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The Best Of Blaze - Six Sexy Romances
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JEB DIDN’T SAY anything as she saddled her horse and they rode out to do the afternoon chores. When she’d been a teenager and she’d felt like she was going to scream from frustration at having to rush home from school to help with chores instead of hanging out in town with her friends, her dad had always assigned her to ride with Jeb. There was something calming about Jeb, steady and quiet. He was sure of himself and he rode with an easy grace that came from spending a lifetime in the saddle.
The ranch and ranching business had changed, but Jeb never would.
They fed the cattle and worked quietly alongside each other. And the tightness that had taken up residence in the pit of her stomach loosened. She let the peace of the day and the land wash over her. The sounds of the cattle and the horses.
The rhythm of life on the ranch worked magic on her troubled soul. That was why she never left for long. The land was part of her. She wondered if it was the same for Jason. If being up in his capsule in space soothed something deep inside of him.
That was why he’d backed away in the kitchen last night. The sex had been amazing, better than even her steamiest dreams. But they were just having fun. She needed to remember that.
“I needed this,” she said to Jeb. There was something reassuring about doing the same chores she’d done for most of her life with Jeb by her side.
“I know.”
She shook her head. “Jason made a suggestion that I wasn’t expecting when we were at the lawyer’s yesterday...using the land for a NASA training facility.”
Jeb pushed his straw cowboy hat back on his head. “Say what?”
“I was surprised, too, but I think it could work. NASA would build the facility and we’d still run the ranch on this part of the land. The old bunkhouses would need to be updated—again on NASA’s dime—to house the trainees. What do you think?” she asked, realizing maybe she should have talked to Jeb before she’d signed off on the plan.
“Sounds... I’m not sure. I like the idea that we don’t have to play cowboys to a bunch of tourists, but a NASA training facility? What do we know about that?”
“Jason is the expert. He said NASA would hire the right people for the roles. Mostly we’d just liaise between the ranch and the facility. He’s going to manage most of the details.”
“I thought he was going back to space,” Jeb said.
“The work we do at the facility will help NASA to determine who goes and who doesn’t. It will provide the specialized training astronauts need for long-term missions. Something called Cronus. Jason would have to be evaluated and trained along with the other astronauts.”
She didn’t want to mention his health issue. It was his story to share if he wanted to.
“So, when will we know about this?”
“Soon, I think. In the meantime we should act as if we’re going to win the bid. You’ve already started clearing the land, which needs to happen regardless, but there’s more work that we’ll have to do.”
“I think the bunkhouses are going to take a while. There is a leak in the southern house. The one where some of the boys used to stay.”
“Rina’s brother is in construction. I’ll ask her to make a call. Maybe they can put their company’s name forward when NASA is ready to choose builders.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“I need you to assign someone to show Jason the acreage that will be used for the facility. He didn’t spend much time in that part of the ranch when he lived here before.”
“Why don’t you show him?” Jeb asked, turning to gaze at the horizon.
“Because I’m busy,” she said.
“All right, missy, no need to bite my head off,” Jeb said.
“Sorry. I’m just...”
“It’s fine. He always did rattle you.”
Jeb rode off before she could say anything else. But what would she have said? No, he doesn’t... Jason made her crazy. Not the good kind, either. Except for last night.
She wished... Why had she been so curt with him when they got back?
Because she’d felt him slipping away.
And it was easier to back away herself than to be the one who was holding on. The one who wanted more than the other was willing to give. She’d done love once. Been burned so badly that she’d retreated here and kept her distance from men ever since.
She needed to remember that. She didn’t want to be back at heartbreak hotel again. Rina had patched her up the last time and Molly had vowed she’d be smarter and stronger if she ever met a man she liked again. But it seemed that her heart didn’t care about common sense.
She hadn’t counted on Jason McCoy. Hadn’t figured he’d ever walk through her door again, but here he was. Making plans and promises, and she was just following along. Letting her battered heart hope she could handle whatever the future held.
