork, there were envious nods from those in the audience who were contracted to record the day for numerous fashion magazines.
It was a privilege to be there, and Lily turned to Sophia as she offered a genuine thank you, accompanied by an impulsive fleeting kiss to her aunt’s cheek.
‘You are enjoying the day, cara?’
‘Very much.’
There were some familiar personages present, women who held high positions with prestigious fashion magazines. New York, Paris, London. Easily recognizable were a few members of royalty, and three actresses seated front-row centre.
Then the music changed, and her attention returned to the runway where a famed designer provided an awe-inspiring cavalcade that drew murmurs of appreciation.
It was as the last in a series of models disappeared backstage that Lily experienced a faint prickle of awareness settle at the back of her neck, and she glanced at Sophia in time to see Alessandro slip into a seat next to her aunt.
There was a brief moment when she caught his smile, managed an acknowledging nod in response, and attempted to dispel his powerful image without much success.
He was an advocate of fashion?
Perhaps he was deciding to gift a designer original to his current mistress?
As if it were any concern of hers …
So why the sudden shaft of … what? Disappointment?
How crazy was that? She didn’t even particularly like him. No, that wasn’t entirely true. He aroused thoughts she didn’t want to entertain with any man … especially him. So why this increased sense of awareness? Almost as if her body was at total variance with her mind.
Get with the programme, for heaven’s sake, she silently bade as she focused her attention on the runway.
Sky-high heels, platform soles, boots—ankle, mid-calf and mid-thigh. Sandals with straps winding up to mid-calf. Fascinating, thrilling … out of this world. And mostly impractical for everyday wear.
‘I can almost feel my feet wincing in sympathy,’ Sophia offered quietly, and Lily bit back a light chuckle.
‘I suggest we leave soon,’ Alessandro indicated. ‘We’ll have dinner, then return to my apartment to change in time to attend the after party at the hotel.’
‘An excellent idea,’ Sophia agreed, while Lily hid a degree of surprise.
Not to mention the faint onset of nerves. Crazy, she dismissed. Except she didn’t want to experience the slight edginess his presence generated. Or the feeling he saw more than she felt comfortable with. For it was almost as if he could divine her mind … aware of the complexity of her thought process.
None of which sat well as she faced the evening in his company. Except what other choice did she have?
Alessandro chose an elegant restaurant full of belle epoque charm, which offered high quality fare Lily noted as she perused the menu.
Instead of a main, she selected an exquisite pasta dish as an entree and opted for a light fruit confection for dessert.
Intimate table seating ensured she was aware of the subtle tones of his exclusive cologne, the clean smell of fresh linen … dammit, him … the masculinity he exuded with effortless ease, the sensual electricity apparent and a heightened sexuality that was intensely male.
Dangerous to her peace of mind, and other more intimate parts of her body.
How could she feel this way … now, when a matter of
weeks ago she had been planning her own wedding to someone else?
It didn’t make sense. Nor did it seem conceivable for the teenage crush she’d once had on Alessandro to linger in her subconscious mind for years, only to re-emerge with disturbing clarity when confronted with his presence.
Get over it, Lily bade silently.
Her own vulnerability, a combination of anger and hurt provided a simple explanation … one she chose to accept on the grounds that anything else defied analysis.
‘Busy day, caro?’ Sophia queried, and Lily saw a warm smile curve Alessandro’s generous mouth.
Doubtless wheeling and dealing multimillion-dollar takeovers formed part of his everyday life, Lily accorded silently.
‘You were successful in acquiring the villa,’ Sophia stated, and paused to take a sip of her wine before replacing the goblet on the table. ‘It is charming, but in a sad state of disrepair.’
‘But structurally sound,’ Alessandro advised. ‘I have a team of experienced craftsmen on standby to begin work as soon as the plans are approved.’
‘A valuable investment,’ Sophia concluded.
‘An interest and a challenge,’ Lily offered.
His dark eyes captured her own. ‘Much like a woman,’ he said smoothly, and glimpsed the momentary uncertainty before she quickly covered it with a degree of humour.
‘Achieve the necessary work to reach your goal.’ She paused imperceptibly. ‘Then move on to the next challenge.’
‘Inevitably with bricks and mortar,’ he drawled, pinning her with his dark gaze. ‘But not always with a woman.’
Why did she get the sudden impression she was verging into dangerous waters? ‘Yet you have not taken the plunge into marriage.’
‘Are you concerned for my marital comfort?’
Oh, my. Erotic images momentarily filled her mind before she successfully dismissed them. ‘Your progeny,’ she managed evenly. ‘And the future generation of Del Marco Industries.’
