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Nights of Passion
‘Yeah, they do now,’ he conceded. ‘My father was fortunate enough to understand computers, and between us we found a way to use macro technology to simplify disciplines in science and economics. We were lucky. Our idea took off. But that was only ten years ago, after I left Harvard.’
‘Harvard!’ Rachel’s eyes widened and Joe pulled a wry face.
‘Yeah, Harvard,’ he agreed. ‘What can I tell you? I was a bright student. A guy can get sponsorship if he’s clever enough.’
‘And you were? Clever enough, I mean?’
‘No.’ Joe found he couldn’t lie to her, even if his answer caused her to give him a cynical look. ‘Actually, my grandparents supported me.’ He grimaced. ‘That part was easy. Staying there wasn’t.’
‘Oh, well …’ Rachel shrugged. ‘It’s nothing to do with me, is it?’
‘No, it’s not.’ Joe’s voice was terse and she could sense he was impatient. ‘But you’ve made it a bone of contention between us and I’m entitled to defend myself.’ He raked a hand through his short hair, causing it to spike on top of his head. ‘Damn it, I don’t know why we’re having this conversation. It’s obvious you don’t believe a single word I’ve said.’
Rachel blinked. ‘I didn’t say I didn’t believe you.’
‘You didn’t have to.’ His voice was harsh. ‘God, why do I let you get under my skin?’
Rachel swallowed. The corridor seemed very empty suddenly. ‘I didn’t know I did,’ she protested, feeling the flesh on her arms prickle with anticipation, and he scowled.
‘Well, you do,’ he told her roughly, and she thought he was going to turn and stride back the way he’d come. But instead he reached for her, pulling her in closer so he could cover her mouth with his.
Desire came hot and fast, her bones melting as his hungry tongue thrust into her mouth. His hands gripped her hips, jerking her against him, and the hardness of his body was unmistakeable.
Joe groaned. This wasn’t meant to have happened. He’d spent over a week—and all of last night, incidentally—telling himself that he’d imagined the effect she had on him. He’d known women before, plenty of them, and he’d always been able to walk away without looking back. For God’s sake, he hadn’t even slept with Rachel, yet he hungered for her with a need that defied description.
There was something about her that made the blood run hot in his veins and caused a wholly carnal reaction in his groin. For heaven’s sake, he’d been half-aroused since she’d walked into Daisy’s room in those so-conservative shorts that nonetheless displayed the sexy length of her legs.
He’d wanted to touch her then, to run his fingers up the insides of her thighs and discover for himself if she was as aroused as he was. He’d wanted to bury his face between her breasts and lick the beads of sweat from her delectable cleavage.
His hands slid around her, finding the curve of her spine, the provocative separation of her bottom. He moulded her to him, her softness a delicious counterpoint to his hardness, and knew that, whatever happened, he was going to see her again.
With her nipples probing the fine silk of his shirt, it was hard to let her go. But he had to. Dragging his mouth from hers, he ran his thumb over her bottom lip with an urgency that revealed his raw frustration.
‘I’ve got to go,’ he said harshly. ‘But I want to see you again.’
Rachel swayed a little as he spoke. It was an effort to think coherently when her head was swimming, and the knowledge that once again he had the advantage was causing goose bumps to feather her skin.
But she couldn’t let him see how shaken she was, and with a determined effort she said, ‘I suppose you’re bound to see me again when you come to visit Daisy,’ as if that thought didn’t fill her with panic. ‘I’d better get back—’
‘Wait!’ Once again, Joe’s hand captured her arm. ‘I mean I want to see you again.’ He paused. ‘Have dinner with me. Tonight.’
‘I can’t.’
It was an instinctive denial born of a need to protect herself, but Joe wouldn’t accept it. ‘Why can’t you?’ he demanded. ‘You’re not seeing Steve, are you?’
‘Steve?’ Rachel looked astounded. ‘Heavens, no.’
‘So maybe you feel some loyalty to this guy you’re seeing back home?’ he suggested, feeling his stomach clench at the thought.
But Rachel only shook her head. ‘Paul’s a friend, that’s all,’ she said firmly.
As if Joe was something more than that!
‘Okay, then.’
‘There’s Daisy to consider,’ she said, realising belatedly that she could have used Paul as an excuse.
‘Does that mean, if you didn’t have Daisy to consider, you’d have no objections?’ he queried, and when she didn’t respond, ‘They settle Daisy down for the night before nine o’clock. I could pick you up outside.’
Rachel sighed. ‘Why?’
