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Terror Trail

Stony Man
A counterterrorist unit so secret that only the Oval Office knows it exists, Stony Man takes action when a crisis too vast or virulent for official channels threatens. While the nation may never know about the elite commandos dedicated to protecting peace, as long as terror has a foothold in the free world, Stony Man won’t stand down....
Terror Trail
An extremist group is launching a full-scale attack to bring death to America’s streets. The plan is all-out destruction—in malls, schools, streets and public venues across the land. Stony Man puts a man undercover in the enemy training camp, while the other team members race to uncover the identity of the group’s powerful financier. Facing relentless fire in their grim assault against the soldiers of hate, Stony Man fights back with everything it’s got to keep innocent blood from flooding America’s communities.
In the computer room data flashed across the monitors
There was a palpable sense of urgency in the air. Each member of the team understood how quickly things could change and the critical need for relevant information.
Carmen Delahunt, ex-FBI, sat upright, a soft yes passing her lips. She gazed at her monitor, rereading the lines displayed there.
“DCRI,” she said out loud. “French Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence.”
The Direction Centrale du Renseignement Intérieur, founded in 2008, was responsible, among other things, for monitoring threats to France and had built a database of suspect individuals. Using one of Kurtzman’s programs, Delahunt had penetrated the DCRI. She had keyed in Sahar Muran’s name and had found his file and known associates.
The list threw up a number of other names, with brief biographies.
The one that stood out was Shaia Kerim. Now associated with Hand of Allah. When Delahunt read through the French-compiled list she saw that at least three other names were coupled with Hand of Allah.
And one of them was Sahar Muran.
Stony Man had their connection.
Terror Trail
Don Pendleton

Special thanks and acknowledgment to Mike Linaker for his contribution to this work.
Oval Office
Washington, D.C.
“Is your man up to this?” the President of the United States asked.
Hal Brognola, the director of the Sensitive Operations Group, understood the question. The President was asking through genuine concern. The SOG was ultimately the man’s responsibility. Stony Man, the ultrasecret covert-operations group, ultimately came under the President’s purview. He alone knew of its existence, understood and accepted what it had to do and gave his blessing.
Stony Man operations were off the books. In many cases they might have been deemed illegal, because to get the job done the SOG operatives needed to bend, twist and often totally ignore the rules. The missions, aimed at combating enemies of the U.S.A., were not conducted against saintly, reasonable individuals. There were no opportunities for sit-down discussions, no openings for compromise. When faced with ruthless threats and out-and-out terrorism, Stony Man responded with the instinctive reactions of a mother lion protecting her cubs. In this instance they were hitting back against enemies who wanted nothing less than to inflict death and suffering on the citizens of the U.S.A.; in the past Phoenix Force and Able Team had encountered insidious plots aimed at bringing terror and destruction to America. Stepping up to the firing line was the SOG’s mission objective. They accepted that mandate without question. The President understood and was eternally grateful to his small, exceptionally courageous teams.
Which was why he asked the question.
“Is your man up to this?”
“Yes, Mr. President. In fact he was the first to volunteer when the subject came up.” Brognola allowed a brief smile. “I believe he was ready to fight anyone who tried to talk him out of it.”
The President sighed, leaning back in his seat behind his Oval Office desk.
“This is different from a full team effort,” he said. “One man in a foreign environment, surrounded by people hell-bent on some violent mission, and the only backup miles away if anything goes wrong.”
“We don’t have much of a choice here, Mr. President. The background we have on Hand of Allah is damn thin. So thin we’re having to go this route. Right now all we have is some electronic chatter. Couple of cell phone snatches.”
“Yes, I know, Hal. Don’t forget I was the one who passed it along to you because it was so thin. Have your people managed to pick up any more data?”
“The cyber team have been on it around the clock. Hand of Allah is pretty low-profile. Up until now the group has been considered little more than a bunch of talkers, not doers. If they are planning something drastic they’ve decided to hold back from advertising it too much. The Stony Man cyber team have been monitoring every source they have. Luckily for us they came across some loose chatter about Hand of Allah planning a strike against the U.S., by setting loose its martyrs on the streets. Looks like someone got excited over the prospect and had to broadcast it.”
“We were lucky to get what information we did, Hal. That gossip tied in with our other break. Information from a Yemeni national working undercover for the CIA. Behin Jahir is the one who came up with solid evidence that Hand of Allah is planning something. And he gave us the name of the group’s facilitator here in America.”
“Shaia Kerim. Kurtzman’s team worked up his profile and it’s given us a way in.”
