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After Hours...
‘Still. I meant to put this up in my room with the others.’
Despite their pact to be more open with each other, it was evidently going to take a lot more time and effort to get her to relax around him.
Maybe he should present her with some kind of peace offering. In fact, thinking about it, her birthday could provide the perfect excuse.
He’d seen her reading an article about a new play in a magazine one lunchtime last week, and when he picked it up later he noticed she’d put a ring around the box office number, as if to remind herself to book tickets.
After dispatching her back to the office with a list of clients to chase up about invoices, he called the theatre, only to find the play had sold out weeks ago. Not prepared to be defeated that easily, he placed a call to his friend James, who was a long-time benefactor of the theatre.
‘Hey, man, how are things?’ his friend asked as soon as he picked up.
‘Great. Business is booming. How about you?’
‘Life’s good. Penny’s pregnant again,’ James said with pleasure in his voice.
Max ignored the twinge of pain in his chest. ‘That’s great. Congratulations.’
‘Thanks. Let’s just hope this one’s going to give us less trouble arriving into the world.’
‘You’re certainly owed an easy birth after the last time.’
‘You could say that. Anyway, what can I do for you, my friend?’
‘I wanted to get hold of tickets for that new play at the Apollo Theatre for tonight’s performance. It’s my PA’s birthday and I wanted to treat her, but it’s sold out. Can you help me with that?’
‘Your PA, huh?’ There was a twist of wryness in James’s voice that shot a prickle straight up his spine.
‘Yeah. My PA,’ he repeated with added terseness born of discomfort.
His friend chuckled. ‘No problem. I’ll call and get them to put some tickets aside for you for the VIP box. I saw it last week—it’s great—but it starts early, at five, so you’ll need to get a move on.’ There was a loaded pause. ‘It’s good to hear you’re getting out again.’
Max bristled again. ‘I go out.’
‘But not with women. Not since Jemima passed away.’
He sighed, beginning to wish he hadn’t called now. ‘It’s not a date. She’s my PA.’
James chuckled again. ‘Well, she’s lucky to have you for an employer. These tickets are like gold dust.’
‘Thanks, I owe you one,’ Max said, fighting hard to keep the growl out of his voice. To his annoyance, he felt rattled by what his friend was insinuating. It wasn’t stepping over the line to do something like this for Cara, was it?
‘Don’t worry about it,’ James said.
Max wasn’t sure for a moment whether he’d voiced his concerns out loud and James was answering that question or whether he was just talking about paying him back the favour.
‘Thanks, James, I’ve got to go,’ he muttered, wanting to end the call so he could walk around and loosen off this weird tension in his chest.
‘No worries.’
Max put the phone down, wondering again whether this gesture was a step too far.
No. She’d worked hard for him, under some testing circumstances and he wanted her to know that he appreciated it. If he wanted to retain her services—and he was pretty sure now that he did—he was going to have to make sure she knew how much she was valued here so she didn’t go looking for another job.
Cara was back at her desk, busily typing away on her laptop, when he walked into the room they used as an office. Leaning against the edge of her desk, he waited until she’d finished and turned to face him.
‘I’m nearly done here,’ she said, only holding eye contact for a moment before glancing back at her computer.
‘Great, because a friend of mine just called to say he has two spare tickets to that new play at the Apollo and I was thinking I could take you as a thank you for holding the fort so effectively whilst I’ve been away. And for missing your birthday.’
She stared at him as if she thought she might have misheard. ‘I’m sorry?’
He smiled at her baffled expression, feeling a kink of pleasure at her reaction. ‘We’ll need to leave in the next few minutes if we’re going to make it into town in time to catch the beginning.’ He stood up and she blinked in surprise.
‘You and me? Right now?’
‘Yes. You don’t have other plans, do you?’
‘Um, no.’
He nodded. ‘Great.’
Gesturing up and down her body, she frowned, looking a little flustered. ‘But I can’t go dressed like this.’
