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Keeper's Reach
“I can see why you’re eager to move,” Emma said.
She lowered the shade again. “I’m giddy. It’s fun to show the place off. Thank you for indulging me.”
“I love checking out Boston apartments.”
“Will you and Colin stay where you are once you’re married?”
“For now.”
“Boston rents are insane. I’m sleeping here tonight. I brought over a few basics from Matt’s place. He won’t be back for a couple more days, and a sleeping bag on the floor here is more appealing than another night on my own with the roaches.”
Emma laughed. “I can’t say I blame you.”
“Do you ever miss convent life?”
Ah, Emma thought. The real reason for her presence here. “I miss the gardens and the scenery. It’s a beautiful place.”
“Matt says you’re heading up there for a couple of nights.”
“Tomorrow after work, yes. It’s a mini retreat.”
“I’ve always loved the name of your order. Sisters of the Joyful Heart. Are they a joyful lot?”
“Most of the time,” Emma said.
“Matt says your time with the sisters has served you well in the FBI. You strike me as centered, Emma. You have good command of your emotions and the ability to stay fully present. I can see how you and Colin do well together. He operates on gut instinct honed by training and experience.” Lucy moved away from the window. “I’m aware Matt was Colin’s contact agent on at least one undercover mission.”
Emma followed Lucy to the entrance, making no comment on her assertion.
The older woman smiled. “Not going to confirm anything, are you? That’s all right. I wouldn’t expect you to. One learns to ferret out tidbits when one is married to a senior federal agent. The isolation, constant danger and pretending to be someone else as an undercover agent can take a toll after a while. Some personalities are more suited to that sort of work than others. There must be a high burnout rate.”
“You have to know when you’ve had enough in any line of work,” Emma said.
“Ah, how true. Here I am thinking about opening a knitting shop. I’m eyeing a spot on Charles Street. I could walk to work. That would be a first for me. A knitting shop might be a fantasy to help me with the transition to life in Boston, but if it is, it’s working. I haven’t been this excited in a long time.”
“Maybe you needed something new.”
“I wonder if that’s part of why I resisted moving for so long. I didn’t want to face my own boredom. Psychology is a relatively portable career, but maybe it’s run its course. I thought maybe my marriage had, too. I’m glad I was wrong about that.”
Emma wasn’t going there. “I can see Yank taking up knitting.”
“My husband’s idea of a hobby is cleaning his gun.”
Lucy thanked Emma again as she left, taking the stairs down to the small lobby and heading out into the February cold. What Lucy Yankowski hadn’t brought up—and clearly hadn’t had any intention of bringing up—was that her husband and Emma’s fiancé were both in Washington, DC, likely meeting with the new FBI director about an undercover mission.
With Oliver York waiting for her, Emma grabbed a cab back to her waterfront apartment. After a quiet winter fitting himself into HIT, Colin had been summoned to FBI headquarters in Washington in late January. He’d returned several times the past month, so far managing to fly back to Boston for weekends.
Wedding or no wedding, he had a job to do.
And so do I, Emma thought, reading Oliver’s text again. Wealthy, solitary and very smart, he might be a man haunted by his past, but he was firmly anchored in the present. It helped, no doubt, that he didn’t fear arrest, by the FBI, Scotland Yard or any of the law enforcement agencies in the other countries where he had helped himself to valuable art over the past decade.
Oliver York was, in a word, untouchable.
* * *
When she reached her tiny apartment, Emma heaped her coat, hat and gloves on a chair and kicked off her boots. She sat on her couch in the living room and dialed up Oliver York on her laptop on her coffee table.
“Sorry I’m late,” she said.
Oliver peered at her from across the Atlantic. A thick, dark blond curl flopped onto his forehead as he leaned closer to his screen. “What happened to your hair, Emma?”
“Hat head.” She had no intention of telling him about trying on wedding dresses.
“It’s cold in Boston?”
“Yes. Where are you?”
“My London flat.”
It was a room she didn’t recognize from her one visit last November to his sprawling Mayfair apartment overlooking St. James’s Park. Colin and Yank had accompanied her. Oliver had met them in the library, where his parents had been murdered almost thirty years ago. Now he sat in a tall-backed red-leather chair in front of a draped window and a painting of porpoises in Ardmore Bay on the south Irish coast. Emma knew the painting, an early work by well-known Irish artist Aoife O’Byrne.