‘Why?’ Joe’s hand fell to his side. ‘You need to ask?’ His eyes were suddenly dark and intense. ‘Rachel, you know why.’
She shifted uneasily. ‘I can’t believe there isn’t some other woman waiting for you to ask her out.’
Joe scowled. ‘Okay, maybe I would have no difficulty in getting a date for this evening, but I don’t want anyone else, I want you.’
Rachel bit her lip. ‘If you feel guilty about what happened just now,’ she began and Joe uttered a strangled oath.
‘I don’t feel guilty!’ he snarled, wondering if he’d ever had to beg for a date before. ‘I just want to spend time with someone who doesn’t care about getting their picture in the papers or how much money I have in the bank. But okay, yeah, I want to sleep with you. And despite your reaction, I think you want to sleep with me.’
Rachel took a step backward. ‘And you assume I’ll go out with you after that?’
‘Why not?’ Joe’s eyes rested sensually on her mouth. ‘Come on, Rachel. Live dangerously for once. I’ve read one of your books, and I know your heroines don’t get freaked out when a man tells them he’s attracted to them.’ ‘My heroes don’t expect sex on a first date,’ she retorted indignantly, and Joe spread his hands in a gesture of defeat.
‘Okay,’ he said. ‘Just dinner, then. How’s that? I promise I won’t try to jump you in the restaurant.’
Rachel shook her head. The temptation to do as he said and live dangerously was strong, but for the last few years she’d avoided any kind of emotional entanglement. She had no intention of allowing herself to be hurt again, and something told her any pain Joe inflicted would not be easily repaired.
Still …
‘Just dinner?’ She lifted her head, and Joe made a sign of assent. ‘All right,’ she said. ‘But I have to warn you, I didn’t bring any special clothes with me.’
Joe’s grin was smug. ‘Come as you are,’ he said drily. ‘Nine o’clock downstairs, right?’
Rachel’s tongue circled her lower lip. ‘Right.’
‘Good.’ Joe’s voice was husky, and before she could stop him he’d wiped her lip with his finger and brought the moisture he’d collected to his lips.
Daisy wasn’t very impressed when Rachel recovered herself sufficiently to enter her daughter’s room again. ‘What have you been doing?’ she grumbled. ‘I thought you came to see me, not spend time arguing with Mr Mendez.’
Arguing? Rachel felt a hysterical desire to laugh. ‘Oh, it was nothing important,’ she said. ‘And you needn’t worry, you can keep the video iPod as long as you’re in here.’
‘Yes.’ Daisy made a fist, but then she sobered. ‘Come and sit down.’ She patted the bed beside her. ‘I have something to tell you.’
Rachel was wary, but she seated herself on the side of Daisy’s bed. ‘What?’
Daisy offered her a chocolate from the box before saying, ‘Dad and Lauren came to see me last night.’
‘They did?’ Rachel refused the chocolate before adding, ‘It’s just as well I didn’t come back, then, isn’t it?’
‘Well, no, actually.’ Daisy popped the rejected chocolate into her mouth. ‘I think he expected you to be here.’ She paused again, examining the contents of the box. ‘I think that’s why he brought Lauren.’
‘Really?’ Rachel realised that, apart from caring about Steve’s treatment of Daisy, she couldn’t care less about him or Lauren. ‘I thought you said she didn’t like hospitals.’
‘She doesn’t.’ Daisy shrugged. ‘Maybe she didn’t trust Dad to be alone with you.’
‘Oh, please.’ Rachel stared at her. ‘I don’t think that’s likely, do you?’
‘You never know.’ Daisy regarded her critically for a moment. ‘You’ve changed, Mum. You look really pretty these days. If you could just get used to wearing more trendy gear, I think you’d be surprised at how good you look.’
‘Gee, thanks.’ Rachel didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had paid her such a nice compliment. Except when Joe had said she was beautiful, of course. But he’d had his own reasons for saying that.
‘Anyway …’ Rachel was eager to leave the subject of her appearance. ‘How are you feeling this morning?’ She studied the girl’s face intently. ‘You know, I do believe the swelling round your eye is going down.’
Daisy pulled a face. ‘I still look like Frankenstein’s sister,’ she grumbled. ‘Dr Gonzales says I’ve been very lucky, but I don’t know. Do you think my face will ever look normal again?’
‘Of course it will.’ Rachel was optimistic. ‘And you always look good to me, baby.’ She sighed. ‘Which reminds me, I didn’t get to speak to Dr Gonzales last night, either. I hope he’ll forgive me for wasting his time.’
‘Gonzales is okay, I guess.’ Daisy was resigned.