He glanced at her jeans and T-shirt, trying not to let his eyes linger on the way they fitted her trim, slender body. ‘You’re going to have to change quickly then,’ he said, pulling his mobile out of his pocket and dialling the number for the taxi.
* * *
Cara chattered away in the cab all the way there about how the play had been given rave reviews after its preview performance and how people were already paying crazy money on auction websites for re-sold tickets to see it. Her enthusiasm was contagious and, stepping out of the car, he was surprised to find he was actually looking forward to seeing it.
The theatre was a recently renovated grand art deco building slap-bang in the middle of Soho, a short stroll from the hectic retail circus of Oxford Street.
It had been a while since he’d made it into town on a Friday night and even longer since he’d been to see any kind of live show. When he and Jemima had moved to London they’d been full of enthusiasm about how they’d be living in the heart of the action and would be able to go out every other night to see the most cutting-edge performances and mind-expanding lectures. They were going to become paragons of good taste and spectacularly cultured to boot.
And then real life had taken over and they’d become increasingly buried under the weight of work stress and life tiredness as the years went by and had barely made it out to anything at all. It had been fine when they’d had each other for company, but he was aware that he needed to make more of an effort to get out and be sociable now he was on his own.
Not that he’d been a total recluse since Jem had died; he’d been out with friends—Poppy being his most regular pub partner—but he’d done it in a cocoon of grief, always feeling slightly detached from what was going on around him.
Doing this with Cara meant he was having to make an effort again. Which was a good thing. It felt healthy. Perhaps that was why he was feeling more upbeat than he had in a while—as if there was life beyond the narrow world he’d been living in for the past year and a half.
After paying the taxi driver, they jogged straight to the box office for their tickets, then through the empty lobby to the auditorium to find their seats in the VIP box, the usher giving them a pointed look as she closed the doors firmly behind them. It seemed they’d only just made it. This theory was borne out by the dimming of the lights and the grand swish of the curtain opening just as they folded themselves into their seats.
Max turned to find Cara with her mouth comically open and an expression that clearly said I can’t believe we’ve just casually nipped into the best seats in the house. He flashed her a quick smile, enjoying her pleasure and the sense of satisfaction at doing something good here, before settling back into his plush red velvet chair, his heart beating heavily in his chest.
A waft of her perfume hit his nose as she reached up to adjust her ponytail, which made his heart beat even harder—perhaps from the sudden sensory overload. Taking a deep breath, he concentrated on bringing his breathing back to normal and focused on the action on stage, determined to put all other thoughts aside for the meantime and try to enjoy whatever this turned out to be.
* * *
Cara was immensely relieved when the play stood up to her enthusiastic anticipation. It would have been pretty embarrassing if it had been a real flop after all the fuss she’d made about it on the way there. Every time she heard Max chuckle at one of the jokes she experienced a warm flutter of pleasure in her stomach.
Max bringing her here to the theatre had thrown her for a complete loop. Even though he’d finally let her into his head last weekend, she’d expected him to go back to being distant with her again once he came back from Manchester. But instead he’d surprised her by complimenting her, then not only getting tickets to the hottest play in London, but bringing her here himself as a reward for working hard.
Dumbfounded was not the word.
Not that she was complaining.
Sneaking a glance at him, she thought she’d never seen him looking so relaxed. She could hardly believe he was the same man who had opened the door to her on the first day they’d met. He seemed larger now somehow, as if he’d straightened up and filled out in the time since she’d last seen him. That had to be all in her head, of course, but he certainly seemed more real now that she knew what drove his rage. In fact it was incredible how differently she felt now she knew what sort of horror he’d been through—losing someone he loved in such a senseless way.
No wonder he was so angry at the world.
Selfishly, it was a massive relief to know that none of his dark moods had been about her performance—apart from when she’d fallen asleep on the kitchen table during business hours, of course.
After he’d left for Manchester, she’d had a minor panic attack about how she was going to cope on her own, terrified of making a mistake that would impact negatively on the business, but, after giving herself a good talking-to in the mirror, she’d pulled it together and got on with the job in hand. And she’d been fine. More than fine. In fact she’d actually started to enjoy her job again as she relaxed into the role and reasserted her working practices.