“A video chat is more intimate than a phone call, at least. How are you, Emma? It is all right if I call you Emma, isn’t it? It’s more informal than Special Agent Sharpe, but this is an official chat, I assume?”
“I’m an FBI agent. You’re a thief. Yes, it’s an official chat. But Emma is fine.”
He pointed at her. “You’re testier than when I saw you here in November.”
That was when she had figured out that Oliver Fairbairn, a tweedy British mythologist caught in the middle of a murder investigation in Boston, was also Oliver York, a cheeky, wealthy British aristocrat with a tragic past. That Oliver Fairbairn and Oliver York were one and the same wasn’t widely known. He preferred to keep the two identities separate, and Emma had no reason to announce it to the world. In fact, the opposite.
“Tell me about this FBI agent you believe is following you.”
He gave an audible sigh. “Testy. Definitely testy.”
She tried to resist a smile.
“I have reliable radar for FBI agents, and it went off like crazy when I spotted this man. He was in the park outside my apartment. I had just returned from an art gallery. I wouldn’t be surprised if he followed me.”
“Was this today?”
“Around noon, yes.”
“Is the gallery the one holding the show for Aoife O’Byrne?”
The Irish O’Byrne family was one of Oliver’s victims—his first, ten years ago. He had made off with two Jack Butler Yeats landscape paintings of western Ireland, a fifteenth-century silver wall cross depicting Saint Declan and an unsigned landscape of a local scene, probably by a young Aoife O’Byrne herself. Her Yeats phase, Oliver called it. The porpoises had come after that, as well as a few crosses of her own, but she was known now for her moody seascapes.
At least Oliver had bought the porpoise painting instead of stealing it.
“What’s the name of this agent you ran into in the park?” Emma asked.
Oliver looked surprised. “I only saw him. I didn’t speak with him.”
“How do you know he’s an FBI agent if you didn’t speak with him?”
“The suit. The look. He’s one of yours. I’ve no doubt.”
“Did you take his picture?”
He sniffed. “Of course not. I’m a mild-mannered mythologist, not Scotland Yard or MI6. This man is tall, lean, medium coloring, perhaps early forties—but that describes a lot of your colleagues, doesn’t it? Not you, of course.”
“Of course.”
Oliver sat back, amusement lighting up his face. He was good-looking and surprisingly affable for a man so solitary, so haunted by his past. “I’m many things, Emma, but paranoid isn’t one of them. I’m convinced this man is one of yours. Consider yourself alerted.”
“Fair enough. Anything else?”
“I’ve sent you a package. Martin has, actually.”
On her November trip to London, Emma had also met Martin Hambly, Oliver’s longtime personal assistant. It was unclear to her whether Martin was aware of his boss’s alter ego as an art thief. “What’s in the package, Oliver?”
“A present for you. A surprise. You’ll love it. I packed it myself when I was at the farm over the weekend. I returned to London on Monday. Then today...” He grimaced. “Today, I saw the FBI outside my apartment.”
“Where did you send the package?”
“I addressed it to you at Father Bracken’s rectory in Rock Point. I thought that would be simpler, but, as luck would have it, our Irish priest friend is here in London.”
Emma frowned at that bit of news. “I thought he was in Ireland visiting his family.”
“He joined his brother on a business trip on behalf of Bracken Distillers. I ran into Finian at the gallery. He, Declan and I are all about to have a drink together. Declan has to return to Ireland tomorrow, but I plan to invite Father Bracken to the family farm in the Cotswolds.”
“I wish you wouldn’t do that, Oliver.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re a thief and Father Bracken is a friend of mine.”
“That’s plain enough.” Oliver paused. “How is your family, Emma? Everyone’s well?”
“Doing fine, thank you.”
“Did your grandfather come home to Heron’s Cove for Christmas?”
“You know he didn’t. You two rang in the New Year together at Claridge’s.”
“Ah, so Wendell did tell you. I wasn’t sure he would. He told me he’d expected to fly home to Maine for Christmas, but he didn’t feel comfortable going so far with your parents here in London. The experimental procedure to help relieve your father’s chronic back pain went well, but it’s taken some time to recover.”
