Полная версия
An Unlikely Mother
Which left the task up to George.
His mother had been badly injured in the carriage accident, and her medical bills and treatments were costly. Arthur was busy handling the family’s other business interests, which were also inexplicably losing money. Though Arthur had insisted that George remain at Harvard, pursuing his studies so that he could eventually take his place in the family businesses, George couldn’t sit back and watch his family lose everything.
Arthur might be too busy to get to the bottom of the troubles at the mine, but George wasn’t. How could he continue spending money that the family might not have much longer? His mother needed the medical care. His sister was expecting another baby. No, the answer was not to bury himself in the books, but in this mine.
Folks used to say that Elias Bellingham was far too generous in his dealings with others, and that it would someday send him to the poorhouse. Which was why, Arthur had told him, the family business was nearly bankrupt again.
Didn’t George owe it to his father’s legacy to see if he could turn things around at the mine?
A faint whimper on the other side of the tree where he’d laid his canteen caught his attention. As George rounded the tall pine that hadn’t yet been claimed by the camp for fuel or building material, he spied a little boy sitting in the hollow near a boulder a few yards away.
“Hey, little guy,” George said softly as he approached. “Are you all right?”
The small boy couldn’t be more than three or four years old, the same age as his nephew, Sam.
A tear-stained face stared up at him, longing thick in the child’s eyes. He spoke rapidly, but the words were foreign to George. All he could understand was, “Père.”
Father. George had taken a few French lessons, but he’d been terrible at it. Many of his peers had had French nannies, learning the language as part of daily life. But the Bellinghams had gone with a more traditional English nanny. Which did him little good now.
Since the boy looked like he was about to start crying again, George knelt beside him. Maybe the boy spoke English. “Parlez-vous Anglais?”
The little boy shook his head. Great. That was about the extent of the French he could remember, other than a few words that didn’t seem helpful here.
Pointing to himself, he said, “George.”
Then he pointed at the little boy.
“Pierre,” the boy said.
Then the boy began speaking again in rapid French. George shook his head and pointed to himself again. “No parlez Français.”
Hopefully it was enough to convey to the boy that he didn’t understand. The boy nodded slowly as tears continued rolling down his cheeks.
George pointed to himself again. “George...help...Pierre.” Wait. What was the word for help? “Aid?”
That seemed to get Pierre’s attention, or at least stop the flow of tears.
Pierre pointed at George’s canteen.
“Are you thirsty?”
Silly of him to ask, since Pierre probably didn’t know the word. George held out the canteen, mostly empty from Flora’s use, but there was a little water to spare.
Pierre drank the water quickly, then pointed to his stomach.
What was the word for hungry? Back when George was pudgy, everything had been about food. “Faim?”
Hopefully he wasn’t telling Pierre something awful. But Pierre nodded, so George took that as a good sign.
Judging by the fact that the little boy was alone and crying, George was going to assume he’d somehow gotten separated from his father. But how was he supposed to find a little boy’s father when he’d barely arrived at the mining camp himself? He’d been here just long enough to pitch a tent and gain employment at the mine.
Flora. She was here with the church mission. Perhaps the people at the church mission would know of anyone who spoke French who could... George smiled. Flora had a French nanny when they were children. She used to brag about how her nanny was superior to everyone else’s because of it. She and her friends would speak in French, giving themselves airs and using it as a means to exclude the other children. Back then, he’d found it annoying.
But now, it just might save this little boy’s life. Flora could help him care for the boy and translate so they could find Pierre’s father.
George gave Pierre a smile. “Pierre come with George. Manger.” At least that’s what he thought the word for eat was. He held out his hand.
Clearly the love of food that had led to George’s torment as a child was helping him now. Pierre smiled back and took George’s hand.
George had never imagined he’d be so grateful for Flora Montgomery. When they were children, she’d teased him and tormented him mercilessly. Who knew that Flora’s annoying affectation from the past might very well be the thing he needed most right now? While pursuing his newfound attraction to her was still out of the question, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t looking forward to seeing her again.