For a moment she thought she caught a wicked gleam in those dark eyes, then it was gone, and she put it down to her vivid imagination.
Sophia nodded. ‘It is something of which I remind him on occasion.’
Why did the thought of Alessandro married cause her heart to plummet? And imagining him with another woman, a child or three … hurt?
It didn’t make sense.
‘Shall we order coffee?’ Alessandro queried, and Sophia sent him a wry smile.
‘Always you evade the issue.’
‘And always I promise you will be the first to know when I find the right woman,’ he said gently.
The sky was a dark indigo, and the air held an icy chill as they emerged from the restaurant a short while later.
It was a relief to reach Alessandro’s car, the heating welcome as he took the north-west route to Magenta.
His apartment was situated on the P.za Sant Ambrogio, comprising two levels, and the height of luxury with marble-tiled floors, elegant oriental rugs, beautiful rosewood furniture in the lounge and reception rooms. Four guest bedroom suites were situated upstairs, including the master suite.
It wasn’t the image Lily held of a bachelor pad. Somehow she’d expected something less … refined. Instead there was a quiet elegance apparent, simpatico with the building itself with its stucco exterior and ornate window framing illuminated by street lighting.
Whoever had organized the restoration had ensured the renovations combined modern-day luxury while maintaining the feel of a former era.
It was in a word … lovely. And Lily offered the compliment with sincerity.
‘Grazie,’ Alessandro inclined. ‘It pleases me you approve. Will an hour be sufficient in which to shower and change?’
‘With ease,’ Sophia assured. ‘Lily?’
‘Of course.’
It took only minutes to unpack her overnight bag, discard her clothes and slip into the decadent marble en suite. For a moment she took an envious glance at the bath with its marbled surrounds and elegant fittings, before moving to the shower. A luxurious soak in decadent scented water was out of the question, and she quickly quelled the image as she turned the water dial.
There was no need to rush, and she took her time before drying off, then she wound a towel turban-style over her hair before slipping into fresh underwear, and tended to her make-up with a light hand, merely emphasizing her eyes, a touch of bronze blusher to each cheek, followed by a light gloss to her lips.
The classic little black dress with black stilettos was a safe choice.
She decided to sweep her hair into an elegant twist, which took several minutes to pin in place, and she added a subtle perfume to a few pulse points, attached diamond and ruby ear-studs and added a matching bracelet to her wrist.
Then she placed a red coat over her shoulders, collected an evening purse and joined Sophia at the head of the stairs.
‘You look lovely, cara,’ Sophia complimented, and Lily smiled as she tucked a hand inside her aunt’s elbow.
‘So do you.’ For Sophia bore a timeless elegance in whatever she chose to wear, she accorded with genuine admiration as they descended the stairs.
Alessandro was in the process of ending a call as they reached the spacious lounge, and she watched idly as he slipped the device into the inside pocket of his jacket before moving forward to greet them.
Attractive, intensely masculine in impeccable tailoring, white shirt in fine cotton, silk tie—he was something else, Lily perceived.
There was a depth to him, well hidden beneath the outer trappings his wealth could provide.
For a brief moment she sought to define it, and failed to adequately pin it down to any one quality.
Yet there was an instinctive sense of a need for self-preservation, a wariness that warned that when he played, he played to win. In any situation, be it a business deal, or a woman.
It wasn’t difficult to imagine the type of woman he would seek. Tall, slender, beautiful, a socialite who would be the perfect hostess, please him in bed, bear him the requisite heir and turn a blind eye when he sought out a mistress.
‘Charming,’ Alessandro accorded with a smile that encompassed both women, and Lily caught the faint gleam of humour as his eyes caught and held her own.
For a brief moment she had the uncanny feeling he’d read her mind. Something she immediately dismissed as being ridiculous, for she wasn’t that transparent … surely?
‘Shall we leave?’
The hotel was situated adjacent the neighboring Botanical
Gardens, and entrance into the hotel’s exclusive lobby revealed beautiful fittings and furnishings.
Directions to a private lounge where the designer after party was being held were on display, and Security checked invitations at the door.
Once inside, Lily was met with a wave of the beautiful people, a few recognizable actresses, a model or three among them, and an abundance of glitz and glamour.
Members of the paparazzi were there with camera flashbulbs snapping the rich and famous, and the not too discreet journalists rapidly recording names as they matched who was with whom.
Voices filled the room, vying with background music which fought to be heard above snatches of Italian, French and English.
The people, the fashions, the sheer ambience … It was, in a word, amazing.
