Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary
Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary

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NOUN 1 A channel is a passage for water or other liquid.

NOUN 2 Television companies use channels to broadcast programmes.

chaos NOUN

Chaos is a state of complete confusion, where nothing is organized.

chapter chapters NOUN

A chapter is a part of a book.

character characters

NOUN 1 The characters of a book, film or play are the people it is about.

NOUN 2 Someone’s character is the sort of person they are. She has a kind character.

charge charges, charging, charged

VERB 1 If someone charges you money, they ask you to pay for something.

VERB 2 If something or someone charges towards you, they rush forward.

in charge PHRASE If you are in charge of something, you are the person looking after it.

charity charities NOUN

A charity is an organization which raises money for a particular cause, such as people in need.

charm charms

NOUN 1 A charm is a small ornament that is fixed to a bracelet or necklace.

NOUN 2 A charm is also a magical spell or an object that is supposed to bring good luck.

chart charts

NOUN 1 A chart is a sheet of paper that shows things like dates or numbers.

NOUN 2 A chart can also be a map of the sea or of the stars.

chase chases, chasing, chased VERB

If you chase someone, you run after them to try and catch them.

chat chats NOUN

A chat is a friendly talk about things that are not very important.

chatroom chatrooms NOUN

A chatroom is a site on a computer network where people discuss a particular subject.

chatter chatters, chattering, chattered VERB

When people chatter, they talk about unimportant things.

cheap cheaper, cheapest ADJECTIVE

Something cheap costs very little, or less than you might expect.

cheat cheats, cheating, cheated VERB

When someone cheats, they lie or do unfair things to get what they want.

check checks, checking, checked

VERB 1 If you check something, you make sure it is correct or safe.

NOUN 2 A check is a pattern of squares.

checkout checkouts NOUN

A checkout is the place in a supermarket where you pay.

cheek cheeks NOUN

Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes.

cheeky cheekier, cheekiest ADJECTIVE

Cheeky speech or behaviour is rude and disrespectful.

cheer cheers, cheering, cheered VERB

When you cheer, you shout to show you are pleased about something or to encourage a person or team.

cheerful ADJECTIVE

Someone who is cheerful shows they are feeling happy.

cheese cheeses NOUN

Cheese is a food made from milk. Some cheeses have a strong flavour.

See Other foods on page 261

cheetah cheetahs NOUN

A cheetah is a large wild animal of the cat family, with black spots.

chef chefs NOUN

A chef is the head cook in a restaurant or hotel.

chemist chemists

NOUN 1 A chemist is a person who makes up medicine.

NOUN 2 The chemist is a shop where you can buy medicine and things like soap and toothpaste.

NOUN 3 A chemist can be a scientist trained in chemistry.

chemistry NOUN

Chemistry is the scientific study of how substances are made up and how they work together.

cheque cheques NOUN

A cheque is a piece of paper that people use to pay for things.

cherry cherries NOUN

A cherry is a small round red or black fruit with a hard seed called a stone in the middle.

See Fruit on page 260

chess NOUN

Chess is a game for two people. It is played on a board marked in black and white squares.

chest chests

NOUN 1 Your chest is the top part of the front of your body, between your neck and your waist.

NOUN 2 A chest is a large heavy box, usually made of wood.

chestnut chestnuts

NOUN 1 A chestnut is a large tree.

NOUN 2 A chestnut is also a shiny brown nut that grows on a chestnut tree.

chew chews, chewing, chewed VERB

When you chew food, you bite it several times.

chick chicks NOUN

A chick is a baby bird.

See Young animals on page 265

chicken chickens NOUN

A chicken is a bird kept on a farm for its eggs and meat.

chickenpox NOUN

Chickenpox is an illness that gives you itchy spots.

chief chiefs NOUN

A chief is a person in charge of other people.

child children NOUN

A child is a young boy or girl.

childhood NOUN

A person’s childhood is the time of life when they are a child.

childish ADJECTIVE

You call a person childish if they are not acting like an adult is expected to act.

children PLURAL NOUN

Children is the plural of child.

chilly chillier, chilliest ADJECTIVE

If you feel chilly, you are not quite warm enough to be comfortable.

chime chimes NOUN

A chime is the musical sound made by a bell or a clock.

chimney chimneys NOUN

A chimney is a pipe which takes smoke from a fire up into the air.

chimpanzee chimpanzees NOUN

A chimpanzee is a small ape with dark fur that lives in forests in Africa.

chin chins NOUN

Your chin is the part of your face below your mouth.

chip chips, chipping, chipped

NOUN 1 A chip is a long thin fried piece of potato.