George ruffled the little boy’s hair. He wished he could convey something more to him, to make him feel comfortable, but at least Flora could do that. Despite the complication of meeting Flora so early in his quest, knowing that she could be the one person to expose him, she would also be a great asset. People might say that Elias Bellingham’s weakness was his concern for others, but George was grateful his father had passed on that trait to him. He wouldn’t feel right leaving Pierre until his father had been found, and Flora’s help would make it easier for George to help Pierre and accomplish his own mission. As long as he could keep Flora from learning his real reason for being in the camp.
Though he hoped to find Pierre’s father quickly, George was going to enjoy every moment he spent in Flora’s company until then.
Chapter Two
Flora was able to slip away to the creek to wash after her baby-minding disaster. Though how she was going to accomplish a good cleansing and change her dress out in the open, she had no idea. The place was private enough, or so some of the other ladies had said. But was this another of their tricks, like Lindsay Carmichael goading her into bringing her best dresses instead of work clothes?
Not that she had anything that could be considered work clothes. Flora sighed. Perhaps it had been a mistake to think that redemption would come to someone like her.
“Flora?” Rose Jones walked down the embankment carrying a bundle. “I heard you’d come this way.”
Of course it would have to be Rose. Flora sighed. Of all the people she’d injured with her thoughtless words, Rose had been hurt the worst. And though Rose had said she’d forgiven Flora, and was polite, if not kind, to her, Flora always wondered if she could truly count on Rose as a friend.
“I was hoping to wash up. My dress smells.” Flora pointed at her soiled silk gown, a yellow stain spreading across the pale pink fabric. It was probably ruined.
Rose looked around. “It’s private enough with most of the men at work, but I wouldn’t come here much later in the day. And you shouldn’t be here alone. As much as Uncle Frank has done to keep us safe, you have to remember that many of the people here don’t have the same regard for the law and civility as we do.”
Flora stared at the ground. She’d only wanted to clean up, but it seemed there was fault in that as well.
“It’s all right,” Rose said softly, stepping forward. “You haven’t been up to the camp before, and I suspect that Lindsay didn’t give you good instructions. I’d hoped to orient you myself, but Milly was ill, so I’ve only just arrived.”
“What’s wrong with Milly?” One of Flora’s many mistakes, and ways she’d wronged Rose, had involved Rose’s stepdaughter, Milly. Before Rose married Silas, Rose had been Milly’s nanny, but because Milly’s grandparents disapproved, Flora had assisted them by trying to take over as Milly’s nanny. When Milly’s grandparents took Milly away without Rose’s permission, Flora helped them, thinking she was doing the right thing. During that time, Flora had developed a genuine affection for the little girl. Still, what Flora had done was wrong, and it was only the mercy shown by Rose and her now-husband, Silas, that had kept Flora out of jail.
Flora turned away. “I’m sorry, I don’t have the right to ask.”
“Of course you do.” Rose stepped in front of her and smiled. “I’m grateful that you care so much about her. It was just a little cold, and she’s fine now. She remained behind with Maddie, our housekeeper, but when I see her again, I’ll pass on your good wishes.”
Another friendly smile. Rose held out the bundle to Flora. “I brought you a dress. The one you’re wearing is too fine for being up here, and from the giggling I heard from the others, I suspect everything else you brought is just as nice.”
Flora gaped at Rose. Why was she being so kind to her? True, after the situation with Milly’s grandparents, part of Flora’s restitution was to help with the ministry. And Flora had worked side by side with Rose several times in the months since.
But that didn’t mean Flora deserved any sort of kindness from Rose.
“I also brought a blanket. I’ll hold it up so you can have privacy to wash up and change. You’ll have to wash quickly, but it’s better than the alternative.”
Another bright smile.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” Flora made no move to accept the dress Rose held out.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
Flora shrugged. “I could list a thousand reasons. I’ve been horrible to you since you came to Leadville. I don’t deserve your kindness.”
With a long sigh, Rose sat on a nearby rock. “You’re right. You’ve made my life difficult in a number of ways. But you’ve apologized and I forgave you. I’ve seen the change in your behavior over the past few months, and I know that you’ve let the Lord work in your heart. The Lord has been kind to me. How could I not be kind to you?”