MOLLY WASN’T HAVING the best day. She had thought she’d do anything to save the ranch, but not knowing what was going to happen was making her edgy. She loved the land and had never realized how much she needed it to stay the way it always had been.
Jason wasn’t really helping. He had called once in the three days since he’d left to tell her he had gone to Houston and was on his way to San Diego to meet with a defense subcontractor. He made a few bid-related requests. He was all business. How much plainer did things need to be before she got the message? Even though he was trying to move their plan forward, the short call had left her feeling confused and angry. Not at all what she’d expected after their night together.
She wondered if she’d made a huge mistake by partnering with him and starting down this crazy path that would—if he had his way—lead him away from her.
Now, in the middle of her daily tour of the ranch property, she heard odd sounds and she brought Thunder to a stop. Not construction sounds, but something repetitive. Strange. As far as she knew, the hands were working elsewhere. The zoning commissioner had stopped by earlier to make sure they could use their land for the NASA facility if the bid was successful, but she was gone now.
Molly dismounted her horse and dropped the reins. knowing Thunder would stay, and then walked closer to the old homestead. It was a ramshackle house that the first Tanner to live on the Bar T had built. He’d brought his mail-order bride to the house. Even though it was in a sad state of disrepair, the beams were still solid and one day Molly hoped to renovate it.
Maybe with the profits from the NASA project, she would.
She wanted to be optimistic about the training facility, but she felt torn. She knew at the heart of her mixed feelings was the knowledge that whatever came of the project, Jason would do everything in his power to get back to active duty. To leave her behind, maybe for good.
She rounded the trail and stopped in her tracks.
The source of the sounds was Jason.
Shirtless, with sweat on his torso, he hefted one of the heavy railroad ties that had originally been part of the front porch over his head. He held it there for a count of twelve, his muscles bulging, and she heard him cursing as he counted. Not using the old one-Mississippi but instead one-fucking-damn.
She bit her lower lip to keep from smiling, and as he squatted to lower the beam she stayed where she was. His faded blue jeans rode low on his hips. When he stooped to pick up the beam again the fabric pulled tight against his backside.
Lord, he had a great ass.
He lifted, counting again, muscles straining. She realized that she was watching Ace, not Jason. This man was going on the Cronus missions. He was clearly determined to increase his bone density, whatever it took. She couldn’t believe the strength he already possessed.
He had just returned, but he was going to leave her.
She tried to turn to walk away, but her boot heel caught on some trail debris and she let out a shriek as she lost her balance and fell on her backside. Legs and arms akimbo, she wished just once she could have a little bit of grace.
Jason turned, slowly lowering the railroad tie to the ground. He wiped his face where beads of sweat had formed and then sauntered over to her like a man who knew he owned her, body and soul.
She wanted to deny it, even if just to herself, but she knew she couldn’t. She pushed herself to her feet and waited for him to get closer. The scent of his earthy musk mingled with his spicy aftershave. She put her hand up, not even pretending she was doing anything other than touching his bulging pecs. He flexed the padded muscles of his chest under her hand.
“Spying on me?”
“Actually, I didn’t realize you’d come back.”
“But you found me anyway,” he said.
“I did,” she admitted. “God, you are hot.”
“I am sweaty. Is that gross?” he asked.
On any other guy, probably, but on him...no. Not even close.
Molly couldn’t resist rubbing her thumb over his flat brown nipple. His eyes widened and his lips parted.
“I’m guessing you don’t mind.”
Molly didn’t want to talk. She was mad at him. Still. Even more upset with herself for letting him get to her. She’d missed him. She wanted them to have sex again. She’d even gone to see her doctor after that night in her truck and got a prescription for the pill so she wouldn’t have to worry about a condom. She figured all the medical tests Jason had been through recently would have turned up any sexually transmitted diseases. And he was the first man she’d been with in a long time.
She stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his mouth down to hers. Her tongue brushed his and she closed her eyes without meaning to. She felt him shaking slightly, his control slipping.