See Other foods on page 261

NOUN 2 A silicon chip is a tiny piece of special material used in computers.

VERB 3 When you chip something, you break a small piece off it.

chisel chisels NOUN

A chisel is a tool with a long thin blade and a sharp end, which is used for cutting wood or stone.

chocolate chocolates

NOUN 1 Chocolate is a brown sweet or drink made from cocoa.

NOUN 2 A chocolate is a sweet covered with a layer of chocolate.

choice choices

NOUN 1 A choice is the different things that you can choose from.

NOUN 2 A choice can also be someone or something that you choose. If you need a captain, Jessica would be a good choice.

choir choirs NOUN

A choir is a group of people who sing together.

choke chokes, choking, choked VERB

If you choke, you cannot breathe because not enough air can get to your lungs. He choked on a chicken bone.

choose chooses, choosing, chose, chosen VERB

To choose something is to decide which thing you want to have or do.

chop chops, chopping, chopped

VERB 1 When someone chops something like wood, they cut it with an axe.

NOUN 2 A chop is a slice of meat on a bone.

chorus choruses NOUN

A chorus is a part of a song which is repeated after each verse.

chose VERB

Chose is the past tense of choose.

chosen VERB

Chosen is the past participle of choose.

Christian Christians NOUN

A Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Christmas Christmases NOUN

Christmas is a Christian festival held on December 25, when the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated.

chuckle chuckles, chuckling, chuckled VERB

When you chuckle, you laugh quietly.

church churches NOUN

A church is a building where Christians worship.

cigarette cigarettes NOUN

A cigarette is a thin roll of paper with tobacco in, which people smoke.

cinema cinemas NOUN

A cinema is a place where people watch films.

circle circles NOUN

A circle is a perfect round shape.

circular ADJECTIVE

See Colours and shapes on page 266

circuit circuits NOUN

A circuit is the complete path that an electric current flows through. You can make a simple circuit with a battery, a bulb and wires.

circumference circumferences NOUN

The circumference of a circle is the distance around its edge.

circus circuses NOUN

A circus is a travelling group of people such as clowns and acrobats.

city cities NOUN

A city is a large busy town.

claim claims, claiming, claimed

VERB 1 If someone claims something, they ask for it because it is theirs.

VERB 2 If you claim something is the case, you say it is the case. Amy claims she was the first to finish.

clap claps, clapping, clapped VERB

When you clap, you make a noise by hitting your hands together.

class classes

NOUN 1 A class is a group of people who are taught together.

NOUN 2 A class is also a group of people or things that are alike in some way.

classify classifies, classifying, classified VERB

To classify things is to arrange them in groups with similar features. These books are classified as non-fiction.

classroom classrooms NOUN

A classroom is a room in a school where children have lessons.

clause clauses NOUN

In grammar, a clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb. It may be a complete sentence or one part of a sentence. For example, “the girl laughed” is a clause because it has a subject (the girl) and a verb (laughed).

claw claws NOUN

The claws of a bird or animal are the hard curved nails at the end of its feet.

clay NOUN

Clay is a type of sticky earth that goes hard when it is dry. It is used to make bricks and pots.

clean cleaner, cleanest ADJECTIVE

If something is clean, it is free from dirt.

clear clearer, clearest; clears, clearing, cleared

ADJECTIVE 1 If a thing is clear, you can see through it.

ADJECTIVE 2 If something you say or write is clear, it is easy to understand.

VERB 3 If you clear an area, you move things that are not wanted out of the way.

clever cleverer, cleverest ADJECTIVE

Someone who is clever is able to learn and understand things easily.

click clicks, clicking, clicked VERB

When you click something, it makes a short snapping sound.

cliff cliffs NOUN

A cliff is a steep hill by the sea.

climate climates NOUN

The climate of a place is the sort of weather it usually has.

climb climbs, climbing, climbed VERB

When you climb something, you move upwards using your hands and feet.

cling clings, clinging, clung VERB

If you cling to someone or something, you hold onto them tightly.

clinic clinics NOUN

A clinic is where people go to get help from a doctor or nurse.

clip clips, clipping, clipped

NOUN 1 A clip is something small and springy which holds things in place.

