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Mediterranean Mavericks: Greeks
“Last time you cut off my friends from me and gained control over my life, I was…I was too…”
“Too high to even notice what was going on around you?”
She hadn’t even gone on the anti-anxiety medication that had been prescribed after her dad’s death, hadn’t wanted to numb the grief of his death.
But it was pointless to defend herself when he had already passed judgment.
“I know how much you resented my responsibility from the moment I stepped off that plane. It doesn’t have to be like that anymore.”
Walking around the desk, he reached her side, and Leah fought the automatic impulse to step back, to keep some distance between them.
With his Greek-god good looks and smoldering arrogance, Stavros had always made her feel like the proverbial ugly duckling, made her feel even more awkward than she already had, surrounded by her grandfather’s high-class society friends.
It seemed like a thoroughly unwelcome awareness took the place of her anxiety now. The faint stubble on his tight cheeks, the perfectly etched curve of his mouth…
The collar of his dress shirt was open, showing his olive skin. Holding her breath in, she pulled her gaze to his.
Every nerve in her body thrummed as he neared her. At thirty-three, he was a decade older than her. So why couldn’t he have grown a paunch and become bald? Couldn’t fate or whatever it was up above give her a break at least in this?
Couldn’t he have been a little less gorgeous?
“If you have waited five years, what’s three more months for a divorce? Or is this Philip more than just a lawyer?”
“Philip is only a friend. And if you want to continue satisfying your twisted sense of duty…fine.”
Stavros watched in rising fascination as she closed her eyes and pulled in a long breath.
Shame filled him as he took in her slender frame. He hadn’t seen her once in five years. He hadn’t even made a call. Had just left her to Mrs. Kovlakis’s care.
It had been unbearable to even look at her after Calista’s death.
Theos, he had been so angry with her…
He had granted her request to apprentice at the fashion house, and yet, he hadn’t really done his duty, had he? Marrying her to protect her from fortune hunters that had always surrounded her like vultures, to protect her from her own reckless lifestyle, as he had promised Giannis, had only been the first step.
He had let grief and anger distract him. It had been easy to forget about her, easier even to tolerate her presence in his life from a distance.
A possession to safeguard?
She was right—it had gone on too long. He had resented his future with her for long enough.
“I’ve learned all I could at the fashion house. I have made some good contacts, and I would like to leave it now.”
Tension swathed him as she interrupted his thoughts. He should never have left her alone for so long, shouldn’t have given her this chance to go on the offensive.
“Leave and go where?”
“Ideally, I would love to go to New York City. But it—”
“New York and your inheritance—I can see where this is going.”
“—will be like starting all over,” she continued, glaring at him. “I have made some good contacts here—buyers at retail stores, models who like what I have come up with so far. So I decided against it. But I do need to take the next step now. The fashion industry moves so fast that waiting until the few people that like my designs forget me will harm any future I have in it.”
“What is the next step?”
Sudden energy filled her eyes. “I’m going to take a chance and start freelancing, do custom orders for now. Right now, I have interest from a woman who buys for a small retail store in London.”
“Going out on your own, especially in your field, is a risky venture. Shouldn’t you continue at the fashion house?”
“I have been making clothes all my life, Stavros. I have worked there for seven years and except for being allowed to give input on a senior designer’s creations, I don’t have any growth there.”
“But you don’t know anything about running a business.”
“You grew up on some itty-bitty farm and Dmitri…what was he…a drug runner or a pimp? I forget… The point is both of you knew less than squat when Giannis brought you here.”
He continued staring at her, his silence wreaking havoc on her breathing.
“I need to take this shot. And I need money up front for all the costs. I can’t access my trust fund unless you stop controlling it, unless you step down from your role as…”
“Ahhh…” He smirked and Leah wished she could get away with slapping the hateful man. But one wrong breath now and he would never listen to her again.
“That’s what this is all about. Money.”