Truth be told, before she’d started working for Max, she didn’t know whether she’d be able to hold her nerve in a business environment any more. He’d been a hard taskmaster but she knew she’d benefited from that, discovering that she had the strength to stand up for herself when it counted. She’d been tested to her limits and she’d come through the other side and that, to her, had been her biggest achievement in a very long time.
She felt proud of herself again.
As the first half drew to a close she became increasingly conscious of the heat radiating from Max’s powerful body and his arm that pressed up against hers as he leaned into the armrest. Her skin felt hot and prickly where it touched his, as if he was giving off an electric charge, and it was sending little currents of energy through the most disconcerting places in her body.
It seemed her crush on him had grown right along with her respect and she was agonisingly aware of how easy it would be to fall for him if she let herself.
Which she wasn’t going to do. He was clearly still in love with his wife and there was no way she could compete with a ghost.
Only pain and heartache lay that way.
As soon as the curtain swished closed and the lights came on to signal the intermission she sprang up from her seat, eager to break their physical connection as soon as possible.
‘Let’s grab a drink,’ Max said, leaning in close so she could hear him over the noise of audience chatter, his breath tickling the hairs around her ear.
‘Good idea.’ She was eager to move now to release the pent-up energy that was making her heart race.
Max gestured for her to go first, staying close behind her as they walked down the stairs towards the bar, his dominating presence like a looming shadow at her back.
They joined the rest of the audience at the bottom of the stairs and she pushed her way through the shouty crowd of people towards the shiny black-lacquered bar, which was already six people deep with waiting customers.
‘Hmm, this could take a while,’ she said to Max as they came to a stop at the outskirts of the throng.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll get the drinks,’ he said, walking around the perimeter of the group as if gauging the best place to make a start. ‘Glass of wine?’ he asked.
‘Red please.’
‘Okay, I’m going in,’ he said, taking an audible breath and turning to the side to shoulder through a small gap between two groups of chatting people with their backs to each other.
Cara watched in fascinated awe as Max made it to the bar in record time, flipping a friendly smile as he sidled through the crowd and charming a group of women into letting him into a small gap at the counter next to them.
After making sure his newly made friends were served first, he placed his order with the barman and was back a few moments later, two glasses of red wine held aloft in a gesture of celebration.
‘Wow, nice work,’ Cara said, accepting a glass and trying not to grin like a loon. ‘I’ve never seen anyone work a bar crowd like that before.’
Max shrugged and took a sip of wine, pinning a look of exaggerated nonchalance onto his face. ‘I have hidden depths.’
She started to laugh, but it dried in her throat as she locked eyes with someone on the other side of the room.
Someone she thought she’d never see again.
Swallowing hard, she dragged her gaze back to Max and dredged up a smile, grasping for cool so she wouldn’t have to explain her sudden change in mood.
But it was not to be. The man was too astute for his own good.
‘Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,’ he said, his intelligent eyes flashing with concern.
Damn and blast. This was the last thing she wanted to have to deal with tonight.
‘Fine,’ she squeaked, her cheeks growing hot under the intensity of his gaze.
‘Cara. I thought we’d agreed to be straight with each other from now on.’
Sighing, she nodded towards the other side of the bar. ‘That guy over there is an old friend of mine.’
He frowned as she failed to keep the hurt out of her voice and she internally kicked herself for being so transparent.
‘He can’t be a very good friend if you’re ignoring each other.’
She sighed and tapped at the floor with the toe of her shoe. ‘It’s complicated.’
He raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to go on.
After pausing for a moment, she decided there was no point in trying to gloss over it. ‘The thing is—his fiancée has a problem with me.’
‘Really? Why?’
‘Because I’m female.’
He folded his arms. ‘She’s the jealous type, huh?’
