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Germany's Freefall
1 Why doesn’t the federal government take action against soy products containing hormones? Causalities can be proven here: Zoos had problems with their offspring until they stopped using soy.
2 The sentence is kept general and the statement is correct. Since glyphosate was previously reported on, the reader is supposed to conclude that glyphosate is an endocrine poison, but this isn’t the case. Manipulations like this are analyzed later in the book (see “Manipulation Instruments of a Democracy” et seq.).
Correct: As with conspiracy theories (see “Conspiracy Theories and Their Parallels”), a large part of these arguments are fear-mongering in order to stop the proper function of the brain.
In a similar vein, the Environmental Institute Munich e.V. writes (14/05/2019) on a social networking site:
»Glyphosate: Next defeat for Bayer-Monsanto
Bayer-Monsanto must pay more than $2 billion in damages to a married couple suffering from cancer who had used the glyphosate-containing agricultural poison Roundup for decades. This is already the third judgment in which a US court established a direct connection between the use of Roundup and cancer of the plaintiffs.
Another 13,400 or so similar lawsuits are still pending in the USA. In Germany, meanwhile, glyphosate is still allowed to continue to be used in agriculture and private gardens.«
Again, “glyphosate” and “Roundup” are used synonymous. Whether an American judgment is comparable to a European judgment cannot be determined a priori because the legal systems are different.
On the subject “(Anti-) Glyphosate Lobby”, see also “Lobby vs. Lobby”
DDT – Modern Colonialism Included
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is an insect poison that was banned around 1950. The (correct) justification for the ban is that it accumulates in the tissues of humans and animals at the end of the food chain because of its chemical stability and good fat solubility. This was used by nurses (Red cross on the cap) around 1945 to spray children gram-wise with a pump (Wikipedia). Of course they exhibited symptoms of poisoning as well. If it had been highly poisonous, then those children who would have reacted particularly sensitively to poisons would have died.
DDT was used to make the Upper Rhine Trench mosquito-free. It was banned afterwards. The reprehensible thing is the way things are handled with self-evidence, thus bypassing reality: People in Africa suffer and die from malaria and other insect transmitted diseases. The evil of contracting malaria is much worse than any accumulation of the poison in their fatty tissue. This is similar to Germany 200 years ago when the intestine was cleaned of bugs using heavy metals: Heavy metals were a lesser evil.
The Good German Chlorine Chicken
The vegetables in France are chlorinated. In Germany, the Greens would immediately start climbing the barricades (“chlorine chicken”). Yet there’s no risk involved, especially since you already have hydrochloric acid in your stomach. You otherwise risk EHEC, for example. It can rear its ugly head again because countries are globally oriented and vegetables from abroad are allowed to be fertilized using fecal matter. Although it’s prohibited, it can’t be ruled out. The “chlorine chicken” was used to take a stand against TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership).
Humans can tolerate a lot of toxins since they used to sit in caves in prehistoric times and grill their food over a fire. Acrylamide was produced as a result. Charred food was certainly not thrown away. Those who couldn’t tolerate it can’t survive, are “de-Mendelized”. Say no more when it comes to the European Union’s new acrylamide law. So much for that law. Of course, one or two people out of one billion people won’t tolerate it, but that’s true for every substance (if you ignore the vital substances like water and table salt). It’s likely that someone can’t tolerate it: Where there are effects, there are side effects. The two can’t even be distinctly separated. Yet it seems to be life-prolonging for the rest. Any publications on it are ignored.
Gene Food
“Gene food” is a popular catchword these days as well. One of the first things that humans did was to cultivate things. Cultivation has three goals:
to reproduce the foodstuffs,
to increase their yield and
to reduce the stomach poisons contained therein.
For thousands of years, the only approach used was “trial and error”. Mutations were sought and cultivated further. Contemporary Chinese planted their rice seeds next to the “hot core” of nuclear power plants in order to produce these mutations faster. They, too, failed in this attempt to create new rice varieties, which required too much water. This attempt was then canceled.
When I was young, people were harangued by “BeriBeri”. Sick Chinese children who had allegedly contracted a vitamin deficiency disease were shown eating peeled rice. That’s why we were always told to eat “whole grains”. The explanation for the origin of the disease was incorrect: the rice that had triggered the disease was infected by fungi. It was thus a storage-related problem. Quality assurance was improved and the problem went away. This false report, too, was never corrected.