“Yes, money,” she added, mimicking his sarcastic tone. Easy for him to look down upon her when he had gazillions of it. “Money that my father left me and has nothing to do with you or Giannis or my mother or the bloody Katrakis dynasty’s inheritance.”
Was that it? So easy? Leah let out a long breath. Excitement fizzed through her. She would call her contact at the textile factory as soon as she got out. She would have to finalize and place orders for the raw materials, would have to hire someone to help with the sewing, would have to order equipment…
“Show me a proposal for this alleged business you want to start. If I find it sound,” he said, stressing how improbable he found the very idea, “I will invest in it myself.”
Anger and hurt ripped through Leah, leaving her trembling all over. Her chest was so tight that it was a miracle she could breathe.
She wanted to smash the expensive porcelain vase on the side table next to her, she wanted to let the scream building away in her chest loose, she wanted to…
“I don’t want your investment. I don’t want anything from you. I want my money. I want this…my career—I need this to be about me, Stavros, something I love doing, something I can take on without fear. Something I give all of myself to.”
“I should have made my intentions clearer to you far sooner. You were right, I shouldn’t have let it go on for so long. But now that you are here, I will correct the situation immediately.”
Her heart lurched into her throat, cutting off Leah’s breath. Whatever it was that he meant, it wasn’t going to be remotely what she wanted. “What do you mean?”
“When I gave my word to Giannis that I would protect you, even from yourself, I didn’t mean it temporarily, Leah. I meant the until death do us part. Whatever way that death might come for you. So let’s get two things straight.”
He looked like someone had carved his features in stone, removed every ounce of emotion from it. “This lawyer friend of yours… he should know better than to tangle with my wife.
“Secondly, you’ll move in with me.”
“What? Why?”
“Because it’s high time we started our life together.
“And as for your career, we will get a fashion house, London or Milan or Paris, whatever you choose, to launch a line for you. As my wife, you will lack for nothing.”
LAUNCH A LINE from a top design house in the world? Lack for nothing as his wife?
His wife?
He had to be joking; he had always liked making her miserable!
You cannot see that boy anymore, Leah…
No more trips to New York…
Giannis allows you far too much financial freedom but not anymore…
Leah met his gaze and everything within her stilled.
Stavros Sporades didn’t give his word or make a promise easily. When he did…
Fear struck her so hard that her knees shuddered under her.
He instantly moved forward to catch her but Leah jerked away from him. “Don’t come near me,” she whispered.
She grabbed the door to stop from sliding to the floor in a puddle. She wanted to scream her denial but what left her mouth was a soft gasp.
He would never forgive her, or himself, for Calista’s death, never even give her a chance. Would punish them both for the rest of their lives.
And to even contemplate being his wife in the true sense of the word…
Perversely, she felt a chilly calm inside instead of a boiling rage. “When I decided to come here today, I didn’t even care about whether I was married to you or not. I didn’t care about being so lonely all these years…friends I knew once living their life to the fullest… I lived it as if I deserved to be punished. But now…I won’t quietly accept your word this time.
“I’m going to file for divorce, Stavros.”
A tic played in his jaw, the only thing that betrayed his even gaze. He looked insurmountable, like a boulder intent on crushing her. “Lawyers and court proceedings cost money.”
That patronizing tone set her teeth on edge. “I will sell myself if I have to, to pay for it. Within the week, I will move out of that flat, will be handing in my resignation at the fashion house. The moment I step out of here, I’m going to call Philip and tell him what I plan to do.”
He moved to block her path, his gait predatory. “I’m not your enemy, Leah.”
Panic pushed a hundred different flight routes in her head, one more desperate than the next. “No? Because God help me the day you decide that you are. If your goons even lay a finger on me, I will go to the media and start talking about how you have treated me over the last five years. I’ll tell them I’ve been nothing but a glorified prisoner.
“I’m sure they would love to hear that saintly Stavros Sporades is nothing but a sadist.”
“I do not care what the media calls me.”
Nausea pooled in her mouth. “They will, of course, dig through the whole story again about that night and Calista.”