VERB 2 If you clip something like a hedge, you cut small pieces off it.

cloak cloaks NOUN

A cloak is a loose coat without sleeves that fastens at the neck.

cloakroom cloakrooms NOUN

A cloakroom is a room where coats can be left.

clock clocks NOUN

A clock is an instrument that measures and shows the time.

clockwise ADVERB

If something goes clockwise, it moves in the same direction as the hands on a clock.

clockwork ADJECTIVE

Clockwork toys move when they are wound up with a key.

close closer, closest; closes, closing, closed

(rhymes with dose) ADJECTIVE 1 If something is close, it is very near.

(rhymes with doze) VERB 2 When you close something like a door, you shut it.


If something is closed, it is not open.

cloth cloths

NOUN 1 Cloth is material made from something like cotton or wool.

NOUN 2 A cloth is a piece of cloth used for cleaning.


Clothes are the things people wear, such as shirts, trousers and dresses.

See Clothes on page 257

cloud clouds

NOUN 1 A cloud is a patch of white or grey mist that floats in the sky.

NOUN 2 You can use cloud to describe a lot of smoke, steam or dust.


clover NOUN

Clover is a small wild plant. It has white or purple flowers, and leaves divided into three parts.

clown clowns NOUN

A clown is someone in a circus who wears funny clothes and does silly things to make people laugh.

club clubs NOUN

A club is an organization joined by people who are interested in the same thing, such as chess or riding.

clue clues NOUN

A clue is something that helps to solve a problem or mystery.

clump clumps NOUN

A clump is a small group of plants growing together.

clumsy clumsier, clumsiest ADJECTIVE

Someone who is clumsy moves awkwardly and carelessly.

clumsily ADVERB

clung VERB

Clung is the past tense of cling.

cluster clusters NOUN

A cluster is a number of things close together in a small group.

clutch clutches, clutching, clutched VERB

If you clutch something, you hold it tightly with your hand.

clutter NOUN

Clutter is an untidy mess.

coach coaches

NOUN 1 A coach is a long motor vehicle used for taking passengers on long journeys.

NOUN 2 A coach is also a section of a train that carries passengers.

NOUN 3 A coach is someone who trains you for a sport or gives you extra lessons.

coal NOUN

Coal is a hard black rock which is dug out of the ground and burned to give heat.

coarse coarser, coarsest ADJECTIVE

Anything that is coarse looks and feels rough.

coast coasts NOUN

The coast is the place where the land meets the sea.

coat coats

NOUN 1 A coat is a piece of clothing with long sleeves, that you wear over other clothes when you go out.

NOUN 2 An animal’s coat is its fur.

NOUN 3 A layer of paint is called a coat.

cobweb cobwebs NOUN

A cobweb is a net made by a spider to trap insects.

cock cocks NOUN

A cock is any male bird.

cocoa NOUN

Cocoa is a brown powder made from the seeds of the cacao tree, and also a hot drink made from this powder.

coconut coconuts NOUN

A coconut is a large nut with white flesh, milky juice, and a hard hairy shell.

cocoon cocoons NOUN

A cocoon is a covering of silky threads that some young insects make for themselves before they grow into adults.

cod NOUN

A cod is a large sea fish which is caught for food.

code codes

NOUN 1 A code is a system of changing letters in a message for other letters or symbols, so that only people who know the code can read it.

NOUN 2 A code is also a group of letters and numbers that identify something. Do you know the telephone code for York?

NOUN 3 A code is also a set of rules.

coffee NOUN

Coffee is a coarse powder made by grinding roasted coffee beans, and also a hot drink made from this powder.

See Drinks on page 261

cog cogs NOUN

A cog is a wheel with teeth which turns another part of a machine.

coil coils NOUN

A coil is a series of loops into which something has been wound.

coin coins NOUN

A coin is a small piece of metal used as money.

cold colder, coldest; colds

ADJECTIVE 1 If the weather is cold, the temperature outside is low.

NOUN 2 A cold is a common illness. You sneeze and your nose feels blocked.

collage collages NOUN

A collage is a picture made by sticking pieces of paper or cloth onto a surface.

collapse collapses, collapsing, collapsed VERB

If someone or something collapses, they suddenly fall down.

collar collars

NOUN 1 The collar of a shirt or jacket is the part that fits round your neck.

NOUN 2 A collar is also a leather band round the neck of a dog or cat.

collect collects, collecting, collected

VERB 1 If you collect a number of things, you bring them together for a special reason. She collected sticks for firewood.