‘Well, Joe—Mr Mendez, that is—thinks so. When he toldme you’d had to have an operation, he assured me you’d received the best treatment there is.’
Daisy frowned then. ‘But Dad had already told you that, hadn’t he?’
Rachel stifled a groan. ‘He said you’d had an accident,’ she said, prevaricating. ‘I dare say he didn’t want to worry me.’
Daisy didn’t look as if she believed her. ‘Anyway,’ she said, ‘when you do talk to Dr Gonzales, could you ask him when I can get out of here and go home?’
Rachel considered. ‘Well, I should think that’s up to your father,’ she said. ‘You’ve still got a week of your holiday left.’
Daisy pouted. ‘But I don’t want to finish my holiday,’ she protested. ‘I want to go home. Back to England. With you.’
‘Oh, Daisy …’ This was an eventuality Rachel hadn’t anticipated. ‘I don’t know whether you’ll be allowed to fly straight after a—Well, after an operation.’ She tucked a strand of Daisy’s hair behind her ear and drew back. ‘Besides, your father will want you to stay.’
‘You think?’ Daisy spoke surprisingly cynically for a girl of her age. ‘Now that he’s done his duty, I don’t think he can wait to get rid of me. I know Lauren can’t.’
‘Well, it’s true. They were talking about going to New York next weekend, and I’m not included in that.’
Rachel bit her lip. ‘Well, let me talk to Dr Gonzales.’ And your father, she thought grimly. ‘Then I’ll let you know what he says, right?’
‘All right.’ Daisy managed a small smile. ‘I do love you, Mum.’
‘And I love you,’ said Rachel fiercely as a nurse came into the room. She got to her feet. ‘Now, I’ll go and see if I can get some answers.’
As it turned out, Dr Gonzales wasn’t available to speak to her that day. One of the nurses explained that he also worked at one of the hospitals in Miami itself, and unless there was an emergency he wouldn’t be in until the following day.
There was no way Rachel could class Daisy’s sudden desire to leave the hospital as an emergency, and she had the unenviable task of explaining to her daughter that Dr Gonzales’ world didn’t revolve around her.
Daisy complained, naturally, and she got herself into such a state that the nurse who came to check on her suggested Rachel should go and get some lunch and let Daisy have a rest. ‘There’s a coffee bar downstairs,’ she said pleasantly. ‘It will do you both good to have a break.’
The coffee bar was almost empty, and Rachel helped herself to a ham sandwich before ordering another coffee. Then, carrying her tray to a window table overlooking the forecourt of the clinic, she made an effort to eat. She should have been hungry, but so much had happened since her arrival she had little appetite.
Still, the sandwich was delicious, and after a few mouthfuls she realised she was hungry after all. She finished it and was enjoying sipping her coffee when someone sat down at her table. It was a man, and she was about to pick up her coffee and find somewhere else to sit when she realised it was Steve.
Looking at him, she thought she could forgive herself for not recognising him straight away. He’d lost weight and his skin was deeply tanned. He should have looked fit and healthy, but he didn’t, and she wondered if living with Lauren wasn’t quite the sinecure he’d imagined it would be.
‘Hi,’ he said flatly. ‘Daisy said I’d find you here.’ His eyes appraised her with surprising interest. ‘How are you? You look—good. Different, but good.’
‘Compliments from you?’ Rachel was sardonic ‘Gee, I wonder why?’
Steve’s jaw jutted. ‘Don’t be like that, Rache. I’m just trying to be friendly. There’s no point in you and me falling out with one another, is there?’
‘Isn’t there?’ Rachel’s look was incredulous. ‘You don’t think keeping the truth about Daisy’s injuries from me was a little thoughtless?’ She shook her head. ‘Not to say downright deceitful.’
Steve scowled. ‘You don’t think that the way you’re reacting now is why I didn’t tell you?’ he countered. ‘I knew you’d panic. You always do.’
‘I don’t panic!’ exclaimed Rachel defensively. ‘But I was worried. And I had a right to know.’
‘Why?’ Steve looked sulky now, much like Daisy did when things were not going her way. ‘So you can get the custody order changed?’
‘That’s what you said,’ Steve reminded her. ‘You said if anything happened to Daisy.’
‘While she was with you,’ Rachel finished for him. ‘Yes, I remember.’
‘There you go, then.’
‘Well, I suppose accidents do happen,’ said Rachel a little wearily. ‘But you do realise she should have been wearing a life jacket, don’t you?’
‘Yeah, yeah.’ Steve put both elbows on the table and ran his fingers through hair that was thinning at his temples. ‘But Lauren had said, well, how pale Daisy’s skin looked, and you don’t get a tan wearing a life jacket all the time.’