‘Yeah. And no matter how much Jack’s tried to convince her that our friendship is purely platonic, she won’t believe him. So I’ve been confined to the rubbish heap of Friends Lost and Passed Over.’ She huffed out a sigh. ‘I can’t really blame him for making that choice, though. He loves her and I want him to be happy, and if that means we can’t be friends any more then so be it.’
The look of bewildered outrage in Max’s expression made the breath catch in her throat and she practically stopped breathing altogether as he reached out and stroked his hand down her arm in a show of solidarity, his touch sending tingles of pure pleasure through every nerve in her body.
Staring up into his handsome face, she wondered again what it would feel like to have someone like Max for a partner. To know that he was on her side and that he had her back, no matter what happened.
But she was kidding herself. He was never going to offer her the chance to find out. She was his employee and she’d do well to remember that.
Tearing her gaze away from him, she glanced back across the room to where the fiancée in question had now appeared by Jack’s side. From a distance they appeared to be having a heated discussion about something, their heads close together as they gesticulated at each other. As she watched, they suddenly sprang apart and Jack turned to catch her eye again, already moving towards where she and Max were standing.
He was coming over.
Her body tensed with apprehension and she jumped in surprise as Max put his hand on her arm again, then increased his grip, as if readying himself to spirit her away from a painful confrontation.
‘Cara! It’s been ages,’ Jack said as he came to a stop in front of her, looking just as boyishly handsome as ever, with his lopsided grin and great mop of wavy blond hair.
‘It has, Jack.’
‘How are you?’ he asked, looking a little shame-faced now, as well he should. They’d become good friends after meeting at their first jobs after university and had been close once, spending weekends at each other’s houses and standing in as ‘plus ones’ at weddings and parties if either of them were single and in need of support.
There had been a time when she’d wondered whether they’d end up together, but as time had passed it became obvious that wasn’t meant to be. He was a great guy, but the chemistry just wasn’t there for her—or for him, it seemed. But seeing him here now reminded her just how much she missed his friendship. She could have really done with his support after Ewan sauntered away from their relationship in search of someone with less emotional baggage, but it had been at that point that his fiancée had issued her ultimatum, and Cara had well and truly been the loser in that contest.
Not that she blamed him for choosing Amber. She had to respect his loyalty to the woman he loved.
‘I’m great, Jack, thanks. How are you—’ she paused and flicked her gaze to his fiancée, who had now appeared at his side ‘—both?’ Somehow she managed to dredge up a smile for the woman. ‘Hi, Amber.’
‘Hi, Cara, we’re great, thanks,’ Amber said, acerbity dripping from every word as she pointedly wrapped a possessive arm around Jack’s waist. Turning to look at Max, she gave him a subtle, but telling, once-over.
‘And who’s this?’
‘This is Max...’ Cara took a breath, about to say my boss, when Max cut her off to lean in and shake hands with Amber.
‘It’s lovely to meet you, Amber,’ he said in the same smooth tone she’d heard him use to appease clients.
It worked just as well on Amber because her cheeks flooded with colour and she actually fluttered her lashes at him. Turning back to Cara, she gave her a cool smile, her expression puzzled, as if she was trying to work out how she’d got her hands on someone as impressive as Max.
‘Did Jack tell you—our wedding’s on Sunday so this evening is our last hurrah before married life?’ Amber’s eyes twinkled with malice. ‘Jack’s firm is very well reputed in the City and people practically throw invitations at him every day,’ she said, her tone breezy but her eyes hard, as though she was challenging Cara to beat her with something better than that.
Which, of course, she had no hope of doing.
Pushing away the thump of humiliation, Cara forced her mouth into the shape of a smile.
‘That’s wonderful—congratulations! I had no idea the wedding was so soon.’
Amber leaned in and gave her a pitying smile. ‘We’ve kept it a small affair, which is why we couldn’t send you an invitation, Cara.’
Max shifted next to her, pulling her a bit tighter against him in the process and surprising her again by rubbing her arm in support. She wondered whether he could feel how fast her pulse was racing through her body with him holding her so close.
