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The River Maid
Essie’s patience was stretched to its limit. ‘Yes, my lady, but that doesn’t answer my question. If you intend to remain in Italy will you pay my passage home, and Sadie’s, too? Assuming that there is a ship in the harbour that might be sailing for England.’
‘You can’t abandon me,’ Lady Alice protested. ‘I cannot travel in the company of gentlemen without a female companion.’
‘But Raven is your cousin. Isn’t that respectable enough?’
‘No, it is not. You must see this through with me, and Sadie is my maid, so naturally she will remain with me.’ Lady Alice narrowed her eyes, gazing speculatively at Essie. ‘I will make it worth your while, but only if you promise not to leave me in the lurch.’
Essie thought quickly. She did not relish the thought of travelling home on her own, and it was not every day that a girl from Limehouse was given the opportunity to see a bit of the world. ‘All right,’ she said slowly. ‘But I need to send a message to my father, letting him know that I am safe.’
‘I’m sure Raven could organise that. Do I have your word that you won’t abandon me?’
‘I promise to stay with you until we return home.’
Lady Alice uttered a sigh of relief. ‘Thank you. Now, please, do as I asked and fetch me something to eat or I might faint from lack of nourishment.’
Essie collected Sadie on her way downstairs and they found Raven and Falco seated at one of the large pine tables, which was spread with a selection of foreign-looking cheeses, sliced sausage, bowls of glistening black olives and crusty loaves. Green and black grapes spilled over the side of a terracotta platter, which was filled with oranges, lemons and purple figs.
‘Come and join us,’ Raven said, raising a glass of red wine to them. ‘Where is my cousin?’
‘Lady Alice would like to eat in her room,’ Essie said tactfully. She turned to Captain Falco. ‘Maybe you could ask the maid to take her something?’
‘Why won’t she leave her room? She was not so shy on board my ship.’
Essie could see that he already knew the answer and was enjoying Lady Alice’s dilemma. Perhaps he had deliberately chosen the ugly gown, although Essie could not think why he would want to humiliate Lady Alice. ‘I think you know why, Captain.’
He rose to his feet. ‘We can’t have the beautiful lady eating on her own. Leave it to me.’
‘Can’t you do something?’ Essie demanded, glaring at Raven, who was refilling his glass from a carafe.
‘Alice can look after herself. It’s time she met someone who could get the better of her in an argument. Sit down, both of you, and eat. The food is very good indeed.’
Sadie had been eyeing the food hungrily and she threw herself down on the bench, making a grab for a chunk of sausage and a slice of bread. Essie hesitated, wondering if she ought to go to Lady Alice’s aid, but she decided against it and took a seat beside Sadie.
Minutes later Falco reappeared, rubbing the side of his face. ‘That lady is a wild cat.’
‘I warned you,’ Raven said smugly. ‘You’re lucky to have escaped with a slapped face. Alice has claws and she’s not afraid to use them when she’s really angry.’
Falco resumed his place at table. ‘I’ve sent Filomena upstairs with a tray of food. Perhaps her ladyship will be in a better humour when she’s had something to eat.’
Raven shook his head. ‘You’ll learn, my friend.’
‘I am ready to take on the challenge. There isn’t a woman alive who can resist Enrico Falco when he sets out to charm.’
Essie gave him a withering glance. ‘You think a lot of yourself, Captain. Maybe you’ve met your match.’
He shrugged, smiled and raised his glass to her. ‘We will find out on our way to the monastery. I am to be your guide.’
‘We’re going to a monastery?’ Essie looked to Raven for confirmation.
‘My purpose for coming here was to see Freddie. I want to make certain that he’s being treated well and that he has everything he needs.’ Raven downed the last of his drink and stood up. ‘I’m going to have a word with Alice. We’ll be leaving early in the morning, but she can remain here if she doesn’t feel like travelling on.’
‘What happens then?’ Essie asked anxiously. ‘Will we return to England?’
‘That’s a decision my cousin has to make.’ Raven headed for the stairs, taking them two at a time.
Essie turned to Falco. ‘What does he mean by that?’
‘Don’t ask me, I am merely the captain of the ship. Raven hired my vessel to take him to London and back to Australia, with a stop here in my native Puglia.’
Essie stared at him nonplussed. ‘But Lady Alice lives in England. We have to return home.’
‘That is for Lady Alice to decide.’
Essie leaned across the table. ‘Are you telling me that we will be taken to Australia, whether we like it or not?’
Captain Falco shrugged, holding his hands palms facing upwards. ‘Who knows?’
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