She wanted more and refused to deny herself. She took her hand in his, linking their fingers together. His hand in hers was solid and strong.
The sun shone brightly down on them, warming them as he led her toward the shade provided by a large oak tree. Underneath she noticed his sleeping bag.
“So you haven’t just returned from San Diego. You’ve been hiding out,” she said.
“Not hiding...just giving you some space,” he said.
“I don’t need space, Jason,” she admitted.
“What do you need?” he asked.
He drew her into his arms from behind. His head rested on her shoulder and his big hands spanned her waist. She stood completely still, feeling the heat of his body against hers. They fit perfectly together.
He turned her in his arms, keeping his hands at her waist. He gave her a half smile before he leaned in closer.
“You have a very tempting mouth,” he said softly, his breath brushing her lips. “It’s all can think about.”
“Yes. No matter how many weights I lift or how hard I drive my body, exhaustion doesn’t seem to quell my need for you.”
Then, his mouth was on hers. He took his time kissing her, rubbing his lips lightly over hers. She wanted more and opened her mouth to invite him closer. He tasted so...delicious.
She swept her tongue into his mouth and he met her thrusts with his own. Then he closed his teeth carefully over her tongue and sucked. She shivered and went up on her tiptoes to get closer to him.
His taste was addicting and she wanted more. Yes, she thought, she wanted much more of him, not just his kisses.
She put her hands on his shoulders and then moved them higher to rub his scalp. His short hair was soft and smooth under her palms.
His hands drifted to her shoulders, and then past them, his fingers tracing a delicate pattern over her breasts. One brushed the edge of her nipple.
Exquisite shivers racked her body as his finger continued to move slowly over her. He found the buttons and undid them slowly. Once her top was fully unfastened and the material fell away from her, he pushed it down her arms to the ground, taking her wrists in his hands and stepping back.
She was proud of her body and worked hard to stay in shape, and she was very glad of that as he looked at her. His gaze started at the top of her head and moved down her neck and chest to her waist.
His hands followed his gaze, unfastening her bra and drawing it away from her chest. He dropped it to the ground before he wrapped his hands around her waist, lifting her. “Wrap your legs around me.”
She did and immediately she was surrounded by him. His hands were on her butt, his mouth was on her breasts and he suckled her gently. Nibbling at her nipples as he massaged her backside. When he took one nipple into his mouth, she felt everything inside of her tighten and her center grow moist.
Then he laid her down on the soft sleeping bag and knelt over her. His mouth... She couldn’t even think. She could only feel the sensations that were washing over her as he continued to focus on her breasts.
One of his heavy thighs parted her legs and then he was between them. She felt the ridge of his cock rubbing against her core and she shifted to increase the sensation.
She wanted to touch him, had to hold him to her as he kissed his way from her breasts down to her belly button. He looked up at her and for a moment when their eyes met there was something in his that alarmed her. He wanted her, but he didn’t want to want her, she thought.
She only let it disturb her for a second before he lowered his head again and nibbled at the skin of her belly, his tongue moving around the indentation of her belly button. Each time he dipped his tongue in, her clit tingled.
His mouth moved lower on her, his hands going to the waistband of her jeans, undoing the button and then slowly lowering the zipper. She felt the warmth of his breath on her lower belly and then the edge of his tongue as he traced the skin revealed by the opening.
His lips felt soft and smooth against her. She moaned a little, afraid to say his name out loud. Afraid he’d hear how much she needed him, wanted him...cared for him.
“Lift your hips,” he said.
She planted her feet on the sleeping bag, doing as he’d asked, and felt him draw her jeans over her hips and down her thighs. She was left wearing the tiny black thong she’d put on that morning.
He palmed her through the fabric and she squirmed.
He gave it to her. Running his fingers under her panties to skim her damp flesh. Then he pulled her underwear down with his teeth. He leaned back on his knees and just stared down at her.
“You are exquisite,” he said.
His voice was low and husky and made her blood flow heavier in her veins. Everything about this man seemed to make her hotter and hornier than she’d ever been before.