Emma made no comment. She wasn’t discussing her family with Oliver York.
“Chronic pain takes a toll,” he added.
“Yes, it does,” Emma said. Although there was a psychological component to her father’s physical pain given its impact on his life, it was different from the chronic psychological pain Oliver York endured. She was convinced he’d turned to planning and executing solitary, daring art heists to provide relief. It must have worked, at least temporarily, since he’d been at it for a decade. Of course, catching him sooner would have put a stop to it.
“I gather you and my grandfather are on a first-name basis now,” she said.
“I haven’t seen him since New Year’s. He came out to the farm for a couple of days, then went back to Dublin to pretend he wants to retire.”
“You harassed him for ten years. He wants to see you arrested before he retires.”
Oliver waved a hand. “Nonsense. Wendell said you spent Christmas with the Donovans in Rock Point, that gloomy yet oddly charming Maine fishing village of theirs. You two haven’t been to Ireland or London since November. Perhaps I should have had you come to the farm and collect the package yourself.”
“It would have to contain the last of your stolen art for me to come to your farm.”
“Emma, Emma.”
“We’re still missing the two Dutch landscapes you stole in Amsterdam.” She kept her tone even, without any hint of hostility, sarcasm or cajoling. “I would fly to England to get those works back to their rightful owner.”
“I wish I could help.”
“That’s a start. We’re also missing the unsigned landscape you stole in Declan’s Cross, but I doubt you’ll ever return it since it’s a fair guess it’s an early work by Aoife O’Byrne. You’re familiar with Declan’s Cross, Oliver. It’s the tiny village on the south Irish coast where you launched your stint as an art thief.”
“I’m familiar with Declan’s Cross. It’s quite a charming hamlet.”
“Aoife’s missing landscape depicts the three crosses on the headland in Declan’s Cross where you hid after stealing from her uncle. The painting has personal value for you, but you still should return it.”
Oliver peered at her. “You look happy but preoccupied, Emma. I can understand you have much on your mind. When you do come to England again, you must bring Special Agent Donovan with you. Are you two inviting me to your wedding?”
Emma smiled. “No.”
“Pity. Your Colin isn’t hovering in the background, is he?”
“No, he isn’t. Anything else, Oliver?”
“I’m reading a new book on the early Irish saints. Would you like me to send it to you when I finish? Did you study Saint Patrick, Saint Declan and the like when you were a nun? You must have studied Saint Brigid since that was your name as a novice.”
Her grandfather must have told him. She knew she hadn’t. “Good night, Oliver.”
“The farm is stunning in the spring, which, happily, comes to the Cotswolds earlier than it does in your part of the world. You and Colin can walk in the countryside to your hearts’ content. We can all have English tea and scones together.”
“Only if there’s clotted cream to go with them.”
“Absolutely. It will be homemade, whipped from cream from our own dairy cows. We’ll have our gooseberry jam, made with wild berries picked on the farm, although not by me. Monotonous, repetitive tasks like berry-picking tend to make my mind go to other things.”
“Like plotting your next art heist?”
“By all means, cling to your theory that I’m your art thief. I won’t try to dissuade you.” He waggled a finger at her. “Your nose is red, too, Emma.” He sat back with a mysterious smile. “As cold as it is there, you’ll enjoy my present all the more.”
She didn’t want any presents from Oliver York, but she wasn’t arguing with him.
“Enjoy the rest of your evening,” he said. “Shall I give Father Bracken your best?”
Emma wasn’t enthusiastic about Oliver meeting the Bracken brothers for a drink, much less inviting Finian to the Cotswolds, but there was nothing she could do about it. “Please do,” she said.
Oliver clicked off and the screen went blank.
He wouldn’t send valuable stolen art from England to Maine, and he wouldn’t send it to her.
Would he?
Emma opened a file on her laptop and brought up photographs of art stolen over the past decade by the same unidentified thief—from homes, businesses and museums in Ireland, Amsterdam, Brussels, London, Venice, Prague, Oslo, San Francisco and Dallas. After each heist, the thief sent Wendell Sharpe a small, polished stone inscribed with a Celtic cross. Emma had worked on the case even before she became an FBI agent.