If there was fury before in his eyes, now there was nothing but the bitterest loathing for her. And seeing as she felt the same inside, that she despised herself for how far she was taking this, his loathing couldn’t touch Leah.
For once, his opinion of her couldn’t hurt her, as twisted as it was.
“If he even hears a whiff of it—” a vein throbbed in his temple and his hands fisted at his side “—Giannis, who…has done nothing but love you, he will be destroyed to see the Katrakis name dragged through mud. You will kill him with your stupid stunt, and my grandparents…they can’t bear to think of Calista’s death anymore.”
“But you already know that I don’t care about anyone but myself, don’t you?” she bluffed, swallowing the bile that rose through her.
She couldn’t betray the depth of pain that she held at bay every day thinking of her grandfather, of knowing he was close by but not seeing him.
Guilt ate through her insides. But she had no recourse except to threaten Stavros like this. She forced a smile, her cheeks hurting at her continued pretense. “If you don’t want me to drag the Sporades name and the Katrakis name through mud, you will have to agree.”
She opened the door and looked at him again, feeling truly afraid for the first time. She had gambled on the one person that she loved with all her heart. She could never hurt her grandfather. Even speaking about it like this was cutting her in two. But she had to make sure Stavros would believe her capable of it. “You will have to release those funds and you have to cut the strings you hold over my life. The choice is yours, Stavros.”
“I thought I knew the depths of selfishness you could sink to, but you always manage to surprise me, Leah.”
Desolation filled her at the utter resignation in his voice. That he believed her bluff didn’t fill her with relief or gratitude however. Only painted a picture of what her life would be like with him.
And thinking of being caught in a circle of hatred and hero worship, she didn’t have to try to sound like she didn’t care. “What’s new about that, Stavros? And who knows? Once I’m out of your life, you might even thank me for it.”
Without stopping for even a breath, she rushed out of the bedroom and through the corridors, her legs barely holding her up.
She made it to the main deck before she collapsed onto the floor and clutched her knees. Leaning her head against her knees, she fought to corral her uneven breathing.
The very real possibility of Stavros still not believing what she had threatened sent a shaft of fear through her.
Her nape prickled as she heard someone approach, and instantly, she straightened her shoulders. She couldn’t afford to let him see her like this… He would know that she had been bluffing. And she would be worse off than she had started today.
Breathing hard, she composed herself and looked up.
His hip lolling against the bar counter in casual elegance, Dmitri watched her with gray eyes. “Hello, Leah.”
Shuddering, Leah swallowed the hard knot in her throat.
She couldn’t break down now, not when Stavros was so close.
A daring mockery in his gaze, Dmitri extended a hand to pull her up.
Leah grabbed his hand and pushed herself to her feet.
His hands were callous but didn’t leave her shaking like Stavros’s grip had done. His mocking gaze didn’t compel her to react nor did his arrogant perusal leave her off balance and breathless. She didn’t feel compelled to be better than she was, or to give up in frustration because nothing would ever change, as she did with Stavros.
She didn’t feel anything except questionable warmth at seeing a familiar face.
Why Stavros of all men? Was she that much of a sucker for pain?
“I can see that you’re—” Dmitri’s gaze swept over her “—looking astonishingly well, so I’m not going to ask how you have been.”
Set against Stavros’s lacerating contempt, there was a slumbering, almost comforting quality to Dmitri that had always put her at ease. Looking into the bottomless depths of Dmitri’s eyes now, she wondered how much of that warmth was a deceptive facade.
“Come, I’ll take you home. Stavros will thank me for stopping his precious wife from getting arrested for indecent exposure.”
Leah shivered, only barely stopping herself from covering her chest with her arms. Hearing herself referred to as Stavros’s wife, even the mention of that bond that tied them together made her queasy inside, and Dmitri knew it.
Straightening her shoulders and resolutely holding her arms down, she glared at him. “Then he shouldn’t have dumped me in that monstrous tub of yours.”
His laughter swathed her. Leah ducked, just enough when he threw an arm to pull her to him.