Intervention is selective. The fact that the risk would be higher than with conventional cultivation. Why’s that? Nonsense, too, can result from random experimentation.14 What the Americans are doing with their genetically modified corn is unacceptable in part because it provokes resistance to glyphosate. Anything that is overdone is no good. However, this does not speak against genetic manipulation per se. Genetic manipulation (CRISPR) allows to react much more quickly to changing conditions, for example when fungi or pests begin to multiply in an explosive manner.
Everything you do involves risk.
But the risk of not doing something is
never considered. That’s absurd.
What’s more, neither modern laundry detergents nor dish washing detergents are conceivable without genetic manipulation. Phosphates have largely been banned for environmental reasons. This is technical progress, especially since washing at lower and lower temperatures is desired for energy related and environmental reasons.
Dish washing detergent
The dish washing detergents used to wash dishes at low temperatures (it can be assumed that the same applies to laundry detergents) are not completely safe. These low temperatures can cause black molds, which are hazardous to health.
This is especially true since phosphorus will be one of the first elements to be “depleted”. This represents a high risk to mankind since it is needed as a fertilizer.
I already mentioned that superfoods like goji berries can be toxic in medium doses. These berries are mostly imported from China and are sometimes relatively highly contaminated with harmful substances. But this example is not the only one: soy, for example, is a high-quality fruit. It has high quality proteins and oils. To protect the fruit from predation, it contains highly effective toxins: these are thermally stable hormone toxins (normal cooking is of little use) that prevent predators from reproducing. Zoos therefore had problems with heir offspring for decades. Asian monks were given it in small quantities. The soy sauce alone, which isn’t drunk by the gallon and fermented for months at a time, had found its way into Chinese cuisine. It arrived in German healthy cuisine two decades ago. Children, by the way, are particularly sensitive to these kind of poisons.
Measuring and Detecting Poisons
There’s a simple reason why new toxins or poisons are always being discovered: their methods of detection have significantly improved. Today’s press releases that report on certain poisons found in food would never have been possible twenty years ago because the detection methods were simply lacking back then.
It could never have been proven that Cyclist Lance Armstrong had doped during his career. However, samples of his blood were frozen and were then unfrozen years later to reveal that he had doped himself with EPO (erythropoietin). He was consequently stripped of all of his Tour de France victories.
The measuring instruments required to determine the composition of vehicle exhaust gases used to be stationary devices. Because these were so large, measurements could only be made on a test bench. Measuring methods have since improved more and more as the measuring devices became smaller and smaller until it was possible to create these the size of a car trunk. That was the point when the deception by various automobile companies came to light.
Twenty years ago, the astronomer Harald Lesch said in an Alpha-Centauri video, that “gravitational waves” will be detected in 100 years. These waves represent 1/10 proton diameter (= 10-10 m) from the earth to the sun (150 million km = 1.5 × 1011 m). This is a wave with a distortion length of 1 to 1021 or 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1 meters. Mr. Lesch misjudged this somewhat because it became possible to prove this five years ago.
A statement like “It was proven” says exactly nothing in general since these traces are most often micro traces. This becomes apparent whenever how much was detected is not mentioned. That this kind of information is lacking indicates that “manipulative forces” are at work here because the dose makes the poison.
By the way, the most important things for a long life expectancy are clean water and sanitary facilities.
One example of how facts are being ignored in order to be able to indulge in your own personal “faith” can be illustrated by the case of “Mals” in the Vinschgau Valley of South Tyrol, Italy. The situation demonstrates how far a post-factual worldview can go. Conflicts are provoked from all sides by all means. This may have happened in Italy, but Germany has become involved since then.
In the town of Mals on the Resia Pass, a referendum was held in which the citizens had decided no longer to use any pesticides. The local organic farmers had hitherto been forced to sell their produce conventionally as their produce had received too much insecticide from the “drift” (the toxins are blown onto neighboring properties). In the meantime, the “South Tyrolean War” is being fought out via the Munich Environmental Institute, which has been on the offensive against conventional farmers with its posters. Things have deteriorated to such an extent that the parties involved are spraying each other’s fruit trees with glyphosate.
Mals lies on the Resia Pass, where the wind blows relatively hard, which is why wind turbines were built there. This makes the area special. Furthermore, the pass is often used by cyclists who aren’t exactly thrilled about riding through toxic clouds. The argument made by the farmers who are aware of the spraying sequence is: “nothing toxic at all is being currently sprayed”. The response to demonstrate the absurdity of the arguments made by this side would have been: “Unfortunately, I don’t have a chem lab in my pocket to determine that”.