There was no proof Oliver York was their thief, but there also was no doubt.
Emma wasn’t unsympathetic to the torment he’d endured as a young boy and undoubtedly still carried with him, but she was careful not to get sucked into it as rationalization for his stealing and taunting—for his crimes. After she and her grandfather had figured out Oliver was their thief in November, the stolen artwork started turning up, each piece back in the hands of its rightful owner, with nothing to trace its theft or its return to Oliver York.
What, Emma wondered, was returning the art costing Oliver?
What would he do now to relieve the sense of helplessness and the terrible pain he had suffered as a child?
She let her gaze linger on the photos of the two missing Dutch landscapes, small oil paintings done by lesser-known seventeenth-century artists. They were valuable but not as valuable as a Rembrandt or a Van Gogh would have been. Oliver tended to stay away from art that would have attracted worldwide headlines. The Amsterdam museum that owned the landscapes had left the spaces empty where they had hung for decades.
Oliver needed to return them. Then Emma could think about his pain.
She shut her laptop and went into her tiny kitchen. She didn’t want to go out again, but she had little in her refrigerator. She was digging out vegetables and hummus when her phone dinged.
Oliver again.
I forgot to tell you. Our agent spoke to a woman in the park.
They knew each other?
I’m certain. They looked like they were arguing.
Did you speak with her?
No. Is she FBI?
Emma resisted getting him back on the phone.
Go enjoy a whiskey with Fr. Bracken and forget about FBI agents.
Ah, Emma. I never forget about you lot.
She responded with a smile icon and resumed collecting her dinner. As she took her plate into the living room, her gaze settled on a photo of her and Colin together in Ireland last fall. Framing it had been her idea. He didn’t think of such things. She set her plate on the coffee table and eased onto the couch as she touched a finger to his chin, as if he were with her. He was solid and confident, a man who relied on his instincts and his training. On Monday, he had packed his duffel bag and headed to the airport, saying he had meetings in Washington and would be in touch.
All very sudden and mysterious.
Colin wasn’t a natural fit for HIT, but he’d managed to make a place for himself once Yank had shoehorned him onto his team in October. Colin contributed to complex investigations with the eye of a seasoned undercover agent and the gut instincts of someone who had faced sustained, real danger in the field.
Emma hadn’t thought his meetings involved HIT until that morning, when Yank had left for Washington with no explanation beyond “meetings.” It was possible his trip had nothing to do with Colin’s trip, but what were the odds?
Given Colin’s absence, she supposed she didn’t need to spend two nights on her own at the convent. She could stay here in Boston and contemplate her life. But her current life wasn’t the reason she had arranged for her mini retreat with the Sisters of the Joyful Heart.
It was her past that was driving her to return, briefly, to the sisters.
Ever since the first of the year, she kept seeing herself walking through the convent gates as a teenager, thinking she would never have another home. It was as if she were looking at a stranger, someone outside herself—a different person altogether from the woman she was now, or even the child she had been before the thought of becoming “Sister Brigid” had gripped her.
Emma wiggled the diamond engagement ring Colin had placed on her finger in Dublin. Was he even in Washington? For four years, he had told his family he worked at a desk at FBI headquarters.
Such was not the case.
While tempting and inevitable, speculating, she knew, wouldn’t answer any of her questions. She’d waited for Colin before. She would now, for however long was necessary. She had her work, and her retreat.
Not to mention lunch on Saturday in Maine with his mother.
Emma smiled and pulled out her phone again, flipping to her photo of her wedding dress.
It was a great dress. Perfect for an early June wedding on the Maine coast.
“Not any wedding,” she said. “My wedding.”
To Colin Donovan.
She slipped her phone back into her coat pocket. She would call him later about Oliver York. If he could talk to her, he would. If he couldn’t, they would talk later.
And wherever he was—whatever he was up to—he would come back to her.
The Bold Coast, Maine Wednesday, 7:00 p.m., EST
It took Mike Donovan a full three seconds before he realized the buzzing he heard was his cell phone. He wasn’t used to having a phone. He picked it up from the counter where he’d left it while he chopped garlic. He’d been up since five, when he had pulled on jeans, a heavy flannel shirt, a vest, wool socks and L.L.Bean boots and headed outside. The temperature was in the double digits. He could get work done.