“I’m not playing your games, Dmitri, so back off.”
His eyes warmed up even more. The few times she had come into contact with him, he had at least had a kind smile for her, whether real or fake.
Familiar trust awoke in her, something inside her desperate for a friend after Stavros’s stinging scorn.
Unless it was part of his game to get her to trust him and pump her for information so that he could take it back to Stavros… She sighed, feeling immensely tired and lonely.
“I have missed your sharp tongue all these years.”
“Wish I could say the same, but I don’t have your gift or charm for lying.”
Reaching her, he hooked her arm through his and herded her toward the steps. “Let’s not pretend about your talents. At least not with me.”
Swallowing her fear, Leah dragged her feet. Dmitri saw far more than he let on. As different as they were, his friendship with Stavros was as inviolate as their devotion toward Giannis.
Donning that mask of reckless ignorance, Leah faced him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about but I can find my own way, thank you.”
“I heard your conversation, Leah.”
“Then you’re as uncivilized as they say.”
He stared at her with unblinking eyes. “I had the yacht empty in five minutes but I couldn’t leave. I was afraid of what you both would do to each other,” he drawled silkily.
Every time she had seen Giannis with either Dmitri or Stavros, she had felt a yawning chasm in her chest knowing she could never share something like that with her own grandfather. And that it was her choice.
“It doesn’t concern you, Dmitri.”
Grabbing her arm, he turned her. “You’re playing a dangerous game with Giannis’s life, Leah. This is not like one of those antics you used to take up just to make Stavros furious.”
That he had always seen through her ploys unnerved Leah. “All I want is my freedom, Dmitri, a chance to live my life. You get that, don’t you?” she threw back at him, remembering bits and pieces of what Calista had told her about Dmitri’s life before Giannis had plucked him off the streets of London.
“Try a different way then. For once, try to change the dynamic between you two, Leah.”
“How?” she whispered, her voice breaking. “He’s left me no choice. In that moment—” she pointed to the ominously quiet lower deck, her heart pounding in her chest “—it started as a bluff. But I… I don’t know what I’m capable of anymore.”
“Stavros and you are intent on destroying each other.”
“Me destroy Stavros? All the power, all the cards are in his hands, Dmitri. As always.” And the worst part was that she had given it all to him with her irresponsible behavior.
All she had today was the wretched power to hurt Giannis. And Leah was terrified that she would use that power. Desperation turned her words into a pitiful entreaty.
“If you count Stavros as your friend, if you really care about Giannis’s well-being, then convince Stavros that I don’t need his brand of protection anymore. Please, Dmitri.”

Two days later, Stavros and Dmitri were sparring in the ring in the ultra-sophisticated, custom-built gym attached to Dmitri’s Athens apartment.
It had started when Stavros had suggested Dmitri could work his way out of a temper instead of losing it when Giannis had brought him to Athens years ago, morphed into a way for them to resolve arguments when they struggled to keep up with the rigorous, grueling schedule that Giannis set for them.
A habit they had carried into adulthood.
But today, Stavros was the one who felt bloodthirsty, like he was coming apart at the seams.
After two days in which he had been supremely unproductive, he still hadn’t been able to master his reaction to seeing Leah.
You already know that I don’t care about anyone but myself, don’t you?
Her words rang through him, her glittering gaze and her vibrating body etched into his brain.
The brazen curve of her mouth, the reckless shrug with one hand on a bony hip, her dark brown hair drying in curls around that angelic face… Cristo, he still couldn’t believe that…boldly stunning creature had been Leah.
Leah, who had jumped like a live wire when he had touched her without meaning to…
Leah, who, even at a naive sixteen, had somehow always pushed all the wrong buttons in him…
Leah, who was, even now, insidiously unfurling the iron fist with which he ruled his…
Moving his right foot forward, Stavros swung his left hook with a vicious fury. The thwack of his knuckle against Dmitri’s jaw, and the hiss of his exhale, followed by the filthiest curse words reverberated in the quiet.