‘Darling, you look absolutely stunning,’ a light feminine voice offered in gushing tones. ‘Who are you wearing?’
‘A British designer who’s making quite a name for herself.’
‘Really. Who?’
The name was lost as another voice intruded, male, this time.
‘Alessandro. Sophia.’ Dark eyes settled on Lily. ‘And this is?’
‘Francesco,’ Sophia acknowledged with polite charm. ‘Allow me to introduce my niece, Lily. Francesco Alverro.’
A tall man, whose practiced smile appeared exactly that—practiced—as Lily took the hand he extended. And ignored the silent invitation in the intimate press of his thumb against her palm.
‘We must get together.’
Not going to happen, she silently declined as she freed her hand.
‘We have a number of social engagements planned over the next few weeks,’ Sophia relayed with seeming regret.
‘At a few of which we’re bound to meet again.’
Lily felt the light touch of Alessandro’s hand at her waist, and managed not to freeze into immobility. What was he doing?
‘Perhaps,’ Alessandro conceded smoothly. ‘If you’ll excuse us?’
Francesco inclined his head, eyes gleaming with wicked recognition for an instant before he stepped aside.
‘I’m quite capable of judging men for myself,’ Lily intoned quietly minutes later as a guest engaged Sophia in conversation.
‘Of course you are,’ he agreed with the barest hint of cynicism, and she wanted to hit him for alluding to her disastrous relationship with James.
‘That was uncalled for.’
‘You would do well to steer clear. Francesco has a history of enjoying the chase, the capture, only to walk away.’
She met his dark gaze fearlessly. ‘Don’t most men?’
‘Not always.’
‘You, of course, are the exception,’ she dismissed in droll tones. ‘Which would explain why you’ve managed to avoid any commitment?’
His husky chuckle curled round her nerve-ends and tugged a little. ‘Maybe I have yet to meet the one woman I would choose to share my life?’
‘Someone sufficiently brave not to pander to your ego?’
‘How … refreshing.’
‘You think?’ she offered with a faux smile, only to blink at a sudden flashbulb.
‘A new conquest, Signor del Marco?’ a feminine voice demanded, and thrust a small recording device close to him.
‘A friend,’ he responded with pseudo politeness, only to gain a knowing smile.
‘Are you going to divulge the lady’s name?’
Alessandro’s silence earned a light laugh in response. ‘I have my sources. Enjoy the party.’
‘Interesting,’ Lily declared with a tinge of humour when the woman had moved out of earshot. ‘Is it your celebrity or notoriety that draws attention?’
He subjected her to a steady appraisal. ‘You possess a sassy mouth.’
A swift shaft of sensation arrowed deep within, and for a timeless second she felt the breath hitch in her throat, then she recovered.
‘I believe it is a defence mechanism against men like you.’
‘You have no knowledge of what manner of man I am.’
Believe me, I don’t want to know.
So why this inclination to indulge in a tangle of words with him when instinct warned against it?
‘Should I dare to offer a homespun psychological assessment?’
She caught a glimpse of wry humour in his dark eyes, then it was gone. ‘You could try.’
Lily pretended to contemplate the challenge. ‘I’ll attempt a comparative balance,’ she managed solemnly. ‘In your favour, there is Sophia … for whom you would do almost anything. Even gifting time and support to her niece, which earns you several brownie points.’ She held up a hand and figuratively ticked off one finger. ‘I assume you’re kind to young children and animals?’ She barely paused as she counted off another finger. ‘Of course you are. So let’s move along. You’re presentable, dress well, and possess a credible work ethic.’ More than credible, but she chose not to linger.
‘However, you have a certain—’ Lily trailed deliberately. ‘—reputation. Which may be part fiction.’ She pretended to contemplate the issue. ‘Let’s concede the jury is still out on that one.’
‘Generous of you.’
She offered him a stunning smile. ‘I’m glad you think so.’
There was a certain satisfaction to being in control, even temporarily. Yet she had the uncanny sensation it was he who held the strings.
Sophia rejoined them, and it was interesting to observe the guests shift singly and in small groups as the evening progressed.
In turn it was exciting to be part of it all, to simply observe the guests whose mission it was to be seen and impress; those who attended the various fashion weeks in other European capital cities and for whom designer after-parties were de rigueur.
Lily overheard voices raised in conflicting opinion over one particular designer’s offerings on the runway.
‘Cara, fashion is an art form, presented for visual appreciation of the designers’ skilled technique with cloth and thread.’
‘But, darling, who would consider wearing it?’
‘A designer original speaks for itself.’
‘And that is its attraction.’