“What would help is also identifying the Hand of Allah leader,” the President said. “Unusual for one of these people to stay invisible. They normally want to step into the spotlight. Just so they can tell us who they are and why we’ll never catch them.
“A shy terrorist,” Brognola said. “Maybe he’s creating a new trend.”
“What’s the next move?”
“Able Team has been briefed on what we have here. I’m going to cut them loose and let them work on that. The rest of Phoenix Force will follow up with Behin. Go to Yemen.”
“I hope we’re not sending a man to his death, Hal. Alone in the enemy camp. It’s a risky exercise. Maybe too risky to expect it to succeed.”
“Mr. President, if anyone can pull this off it’s Calvin James.”
“I hope you’re right, Hal. If anything happens to that boy, I’ll have a hard time forgiving myself.”
“You and me both, Mr. President. You and me both.”
War Room
Stony Man Farm
“I STILL THINK IT’S crazy,” T. J. Hawkins said.
“I’m not all that pleased with the idea myself,” David McCarter added.
“Nobody said it was perfect,” Calvin James pointed out, “but since no one can come up with a better idea, I say we go with it.”
“Cal, I hate to bring this up again, but you could be putting yourself in harm’s way,” Brognola said.
“I understand. Look, every time we head out on a mission we’re doing just that. Risk is what we live with. Five or one, it makes no difference.”
“In a team you have backup, close and personal,” Rafael Encizo argued.
“I know that. And a bullet could still find me with all you guys around.”
“Still a risk,” Barbara Price said. “A big risk.”
“What’s the alternative?” James said. “Go in like the heavy mob and blow the chance of picking up the intel we need? We need pinpoint information. Shaia Kerim is the only name we have belonging to Hand of Allah. He’s the point man. The only other detail that’s come to light is they have a working plan to put their people on U.S. streets. Right now, according to Behin Jahir, Hand of Allah is somewhere in the Yemeni desert. A training camp. We need to locate it because that’s where this planned strike is being masterminded. Rest of the information is so skinny you can see through it. So we need someone to get close to harden up our knowledge. That’s me.”
This was their third roundtable meeting on James’s proposed undercover mission, and the concern of his Phoenix Force teammates was the reason for the ongoing discussion.
“Remind me again why you?” Aaron Kurtzman asked from his wheelchair on the opposite side of the conference table. He was directly across from James, his intense gaze centered on the Phoenix Force warrior. “Why not any of the others?”
“One, I’m black and thus more likely to be accepted by the Muslim community. I also speak French. We know Kerim speaks the language, so we have something in common.” James paused. “And face it, brother, I’m the only one around this table who is really cool.”
McCarter raised his hands in surrender. “Well, that bloody does it for me. He’s cocky enough to pull this off.” The Brit leaned over and slapped James on the shoulder. “Be nice to the rest of us and maybe we’ll be around to cover your back.”
“No question there,” Brognola said. “You guys will be ready to jump in once Cal blows the time-out whistle.”
“You’ve got that,” Hawkins said.
“Aaron, can you push on with that character file for Cal? Give him a life so that if anyone does some electronic trawling he’ll exist,” McCarter said.
* * *
STONY MAN WANTED Shaia Kerim to believe he was safe, that his association with Hand of Allah was not known by anyone outside the group. The fact he was an active member had been carefully guarded, and he continued to operate under a false sense of security because the Stony Man team had decided to allow it to happen while they built their case, infiltrating Hand of Allah so they could take the group down. Stony Man accepted that simply removing Kerim would be a hollow victory. One man down would not destroy the entire cell. They needed a show of force that would remove Hand of Allah’s power base and neutralize its command structure. They needed information on other members of the organization and ultimately the reclusive figure who headed the group.
The identity of this shadowy figure was important. His whereabouts remained a secret even from active members of Hand of Allah. His exposure and removal from power would deal a devastating blow to the cell. Cutting off the head of the snake would hopefully destroy the body.
The members of Stony Man’s cyber team, under Aaron Kurtzman’s direction, were giving all their assistance to the combat teams. They were also working around the clock, using every skill they possessed and searching electronically for any clue, small as it might be, that could point them in the direction of the man overseeing Hand of Allah.
Kurtzman was fully aware of the importance of the operation. He always gave one hundred percent to any Stony Man search. Without any kind of overt command he made it clear to his team how he expected them to push even harder than usual. It was to Kurtzman’s credit that his people responded without exception, pushing themselves as hard as he did himself.