“It’s you,” she said in a raspy voice. “You are the one who is making me...”
“I am making you,” he said. “And I’m not going to be happy until you come harder than you ever have before.”
She shuddered at the impact of his words. She felt them all the way through her body. He lowered his head again and rubbed his chin over her. The stubble brushing against her sensitive clit was sweet torment.
He parted her with the thumb and forefinger of his left hand and she felt the air against her flesh and then the pressure of his tongue. It was so firm and wet and she squirmed again, wanting—no, needing—more from him.
He scraped his teeth over her and she almost came right then, but he lifted his head and smiled up her body at her. It was becoming clear that Jason was the kind of lover who wanted to draw out the experience.
She gripped his shoulders as he teased her with his mouth and then she tunneled her fingers through his hair, holding him closer as she lifted her hips. He moaned against her and the sound tickled her clit and sent chills racing through her body.
One hand traced the opening of her body. Those large deft fingers made it impossible to stay still. Her breasts felt full and her nipples were tight as he pushed just the tip of his finger inside of her.
The first ripples of her orgasm started to pulse through her, but he pulled back again, lifting his head and moving down her body, nibbling at the flesh of her legs. She was aching for him.
“Yes?” he asked, lightly stroking her lower belly and then moving both hands to cup her breasts.
“I need more.”
“You will get it,” he said.
He shook his head. “That’s not the way to get what you want. I’m in charge this afternoon, Molly.”
She was shivering with the need to come and wanted his big body moving over hers. Wanted his cock inside of her. She reached between them and stroked him through his pants, then slowly lowered the tab of the zipper. He caught her wrist and raised her hand above her head.
“That’s not what I had in mind,” she said.
He lowered his body over hers so the muscled hardness of his chest brushed her breasts. Then, his thigh was between her legs, moving slowly against her engorged flesh, and she wanted to cry out as everything in her tightened just a little bit more.
She writhed against him, but he just slowed his touch so that the sensations were even more intense than before. He shifted again and she felt the warmth of his breath against her clit. She opened her eyes to look down at him and this time she knew she saw something different. But she couldn’t process it because his mouth was on her.
He plunged a finger deep inside her at the same time and she moaned his name. The first wave of orgasm rolled through her body.
Her hips jerked forward. She felt the moisture between her legs and his finger pushing hard against her G-spot. She was shivering and her entire body was convulsing, but he didn’t lift his head. He kept sucking and driving her harder and harder until she came again, screaming with her orgasm as stars danced behind her eyelids.
Pleasure overcame her. It was more than she could process and she had to close her eyes. She reached for Jason, needing some sort of comfort after that storm of pleasure, but he was gone.
She was still shivering and her pulse was racing as she opened her eyes and found him staring right into them and leaning back. She reached for his zipper and freed him. Took him into her hands and then drew him forward as she parted her legs.
“Damn. I don’t have a condom.”
“I’m on the pill,” she said. The words were raw, needy and husky.
He shifted his hips and plunged deep into the heart of her. She wrapped her legs and arms around him. Held on as tightly as she could. Hoped he’d never realize just how much she wanted him. And not just for the afternoon...
FIVE WEEKS PASSED quickly on the ranch after their afternoon of hot sex. Keeping busy, Jason and Molly hadn’t seen much of each other, except when they needed to discuss business. Jason was working with Jeb and Andy, the ranch hand that Jeb had assigned to him. The land had been cleared and next week they’d hear about their bid. Dennis had been tight-lipped about it. But Lynn, who was the director of Axiom Space Systems—the defense subcontractor Ace had met in San Diego whom they’d decided to partner with—said that was normal. Her people thought their bid was strong and that they would be awarded the contract. But there was no way to know until next week.
Jason had been working out and eating more healthy than he normally did, but his body had to be in the best shape possible for the medical evaluation that was scheduled in another six weeks. Three months had seemed like an eternity originally, but it was flying by. Well, the days were. The nights were long. Plagued with dreams of Molly and those damned long legs of hers. He woke up hard and sweating every night. He knew all he had to do was walk down the hall and knock on her door...but he was afraid of what her reaction to be.