“You sound a lot like Pastor Lassiter,” Flora said, meeting the other woman’s eyes. “He’s been telling me the same thing.”
“And now I know why he specifically asked me to come on this trip.” Rose smiled again, and because Flora was observing her eyes, she could see the warmth lurking there. “After my scandal of having my son out of wedlock, I thought I’d accepted the Lord’s forgiveness. I did my best to hold my head up high, knowing that God didn’t hold my sin against me. But it seemed like there were so many who were constantly reminding me of my sin.”
“Like me,” Flora said, hating the way she could still remember how she smiled as she gossiped about Rose’s misfortune. One more thing Rose should hate her for.
Rose shrugged. “You weren’t the only one. But that is exactly my point. I’ve forgiven you. It’s time for you to forgive yourself.”
She made it sound so easy. Perhaps because she didn’t know all the details of what Flora had done. Things only Flora and God knew. Even so, everyone else in town made certain to remind her of all the reasons she didn’t deserve forgiveness.
“The rest of the town doesn’t seem to agree with you.”
“It doesn’t matter. Chasing after their approval is never going to bring you happiness. What matters is that your heart is aligned with God’s, and that you live out the forgiveness He’s offered you.”
Flora let out another long sigh. What Rose said made sense, but she didn’t understand how hard it was to put into action. “But people aren’t actively shunning you or laughing at you.”
“Not in our church.” Rose stood and held out the bundle. “But there are still homes I’m not welcome in, people who make snide comments in the mercantile. Just the other day, I was at the milliner’s, and one of the ladies there noticed me and said that if they were catering to fallen women, she wouldn’t shop there anymore.”
“But that’s ridiculous. You’re a respectable woman.”
Rose shrugged. “I still had a child out of wedlock, and for some, that’s a fact they can’t get past. But I’ve dealt with my sin. God forgives me. And if others can’t move on, that’s their problem, not mine.”
Rose continued. “Now let’s hurry and get you washed and changed. I’m sure they’re missing us.”
Doing as Rose asked, Flora quickly hid under the blanket provided, cleaning up the remaining mess. When she was ready, she emerged from the blanket and held up her soiled dress.
“Is it so terrible that all I want to do is burn this dress I once begged Mother for?”
Rose smiled. “When we get back to town, we’ll have Maddie take a look. If anyone can salvage it, she can.”
As blind as Flora had once been to Rose’s warmth, she couldn’t ignore it anymore. “You really are trying to be my friend, aren’t you?”
“I know what it’s like to be the most hated woman in our circle. And I know how hard it is, once you’ve realized the error of your ways and are trying to make up for it, to be free of the stigma. If I can help you through your pain, then everything I have endured will have been worth it.”
They started back up the hill. Flora tried processing Rose’s words, but all she could think of were the wrongs she’d committed.
“But I hurt you.”
Rose stopped and stared at her. “I forgave you. So let go of the past. Until you can, you’re never going to be able to move forward in freedom.”
The cabin came into view. Flora’s stomach knotted at the thought of having to face all the others, to listen to their laughter and mockery.
“What about them?”
“If there’s someone you haven’t offered an apology to, then make haste to do so. But if you’ve sincerely gone to those you’ve offended and asked forgiveness, you’ve done your part.”
As part of her restitution, Pastor Lassiter had told her to speak with the others she’d hurt and seek forgiveness. It had been hard, and while many said they forgave her, they still didn’t treat her any differently.
“What if it doesn’t make a difference? No one believes I’ve changed.”
Rose shook her head. “Then you keep living your life with the integrity of a woman whose heart has been changed by God.”
Stepping in line with Flora, Rose linked arms with her. “But you, my friend, have got to act like you’ve moved on with your life. Shame keeps us buried in the past, and your future is with people who love and care about you.”
Flora could tell the move was deliberate on Rose’s part. After all, Flora had done the same many a time. By walking with her arm linked with Flora’s, Rose was telling everyone that she considered Flora a friend.
