Полная версия
The Return of the Sheikh
He had thanked his good fortune for that many times over. “Her decision was for the best. I refuse to wed a woman whom I’ve never met, let alone kissed.” He leaned forward and leveled his gaze on his brother. “Have you kissed Rima? Have you determined there will be enough passion to sustain your marriage? Or do you even care?”
He could see the fury brewing in Rafiq’s eyes. “That is none of your concern. Passion is not important. Continuing the royal lineage is.”
“Procreating would be rather difficult if you cannot bear to touch your wife, brother. Or perhaps you will be satisfied with bedding her only enough times to make a child, as it was with our own parents.”
“Do not believe everything you hear, Zain. Our parents had a satisfactory marriage.”
Rafiq—always their father’s defender. “Satisfactory? Are you also going to dispute that the king played a part in our mother’s—”
Rafiq slammed his palm on the table, rattling the dinnerware. “That is enough.”
Zain tossed his napkin aside and ignored the woman setting the entrée before him. “I agree. I have had enough of this conversation.” He came to his feet and regarded Madison. “Ms. Foster, my apologies for disrupting your meal.”
Without even a passing glance at his brother, Zain left the room and took the stairs two at a time. He had no doubt that after the display of distasteful family dynamics, he would have no need to seduce Madison Foster. She would most likely be taking the first plane back to America.
With a plate balanced in her left hand, Madison knocked with her right and waited to gain entry, affording the king the courtesy he hadn’t shown her earlier that afternoon.
“Enter” sounded from behind the heavy wooden door, the gruff, masculine voice full of obvious frustration.
Madison strode into the room, head held high, determined not to show even a speck of nervousness, though admittedly she was a little shaky. More than a little shaky when she met his stern gaze and realized he didn’t look at all thrilled to see her.
She set the plate on the desk and sat across from him without waiting for an invitation. “Elena sent you some pasta and the message that if you don’t eat, you’ll be too weak to rule.”
He didn’t bother to stand. Instead, he stared at her for a few moments before he pushed the offering away. “You may tell Elena I will eat when I’m hungry.”
She’d been stuck in the middle of one argument too many today. “You can tell her. Right now, we need to discuss your upcoming plans.”
He leaned back in the brown leather chair and tented his hands together. “I assumed you would be well on your way home by now.”
“You assumed wrong. I’m determined to see this through.”
“Even after we aired our family grievances at dinner?”
He had a lot to learn about her tenacity. “I’ve heard worse, and now I’d like to ask you a few questions.”
She would, with caution. “Do you have a strategy for overcoming your playboy reputation?”
“My reputation has been overblown, Ms. Foster.”
“Perception is everything when it comes to politics, Your Highness. And believe what you will, you’re in a political battle to restore your people’s faith in you. You’ve been gone almost ten years—”
“Seven years.”
“If you were a dog, that’s equivalent to almost fifty years.” And that had to be the most inane thing she’d said in ages, if ever. “Not that you’re a dog. I’m only saying that seven years is a long time in your situation.”
He hinted at a smile. “Do you own a dog?”
“Yes, I do. I mean, I did.” Clearly he was trying to divert her attention from more pressing concerns by using her former pooch. “Could we please get back on point?”
“Yes,” he said. “The point is I am quite capable of overcoming my exaggerated reputation by demonstrating there is more to my character.”
He was so sure of himself. So sexy in his confidence, and she hated herself for noticing. Again. “Can you really do that? Can you persuade the world you’re a serious leader when you can’t even convince your own brother you’re committed to your duty?”
His dark eyes relayed an intense anger. “What did Rafiq tell you when I left the table?”
Not as much as she would’ve liked. “He only said that he’s worried you’ll take off again if the pressure becomes too great.”
“Despite what my brother believes, I am not a coward.”
“I don’t think anyone is calling you a coward.” She sighed. “Look, I realize you have a lot of pride, but you might want to give up a little and realize you need someone in your corner. Someone who can serve as a sounding board during this transition.”
“And you are that someone?”
“I can be. And if you’ll allow me to use my connections, I can help establish some allies, and every country needs those. Even small, autonomous countries. I also still contend that you could use some help with your public addresses.” When he started to speak, she held up her hand to silence him. “I know, you have a degree and you’re intelligent and articulate, but I don’t see the harm in brainstorming content.”
“I still see no reason why I would need to consult anyone on what I wish to say or how I wish to say it.”
She was making no headway whatsoever. “What about the press? Wouldn’t you like to have someone serve as a buffer to make certain they convey the proper message?”
“I have Deeb for that.”
Deeb had about as much personality as a paperweight. “But if you show the world that you have a woman at your side, and one you’re not engaging in a torrid affair, that would send a clear message you’re not the player everyone believes you to be.”
He studied the ceiling and remained silent for a few seconds before he brought his attention back to her. “Should we proceed, I have to be assured that whatever you might hear or might learn within these sacred walls will not be repeated.”
Madison sensed impending victory, and possibly some serious secrets. “You can trust me to maintain confidentiality at all costs. But I have to know if there’s a scandal that could surface in the foreseeable future.”
“Not if I can prevent it. And at the moment, that is all you need to know.”
Madison could only hope that he might eventually trust her enough to confide in her. Otherwise, she couldn’t prepare for the worst-case scenario. “Fine. Then you agree to accept my help?”