Stony Man had an unwritten declaration that came with the territory, and it was behind everything they did; for all of them it was to give everything they had to every assignment. Their missions were always on the edge, looking into the abyss. Failure would lead to deadly results. Their scope of operations was endless because the enemies they faced were legion. Stony Man undertook missions that were beyond the reach of regular security agencies due to rules of engagement, interagency overlaps and even information leaks.
Stony Man, through Phoenix Force, Able Team and even Mack Bolan, had no agency connections. The SOG was responsible, on a daily basis, to Hal Brognola. Above Brognola was the single figure of the SOG’s commander—the President of the United States. They deferred to him alone. In essence they were his last line of defense—his ultrasecret weapon—charged with stepping in when there was nowhere else for the Man to go.
Since its inception, Stony Man had been under the cloak of the presidency. With each new Commander in Chief, the baton had been passed along. Each new President had been told by his predecessor of the SOG’s existence, and the mantle of responsibility had been transferred. Given the state of the world, the existing threats and the possible future threats to the nation, each newcomer to the Oval Office had acknowledged the need for such a group. As each new President settled into his office and was updated by Brognola, it soon became clear to the man in charge that Stony Man was a vital weapon in America’s fight to survive. Although the President was at a distance from the Stony Man teams, he realized just how much they put into their missions, how many times they risked their lives and how many times they pulled the country back from the brink. All arguments aside, the President’s covert teams had a place in the ongoing struggle to maintain America’s security. And that struggle required, on occasion, that they fight down and dirty when the enemy dictated the terms of combat.
Aaron Kurtzman and his team were more than aware of the need to get down to ground level in order to assist the teams. Kurtzman would sanction anything to gain information. He had no qualms when it came to breaching other security agencies for intel. He understood the paranoia that gripped these agencies when they were in possession of data they claimed as their own, refusing to pass it along to sister agencies because it might weaken their own dominance. Interagency rivalry became paramount. Career building and personal grandstanding could withhold vital information, and the bickering that was tied to these matters often blocked progress.
Aaron Kurtzman used the cyber team’s combined skills to override these failings. His people were the best of the best. Unchallenged experts in the use of cyber tactics, they could, and would, bypass firewalls and encrypted systems to reach in and filter out data. Kurtzman and Akira Tokaido, the young systems wizard, devised and perfected the most intrusive programs in existence. They used them to worm their way through the most sophisticated computer shields to take what they needed, all without the knowledge of the breached systems.
Deeply immersed in the cyber universe, Kurtzman’s personnel increased their knowledge with every mission. Kurtzman understood the complexities of the electronic war he was fighting—and a war it was—and he devoted his waking hours to overcoming the challenges thrown Stony Man’s way. His cyber team’s reach extended across the globe, using any and all databases they breached. Electronic chatter filled cyberspace with a continuous flow. It never stopped. Day or night, filling the void with talk and information, the ceaseless river of human verbiage was there for the taking. It required specialized equipment and trained people to filter out the small snatches of useful information. Stony Man’s team were such people. In their hands such snippets of information could open up a channel that might provide the link they needed to bring them closer to a current enemy.
It was such dedication that enabled Kurtzman’s team to isolate a seemingly innocuous cell phone call and expand it into something useful.
Through the investigative skills of the cyber team, Shaia Kerim’s background biography had been established, giving the SOG a basis of fact. Kerim moved back and forth between Yemen and the States, his position in the Yemeni cultural administration allowing him access to museums and art galleries. His credentials were impressive. On the surface he was a moderate Muslim, his status as a mediator well-known. Now he had been identified as a Hand of Allah follower by Stony Man, his position had shifted. A probe into his past had uncovered his knowledge of the French language, attained during three years as a student in Paris. It also came out that he frequented a mosque in New York. The frequency of his visits gave Phoenix Force a way to allow James to make contact. It was a risk the warrior was willing to take.
Using his wide skills, Hunt Wethers worked on the bio information he had created for “Ibrahim Hammid,” aka Calvin James. Using his fertile imagination he came up with a plausible set of facts and figures, cleverly manipulated photo images and even background details on Hammid’s dead parents. The information was inserted into a number of databases to authenticate Hammid’s existence. With the same expertise, he built and inserted the details of Calvin James’s alter ego into the national criminal databases, knowing that Hand of Allah would check up on him if he made a worthwhile contact.
“We already have everything in motion,” Kurtzman said. “New identity. Family background. Paperwork. End of today we’ll have Cal vanish and Ibrahim Hammid will take his place.”