He answered his phone without checking the screen to see who was calling. Before he could get in a word, his mother spoke. “No one’s hurt or been arrested,” she said.
“That’s good. What’s up?”
She launched into something about a visitor. Some guy. Mike couldn’t make it all out. The connection was weak. It was dark at his cabin on a remote stretch of the Maine coast down east of Acadia National Park. The Bold Coast, it was called, named for its dramatic cliffs and tides. His mother was in Rock Point, his hometown in southern Maine.
“You run an inn,” he said. “What’s wrong with visitors?”
“This wasn’t a guest. It was one of your army buddies.”
He heard the urgency in her voice. Married to a police officer, now retired, and the mother of four adult sons, Rosemary Donovan wasn’t prone to overstating her case.
Mike stood at his front window. The evening air was still and dark, stars glittering on waves of undisturbed snow and the ocean, quiet and starlit past the marsh across from his cabin. He’d worked outside most of the day and had planned to spend the evening alone by the fire, reading a book. He owned a television but didn’t watch it much. He liked his life but it was new to him compared to the army. Three years into it instead of ten.
“What army buddy?” he asked finally.
“Jamie Mason. Do you know him?”
Retired army, none better at logistics support. “I know him. When did he stop by?”
“Just now. I offered him coffee, but he said no, he had things to do.”
“Pop’s there?”
“No. I’m here alone. Your father’s at Hurley’s having a drink with your brothers.”
Andy and Kevin, Mike thought. Not Colin. Colin had told them he was in Washington, but he could be anywhere. Their folks would like all four sons in town having a drink at Hurley’s.
Mike turned from the window back to his kitchen area. “You let this guy in?”
“Of course. It’s cold outside.”
It wasn’t that cold for Maine in February. “Just because he said he’s a friend doesn’t mean he is one.”
“Oh, stop, Mike. I didn’t call you for a lecture. He left a message for you. I wrote it down. I have it right here. Hang on a sec.” She paused, and Mike could hear her shuffling through papers. He pictured her in the old sea captain’s house that she and his father had converted into an inn in Rock Point, four hours by car down the coast. “Got it. He said to tell you that Reed Cooper is on his way to Maine from London. He’s meeting with a small group at the Plum Tree Inn. He wants you to join them. You know the Plum Tree, don’t you, Mike? It’s just up the road from here. I thought it was closed for the season.”
“I know it.”
“What do these men want with you, Mike?” his mother asked, as if suddenly realizing she had reason to be suspicious.
“Reed has started his own private contract security firm. Cooper Global Security.”
Mike heard the apprehension in her voice. He scooped up chopped garlic and tossed it into his frying pan. Jamie Mason wouldn’t be one of Reed’s operators. More likely Mason would be running the office, probably with his wife, Serena, also retired army.
“Did Mason say anything else?” Mike asked.
“He gave me a few more names. I wrote them down, too. My mind’s a sieve these days. Let me see. One’s a woman’s name, I remember that.” Another long pause, more paper shuffling. “Here we go. Buddy Whidmore, Ted Kavanagh and Naomi MacBride. Mr. Mason says he expects them to be at the Plum Tree in addition to Reed Cooper.”
Mike absorbed the silence of his isolated stretch of the Atlantic coast. The snow blanketing the evergreens that dominated the woods on three sides of his cabin muffled any sounds. He could hear, faintly, the wash of the incoming tide. Sixty years ago, his grandfather, his mother’s father, a Rock Point harbormaster, had built the cabin as a getaway. He had never lived up here full-time. Mike had since leaving the army.
“Mike? Are you still there?”
“Still here.”
“Who are these people?”
“I knew them when I was in the army.”
“Were any of them with the Special Forces?” his mother asked.
“Reed and Jamie. Kavanagh was with the FBI. At least he was then. I don’t know if he’s retired or quit.”
“Does Colin know him?”
“I’ve never mentioned Kavanagh to Colin. No reason to.”
A moment’s silence. “What about the other two?” his mother asked finally.
Mike set his paring knife in the scratched stainless-steel sink, but he was seeing Naomi’s smile. “Civilian.” He tried to keep any tension out of his voice. “Buddy’s a tech guy. Naomi was with the State Department.”