He streaked a palm over his shaded jaw. “For the time being, and as I stated earlier, you must agree to my terms.”
Clearly he needed to maintain control. She’d give him a little leeway for now. “Fine. Perhaps now would be a good time to spell out your terms.”
“If I disagree with your advice, you’ll refrain from arguing,” he said.
That could prove to be a challenge. “Okay.”
“You will consult me before you plan your soirées, and you will let me approve the guest lists.”
Considering his lack of popularity, it could prove to be a short list. “Fair enough.”
“And you will adhere to my schedule, which means I will decide the time and the place for our meetings.”
“I assumed your study would be the most appropriate meeting place.”
“It might be necessary to find a more private venue.”
Now she had her own terms to present. “As long as it’s not your bedroom.”
He smiled. “You’re not the least bit curious about my royal quarters?”
Oh, yes, she was. “No. Anything else?”
He feigned disappointment. “I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve determined what I expect beyond what we’ve already discussed.”
Talk about being vague. But she’d accept vague as long as she could continue as planned. “We’ll go over your upcoming schedule in the morning, Your Highness, and plan accordingly.”
“Call me Zain.”
Her mouth momentarily dropped open over the request. “That’s a bit too informal, don’t you think?”
“When we’re alone, I want you to call me by my given name. Otherwise, our agreement terminates immediately.”
What kind of game was he playing? Only time would tell, and Madison hoped she didn’t find herself on the losing end.
She came to her feet and tugged at the hem of her blouse. “Whatever floats your boat, Zain. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to my room to relax.”
“You are excused. For now.”
Madison had only made it a few steps toward the door before Zain uttered the single word. “Black.”
She turned and frowned. “Excuse me?”
“You’re wearing black lingerie.”
Did the man have X-ray vision? “Why are you so fascinated with my underwear?”
His grin arrived slowly. “Am I correct?”
She folded her arms beneath her breasts. “That’s for me to know—”
“And for me to find out?”
She should’ve known he’d been in America long enough to learn all the little sayings. “That’s for me to know, period. Anything else? Or would you like to discuss your royal underwear?”
His grin deepened. “I have nothing to hide.”
That remained to be seen. She intended to leave well enough alone before she was tempted to abandon the good-sense ship. Before she gave in to the tiny little spark of awareness or the slight full-body shiver brought about by his deadly smile. “I’m going now.”
He finally rose from the chair. “I suggest you watch the sunset from the terrace outside your room. I’ll have Elena send up some of her special tea to help you relax.”
She’d be more relaxed as soon as she got away from all his charisma. “What kind of tea?”
“I’m not certain,” he said as he strolled toward her and stopped only a foot or so away. “I’ve never tried it. I do know it is formulated to help a person sleep.”
She’d probably have no trouble sleeping the moment her head hit the pillow. “Thank you, and I’ll see you in the morning.”
“You’re welcome.” He reached out and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “If the tea doesn’t help you sleep, my room is next door to yours. Feel free to wake me.”
“What for?” As if she really had to ask.
“Whatever you need to help you relax.”
She suddenly engaged in one heck of a naked-body fantasy that made her want to run for cover. “I assure you I won’t need anything to help me relax.”
“Let me know if you change your mind.”
“I won’t be changing my mind.” She turned toward the door then faced him again when something dawned on her. “By the way, if all this innuendo is some ploy to scare me off, save your breath. I’ve been propositioned by the best.” And the worst of the worst.
He looked almost crestfallen. “I’m wounded you would think I would resort to such underhanded tactics.”
Maybe she had overreacted a tad. Some men just happened to be blessed with the flirtation gene. “My apologies if I’m wrong about your motives.”
“Actually, you are correct,” he said. “That was my original plan. But you have bested me, so I promise to behave myself from this point forward.”
She had a hard time believing that. “Well, in case you should get any more bright ideas, just know it will take more than a few well-rehearsed, suggestive lines to send me packing. I’ve spent many years studying human nature, and I know what you’re all about.”
He braced a hand on the doorframe above her head. “Enlighten me, Madison.”
The sound of her name rolling softly out of his mouth, his close proximity, was not helping her concentration. “You use your charm to discourage perceived threats to your control, and to encourage the results you wish to achieve, namely driving people away. But beneath all that sexy macho bravado, I believe you’re a man with a great deal of conviction when it comes to his country’s future. Am I correct?”
“Perhaps you are only projecting your need for control on me. I believe at times giving up control to another is preferable. Have you never been tempted to throw out logic and act on pure instinct?”
Her instincts told her he wasn’t referring to a professional relationship. “Not when it comes to mixing business with pleasure, if that’s what you’re asking. Don’t forget we’re trying to repair your reputation, not enhance it.”
He had the nerve to show his pearly whites to supreme advantage. “Sometimes the pleasure is worth the risk.”
“I thought you promised to behave.”
He straightened and attempted to look contrite. “My apologies. I was momentarily struck senseless by your analysis.”
Before she was momentarily struck stupid and kissed that smug, sexy smile off his face, Madison made a hasty exit.
She hadn’t lied when she’d admitted she’d been propositioned before. She had lied when she’d claimed she hadn’t been tempted to cross professional lines, because she had—the moment she’d reunited with Zain Mehdi.
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