Looking up at Rose, Flora realized what she’d been missing out on by fearing retribution instead of accepting friendship. “Thank you for not giving up on me. I’m grateful for your willingness to guide me during this difficult time.”
Rose gave her a squeeze. “I was fortunate to have family who refused to give up on me, so I could never give up on you. Now, let’s go see about that handsome gentleman I see standing beside the cabin. I’m not one to give credence to gossip, but I am wondering if he’s the same man you were seen with earlier this afternoon.”
Flora’s face warmed at Rose’s words. A year ago, Flora would have been the one to spread the tales, and the unfortunate young woman’s reputation would have been in shambles.
“N-nothing happened,” Flora stammered. “He was just helping me. It was all proper.”
Rose gave her arm another squeeze. “Of course it was. But with all those closest to me happily married, nothing gets me more excited than a handsome young man in pursuit of one of my friends.”
Friends. As many times as Flora had thought of others as friends, this was the first she’d seen genuine interest and compassion in one. Rose’s comments weren’t about trying to get a juicy little tidbit to share with the others, but about...caring.
Then Rose smiled at her. “I think you have a suitor.”
Finally following Rose’s gaze, Flora noticed George waving at them. A young boy stood beside him. The nephew he’d mentioned?
“Come on!” Rose tugged at her arm. “I do wish to be introduced to this heroic man who came to your rescue.”
Flora hung back. “I don’t think...”
“He’s heroic and handsome. What do you have to lose?”
Flora let out a long sigh. “I’ve lost everything, I suppose. But that’s just the problem. I’m trying to gain back my old friends and their respect. I know I hurt them with my words, and I’ve apologized, but it hasn’t kept them from continuing to shun me. What will people say about me if I allow a miner to court me?”
Frowning, Rose looked at her. “I think you have it all wrong. It’s like I said earlier. Worrying about what everyone else thinks is only going to bring you more misery. You won’t be able to satisfy everyone, so live your life. Be the woman God made you to be, and let people say what they’re going to say. It’s the only way you’re going to find lasting contentment.”
George waved at them as they came closer, and though Flora kept her free hand firmly pinned to her side, she couldn’t help but smile. How long had it been since someone was so glad to see her?
Would it be so bad to pursue a friendship with him? Perhaps friendship was all George had to offer, as well.
* * *
George smiled at the ladies as they approached. Flora had changed, and there seemed to be a new lightness about her. “I see you found a new dress. Though the silk was lovely, I do like how the green in what you’re wearing brings out the color in your eyes.”
“Thank you.” Flora stepped forward, smiling. She did have a beautiful smile. He supposed it was wrong to flatter her in such a way, but he’d been telling the truth. And it seemed just as wrong to ignore what was staring him in the face.
Pastor Lassiter joined them from around the side of the cabin. “Ah, Flora and Rose. You’re back.”
“Rose was good enough to help me clean up at the river, and to lend me a more appropriate dress.” Flora smiled at the other woman, and George couldn’t help but notice how it lit up her eyes.
Pastor Lassiter smiled. “Yes, I heard about your unfortunate incident with the Willoughby baby. Good practice for when you have some of your own.”
“My own? They all do that?” The horror on her face made George want to chuckle. Only he didn’t think Flora was ready to laugh at the joke. Something in him wanted to protect her, even though she’d spent much of their childhood teasing him. He could sense that she’d changed since then.
Rose laughed. “And then some. But you’ll find it’s worth every mess. I’d forgotten you have no siblings or experience with babies. You can work with me, visiting the mothers and children. From what I’ve seen at the mission, you’re a fast learner, and by the time this month is over, you’ll be an expert at caring for children.”
“That’s actually why I’m here,” George said, indicating Pierre. “He doesn’t speak English, but I remembered—” He stopped himself. He couldn’t admit that he knew Flora spoke French. For his plan to succeed, he needed to pretend this was the first they’d met.
George took a deep breath. “I remembered that Flora was connected with the mission here, so I brought him to you in hopes that you might know someone who speaks French and can help him.”