Of course, Lily agreed silently as she scanned the room with interest, pausing when she sighted Sophia in deep conversation with a very attractive man.
Her aunt led a very full life with her involvement in a few select charities, together with an active social existence. She had once confided she’d chosen not to remarry, for her late husband had been her soulmate, and true love rarely struck twice.
For a moment Lily pondered the meaning of soulmate … two people so totally in tune with each other in every way, there could never be anyone else for either of them during their lifetime.
Had she felt that way about James?
In all honesty, she’d thought she loved him. Yet with the benefit of hindsight, she had to admit she’d loved the man she wanted him to be.
Rose-coloured glasses? Perhaps. From her perspective the relationship had felt right at the time. Although on reflection, she was able to pinpoint a few instances when she’d experienced slight niggles, little things she’d found mildly irksome, which she’d dismissed on the grounds she undoubtedly possessed a few irritating traits of her own.
Yet she’d enjoyed the sense they were a couple, with supposedly the same interests, and the sex, the intimacy had been … satisfactory.
James had wanted a short engagement, while she had been in no rush to legalize their relationship. It was James who had suggested they have a big wedding, and who had endeavoured to veto the small private ceremony she preferred.
He also had a liking for expensive clothes, the status symbols of wealth, but without the income to support them, given he regularly gifted financial assistance to his sister who resided in another state. Or so he had said.
Except the purported sister had turned out to be the lover she had faced sharing her bed in her own home.
Soulmate … to be so in tune with a partner, to know without doubt you were twin halves of a whole co-joined for life. Was it possible?
For some, perhaps.
‘You’re thinking too much.’
Alessandro’s silky drawl lifted the fine hairs on her body, and there was no valid reason for the sudden spiral of sensation deep within.
Except it was there, like an ache that needed soothing … ridiculous.
Breathe, she bade silently as the tension between them became electric.
You’re being fanciful, Lily silently chided. Overly imaginative. In the thrall of rampant hormones, the thought of which she found almost laughable.
Alessandro watched the play of fleeting emotions in her expressive eyes, and wondered if she realized how easily he could divine them.
On one level she fascinated him. For she possessed a conflicting mix of strength and vulnerability that made him feel … protective of her.
Even in killer heels the top of her head barely reached his shoulder, and he had an instinctive urge to remove the pins from her hair, knot its length with his fist and tug back her head to taste the sweet column of her throat, then savour the increased pulse-beat in the hollow at its base.
There was a bemused inclination to wonder how she’d feel in bed … his … her hair loose and tangled, her voice husky with passion as he drove her wild.
Not the most comfortable of contemplations, he perceived a trifle wryly as he caught a glimpse of Sophia on the point of rejoining them.
‘I am so sorry,’ Sophia apologized. ‘I became caught up with one of the sponsors responsible for contributing to next week’s charity gala.’
‘Who undoubtedly agreed to increase his original donation,’ Alessandro ventured, and was rewarded by Sophia’s sparkling agreement.
‘It is going to be a magnificent event. Tomorrow,’ she added, gifting Lily a warm smile, ‘we shop for something spectacular for each of us to wear.’
‘Sounds like a plan,’ Lily agreed.
It was late when Sophia suggested they should leave, and Lily glanced idly at the well-lit streets as Alessandro negotiated traffic.
The after-party had been a fascinating experience, completing an exceptional day … and Lily said as much as they entered Alessandro’s apartment.
‘Thank you,’ she added with genuine appreciation, and gave Sophia a warm hug. Then she turned towards Alessandro and offered a smile. ‘Grazie.’
‘My pleasure.’
His dark gaze encompassed them both. ‘Shall we have coffee?’
‘I’ll pass,’ Lily declined, ‘and head for bed.’
‘Sleep well, cara,’ Sophia bade gently, and watched Lily ascend the stairs, aware Alessandro’s attention mirrored her own. With a quiet smile she tucked a hand beneath his arm. ‘Let’s have that coffee.’
In the kitchen he spooned ground coffee beans into the espresso machine, then he filled two demitasse cups with the dark aromatic brew, set both cups on the table and gave the woman seated opposite a quizzical look.
‘This is not about the coffee.’
Sophia met his gaze with a degree of solemnity. ‘No.’
He took a seat and offered a wry smile. ‘Lily.’
Sophia was silent for a few measurable seconds. ‘I would hate to see her hurt,’ she said gently.
‘Will it ease your mind if I assure you that is not my intention?’
A simple affirmative, one she had no hesitation in giving. ‘Buona fortuna, Alessandro.’
Dark eyes gleamed with a tinge of humour. ‘I may need it.’
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