VERB 2 If you collect someone or something from a place, you call there and take them away. We had to collect her from school.

collection collections NOUN

A collection is a group of things brought together over a period of time. My dad’s got a huge stamp collection.

collective noun collective nouns NOUN

In grammar, a collective noun refers to a group of things. For example, a group of sheep is called a “flock”.

See Collective nouns on page 268

college colleges NOUN

A college is where people go to study after they have left school.

collide collides, colliding, collided VERB

If a moving object collides with something, it hits it.

collision NOUN

colon colons NOUN

The punctuation mark : is a colon. You can use it in several ways, for example in front of a list of things.

See Punctuation on page 270

colour colours NOUN

The colour of something is the way it looks in daylight. The colour of grass is green.

See Colours and shapes on page 266

colt colts NOUN

A colt is a young male horse.

column columns

NOUN 1 A column is a tall stone post which supports part of a building.

NOUN 2 A column is also a vertical strip of print in a newspaper or magazine.

NOUN 3 If numbers are arranged in vertical lists, these are called columns.

comb combs NOUN

A comb is a flat piece of plastic or metal with narrow teeth on one edge. You use it to tidy your hair.

combine combines, combining, combined VERB

If you combine things, you mix them together.

come comes, coming, came, come

VERB 1 To come to a place is to move there or arrive there.

VERB 2 If you come from a place, you were born there, or it is your home.

comedy comedies NOUN

A comedy is a play or film that makes people laugh.

comet comets NOUN

A comet is an object which travels around the sun, leaving a long bright trail behind it.

comfort comforts, comforting, comforted VERB

If you comfort someone, you make them feel less worried or unhappy.

comfortable ADJECTIVE

If something is comfortable, it is easy to wear or use.

comic comics NOUN

A comic is a magazine that tells stories in pictures.

comma commas NOUN

A comma is a punctuation mark (,) which is used to separate parts of a sentence or items on a list.

See Punctuation on page 270

command commands, commanding, commanded VERB

If you command someone to do something, you order them to do it.

commercial commercials NOUN

A commercial is an advertisement on television or radio.


If something is common, you often see it or it often happens.

common noun common nouns NOUN

Common nouns name things in general. For example, “boy”, “dog” and “computer” are all common nouns.

See Noun on page 268

common sense NOUN

If you have common sense, you usually act sensibly and do the right thing.

commotion NOUN

A commotion is a lot of noise, confusion and excitement.

communicate communicates, communicating, communicated VERB

If you communicate with someone, you give them information by talking or writing to them.

compact disc compact discs NOUN

A compact disc is a round flat silver-coloured object which can store information. It is called a CD for short.

company companies

NOUN 1 Company is being with others so you are not lonely.

NOUN 2 A company is a group of people who work together to make or sell things.

comparative comparatives NOUN

In grammar, the comparative is the form of an adjective which has “more” of that adjective. For example, “happier” is the comparative of “happy”.

See Adjective on page 269

compare compares, comparing, compared VERB

When you compare two or more things, you look at them to see in what ways they are the same or different.

compass compasses

NOUN 1 A compass is an instrument with a needle that always points to north.

NOUN 2 A pair of compasses is an instrument used for drawing circles.

compass point compass points NOUN

The main compass points are north, south, east and west.

competition competitions NOUN

A competition is an event to find out who is best at doing something.

complain complains, complaining, complained VERB

If you complain, you say that you are not happy about something.


ADJECTIVE 1 If something is complete, it has been finished.

ADJECTIVE 2 If you talk about a complete thing, you mean all of it. I need a complete change of clothes.

complicated ADJECTIVE

Something complicated is made up of so many parts that it is difficult to understand or deal with.

compose composes, composing, composed VERB

If you compose something, like a poem or a piece of music, you write it.

compound compounds NOUN

In language, a compound is a word that is made up of two or more words. “Playground”, “armchair” and “toothache” are all compounds.

computer computers NOUN

A computer is a machine that stores information and works things out according to instructions in a program.

conceal conceals, concealing, concealed VERB

If you conceal something, you hide it carefully.

concentrate concentrates, concentrating, concentrated VERB

If you concentrate on something, you give it all your attention.

concerned ADJECTIVE

If you are concerned about something, it worries you.

concert concerts NOUN

A concert is a performance by musicians, usually in a big hall.

conclusion conclusions

NOUN 1 A conclusion is something you decide is true after you have thought carefully.

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