Rachel shook her head. ‘So, have you spoken to her today?’
‘Daisy? Just to ask where you were.’
‘You don’t think she’d have appreciated you showing some concern?’
‘Why?’ Steve was offhand. ‘She wants to go home, you know? I don’t think Miami has lived up to her expectations.’
You mean you haven’t, thought Rachel impatiently. ‘And you and Lauren have other plans, right?’ she suggested drily, and Steve gave her a quick look.
‘What do you mean?’
‘You’re planning a trip to New York, aren’t you?’
Steve’s arms dropped onto the table. ‘Who told you that?’ He frowned. ‘Was it Mendez?’
‘Joe?’ The word was out before she could prevent it, and she saw the familiarity hadn’t gone unnoticed. But Steve had evidently decided not to push his luck, because all he said was, ‘Yeah, Joe Mendez. I know he doesn’t approve.’
‘Doesn’t he?’ Knowing Joe as she was beginning to, that didn’t surprise her.
‘He takes too much upon himself,’ muttered Steve petulantly. ‘Spending time with Daisy. Meeting you at the airport. What was that all about?’
Rachel looked down at her coffee, hoping he wouldn’t notice the sudden colour in her face. ‘Well, you weren’t planning on meeting me,’ she pointed out quietly, and Steve made a sound of disgust.
‘It would have been all the same if I was,’ he countered aggressively. ‘Since he offered Daisy a ride in his plane, he’s done nothing but poke his nose into my affairs.’
‘I’m sure that’s not true.’
‘Isn’t it?’ Steve shrugged. ‘You don’t know him like I do. I used to think he was my friend. Now I’m not so sure.’
Rachel lifted her head. ‘Can I ask you something?’
Steve was wary. ‘What?’
‘Why did you lie about your age?’
‘Oh, yeah.’ Steve scowled at her. ‘You couldn’t wait to rat on me, could you? This is a young man’s country, Rache. Why shouldn’t I take off a few years? Plenty of women do.’
Rachel finished her coffee and put the cup aside. ‘I’d better go,’ she said. ‘Daisy will be wondering where I am. Why don’t you come with me?’
Steve made no attempt to move. ‘She wants to go home, you know,’ he said again. ‘She wants to go back with you.’
Rachel shook her head. ‘I don’t think Dr Gonzales will allow that.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘It’s too soon after the operation. She’ll probably need a few more days’ rest when she gets out of the clinic.’
‘Well, I won’t be here,’ said Steve flatly. ‘I’ve promised Lauren I’d take her to New York, and I can’t let her down.’
‘But you don’t mind letting your daughter down?’ Rachel suggested mildly. ‘I think you need to go and see Daisy, Steve. Get your priorities in order.’
She excused herself to go to the bathroom, and when she came back Steve had gone.
DAISY was alone when Rachel went back up to her room. Apart from asking if Rachel had seen her father, she seemed indifferent to the fact that he’d apparently left without saying goodbye. Rachel guessed that this was one of the reasons why she wanted to go home. Where Steve was concerned, only Lauren seemed to deserve his undivided attention.
Daisy fell asleep soon afterwards and Rachel took the opportunity to go back to her hotel and get changed. She could hardly go out for dinner in her tank top and shorts, and she was grateful now that she’d pushed the crocheted top and skirt she’d been wearing for her date with Paul Davis into the suitcase.
Then, before taking a shower, she rang Evelyn and Howard and told them what was going on.
Naturally, they were both disturbed to hear how serious Daisy’s accident had been, and Evelyn said she’d give Steve a piece of her mind next time she was speaking to him. But Rachel knew that was unlikely. Since the rift between them had been breached, Steve’s parents would be unlikely to do anything to create more hostility.
She rang off, promising to keep them informed of what was happening, and then took another shower. She even washed her hair again, aware that the heat and humidity had left a sticky film over her skin. Or was that being with Joe? shewondered, combing her hair back from her face and regarding her reflection with critical eyes. There was no doubt that when he touched her her temperature soared out of sight.
It was later than she’d expected when she got back to the hospital, and Daisy had already had her evening meal. She didn’t appear to have missed her mother. When Rachel entered the room, she was engrossed in one of the films Joe had loaded onto the video iPod, but her eyes widened when she saw her mother had changed.
‘That’s new, isn’t it?’ she asked, and Rachel realised she’d bought it after Daisy had left for America.
‘I had a date with Paul Davis,’ she said offhandedly. ‘I had to have something to wear.’