Price nodded. “Cover job and place to stay is already up and running. Background department has worked some heavy string-pulling to get this online. Cal, you’re only going to have a few days to get into character. Learn your back history so it’s word perfect and natural.” She peered along the table at James’s face. “That stubble and the longer hair is coming along fine. By the time you hit the streets you’ll look the part. We just need to outfit you in some hand-me-down clothes.”
“No problem,” James said. “David is going to lend me some of his.”
“And this is the bum who expects us to cover his arse out there,” McCarter said.
A crackle of laughter circled the table until Brognola held up his hand.
“Okay, let’s work on specifics. Able Team is all ready to work on the domestic scene. The information we were handed suggests Hand of Allah is negotiating the purchase of weapons to be brought into the country for use in this upcoming campaign. Intel we have points to the border country in the Southwest. Most likely coming up through Central America and into New Mexico. Our problem is the lack of real information. The who and where. The difficulty along that stretch of country is the groups already involved in trafficking drugs, people and guns.”
“Carl will sniff ’em out,” Hawkins said.
“I hope so,” Brognola said.
“David, if Calvin gets in with Hand of Allah and they move him to the training camp in Yemen, you guys will need to be on a following flight. I don’t want him out there on his own. The President has authorized a standby plane to take you across to Yemen so you can get yourselves embedded in Sana’a. The only solid piece of luck we have is that the Hand of Allah camp is believed to be around fifty miles across the border from Oman. That will give you somewhere to evacuate to if needed.”
“Aaron, give us what you have and we’ll move,” Carl Lyons said. “Anything. A name. Location. Something for us to work with.”
“We’ve been monitoring cell phone and email chatter. Using Echelon and the Zero station,” Kurtzman said. “Sifting through all that stuff is like looking for a particular grain of sand on a beach.”
Blancanales grinned. “Go ahead and tell us you found that grain.”
“What can I say? Carmen found something through the FBI network. Came up with two names. Carlos Gallegos. He’s a middleman who works both sides of the New Mexico border. He has past connections for the other guy Carmen came up with. Jack Regan.”
Every head around the table turned in Kurtzman’s direction.
Regan was a name known to them all. He had shown up in a number of previous Stony Man missions. The man was slippery, always managing to walk away even though deals he had been negotiating had been shut down. He would vanish but reappear somewhere else, and was known as a wily and persistent dealer in weapons.
“I wondered when that bugger was going to raise his head again,” McCarter said. “Been awhile since he showed up on the radar.”
“We did some deeper digging into his recent business dealings,” Kurtzman said. “He’s been busy wheeling and dealing. Latin America. Horn of Africa. Asia.”
“Busy lad,” McCarter said.
“And likely a wealthy one,” Brognola said. “Regan does nothing for chump change. Aaron uncovered some information that goes way back. Seems Regan has done deals with the CIA and even the Russians years ago. He’s nothing if not generous with his favors.”
“How do you figure he fits into this deal?” Lyons asked.
“We picked up on a cell phone call from Kerim to Gallegos.” Kurtzman shook his head. “These jokers will insist on calling each other thinking they’re safe using cells. The more technology improves, the more these idiots figure they can get in under the radar. Once we had Kerim’s cell ID it was simple enough to pull up his call list. Akira had his program run a breakdown on cell numbers. Gave us the ID of his contacts. Carlos Gallegos has been a busy boy. Last few weeks there have been at least a dozen conversations with Kerim. And Jack Regan’s name cropped up. Okay, the calls were nonspecific in content. But once you listen to them a few times, isolate key words, it’s plain they’ve been talking weapons purchase and delivery. There’s a deal in the pipeline and Regan is heading it up.”
“New Mexico and Carlos Gallegos,” Hermann “Gadgets” Schwarz said. “Sounds like a kick-off point.”
“Sounds like we need Grimaldi Air to fly us across to New Mexico,” Lyons said.
“You got it,” Price said. “I’ll make the arrangements.”
Lyons pushed to his feet. “Watch your backs, guys,” he said to Phoenix Force.
“And you, pal,” McCarter called as Able Team left the war room.
Jack Regan wore a creased white linen suit and a well-used white Panama hat. Those items were his trademark. He had been wearing a similar outfit the day he scored his first big deal and considered them his lucky dress. Over the years he had replaced the outfits as each one wore out, but always favored the same style and color.
Jack Regan dealt in weaponry of all kinds. Whatever the client wanted, Regan could usually supply it. He had clients and contacts across the globe, and in his circle he was considered one of the best. Regan had the knack of walking away if a deal went sour, and some had. It was part of the business. At the first sign of trouble he would turn around and leave. He hated to lose on a deal because Regan did not like losing money. But when push came to shove he valued his skin, and there were always other clients and other deals.