‘But we had two spaces open up this week,’ Jack said suddenly and a little too loudly, as if he’d finally decided to step out of his fiancée’s shadow and take control. ‘My cousin and her husband have had to drop out to visit sick family abroad. If you’re not busy you could come in their place.’
Judging by the look on Amber’s face, she obviously hadn’t had this in mind when she’d agreed to be dragged over here.
‘It would be great if you could make it,’ Jack pressed, his expression open, almost pleading now. It seemed that he genuinely wanted her to be there. Perhaps this was his way of making things up to her after cutting her out of his life so brutally. At least that was something.
But she couldn’t say yes when the invitation was for both her and Max and she hated the idea of turning up and spending the day on her own amongst all those happy couples.
Before she could open her mouth to make up an excuse and turn them down, Max leaned in and said, ‘Thank you—we’d love to come.’
She swivelled her head to gape at him, almost giving herself whiplash in the process, stunned to find a look of cool certainty on his face.
‘Are you sure we’re not busy?’ she said pointedly, raising both eyebrows at him.
‘I’m sure,’ he replied with a firm nod.
Turning back to Jack, she gave him what must have been the weirdest-looking smile. ‘Okay—er—’ she swallowed ‘—then we’d love to come. Thanks.’
‘That’s great,’ Jack said, giving her a look that both said I’m sorry for everything and thank you.
‘We’d better go and get a drink before the performance starts again,’ Amber said with steel in her voice, her patience clearly used up now.
‘I’ll text you with the details, Cara,’ Jack said as Amber drew him away.
‘Okay, see you on Sunday,’ Cara said weakly to their disappearing figures.
As soon as they were out of earshot she turned to stare at Max, no doubt doing her impression of a goldfish again.
‘He’s a brave man,’ was all Max said in reply.
‘You realise they think we’re a couple?’
He nodded, a fierce intensity in his eyes causing a delicious shiver to rush down her spine. ‘I know, but I wanted to see the look on that awful woman’s face when we said yes, and I have no problem pretending to be your partner if it’s going to smooth the way back to a friendship with Jack for you.’
Max as her partner. Just the thought of it made her quiver right down to her toes.
‘That’s—’ she searched for the right words ‘—game of you.’
‘It’ll be my pleasure.’
There was an odd moment where the noises around her seemed to get very loud in her ears. Tearing her gaze away from his, she gulped down the last of her wine and wrapped her hands around the glass in order to prevent herself from chewing on her nails.
Okay. Well, that happened.
Who knew that Max would turn out to be her knight in shining armour?
MAX HAD NO idea where this strange possessiveness towards Cara had sprung from, but he hadn’t been about to let that awful woman, Amber, treat her with so little respect. She deserved more than that. Much more. And while she was working for him he was going to make sure she got it.
Which meant he was now going to be escorting her to a wedding—the kind of event he’d sworn to avoid after Jemima died. The thought of being back in a church, watching a couple with their whole lives ahead of them begin their journey together, made his stomach clench with unease.
One year—that was all he’d been allowed with his wife. One lousy year. It made him want to spit with rage at the world. Why her? Why them?
Still, at least he didn’t know the happy couple and would be able to keep a low profile at the wedding, hiding his bitterness behind a bland smile. He didn’t need to engage. He’d just be there to support Cara; that was all.
After the play finished they travelled home in silence, a stark contrast to their journey there, but he was glad of the quiet. Perversely, it felt as though he and Cara had grown closer during that short time, the confrontation and subsequent solidarity banding them together like teammates.
Which of course they were, he reminded himself as he opened the front door to his house and ushered her inside, at least when it came to the business.
Cara’s phone beeped as she shrugged off her coat and she plucked it out of her handbag and read the message, her smile dropping by degrees as she scanned the text.
‘Problem?’ he asked, an uncomfortable sense of foreboding pricking at the edge of his mind. It had taken him a long time to be able to answer the phone without feeling the crush of anxiety he’d been plagued with after the call telling him his wife had collapsed and had been rushed into hospital.
He took a step closer to her, glad she was here to distract him from the lingering bad memories.