Pastor Lassiter stepped in beside him and ruffled Pierre’s hair. “George told me about the situation with the boy, and I told him he’s come to the right place. However, I don’t speak French, so I’m at a loss as to how to help find this boy’s family.”
Though George had already promised himself he was going to keep his distance from Flora, he couldn’t help but notice the sympathy that lined her face.
“Oh, the poor dear,” Flora said, kneeling beside Pierre, then breaking into French as she spoke to him.
George looked over at Pastor Lassiter, who wore a broad smile.
“Did you know she spoke French?” George asked the older man.
“I thought I’d heard at one point that she did,” Pastor Lassiter admitted. “But I wasn’t certain if she knew enough to converse with the boy. I see that she can do so, very well indeed.”
Flora smiled at them as she stood, holding Pierre’s hand. “This is Pierre, as I’m sure you know. He is four years old. His father works in the mine, but he hasn’t come home for several days. Pierre went to look for his father, but he got lost. When George found him, he’d come to the creek for some water, but he got scared since it was moving so quickly. So it was a good thing George happened upon him when he did, because as I explained to Pierre, the creek is a very dangerous place for little boys.”
She pulled Pierre closer to her, genuine affection shining in her eyes. Flora had definitely changed from the bratty girl he’d known as a child. So much warmth radiated from her, it was hard to imagine that people didn’t like her.
“Pierre tells me that you gave him something to eat, so now all we need to do is find the poor boy’s father. I told Pierre that his father is probably just as worried about him as Pierre is about his father.”
Once again, George was struck by Flora’s gentility and warmth. Though she addressed George, Pastor Lassiter and Rose, she kept smiling down at Pierre and giving him reassuring touches.
“I can’t imagine we have too many Frenchmen here,” Flora said. “Could you ask around to see where his father might be?”
Pastor Lassiter nodded slowly. “Of course. I haven’t run into anyone from France up here, which is why I’m grateful we have Flora to translate.”
“Me, too,” George added. “I know you’re not comfortable around little ones, but I only know a few words, and they aren’t very helpful.”
Once again, the smile George had grown to love so much filled Flora’s face. “Oh, I like little ones. I had a brief opportunity to be a nanny to the most darling little girl.” Her face darkened briefly, and she looked at Rose, but Rose smiled at her, chasing whatever clouded Flora’s thoughts away, and happiness returned to her face. “I just don’t know anything about babies.”
Pierre tugged at Flora’s skirt and she bent down to him, once again speaking French. Her words were melodic, almost like poetry. George could listen to her talk, even not knowing what she said, and remain enraptured for hours.
She turned her attention back to them and said, “I think Pierre is overwhelmed by all of this. Is there a quiet place where we can take him?”
“Of course.” Pastor Lassiter gestured toward the cabin. “Why don’t you and Pierre stay in the cabin until we can find his parents. Did he say anything about his mother?”
Flora asked the boy, whose expression became even more despondent as he answered. “She recently passed away. That’s why it was only him and his father.”
Pierre started to cry, and Flora hugged him close. “Apparently his father is all he had left,” she said, looking up at the others. “We simply must find him.”
The expression on her face made George want to cry himself. Though he hadn’t lost his father until adulthood, George couldn’t imagine what it would be like for this little boy, who’d already lost his mother, to also be missing his father.
“I know I’m new here,” George said, “but what can I do to help? Can we make signs?”
Pastor Lassiter shook his head. “Many of our miners can’t read, or don’t read English, so that would be futile. Besides—” he let out a long sigh “—it wouldn’t be unheard-of that the father simply left his child. There’s many a man who finds himself overwhelmed with the prospect of raising a child on his own, and without a relative to take over, sometimes he abandons him.”
“I won’t believe it,” Flora declared hotly. “Not Pierre. He’s too dear a boy.” She bent down to him, whispering something in French.
Amazing. She barely knew the boy, and already Flora protected him with the fierceness of a mother. Though George had sworn off chasing after the pampered young ladies of his class, he had to admit that were it not for his uncertain financial future, and the people counting on him, he might be willing to consider the idea of Flora Montgomery. Someone with such compassion was worth taking a look at.