This was preceded by threats against the referendum’s initiators. After the ban passed, it was declared invalid and the spraying resumed. The situation is also such that the farmers must maintain several feet distance from the boundary of their property when spraying. In South Tyrol, however, farmland is so expensive that these regulations are being ignored.
Regardless how useful “organic” may be, it is still unacceptable for conventional farmers to dump the poison they don’t want onto the plants of organic farmers no matter how they do this, just as nobody really thinks about spraying their neighbor’s white car with red paint. The following year, these organic farmers used plastic sheeting to plant their plants. The apparent reason for this extreme measure was the drift.
The organic farmers claim “we’re the poor ones”, which they explain with the “drift”. They use this to justify the referendum because a considerable financial loss is involved when things are grown organically, but can’t be sold as such.
Now, it’s possible to admire the “spraying operations” of these farmers. The apple trees, usually the subject of the discussion, are about 2.5 meters (8 ft) high. But even those farmers who spray correctly in completely calm wind conditions (most of them) are forced to suffer from these spray mists, which can reach heights of 7 m (23 ft) and more. Hence, a technical problem is inevitably involved. Some farmers have even realized this themselves and deactivated the topmost nozzles (about 10 nozzles in a row from bottom to top).
The spraying equipment use a blower to generate an air stream that carries the spray mixture. This air stream, however, doesn’t only move to the side, but upwards as well. Hence, many are poorly designed. Even on the poster of the Munich Environmental Institute denouncing the “spraying” in South Tyrol, you can see this equipment spraying into the sky and that some technical defect must be involved.
The faulty design was documented. The construction could have been altered and the drift thus halted in order to settle the dispute between the conventional farmers and the organic farmers. I sent the report to all parties. The mayor of Mals and the Greens had received a copy as well. But the facts didn’t interest them: I received no response and no further inquiries. Obviously, the report ended up in the trash.
As a last resort, I contacted a “person of public interest” close to the organic farmers (who therefore considered himself an “intellectual”) by telephone. He explained that “his actual objective was to abolish unnatural poisons”.
But “unnatural” and “natural” poisons don’t exist because how these are produced is irrelevant. When the chemical formula is the same, so is the poison. Moreover, not all poisons found in nature have been discovered yet: Some time ago I read that a poison had been detected in mushrooms that had been used for a long time in the agricultural sector. Perhaps he had meant “naturally produced” poisons, but the same applies here, too: Why should these be more harmless than the poisons made from “unnatural raw materials” (petroleum)? Whichever way you see it: Assertions are made, which can then be taken ad hoc to absurdity.
This instance shows that it’s not a matter of eliminating defects or deescalation. Rather, you want to indulge in your own world view or post-factual world view as an “environmental religion”. Since you’ve established your own view of things as the only valid one, you want to impose it on others. But in a democratic society this cannot work out in the long run because a democratic society is based on mutual understanding and objective, factual, critical and, above all, tolerant discourse.
The German Greens acted in a similar manner regarding nitrate readings in water: measuring stations were installed directly under farmsteads on a slope in Poing, Bavaria. Extremely high nitrate concentrations are recorded at this measuring point. Not a single other measuring point exists within a 20 km (12 mile) radius. By the way, there is no European-wide standard on how these measuring points must look like. Furthermore, each country is free to decide how it evaluates the measured values statistically:
One option is to add up all the measured values and thereby calculate the mean value.
Another option is to incorporate the geographical distribution of the measuring points. This would give greater significance to the single measuring point in Poing, which has high measured values, since no other measuring points exist in the vicinity.
No method is “right” or “wrong”. However, the mean value can be influenced by the choice of positioning and evaluation of the measuring points.
However, the same laws valid throughout Europe are created on the basis of this non-standard evaluation. The only justification for this socially damaging nonsense can be to want to measure the highest possible pollution in order to justify taking action against “environmental pigs”, in this case the farmers, in order to be able to enact new laws. Since they consider themselves to be “such good people”, they think they have the right to argue with manipulated statistics.
Since everything is now only being played out from all sides on this level, Germany and the rest of Europe are in free fall. People will only wake up when everything is being properly regulated “according to your feeling”. But by then it’ll be too late as other countries govern based on the laws of physics or the natural sciences according to the current state of the art.
Everything else must fail.
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