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The Maverick's Snowbound Christmas
“Hindsight is twenty-twenty,” he said amiably.
In the light of the lantern, he could see her glare. Ignoring it, he held the ladder steady until she was halfway down. Then he maneuvered onto it and climbed down after her.
When he’d reached the barn floor, too, she said, “You mentioned we have to feed the horses. Any special feed for Amber?”
“It’s made up in the bin next to the large one. It’s a special mix that should suit her well for the next couple of weeks.”
Apparently Hadley was going to help him. She easily found the bin, scooped the feed into a bucket and took it to Amber while he fed the other horses. When he passed the birthing stall, he told her, “I’ll lay out blankets in the tack room. Hopefully that will be enough cushioning so we can sleep. Are you okay with that?”
“We can be thankful for the heater,” she said, not expressing what she thought about the blankets.
Following the trend of her thoughts, he added, “And we can be thankful that we have friends and family out there who will see that we get dug out as soon as possible.”
“And if we aren’t dug out tomorrow?” Hadley asked in a low voice.
“If we’re not dug out by noon, I’ll get to the house somehow and figure out how to get you there, too.”
But Hadley didn’t look reassured by his words, just worried. “What if the snow starts again?”
“It has to stop sometime.” He could see her eye roll from the light of the lantern he carried. He asked seriously, “Wouldn’t you rather think about the best rather than the worst?”
“I would, but that doesn’t mean the best is going to happen.”
There was something about Hadley that told him she’d been through a crisis that had colored her view of men and maybe even the world. The question was—would she let him get to know her well enough to find out her secret?
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