Shock flashed in Dmitri’s eyes.
That Stavros had gone on the offense when it had always been about letting Dmitri work through one of his tempers, who learned to use his fists on the streets of London amidst gangs, spoke to his ragged control.
“Ding, ding,” Dmitri mocked, dark amusement in his gaze. “Point for Leah Huntington Sporades.”
Gritting his jaw, Stavros shot him a filthy look.
Massaging his jaw with one hand, Dmitri reached for a bottle of water with the other. “In all the years that we have known each other, you have never gone on the offensive. Today’s win has to go to her.”
Knowing how cunningly perceptive Dmitri was, Stavros decided to leave. It had been a miracle in itself that Dmitri had—showing what Giannis would have called uncharacteristic wisdom—left Stavros alone after Leah’s latest stunt.
He didn’t want to discuss Leah, with him of all people.
Dmitri’s jaw was already black and blue, and for once, Stavros enjoyed the result of his loss of control. “Put some ice on it.”
Dmitri stopped him with a hand on his arm. “You’re pushing it too far, Stavros.”
“Leave it alone, Dmitri.” He knew exactly what his friend was talking about.
Moving around him, Dmitri blocked his path. “You went above and beyond what Giannis asked of you. Wash your hands off.”
Giannis, to whom he and Dmitri owed their entire world, had asked for only one thing in return after becoming their salvation when they had been nothing but uneducated thugs.
And Stavros had failed spectacularly at it. “Have you forgiven yourself for everything you have ever done? Or failed to do?”
All emotion seeped out of Dmitri’s face, leaving an uncaring mask in its place. “Do I look like I have been punishing myself for the last decade?”
Stavros made a doubtful sound of assent in his throat. “See you next week.”
“Giannis asked you to protect her, Stavros, ne?” His breath hung in his throat as Stavros waited. “But what I saw two days ago… He should have entrusted me with Leah. I would have seduced her within the day, made her fall in love with me and then cast her aside after a week. She would have learned her lesson.
“But you—”
Stavros curled his hand around his friend’s throat, fury filling every vein. The thought of Dmitri seducing and throwing away Leah made him crazy like a rabid dog he had once put down as a teenager. “She is not one of your party bunnies, Dmitri. She’s…she’s Leah.”
His breathing loud to his own ears, Stavros stilled. Dmitri watched him with hooded eyes, not even trying to shake off his grip. They both knew what he had been about to say.
She is my wife.
When had he become so possessive of Leah? When had she gone from a chain around his neck to something that could incite him like this?
“To see Stavros Sporades’s ironclad control unravel like this… But even a man made of stone would have noticed that gorgeous body. Leah could always get under your skin so easily,” Dmitri continued, frowning, “but now, she has another weapon to wield against you.”
“Enough, Dmitri! I don’t interfere in your life nor pass judgment on it.”
“But Leah is not just any woman. If you’re doing this just because you suddenly have the hots for your little wife—”
“Some days, I don’t know whether to call you friend or foe.”
Dmitri didn’t even blink. “You are the most honorable man I know, Stavros. Until I met you, I didn’t know what it was. There are days when I still don’t. But Leah’s threat concerns Giannis. You need to make a decision soon.”
“I already made one. Five years ago.”
“Then why have you left her under someone else’s care, kept her at a distance? Either she’s truly your wife or you’re through with her.
“You can’t hang both your lives in limbo as if it was some sort of penance.”
A chill seeped into his skin despite the fact that he was sweating. Stavros let Dmitri go. “What if she hasn’t changed? What if she…”
“Give her a chance at least, Stavros. To prove you right or wrong.”
It was Dmitri that finally left the room.
Everything Dmitri had said was stuff he had already been over a thousand times.
The moment Dmitri had called him, guilt had clung to Stavros.
All his life, he had tried to do his duty by his grandparents, by Calista, by Giannis. He hadn’t let his own fears or wants matter. He had always done the right thing. He knew what he had to do now, knew Leah deserved a chance. And yet, he wavered, for the first time in his life.