And he wasn’t sure what scared him more, the possibility of her turning him away or inviting him in.
She’d changed him. Woken something that he’d never realized was inside of him. And for the first time in his life he was conflicted about NASA. He’d never been afraid of anything before, but now he wasn’t sure. He didn’t know if he wanted to go back to space, to leave her for eighteen months. He was starting to think of himself as Jason again, not Ace. So he’d stayed in his own bed, fire burning inside of him each night, making him hungrier for her each day.
“There’s a call for you on the ranch phone,” Andy said as he bounced to a stop next to him on the Mule. The Mule was an all-terrain vehicle similar to the one Mick had been driving when he’d had his accident.
“Can I call them back?” Jason asked. “It’s going to take a while for me to return to the house.”
“No. It’s urgent. That’s why I’m here. I’ll take care of your horse. You take the Mule.”
Andy got out of the ATV and Jason got in. He drove it expertly across the bumpy ground. It wasn’t that different from some of the training he’d done at NASA for maneuvering vehicles on foreign surfaces. This was one of part of the program that the ranch was going to develop to get astronauts ready for Mars.
If the call was urgent...well, he’d better get there as quickly as he could. He drove past the barn where he normally would have parked the Mule and pulled up to the house.
He hopped out of the vehicle and bounded up the steps.
Molly and Rina stopped talking as he entered the kitchen. Molly had her hair up and he flashed back to when he’d kissed her neck. That sweet spot where her pulse had been beating so strongly. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, but her lips looked full and her mouth so...addicting. He was going to crack, unable to resist the lure of Molly much longer.
The worst part was that she wasn’t doing anything. She was just being friendly...
“I have a call?”
“Yes. It’s Dennis Lock. He said it was urgent,” she said. “You can take it on the extension in the den.”
“Thanks,” he said, walking past both women down the hall to Mick’s den. As he entered he realized the room was slowly becoming Molly’s. There were little touches that hadn’t been there when it had been Mick’s domain.
Things like a scented candle on the credenza. And the pile of papers that had always been stacked precariously on the edge of the desk had been cleared off. A framed picture of Molly and Mick had taken its place.
Jason wiped his hands on his jeans before leaning on the desk and lifting the handset.
“McCoy here.”
“Ace. Took long enough. One thing we have to do once you win the bid is get a cell tower put in. It feels like the dark ages when I have to call a landline.”
Jason smiled to himself, suppressing a chuckle. “It is a different world out here.”
“I bet. I have two pieces of news. The decision has been made for the facility and my sources said I’ll be happy. You should hear something informal today. I’d call Lynn.”
“Will do, sir. What’s the other news?” he asked.
“I need you back here for an interim medical evaluation. They are pressuring us to name a commander for the first mission and I want it to be you. Doctor Tomlin needs to see if you are making enough progress.”
Jason rubbed his chest as, for the first time, he worried he might not be physically able. His body was the one thing he’d always taken for granted. Even when his mom had died and he’d been left on his own, he’d been healthy.
“Okay. What if I’m not?”
“Don’t even think it,” Dennis said.
“You’ll have to name someone else, won’t you?”
There was silence on the line for a long minute and Jason felt a burst of anger. Dammit.
“Hemi’s good,” Jason said finally.
“He is, but he’s not ready. Not yet. I want you, Ace. But we won’t send you to space if we can’t bring you back whole.”
“Fair enough. I can’t get down to Houston today. Can I come tomorrow?”
“Yes. Call Lynn first and then Tomlin. She’s going to want to set up a series of exercises and tests.”
Dennis finished the call and Ace hung up the phone but didn’t leave the room. He didn’t make the other calls he needed to make. He glanced down at his body. He’d been working out every day and he felt like he was in the best shape of his life. But he had no idea if his bone density had improved. Hell. He wanted to punch something. He wanted...