‘It’s nice.’
Daisy offered her approval before returning to the film, and Rachel spent the rest of the evening flicking through the magazines the nurse had brought her from the visitors’ lounge. They didn’t stop her nerves from jangling every time someone opened Daisy’s door, but they helped keep her mind off seeing Joe again.
It was completely dark when she stepped outside later. But the heat hadn’t dissipated. It wrapped itself around her like a damp blanket. Yet the scents of night-blooming blossoms seemed accentuated somehow, their fragrance giving the warm air a sensuous appeal.
Rachel had half expected Joe to be waiting for her in the foyer, but when the lift reached the ground floor only a female receptionist and two security guards were gathered about the desk. ‘Have a pleasant evening, Ms Carlyle,’ the receptionist called cheerfully, and Rachel was heartened by the fact that people were beginning to recognise her.
All the same, she wasn’t happy standing out on the forecourt. At night, the clinic had a whole new ambience, and an awareness of how vulnerable she was to possible thieves or muggers couldn’t help but cross her mind. After all, it was after nine o’clock. She couldn’t remember when she’d last gone out so late at home. If ever.
When a low-slung dark vehicle swung into the grounds of the facility, Rachel drew back in alarm. The car was unfamiliar to her, and when it drove under the portico where she was standing she considered going back inside.
Then a window was lowered, and Joe said, ‘Hey, Rachel!’
He was driving himself this evening, and he stopped the car beside her and thrust open his door. ‘I’m late, I know,’ he added, pulling a sheepish face. ‘The traffic on the turnpike was murder.’
Rachel’s tongue circled her lips. He had no idea how glad she was to see him. ‘I haven’t been waiting long,’ she said quickly, and managed a slight smile when he looked down at her.
‘You should have stayed inside,’ he commented, his dark eyes taking an intense interest in her appearance. She was glad now she was wearing the new outfit. For the first time in his presence she didn’t feel her age. ‘A beautiful woman alone is always vulnerable.’
A beautiful woman! He’d said it again, and Rachel felt a shiver of anticipation slide down her spine. It didn’t matter that she knew she wasn’t beautiful. It was just so good to pretend she was.
‘So …'Joe indicated the car behind him. ‘Shall we get going?’
‘Why not?’ Rachel nodded, noticing how attractive he looked in lightweight cream trousers and a dark brown shirt. His collar was unfastened, and his folded-back sleeves displayed forearms liberally dusted with dark hair. There was a slim gold watch on his wrist, and a heavy gold ring occupied the smallest finger of his left hand. He was nothing like Steve, she thought. And wasn’t she grateful for that?
The low sports-saloon had the distinctive smell of leather combined with what she recognised as an expensive men’s cologne. And mingling with the rest was the singular scent of a heated male body.
The engine roared to life, and Joe swung the powerful vehicle out into the stream of traffic. Dozens of pairs of headlights streamed towards them, illuminating palm trees and huge planters filled with flowering shrubs. Waxy anthuriums and scarlet proteas grew in careless profusion, reminding her of the semi-tropical climate, the heat of which had been briefly relieved by the fresh breeze blowing in her face.
‘There’s a tropical storm off Cuba,’ Joe commented as she tucked her tumbled hair behind her ears. ‘With a bit of luck, it won’t come our way.’ Then he smiled. ‘How’s Daisy tonight?’
Rachel thought how ironic it was that Joe seemed more concerned about her daughter than the girl’s father. ‘She’s fine.’ She paused. ‘She really loves the video iPod. She’s been watching one of the films you downloaded for her.’
‘That would be fun for you.’
‘Well, we did talk a little. Mostly about the fact that she wants to come home with me.’
‘To England?’
‘Hmm.’ Rachel nodded. ‘I’ve explained that Dr Gonzales might not agree. I’ve got an appointment to see him tomorrow morning.’ She hesitated and then went on, ‘I half wish she could. Steve has other plans, I think. He didn’t expect this to happen.’
Joe’s fingers tightened on the steering wheel. So Lauren had apparently got her way about the proposed trip to New York. He didn’t know why he felt so angry about the way they were treating Daisy, but he did. She wasn’t his daughter, but that didn’t stop him from caring what happened to her.
‘Why don’t you stay on for a couple more weeks?’ he found himself saying, almost without his own volition. ‘I have a house on Biscayne Bay you could use. It would give Daisy time to recuperate.’
Rachel caught her breath. ‘I couldn’t do that.’ ‘Oh, right.’ Joe frowned. ‘You’ve got a deadline for your book. I’d forgotten about that.’